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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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04-14-2017, 06:40 PM

The sounds of thunder roll over the plains as we find our hero Cadryn Tiberius, back turned to the camera, hard at work mending his fence. We slowly pan in closer as we watch him hammer a nail, securing a plank to the stud of the fence. Cadryn tilts his hat back slightly and wipes the sweat from his brow before turning around to reveal that this isn’t Cadryn at all, it’s actually Micheal Graves dressed in a dollar store cowboy costume and cheap wig. Micheal, in his best Cadryn impersonation, begins to speak.

[Image: njv2FVp.png]

“Howdy partners, the last time that you saw me round these parts, I was flapping my gums about how lame Micheal Graves career is. I spouted out half-truths and flat out lies in an effort to draw attention away from my own shortcomings here in the XWF. The fact is, Micheal was right. I was always a big fan of his. I remember sitting at home with my mother, watching Micheal Graves on the TV, and telling my mom that I wanted to be just like him when I grow up. Hell y’all, I’d best remember it, it was just last week! See, my problem with Micheal isn’t the fact that I don’t think that he is one of the most ruthless and talented men on the roster. My problem is the fact that I’m no longer able to bask in his spotlight. Now that Micheal Graves has dropped me to the curb like a week old bag of trash, I’ve realized that my golden ticket here in the XWF has finally dried up.”

“When I watched Micheal beat the ever loving dog shit out of Dolly Waters last week, only to later find out that this week it was me that had to stand opposite of my hero, it made me realize that I had literally nothing to bring to the table. I knew that the same ole same ole wasn’t going to cut it against a couple of talented guys like AX3, so I figured it was time for a change. Perhaps, I thought, if I completely revamped myself, made myself new again, maybe it would throw my opponents off and give me the upper hand in this match. So I put on this cowboy hat, moved my family out to this farm, and started to mend this fence. I’m sad to say that none of this mattered. AX3 were OBVIOUSLY too smart for my cheap mind games, and they saw me for still being the same lame joke that I’ve always been. It’s a little upsetting that my plan hasn’t worked too because we’ve all seen my matches right? I’m not a fighter, I’m a lover, a point that I have made quite a few times in the past. It’s also a point that has been proven in that very ring, time and time again. Go ahead, skim through the tape library. You’ll see first hand that I don’t get very much offense in my matches, even when I fight nobodies. I’m kinda that guy who comes into the ring, takes my knocks, and then does some goofy stuff to keep the fans interested.”

“I tried to flip the tables on Micheal, I tried to make him look like the talentless twat, but that's just me hiding from the truth. I often point out my winning record. I hold my current 6-3-1 record as an accomplishment here in the XWF, and that’s because I really have nothing else going for me. I’ve never beat a big name, never, not once. When I faced Jim Caedus, he made me his bitch three times running. Robbie Bourbon spit fire so hot that I almost died for real. Then there are those six wins that I brag about. I like to make a big deal about those wins, but I make it as hard to find my match history as I possibly can. I do that because my match history tells a story. It tells a story of a man that can’t win a match unless he’s facing the Randoms and the Justin Sayn’s of the XWF. It also shows the world that I am a BIG FAT LIAR. I say 6-3-1… 3 losses. Well, I may not have been the most honest cowpoke with that one. Let’s count them down, shall we?”

“Lethal Lottery HeavyMetal Weight Gauntlet Match, oh that’s 1 loss.”

“Lethal Lottery Round 1, oh that’s 2 losses.”

“Jim Caedus, TV Title rematch, yep that’s 3.”

“Wednesday Night Warfare, January 20th, 2016. A Fatal Fourway match that consisted of Drezdin, Code Red, Maria Brink, and myself, “The Italian Cowboy” Cadryn Tiberius.”

Cadryn Graves smirks as his eyes shift up and to the right, nodding his head he agrees with his conclusion.

Yep, I’m a damned liar, that’s another loss! I guess my record is actually 6-4-1, and what’s worse is the fact that we all know it’s going to go to 6-5-1 after this Monday. In retrospect, I guess it’s kinda ironic that I had the nerve to talk about you breaking even huh Graves? As Idiotic as that was, something even more came out of my mouth next. I thought it was a good idea to point out that I was 1-0 against you in tag matches, ignoring the fact that you and I both blasted our partners and walked out before that match even began. Then again, keeping facts straight has never been my strong suit.”

“It’s just like how I pointed out that I didn’t want to be your friend because you failed at protecting me. How I admitted that I was getting hurt at every turn, because I wasn’t man enough to deal with my own problems, and you didn’t run in and save the day. Of course, the VERY NEXT time that I was allotted a chance to speak my mind on the subject, I changed my tune. I realized how much of a pussy that statement made me, and I decided to change it, hoping nobody would notice. Now all of a sudden, I was claiming that I was just pretending to need your help, pretending like I couldn't fight my own battles. Just like I’m pretending to be a cowboy, pretending to be a man, and I’m pretending like I don’t still place random objects on my dick and talk to them when nobody's looking.”

“Now that I’ve admitted my own shortcomings, I believe that it’s high time that I begin telling the truth about you, about AX3, and about this match. When it comes to you Micheal, the fact is, I fear you. I tried to make friends with you because I just knew that if I didn’t, we would end up on opposite sides of the ring sooner or later, and that would mark my demise. The end of my career. Because if I were asked to summarize my thoughts on the type of competitor that I KNOW you are, the only words that would come to mind would be courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, and guts. Those are all qualities that you possess and I lack. The fact that you have taken pure war to the likes of Thaddeus Duke, Robbie Bourbon, Chris Chaos, and Peter Gilmour, all while I was so desperate to avoid another conflict with Jim Caedus, that I did everything in my power to make him my friend, including giving him a used condom wrapper as a gift so
that he would realize just how fucking I really am and take pity on me!”

Micheal, now abandoning​ the Cadryn impression, grabs the hat and wig and tosses it to the ground with authority as his face twist and contorts as he tries to release the worked up anger that has been building between him and Cadryn!

”The fact is, these games are over Cadryn! You’re walking around in your new get up, daydreaming about how you’re going to ride that steed to the ring and gallop out of Savage waving your victory flag for all to see, but while you're dreaming, Robert and I plotting all of the different ways that we are going to inflict pain on that scrawny frame of yours. We’ve discussed it, and we’re not just coming for the win, we’re going to make sure that THIS is the LAST TIME that the XWF Universe is forced to sit through your mindless drivel again! You’re boring Cadryn, downright boring! As stale as your cereal killing buffoonery was becoming, it’s hilarious that you think that this common man cowboy bullshit is any better! If anything, you’ve made yourself even more fucking than you were before, and worst of all, now you’re impossible to watch without a steady stream of RedBull to keep fuckers from falling asleep!”

“AX3, a group that you were almost a member of. You seem to be REEEAL proud of that fact… almost. Just like you were real proud of the fact that you were ALMOST TV Champion a few months ago. So proud in fact, that you made that belt which shall not be named out of cardboard, and tried to pass yourself off as a real champion. Now you’re once again taking an almost, and trying to make it mean more than it ever did. Yeah Cadryn, you were ALMOST a member of AX3, but did you ever stop and ask yourself why? Well, let's get to the bottom of that right here and now. What does AX3 stand for? Arrogant-Aggressive-Assholes, A times Three, or AX3 for short. How many of those words actually describe you Cadryn? I’ll give you a hint, it’s the last one. Yeah, you’re an asshole, a lying asshole at that, but was that enough to get you into AX3 on your own merit? No! Nothing that you have EVER done in the XWF is worthy of being a member of this group, but hey, you were my friend right? When Jim Caedus first mentioned the idea of us coming together, he said that you could join as well. Not because anyone actually wanted you, or thought that you were an asset, but because they feared that I may say no if the offer excluded you. See Cadryn, AX3 actually wanted me. They wanted me because they saw the fight that I took to Chaos, they saw how this broken old man as you put it, was putting in work week in and week out to improve his game both in and out of that ring. They see the rust from my ten-year absence starting to flake away, and the polished steel underneath beginning to shine for everyone to see! When we look at you, do you know what we see? We see a thirty-something-year-old autistic kid playing dress up, who’s too stupid to even see that his own demise is right around the corner. You want to see who the real star of “The Fruity Devils” was? We’ll find out at Savage when they’re scraping your chapped ass off the mat!

Micheal, breathing heavily, stares into the camera with a wild look in his eyes as the transmission ends.

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[-] The following 5 users Like "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves's post:
(04-14-2017), JimCaedus (04-14-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-15-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-14-2017), Theo Pryce (04-23-2017)

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