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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The extermination of a Duke...
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-13-2021, 07:08 PM

July 4th, 1990…

Robert’s eyelids abruptly flickered open as he leapt up checking his calendar strategically placed right above his bed... He frantically ran his finger across the calendar with utter delight, stopping at the date circled in red marker... “YES!” He exclaimed launching his fists into the air as the carousel of random ideas came in a jumbled order… ” I’ll flush an M-80 down the toilet… No, wait I’ll blow up a mailbox… No, no, no… I got it... I’ll blow up my Shredder… Yeah… Turtle Power!” A subtle awareness of who Robert was becoming under the flow of thoughts with their loose connections to his waking life shined through. He stood at his desk for a few moments longer, marveling at his Ninja Turtle figures strategically placed fighting the Foot Clan, he then wiped the sleep from his eyes giving in to one last yawn… ” I wonder if Dad went to get some fireworks like he said he would?” Robert then did what all boys his age tend to do when they have a question…

” MOM!”

Robert grabbed his Shredder figure and hurried down the hallway towards the kitchen taking his seat at the table…

” MoM!... Mom… MOM!”

Already irritated, his Mom responds…

” Yes Robert? No toys at the table...”

Robert frowns tossing his Shredder figure on the floor...

” Did Dad go and get fireworks? Tell me that he did… He said he would… Mom?”

Robert’s Mom sat a plate in front of him garnishing a dirty look…

” Your 9 years old… You shouldn't play with fireworks, you could blow your fingers off... “

” But Mom…”

She points to Robert’s plate…

” No but’s...Eat…”

Robert lowered his head staring at his plate…Breakfast was soft fluffy pancakes covered in butter and maple syrup, and as warm as the sun… Robert took a gigantic bite as his Dad sat down next to him… Robert looked to his Dad with a gin then replied with a mouth full of pancakes.

” Fine but I want some Turtle Cereal too…”

” Robert eat what you have first and don’t talk with your mouth full of food...”

” But Mom, I always have a bowl of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cereal…”

” Listen to your mother Champ… If you eat everything on your plate you can have some cereal…”

Robert sighs…

” Fine… Hey, Dad? Did you get fireworks like you said you would?”

His Dad flashed a Cheshire grin and wink before nodding while Robert’s Mom had her back turned to make more pancakes…

” No son I didn’t those things are very dangerous…”

Dewey Main was a creature of habit, his day always started with a mug of coffee, rich and dark, with half and half. He had been a caffeine addict for decades, but at least he has it down to one pot a day. Otherwise, the headaches would creep in, taking over his day, stealing his energy and drive… Robert peeked out of the corner of his right eye watching his Dad place the warm mug to his cherry-red lips… He had to have the same mug every single day, the same brand of beans and the same half in half… In the same room in the same chair... The fragrance of the coffee is part of the progression of the day, like jump-starting an old car… A tranquilizing anchor in a routine that soothed and gave a sense of regularity and predictability. Doing the same thing each day, albeit with small discrepancies when Dewey chose...

” But Dad you said that you would...”

Dewey responded to the son the only way he could without getting heat from his wife…

” Well son your mother said no... “

Robert understood the code his Dad was talking about and nodded.

” Mom can I have some cereal now? I ate all my pancakes…”

” Here you go Robert.” Robert’s Mom placed a bowl, spoon, cereal and milk on the table before kissing Robert’s Dad. ” I’ll be right back, I’m going to go and get you sister up.”

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Robert vigorously watched as his Mom walked out of the kitchen leaning in towards his Dad whispering.

” Where did you put my fireworks?”

” Was the cereal to buy more time?” Robert grinned… ” Good play kid, smart move knowing Mom has to get your sister up... Anyway, they are in my toolbox in the garage…” Robert starts to get up as his Dad stops him. ” You know the deal though, right?” Robert nods… ” Just to be crystal clear… You go down to the creek and play with them… Someone catches you, you take the fall… You get hurt, I never bought them, you take the fall… You know how your Mom feels about those things… Deal?”

Dewey should have known the answer before Robert even uttered the word.

” Deal…”

” Okay, now go before Mom has Kayla up, and be careful for God sakes… Oh, and there are matches in there for you too… Meet us at the park tonight for fireworks...”

Robert hurried, knowing he only had seconds before his Mom would have his sister out of bed and come looking for him... He grabbed his book bag then rushed over to his dad’s toolbox frantically pulling out every drawer before hitting paydirt… ” Booyah…” He smiled for a moment tossing in several M-80’s and a book of matches… He gave the garage one last look around before placing his Walkman on his head and hitting play…

” This song is Da bomb!”

Music was always Robert’s external heartbeat and the lyrics were his soul... The verses swam through his cerebral cortex like a beautiful dream, the notes relaxing him, enabling the song to call to his entire being. Music could never be something superfluous to him; it is medicine delivered in the most divine way. Robert nodded along as he hopped on his GT performer and took off down the street stopping at the old abandoned Milford place…

” That place is creepy…”

The house lived under a constant shadow, almost like the sun could never reach its walls because the eerie shadows keep it away... Robert is just about to take off towards the creek when he hears something off in the distance cutting his eyes towards a young boy about his age who seemed upset… The two lock eyes as the boy wipes away a few tears, pulling the boards up on the side of the house then enters...

” Hey kid… Hey! You shouldn't go in there…”

Robert sighed as he stepped off his bike, laying it on the sidewalk, he looked over his shoulder before making his way to the side of the house. Robert lifts a board kneeling peering into the house for the first time...

Echoing: ” Hey… Kid… Kid are you in there?”


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” Ahhh…”

Robert fell backwards gasping for air… Being frightened is tough, especially in front of peers. Persevering is the key, it will make one stronger, even though a sane person would without a doubt, rather avoid it if there was any other option. Robert’s path onward is through those challenges, he is just too young to realize it at the moment.

” Why did you do that…”

The kid pulls the old dusty sheet from his head.

” Because it was funny… Don’t have a cow man…”

He reaches out heping Robert off the ground…

” So, what’s your name kid…”

” Drew… What’s yours?”

” Robert…”

To be continued...

Thad has always been the kind of guy you got bored of even before he decided to open his oversized mouth, as frequent as that was the broken record that was Thaddeus Duke continued to play… Yet no one was listening to the same old song or watching the same old dance. It’s become painfully evident that no one even bothers trying to hide their eye-rolls when they get paired with him in a match. When the man walks into a room you could hear a mouse piss on a cotton ball… Utter silence... It wasn't that he was horrendous at his job floating around the mid-card… No… He did that quite well… He just didn't watch the same tape the rest of the boys did laugh at the same jokes or listen to the same music. He was always too caught up in himself, with the over-inflated ego and head that couldn't fit into a room. Thaddeus saw himself as something he wasn't and no matter how many times he told himself or the rest of the world he was a trailblazer no one believed it besides Duke... And when Thad wasn't around everyone had fun at his expense. But that’s what most people do when they are in the presence of a clown...

” Thad, this confrontation could have been avoided altogether, but in conventional Duke fashion you had to be the righteous keyboard warrior and stick your nose where it didn’t belong… Hiding behind the smartphone and shrouded by the Jack Dorsey umbrella you had to push your propaganda down everyone's throats… Praying people would click the like button and give you the desperate retweets for the clout you cannot attain anywhere else but the internet. Can we all say clickbait? Flexing like a bitch that just got new tiddies… You made yourself look foolish, but that’s what you do, isn’t it Thad? Your Twitter tough, in the ring your one brittle bitch on her period, but don’t worry I’ll bring some tampons to absorb all the blood and tears after the thorough shellacking I’m going to give you... I hand out dirt naps to kids. I don’t play on Twitter hiding behind a computer or smartphone, this keyboard warrior shit just got you into a mess you can’t get out of. The funny thing about the entire situation is when the pressure is on you flip the switch… From one promo to another, the world can see when Thaddeus Duke begins gasping for air. When the distress sets in the narrative suddenly changes along with the trash... Yet you claim to be a good guy? A hero? A stellar individual kids can look up to? No, No… No! What you are Thaddeus Duke is a weasel, always behind the scenes scheming away for your own comeuppance… Ready and willing to slide the knife into the back of anyone unintelligent enough to not see it coming. That’s what you’ve always done… You're a schemer, pulling the strings behind the scenes while camouflaged, planning those back door deals, and burying anyone who has the limelight on them… I mean we all know, if it doesn't pertain to Thad Duke or his compadres he’ll piss in your cereal… Or try to blow up your brand new faction like a pure ass hole...”

Robert had always believed heroes were sporadic. All the comic books told tales of larger than life muscles or other characteristics an ordinary person like Duke couldn't hope to aspire to. Robert has seen so many that just cannot be so. He’s seen people like Besty become heroes of generosity, showing the kind of perseverance that would rival any fictional character. He’s seen energetic young men like Ned Kay enter the federation as a beacon of hope, helping strangers across the street when given the opportunity. He’s seen people of all religions and ethnicities pouring their time into charity, into the homeless and volunteering at schools. Most people might think they don't measure up to the mighty Hercules, but Robert disagrees. Leading a sincere and decent life without the adulation of a crowd or adoring fans is truly heroic. Working long hours to put food on the table for your children is heroic… Not talking shit on the internet… And if this way of thinking is wrong, then Robert never wants to be right.

” I'm not the guy that you’ll turn into a puppet Thad, you’ll never manipulate my thoughts or trick me into believing your thick as thieves logic… I can see through you. This is the shell game just on a more unintelligent level. I've always been myself throughout great times and the worst times and a Championship doesn't nor will it ever define Robert Main. I don’t need or want one, if I did, there would be one draped over one of my shoulders. I’ve made historic runs with every single championship I’ve ever touched and that was always the goal… To demolish records, not how many reigns I can get underneath my belt. The more reigns you have as a Champion means one thing… YOU ARE LOSING! I mean hell, what’s the point of having a belt if you can only hold it for two months? Right, Thad? That seems to be the cycle you're stuck on… Hey guys, I won two belts in one night and folded like a cheap suit two months later… That right there is simple-minded rationality… You like to overemphasize everything that you have ever accomplished in this company. When I became Universal Champion in 2019 I brought this entire fucking federation from the brink of extension. I carried an entire company into the future and now it’s flourishing... ”

When times are gloomiest a hero is born. A protagonist becomes the spark needed, setting a fire in hearts that have become tinder dry. A star will lead, one foot in front of the other to sacrifice and influence future trendsetters… One day in the distant future Robert will pass; this torch of bravery to the next innovator of the XWF. They arise to brandish the power of love and shun the intimacy of power, they come to show us what we all are inside, heroes waiting to be reborn like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Our heroes of tomorrow will show that we are worthy of our birthright, worthy of the love that rises underneath our tattered wings.

” You might think that this is just a dream Thad and in some ways you're correct. When you wake up every morning you'll find each day just a little warmer and brighter than the one before... I am the hero you've been searching for. I am the one who will take down all the walls you’ve put in place. I am the one who knows all the answers. I’ve cracked the code and come Warfare I’ll pass that son of a bitch around to the entire roster as they watch me dismantle an egotistical prick in front of the entire world. From here on in, it's just a matter of making a clearer path for others to follow and follow they will… Ladies and gentlemen this is the blueprint, drink it in and vanquish Duke every single time. Watch as I make Thaddeus Duke bend at the knee, as I twist his pencil neck, his eyes will bulge from his skull and after a Dead Man’s Hand, those eyes will be wide open like an insomniac… There’s a stampede coming, Thaddeus, you mess with the bull you get the horns… Just remember one thing, you were the one who decided it would be a magnificent idea to come at the juggernaut in this game. So, now I’ll run you down in the middle of the ring and make you bite the curb… I refuse to give you a second to breathe. I'm coming into this match like a butcher, ready to deliver the beef… And all of this because your mouth wrote a check your ass could not cash... The moment I became targeted by the Twitter trolls I smelled fear... Because none of you is in charge of what you are stuck with… With APEX in the picture, that makes that climb back to the moon is nearly impossible... So, take the stairs bitchs you’ve got a long climb. When you decided to run those chapped dick suckers on Twitter… Everyone saw the same thing I did, the very second I made the challenge you started the back peddling. You didn’t need to clear a spot for me, Thad, you just needed to round up some advice and one-liners from your buddies…”

Signs from the universe trickled in all around Robert as a subtle lullaby. They get him through this crazy thing called life. They get “The Omega '' from today safely and into tomorrow... Yet there are times when those signs come in like a raging flood triggering significant signs from the past, weaving them together as a warning of change, of another godsend, another misfortune, another duty... Robert often prays for some satisfaction at times, in a business surrounded with heartache... Today though… Today the floodgates have opened for the former Universal Champion… He realizes that his time in the business is coming to a close and sooner than later his final run will present itself... He cannot tell what is to come, only that it is a harbinger of a great challenge and great joy, thus great opportunity too. The universe will align the heroes for the final battle, the rest is a collaboration between the universe, God and us. The outcome is unwritten at the moment…

” I’ve always been a man that has walked a fine line between what’s right and what’s wrong with the wrestling business… I see the writing on the wall in this one, underneath the yellow-bellied bitch boy that is Thaddeus Duke lies something no one sees. A villain... The spineless coward has a plan and in this day and age where factions rule the XWF… Duke has no choice… If I were a betting man, Duke will reveal his cards soon enough. I can smell the bull shit a mile away… And ladies and gentlemen Duke is full of it... But rest assured, I will stop all that momentum before that little thing ever gets off the ground. I wasn't a hero until you came after me. Then it was war and time to prove a point. I’m ticking like a Goddamn timebomb, you don’t have the mentle fucking capacity to battle me… No matter where the titles lie at the moment I am still the king… And after I bitch slap you with my gold scepter, you’ll understand your place on the food chain… Below me... Let’s be honest Thaddeus you are only admirable when someone else is steamrolling your opponents and holding you by the ankles so you don't crash and burn... You crossed a line in the sand and I’m not a man that forgets. I won't rest until you're beaten and I don't mean just beaten down. I mean a greasy spot inside that ring. There isn't a place you can hide, I will find you and destroy you. I don't care how it happens either, I don't need you to suffer, I just need your cold black eyes extinguished from this universe. You may think it an overreaction, but you underestimated how much my words mean.”

Radical extremists like Thaddeus Duke thrive in a bubble, a delusion; he tries to take what is delicate and emasculated ego and creates a fantasy world in which they are consequential or formidable. Their Achilles heel is to take apart this serpentine, sick alternative reality. First, the conception that others want what they want, or are surreptitiously suppressing hate or would follow them if the other propositions were removed...These shallow theories need debunking. Secondly, other scenarios for constructing real self-esteem and strong ego need to be put into motion, otherwise, they will seek the "Bonnie and Clyde" exit strategy. They need to see that even if they were the last asshole standing the wolves would still reject the sheep...

” Unlike you I wear my heart on my sleeve, never cloaking myself in mystery… Yet all of a sudden I'm hunted because I speak the truth… So be it... Happy hunting ladies, I’ve got two fists full of middle fingers for each and every one of you punks. Every damn time I step inside that ring, people like you Thad pray that I am vanquished because I'm a different breed of person, liquor seeping through the surface and if you try to cut me I'll drink the blood because the stitches are leaking bourbon… I’m going to play this one different, instead of pulling in other people little Thaddeus I’m going to keep my talking points directly on you and me no one else. I refuse to play this game of he said she said. In a pissing match of who lost to who and why... I’ll leave the low hanging fruit to you because I don’t need it. I don’t need to split hairs when it comes to you, Thaddeus Duke... Everyone already knows the history, so there is no need to rehash any of it or beat a dead fucking horse… The very second I signed with the XWF my career became a meteoric rise… And I’ll be damned if I ever let a chickenshit pussy be the reason I ever self destruct… I pulled myself out of the mud when I had to. I’ve come way too fucking far to let anyone else screw any of this up… I don’t drop the ball Thad, and sure you can go in and point out everything that I have ever done wrong or where I was ineffective. But in the grand scheme of things that’s miniscule compared to you. Every single person that has ever doubted me, I’ve laid to rest and you are no different...”

Narcissism comes from having a shaky psyche, building walls of indifference and seeking status to hide their vulnerable self, striking out, being aggressive. The truth is if you are secure about who you are and truly love that person, your pomposity is so strong that you seek cooperation overpower, and your self-care and love is healthy. The greatest warrior, indeed perhaps the only one, we ever face is the self in that battle between doing the most loving thing and being the selfish primitive self. The narcissist losses that battle every day, always choosing to use their primitive "me first" instincts over the more highly evolved self-controlled, empathic and giving self. So, what is being said, Duke, is that narcissism may appear to be a fabulous gift, but it will destroy the "you" you were born to be... Poisoning your soul.

” People like you Duke climb as high as you can on that fragile ladder you call a career and scream my name ON TWITTER… Hoss, if you ever talked to me like that on the street I’d slap the living shit out of you and not think twice about it... Generally, I can’t hear you because I’m not paying attention to the insignificant fish in the mid-card pond. But this time was different. I heard the faint voice of one of the weakest Universal Champions in the history of this federation and said fuck that guy… Now you’ve got to prove to the world that you can back up all the words you spoke. Because from where I am standing Thad, I’ve got nothing left to prove, I’ve done that… Every time some dumb dick like you says I can’t, I do. I'm not the one who chokes when the boat doesn't float. That’s you, my friend. In this lane Thaddeus you can’t lie… This match is going to be the death of Thaddeus Dukes career, my only wish is that after I turn your bones to jelly the fans could throw confetti afterwards… I’m going to leave you dripping like a broken levey my man and there isn’t a damn thing that you can do to stop me. The only time you have ever killed anyone is through laughter… I on the other hand slay them all no matter who is in there with me competing. You were the one who came looking for the beef, now mother fucker dinner is about to be served! ”

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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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