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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Face Off: Whose Really In There? Nobody.
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-18-2017, 07:34 PM


Looking in the mirror, he can't believe what he sees. His face isn't his face. It is a chipped reminder of what once was. This wasn't what he knew, and what he loved. Who was he?

His nails dug into the skin, parting the flesh around the edge of the hardened calcium at the end of his finger. The blood began to run.

[Image: IJThNfQ.gif]

The image in front of him frightened him. At least, it frightened young Daniel. The school bathroom mirror was starting to splatter with blood, but he didn't care. Maybe underneath this failure was something good. Something that could benefit. Something that could make him smile for once.

When you want something bad enough, but you just can't seem to get it, you become desperate. You become an animal backed into a corner. You become......


You make mistakes you wouldn't normally make. Your body reacts before your mind has time to process. That was young Danny's issue. He wanted to be a champion at something, he wanted to matter to someone. As the skin on his face began to rip worse than originally planned, he threw on a ball-cap and a hoodie, covering much of his face.

Walking out into the hallway, there was a crowd around the cuts board. Who made the team. Who didn't. He didn't want to fight his way through the crowd--Danny wasn't that type of kid, never fought for what he wanted--but today was different. Today he felt more desperate than usual. Today he felt more empty than usual. He was just defeated in a one on one game in front of the entire school after talking for weeks about how he could beat anyone there.

For weeks he had been told he was an up and comer, and he even had the varsity coach out there to watch him. He played against one of the kids from the "bully" group in school. The group who had the most influence. This kid with curley hair who was kind of quiet took him to school in front of everyone.......

........He was beaten, broken, defeated mentally. He claimed he was good enough to rise from the humiliation.....

He was so close.

But close only counts in......well.....nothing.

He pushed his way through the crowd. He couldn't get right up to the list but he didn't need to. He thought he had a good tryout, despite the loss, but there it was his name was right at the top.


His heart sank, his world fell out of orbit. The one thing he thought he was good at......he just wasn't good enough.

He reached down and his hand touched the cold steel handle in his backpack.

[Image: cEOmg5d.jpg]

"AX3 wins another one. Danny boy, how does it feel being the latest victim? You had some choice words for AX3 when you spoke to Jenny on Savage two weeks ago, and Robert Main made you pay for it on Warfare. Now, Savage has rolled back around like a seasonal thunderstorm and you will pay for it again, in spades. You see, I have been saying for weeks that this company runs through me, through us. Fuck what the Kings think. The way I look at it you are either with us or against us. You have been pretty clear in your stance that you stand against us, and now you will reap the words you so delicately sowed. You will eat them, chew on them, and digest them. And before you even get into my two bad weeks, against Theo and Doc, let me just tell you that there is absolutely ZERO shame in losing to either of those two men, especially Doc. Sure, he is a sell out prick with no honor, but he is truly one of the best to do this. But I have a win over him, a win that won me the Universal Title. He has a win over me. The rubber match will happen again, and when it does it will certainly tear the roof down.

But I hold something that you don't hold, don't I Danny? And I am not talking about gold, you know that thing you only managed to desperately hang onto for a single week? I am talking about a legacy. I am talking about the big wins. I am talking about something the XWF fan-base is talking about. I hold wins over Doctor D'Ville, Thaddeus Duke, Dolly Waters, Peter name them, and I have beaten them at one point or another. You beat Mystica? Oh goodie. I lit his ass on fire and put him next to Muddy Waters in the burn victims unit. You beat Scully? Oh boy. My down syndrome cousin could beat Scully. Who else have you beaten with your "prestigious" 5-2-0 record. I'll wait.........

I thought so.

I hold victories over some of the top names in this company, and you barely hold a win over mid-carders. But everyone is telling me to watch out for Danny Imperial. He is the rising star. He is the next big thing. I think, Danny, all you are is smoke in mirrors. All you are is a facade. A waste of everyone's time. You see you want to hang with the big boys, but just don't have the stones to cut it. You just aren't there yet. You can bust your ass all you want, but some people just don't have that "it" factor. "Danny, have you ever taken a chance to stop and look at yourself in the mirror? Besides being utterly disgusted at the casserole of nonsense that your face is, do you ever stop to wonder what your role in this company is? Have you ever looked at yourself and seen anything but a punching bag? Have you ever looked into that mirror and seen an image you can actually be proud of? You're the big bad Danny Imperial to everyone else, but what are you to yourself? I don't think you know. You have been "lost" the past couple of weeks, stumbling around and talking to yourself like an escaped mental patient. Cut the shit. You aren't fooling anybody with your daytime television zombie-apocalypse act. I will smack that stupid looking paint right off your nappy head.

You see, guys like me, we are made to ride the waves and rise up like Posidon, trident in hand. Guys like you are made to doggy paddle behind shouting 'hey! wait up!' while ingesting a mouth full of sea water. You'll never be able to keep up with the big boys so go play with your toys in a corner somewhere and leave the fighting to the grown ups."

He runs a hand through his hair, a psychotic look on his face.

"I saw your promo's against Main....yeah.....I listened to every word. I watched you spill your heart out. I heard the emotion in your voice. I could hear how badly you wanted to win that match and take the Hart Title from the true rising star in this industry. But you came up short. Seems to be a trend for you. Sure, you beat Tidbits---I know, I know, he beat me. But he had his henchman kidnap Jenny and I will admit I was a bit distracted. So go ahead, rub that one in. Salt on the wound? More like alcohol on the embers. I am not hung up on that loss, I don't even care. You see I get my revenge my own way, and AX3 and I showed Tidbits exactly where his place in this company is. That is the same that we will do to you. Your place is hovering somewhere near mediocre and downright shitty, and the second people stop kissing your ass you will crash down like a fallen star and collapse into rubble.

Let me ask you, Danny boy, how does it feel to be the flavor of the month? How does it feel to be a passing fad? A new trend? You're like POGS, like GameBoy, like JNCO Jeans. You're cool for a short time then something better comes along and people forget you even exist. That something better, is ME. I am just cracking the top of the shell of the chaos I plan to create here. Just the tip of the iceberg. But when you think about was only the mere tip of the iceberg that sunk the Titanic wasn't it? Never underestimate the power of methodical chaos. You can run for a little bit but sooner or later your legs WILL get tired and then Danny, like a monster in the night, I will catch you. When I catch you I will devour you. When I devour you, I will shit you out. When I shit you out I will leave you as a skid-mark stain on the concrete, which is generous. You're not even worth a skid-mark, Danny.

And the funny thing is, you know it's true.

But how does that make you feel? A true champion will rise up against those feelings whereas a real loser will let them consume him and fall even deeper in the pit of whale shit they slipped and fell into. Which one are you? You think you can squeeze your piss flaps into your wrestling attire for one more war? Or is this thing over before it even began?

The funny thing is, I think you know the answer to that one as well.

The ball is in your court, Danny boy. The keys on on your ring. Will you defeat me and open the door to success in this company or will you fall to me like 31 others have and fade into obscurity? Dolly, Thaddeus, Doc...those are the only ones who have remained steady after a loss to me. And whattya know, they are among the top tier of this roster. All the rest, cracked like glass at the hands of the most dangerous man this company has ever employed. I'm not just a crazy bastard Danny, I am smart, too. I plan things. Plan A, Plan B, Plan C. No matter which letter is falls on, I have a plan for it. And that plan will be your demise. I hope you kissed and hugged that title goodbye, because as long as myself and my AX3 brothers---hell even the kings for that matter--are on the roster, that is the only gold you are ever going to hold.

How funny it is that you decided to take a little trip to the nursing home and happened to stumble across two old friends, Jenny and Chris--two pretty common names if I may add--and partake in some rainy afternoon festivities with them. Clever. Creative. Gag. When you look in the mirror, that is what you see, isn't it? You see a tired old has been with nothing to do but play checkers and roofie old women, hoping for one last boner. It is your future, ain't it? Well, it may be closer in your future than even you realize. When you leave that ring in Savage you won't just wind up permanently next to old Jen and Old Chris, but they will be feeding you mashed potatoes through a straw. That would be a welcomed scenario, wouldn't it, Danny? At least then, someone will care about you.

It's a tough life to live, looking up from the bottom, Danny. You can puff your chest out all you want but in your heart of hearts you know you will NEVER be me....

.....and it eats you alive."

The Imperial Shitshow Said:Danny’s not fucked. Danny’s desperate.

"And THAT, Danny, is why you fail."

The Imperial Shitshow Said:He teamed up with other men who had nothing in common with him, fought with them against three jobbers who decided to make a trio, and found a way to put some gold around his waist.

"That's not desperation, Danny, that's good business. That's why I have a title and your waist is more barren than the Sahara.......It's not desperation, Danny, it's ascension. It's simply........
[Image: JrJbrqi.png]

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XWF RECORD: 31-10-2
XWF Universal Champion: 1x
XWF Trios Champion: 1x (Current)
[Image: kgYMiYU.png]
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(05-19-2017), "The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler (05-19-2017), Imperial (05-19-2017), Jenny Myst (05-18-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-18-2017)

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