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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Man from the Stars
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

06-17-2018, 10:55 PM


[Image: XyTjvsM.png]

[Image: Kd641BT.png]




Doc stifles a laugh as Gilly enters the ring, strides over unconcerned to the middle set of ropes, steps through then enters Doc's ring.

Two outs...BAAAATTER UP!!

Gilly meets Doc eye to eye, Doc looks as if he might break out into hysterics...

...Gilly looks down...

...Doc looks down with an "oh? Something to show me?" patronizing expression...







The arena has fallen completely silent...Mika looks to Gilly, shrugs, and begins her count.










No fucking way.

Yes fucking way.

Six or so months ago, Doc got sent on a one-way trip out of the Tokyo-Dom via Super Dick Punch courtesy of Peter Gilmour.

War Games.

If there was one event that brought back old faces, set aside rivalries, and presented the most bizarre results... That would be the one.

After the Kings™ dispersed a few months prior and the good doctor relinquished his Tag Team Championship, this was really the first anyone seen or heard from him. He entered as a mystery drawing and was picked first overall by Phantom Panzer. It kind of took the joy away of being a mystery, but in the same turn, what did it matter? He was selected on a team and the work was there.

We all know how things ended up, so, we can probably fast forward a bit, right?

The Man From the Stars

Republic of Congo
40 miles North of the Equator

A small African village carries about its day, as it normally would with a visitor from the North there. A woman, middle-aged, there with her camera crew and equipment filming a documentary on the Whatever-hooloo tribe.

They've spent only a day there thus far and have barely made themselves comfortable with everyone before a phenomenom happens.

A bright, smaller, 'second-sun' appeared in the opposite sky mid-day today.

You have to admit, if you walked outside and seen something like this, you wouldn't just hop in your car and go to work. I, myself, would question it. Maybe try to get as far away from it as I can. Not sure. I don't think I would handle it the same way that these crazies did.

All of the people in the village gathered in the center and they lit a huge fire. The woman, her British-accent and all, directed her camera crew around the outside to film all of this. The tribe surrounded the fire and beat on drums. They chanted and sang and danced. It was marvelous.

An amazing turn of events here. It appears the tribe is welcoming this 'second-sun', like a God, maybe..... I don't want to jump my guns here, but I believe they are worshipping it... Then again, they could be praying for it to go away....

I'm personally surpised these people haven't been eaten yet as little as they apparently know about these folks. Seriously. As she films the ritual goes on. The bright dot in the sky gets bigger every couple of hours. Still, the people of this village do what they know and pray for whatever it was they were praying for. And still, the dumbasses with the cameras continue to film gold.

They do take breaks, as the filming becomes quite menontenous after nothing changes for quite some time. The bright dot, 'second-sun' thing in the sky gets brighter and closer as the night closes in. The sky isn't dark, but rather has an orange haze over it.. Freaky as hell. The film catches most of this, a phenomenom, as mentioned, for sure.

Unbelievable. For several solid hours, this tribe has performed this ritual. I have to admit, after seeing this, I've been doing a bit of praying myself...

The night goes on and it had to be in an instance that the bright dot, this 'second-sun' exploded out of the sky and wrecked in a ball of flame and fury just a short trek away from this village. Either that, or the camera's slacked off and weren't paying attention, but they came on just afterwards.

The camera flips on and the woman, looking quite desperarte now, is panting in front of us. They're chasing after the blast, along with most of the tribe through the dense jungle.

It's hit! It's hit! It sounded like we were bombed! The ground shook! I think I'm half deaf!

She screams and yammers on as they run through the forest towards ground zero.

When they reach the site of the crash, most of the tribe is already standing around. The crew manages to make their way through to a crater in the ground about the size of a decent-sized Burger King. The flames are high and it managed to blast down trees nearly twenty feet away. Some serious wreckage, for sure.

The flames are too much right now, maybe we should get out of here. This forest could burn down.

She's more talking to the camera crew now than the future viewers at home or YouTube, wherever this thing is going.

I think we should cut. This is getting insane.


You hear a voice in the background... Light guy, camera guy, maybe? She turns around to see a figure stepping out from the flames.

What the fuck.....?

From a distance it's hard to see, but it appears to be a man.

Okay, we gotta move in!

She steps past several of the tribe people and over branches to get a closer look at whatever/whoever is stepping out from this nonsense.

It appears to be a man! He's..... w-wearing a white suit and doesn't appear to be... hurt at all.

The man is indeed in a white suit and, at most, dust some ash from his shoulder as he stepped away from the flames. A lit cigar already in his mouth, he stops and looks out to all of the people standing to greet him.

What is going on......?

The tribe all fall to their knees and bow to the newcomer. The man that fell from the stars.

The woman stumbles over a few worshippers to get a bit closer.... The camera zooms in on the scene and continues to film.

Hello? What? What.....? What brought you here? Are you alright?!

She yells across the wreckage towards him. He looks around for a moment, soaking in all of this adoration from strangers, then laughs quietly to himself.

Well! It's about time!


He looks over towards her and with a hiss.....

Hello, my friends!

In that instance, every single tribes person stands up, turns-about, and rushes towards the crew screaming war cries, which are eventually accompanied from cries of pain and then some. The camera is dropped and kicked around until the screen shatters and filming is ceased.


The television screen fills with static as a cigarette is snuffed out beside it. The detective and a few officers sit in a small room, filled with smoke, all around a small table.

Well. That was something.

Says one officer as he coughs a bit. The detective sits back in his chair and pulls another cigarette out of his front pocket. He rocks a bit before leaning up and ejecting the tape from the VCR.

I'll say. Who the fuck still uses tapes?

Says another officer. The detective examines the tape for a moment before standing up and, without a word, walking out of the room.

What the fuck was HIS problem?

The detective enters a large, bright, (appearing to be.....) floorless, white hallway and heads down the corridor. The brightness of the hallway seems natural, as there are no lights... There are no doors or windows, just a straight corridor. He reaches an elevator at the end and with the hand he grips that tape tightly he presses the button to call the elevator.

It's not a moment before a single ding and the elevators doors open. The detective steps inside, hits the 'G' (Ground Level???) button and takes a ride.

It's not a long trip. Only a couple of dings before the elevator ceases to a halt and the doors open wide again.

Not a corridor this time, however. It's a small office setting. The detective steps out and into the office where a young, attractive receptionist sits behind a cozy desk. He doesn't seem to have any intentions of stopping.

Now's NOT a good time...........

She sings to him as he strolls by.


The detective pays no mind and barrels through the door into another large, bright, floorless, white room.

It's the same reason we did this before. I go back for a few days.... and done deal!!

A young looking, long haired fellow wearing LGBT gear (wrist/head bands, tee shirts, etc) stands in, I guess, would be the center of this room. Behind a large desk sits the man in black. His hands together against his chind, making no notion towards this self-proclaimed 'Savior' before him.


The man in black sighs.

I. Said. NO!


The hippie storms past the detective with stomps that probably caused the volcano to erupt in Hawaii.

Learn to KNOCK?

He says as he passes the detective. The man in black notices him, sighs once more, but waves him ahead.

I'm sorry you had to hear that detective, but I do believe that I requested no appointments.

The detective doesn't say a word. His echoing steps do the talking as they clap while he walks straight to the man in black's desk. He slams the tape down and throws a little nod.

Found him.

The Home of XWF Owner Vincent "Loverboy" Lane

XWF Owner Vincent "Loverboy" Lane sits in his luxorious home, Netflix and chilling with Roxy when there is a quick knock at the door.

What time is it?

Vinnie looks at his FitBit.


Expecting anyone?

Vinnie thinks for a moment.... Another moment.... Roxy back hands him on his arm.

I don't think so.

There is another quick knock.

Well, are you going to see who it is?!

Vinnie unestles himself from his own imprint on the couch and heads for the door. He opens it and with a flash of shimmering light...... stands Doctor Louis D'Ville.

In the flesh, on the ground, right in front of Vinnie's very eyes. Dressed to kill, with a smile like a new born baby.

Hello, my friend.


Vinnie gasps, blinks quite a bit due to whatever that light was and takes a few steps back.

Uh, what's up, dude?

Doc smiles even wider and takes a step, not in, but towards the door.

I just figured I would drop by and say, 'Hello!' It's been awhile, yes?

Well, yeah. Peter dick punched you pretty hard, huh?

Doc laughs out loud and scowls. Just then, a tall, chubby tribesman from the village before reveals himself in the doorway.

Who the fuck is that, Doc?!

Doc looks back over his shoulder to the dazed, smiling tribesman.

Oh, that's "Click-Click".

Click? Click?

Click-Click. All he does is click.

Doc throws a thumb Click-Click's way and he does just that. Clicks with his tongue.



Vinnie's eyes widen.

He listens to me to, doesn't really obey, per se... But bows down and worships me everytime I do or say anything. Which is really all I need out of anybody.

Don't we all?

Excuse me?

Roxy stands behind Vinnie, hands-to-hips, and even cocked to the side...

Uh, well, do I not?

Vinnie shrugs and smirks, but all Roxy can do is look past all that.

I can see his balls.

Roxy points to Click-Click who, mind you, only sports the loin cloth he came with. Doc and Vinnie both take notice as well.


We COULD make you a bit more presentable, couldn't we?

Click-Click's eyes grow and he drops immediately down and bows to the good doctor. Doc shrugs, yet, accepts the gratitude and looks to Vinnie.

Vinnie nods and see's for himself while Roxy in the background has a disgusted look about her face.

Are YOU a fucking SLAVE OWNER?!

Doc and Vinnie simultaneously.



Click-Click stands up and steps into Vinnie's beautiful home and clicks at Roxy on his way by with a wink and a laugh.

WHERE is he going?

Vinnie and Doc both just stare at Roxy.

You'd better hope he was going to a toilet.

Roxy's face turns green and she immediately turns around and chases after Doc's new friend. Vinnie lets out a deep sigh and kind of moans.

What do you want, Doc?

Oh! My! God! He's sitting on the couch! You're balls are on my couch!!!

Doc's smile never leaves.

May I come in?


An Uber pulls up beside the Bostonian Hotel and three gentlemen step out. The driver, a probably middle-aged chap, Doctor Louis D'Ville, and Click-Click, who was now, at the very least, wearing people clothes (Hawaiian shirt, swim trunks, sandals). The Uber driver opens the trunk and pulls out all of the luggage and places it on the ground and shuts the trunk. The drive looks at Doc and Doc looks at Click-Click.

Pay the man, Click-Click.

Click-Click grabs the man by the skull and with one hand like a canalope and bashes it off the back of the Uber car. Doc looks down at the man who now lays on the ground and back to Click-Click.

The bags, Click-Click?

Doc follows up with a couple snaps with his fingers and Click-Click catches on and grabs their shit. Checking in was easy. Doc said where he was staying and the room was already "set aside" by XWF Owner Vincent Lane. Doc figured once he fulfilled this little wet dream of seeing two legends on network TV, it would somehow make up for having to actually pay for the room.

No matter. It's not like anyone would have settled for any less.

The room was cozy at least. Click-Click remained on the bed laughing at TV sitcoms, while the doctor took himself to the outside balcony. Even a guy like him follows the smoking rules, but the least they could do was supply a balcony.

Doc sits, with his feet propped, downing a gin, with a grin, with a cigar burning above his chin.

Hello, my friends.

He says, teething the cigar before spitting it out.

My name is Doctor Louis D'Ville.

He sits up in the chair, takes a swift sip, and stares straight through our souls.

I know what you're all thinking.

Oh, here comes old Doctor Louis D'Ville for his one match for the year bull-hickey. Am I right?

Or, perhaps, some are waiting for their beloved Kings™ to follow him and save this putrid tag team division from the slum that it has become.

We all know how you are all such quick thinkers and all.

Well, I would just like to say that I can understand why you all could think that. I can't say that I've really been around too much..... And it wouldn't be the first time..... But, I will say..... Not to be Mister Excusey Boozy or anything..... But I was in sort of a situation.

Doc pauses for a moment. Click-Click can be heard in the background every few seconds yelling at the television or a case of the bellowing giggles. Doc takes another drink and retrieves another cigar from inside his jacket and puffs it lit.

Not that I was stuck, or any such nonsense, but when you're just in orbit.... Going with the flow.... Watching and thinking.... TIme just passes you by. Before we know it, six months go by and the last time anyone saw you, you were getting super dick punched into outer space by none other than..........

There's a drum roll. Not sure from where, but there was one.

Peter. Gilmour.

Studio audience laughs.

Peter and I have had a few run-ins prior to War Games. We know who each other are, I guess. Peter's been here long before myself, had a legacy built and everything. His reputation isn't great, but he still manages to make friends at the right time, am I right? Look at the dumb ass now. Hanging out with Chris Chaos of all patients. Champs or not, Hells bells what in tarnation?

I just want you to know, Peter, that even after dick punching me into space, I know I can turn you to dust. I'm sure you know it, too. You're dumb, but certainly not THAT dumb. So, if you don't want to allow me to at least whip you around a bit one night, I understand. I understand completely, Peter. Back away. Play'r safe.

Doc downs the rest of his drinky-poo and leaves his cigar burning in the ash tray. He steps inside for another and Click-Click is still locked into the television. Doc pours another drink and heads over to where his new friend is sitting at the edge of the bed flipping through the few channels now, stopping and laughing periodically.

So, for those who don't know, I HAVE recently talked to XWF Owner Vincent "Loverboy" Lane about my landing. It could NOT have been at a better time, either, could it? COULD IT? Look what happened.

Doctor Louis D'Ville
- vs -
Azrael Erebus

Also, for those who don't know, that doesn't happen every day. In fact, it's four years in the making. The alien and I have had a little.... something going on here off and on for quite some time now and it is a little more than just two absolute legends battling out for your own viewing pleasure. No, no, no, no. No. It goes far deeper than just that. Don't get me wrong, or anything, I'm sure you'll ALL enjoy it. However... I wouldn't say there is something to settle between Mister Spaceman and the doctor, but there's certainly a question of who would win in a fight.

As long as the two of us have been part of this FINE federation, we never really crossed paths. There WAS a little stint back in the day, as far back as my XWF memory goes, but I was so green you could hardly tell who was the spaceman and who was the D'Ville. So, for those that DO know, you know now that you've been anticipating this as much as the spaceman and I.


Who would haven thought that we would end up in the same place, at the same time, IN the same time, on the same night. Miraculous, am I right? It's on paper now. Boston. TD Garden. Alien. Doctor. Mono e mono.

I'm not sure how you have been feeling about all of this... But I'm not nervous at all. I've had some strange battles over the years. I'm sure you've had a few yourself, but this one, just doesn't strike me like some others. It's definitely a strange feeling, because I feel I definitely have something to prove. Am I wrong to think this? Does the spaceman feel he has something to prove, as well?


At the same time I know exactly how good I am, and most others do, too. So, what is it that I'm trying to prove? That I'm still the best that's ever graced these dusty old hallways? That I can beat anyone if I really want to? Am I trying to revive Barney Green?! Take the UNIVERSE that is only within a fingertips reach?!?!?!?!

Eh. I guess if I prove anything it will be a point.

I'm not sure yet.

I know it will be nothing like whatever the spaceman was proving last week. I've noticed that there's been an uprising lately about who's what and all of that. The Gender Wars, and what not. I never would have thought the spaceman would get invovled in something so crazy, though. The Bombshell Title is an excellent addition to the massive collection of accolades that comes with you. Don't think the doctor cares what anyone calls themselves. By all means, identify yourself as black, white, yellow, blue, red, boy, girl, both.... They all burn, am I right?

Oh, wait. Stop me there. Spaceman doesn't follow some of that. No biggie. Spaceman WILL follow me out of the ring Wednesday, however. Oh, indeed. Like I said, if I have nothing to prove, I'm proving a point. And if that involves leaving the spaceman in its own.... I dunno. Does it bleed? Whatever it is. It's coming out at Warfare. It's what? 1,000 some years old? Yeah, you've seen a few things Spaceman. One thing you can look forward to with our first official session is something you've never seen before. I'm going to make you look bad. I'm going to make you feel SO much pain. I am going to make an alien cry.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 8 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
(06-20-2018), Arnold “Chubby” Fletcher (06-20-2018), Azrael Erebus (06-18-2018), Nathan Kennedy (06-18-2018), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-18-2018), Phantom Panzer (01-13-2020), The Engineer (06-18-2018), Vincent Lane (06-18-2018)

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