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Mmmbop... nope, not that Hansen...
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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04-07-2017, 06:56 PM

Saturday, April 8th, 2017
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A
...Empire Slice House...

It’s been a long week hanging out with my tag partner who is barely able to call herself a teenager. Who would have thought that little Dolly Waters would turn out to be so bossy and controlling? Oh, and the mind games. Don’t even get me started on the mind games. It’s almost like she has been trying to cause Graves to have another mental breakdown. At this point, he’s beginning to see the real reason why Cadryn has all but vanished from the XWF. At the same time though, Micheal still thinks that Dolly is good people, and he’s proud to be her partner heading into this match with “ICONOFAGS”. That’s why he has brought the budding young star to the Empire Slice House. Kids love pizza, at least Micheal’s kids do. So what better a place for the two of them to hang out before they enter the ring and demolish the team of Chaos and Reno?

”So how’s the pizza?

Dolly looks to me with that snotty look that most girls her age give you when they're upset about something.

”It tastes about as stale as a Chris Chaos promo.”

Dolly drops the slice of pizza onto her plate in disgust as her eyes begin to survey the room. Pictures of famous Italians, pizza slice table cloths, all of the employees dressed like fire power Mario, complete with fake mustaches. This isn't the gourmet pizza shop that I thought that it would be.

”I wouldn't be surprised if we come to find out that Reno owns this place. It has his brand of overcompensation written all over it.

”Hey now, Chaos has been putting a lot of work into his promos since LL. Did you notice all of those graphics and title caps?”

”Yeah I saw it, but it just proves how idiotic he is. He thinks that all of that flash is what beat him, not realizing that Gabes overly produced promos don’t have any bearing on what happens inside of the ring.”

”Well, you can play mind games in your promo work and have your opponent defeated before the bell sounds.”

Dolly raises an eyebrow and nods her head in disbelief.

”Yeah Micheal, you can, but if Chris Chaos was psyched out by fancy graphics and scrolling text, then he’s more of a simpleton than I originally thought.

I chuckle at the thought. The great Chris Chaos, here to take the XWF into a new era, and he’s mentally beaten by some second-rate audiovisual effects that look as though they were thrown together by a junior college student.

”Well you have to give Gabe credit, he did exactly what he said that he was going to do. He beat Chris Chaos and took that strap.”

”No I don’t. Mark my words, the first real challenger that Reno has, that belt is as good as gone.”

Dolly glances down at her stale slice of pizza then back up to me.

”I appreciate the gesture, but can we just leave?”

”Sure, but we don’t have to be at the arena for a few hours still.”

”That’s fine, we need to go back to the hotel anyway, I forgot to grab my gear bag on the way out.”

Dolly forgetting something isn’t very much like her. She always seems to have her shit together so well for a girl her age. I’m the forgetful one, just like that time that I forgot that I had a match with Killjoy. In any case, it looks as though we are heading back to her hotel room. At least she didn’t want to go shopping again.

”Oh, and since we have the time, maybe we could stop by the mall on the way back.”


Roughly 20 minutes later
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma U.S.A.
...Colcord Hotel…

I’m following Dolly down the hall to her hotel room. Anyone who didn’t know any better might find it suspicious that a man my age is heading into a hotel room with a thirteen-year-old girl who is not his daughter, but that’s not the case here. I really just didn’t want to sit in the car while she took FOREVER to gather her things. We make our way down the hall until we finally reach her room. Dolly swipes her key card and we both walk in. I immediately take a seat at the small dining table as Dolly steps into the bathroom. As I sit here waiting, I notice that my CVS bag from the other day is sitting on the floor next to the table. I lean over and pick it up. Looking back on the situation, I guess I can see how weird it was for me to be hanging outside of a CVS with a metric fuckton of condoms asking random people if they wanted to make some extra cash. You should have seen Dolly’s reaction to this bag. It took some real convincing to get her to calm her tits about it. I thought for a moment that she might start shouting “STRANGER DANGER” and kick me in the nads. It’s all good though, Dolly understood my embarrassment over buying feminine hygiene products. Well maybe saying that she understood is a bit of a stretch. She said that I was an immature asshole and asked if I didn’t think it was embarrassing for her to have to ask me to go out and buy them. She had a point and made me feel like a complete ass. Needless to say, I headed down to Wal-Mart and bought the girl a box of tampons. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. I almost jump out of my seat at the sudden loud sound. I get up and open the door to find an oddly familiar man standing there with a microphone in hand. I’m just not sure where I know this guy from.

”Uh, can I help you?”

Chris Hansen

”Michael Graves? My name is Chris Hansen and I’m with Dateline NBC’s “How To Catch A Predator”. Go ahead and have a seat for me over here.

To say that I'm caught off guard by this would be an understatement. I'm not even sure what to think or say as I slowly back up and allow this guy into the apartment. As I take a seat at the table my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and glance at the notification to see a text from Cadryn. It reads:


That little bastard! I should have realized that he was behind this. He has been jealous of Dolly ever since I first offered to tag with her!

”Mr. Graves, we were notified by an anonymous source that you have been spending an unnecessary amount of time around this little girl. We have also been told that you brought with you a large amount of condoms on your last visit. Do you have anything you’d like to tell me, Mr. Graves?”

”Cadryn is sooooo fucking dead!

”We also received an email that contained part of your conversation with Ms. Waters. Care to explain to me what “get her before the hair does” means?”

”I NEVER SAID THAT! I know who called you guys and he only did it because he's jealous that Dolly is my partner!”

”Sir, there is no reason to make accusations about other people. We have all the proof that we need. Now, can you explain to me what provoked you to attempt to molest an innocent 13-year-old girl? We have the emails, we have a witness, and we have security footage from multiple businesses. You're seen following her, but ducking and covering as not to be seen. Please explain.”

Before I can respond, Dolly comes charging out if the bathroom half naked. She looks visibly upset as she shakes her fist and throws a childish temper tantrum.


Hanson slowly turns his attention away from the raging thirteen-year-old and back to Graves. He has a very judgemental look about him as he silently awaits a response from the man in question.

”Listen… We haven't fucked, you've got to believe me!

Dolly's jaw damn near hits the floor as Graves says that. There is a look of utter disgust from her as she even entertains the idea of that happening.

”Okay, EWWWW! Graves is old enough to be my grandpa!

Now it's me shooting a look of disdain towards the young Dolly Waters.

”Hey! I'm not THAT old, and I'd like to think that I'm a pretty good-looking guy!”

Dolly winces at Graves before sticking her finger in her mouth and making a gagging sound.

”Maybe you haven't touched her YET Micheal, but your intentions are quite clear here.

”My only intentions are to win a match, and maybe give this poor girl a friend in a time of need!”

”I think that we can all agree that she doesn't need a “friend” like you, Micheal. I'm going to have to ask you to step outside with me.

”Fuck that and FUCK YOU!”

”I flip the table on this and his false allegations. I rush over and grab Dolly by the arm and snatch her gym bag up with my free hand. We make a mad dash for the front door, but quickly realize that a small team of police officers are waiting just outside to arrest me. I turn back, quickly making my way to the balcony, dragging poor Dolly behind me like a rag doll. This is my only chance of escape, I think as I step up onto the ledge.

”No wait, what in the fuck are you doing!?”

”Bombs away mother fuckers!”

With that I leap off of the balcony, pulling Dolly down for the fall with me. Being a father myself, my protective instinct kicks in and I shift my weight to land on my back as I pull Dolly close into my arms to protect her from the impact. Luckily we land in the pool, but that doesn't stop it from feeling like I just crashed into cement. Upon impact I release Dolly and the gym bag. All of the air is knocked out if my lungs and things just seem to go black as I sink into the abyss of this 15-foot deep pool…

sometime later

Am I dead?


I’m in a car…

What happened?

”You’re awake…”

Dolly? She’s driving the car, still in her bloomers. She doesn’t seem too pleased right now.

”That was fucking stupid Micheal, what were you thinking!?”

What was I thinking? Oh yeah, that I didn’t want to be charged as a sex offender just hours before the start of Savage.

”You realize that you nearly killed us both, right?”

”I’m sorry…”


She’s upset, I can tell that much, but there seems to be more to it than just me hurling us off of the hotel balcony. She has tears in her eyes… Has she been crying?

”I didn’t know if you were going to wake up Micheal. You’ve been out for almost an hour!

I readjust myself in my seat, sitting up straight as I pop the glove box open and grab a pack of smokes.

”I’m fine sweetie. It would take more than that to kill me.”

I strike up the smoke and take a long drag as I endure the uncomfortable silence. I have to remind myself that she is just a child. It’s a little harder for her to process stuff like this, especially after all she has been through in recent months.

”It’s just, you’ve turned out to be a pretty cool friend despite being an old fucker. I wouldn’t want to lose you.”

That’s sweet, maybe the sweetest thing that she has said to me since we’ve met. For the first time this week, I don’t feel like a tool. I feel like the two of us have actually bonded… became real friends.

”You’re pretty cool too… for a brat.”

I smirk with that remark as it causes her to let out a chuckle. I’ve come to realize that it’s nice to have friends. Even if they haven’t gone through puberty yet.

”Are you going to be able to work our match tonight?”

I feel like I was ran over like a bus, then the bus backed up. I’ll be fine though. Pain is an old friend of mine.

”I’d never miss an opportunity to beat on Chris Chaos darling, I’ll be in that ring with bells on!”

”What about Reno?”

”What about Reno?”

”You haven’t really said much about him over the last few days.”

”What’s there to say? He’s the Universal Champion. He runs his mouth a lot, and honestly, he talks a good game. That’s all it is though, talk. Chaos was a paper champion. He defended that belt what? Two, three times over the course of four months? He beat Gilmour, but so what, so did I, and it honestly didn’t take all that much effort. Then Chaos tried to throw his weight around and picked a fight with me. He can talk all he wants to about how he embarrassed me, but the truth is, I embarrassed him. Everyone that watched that match knew that I had it won. Chris was on the ropes and winded. At the end of the night, he walked away with the W, a fact that he throws in my face again and again, but he knows for a fact that it wasn’t a good showing for him. Then Gabe came in and succeeded where I had failed. He took the belt from Chaos, and I’m sure he will admit that it was much easier that he had expected.

Point is, Gabe beat Chaos and I think, so what? Let’s see Gabe beat Duke, Doc, Dolly, or me. That’s a real challenge. The fact is, I’m not sure that he can. Gabe questions what I bring to the table. I know exactly what I bring to the table, and it’s damn sure not dishes. Intensity, desire, heart, and a trail of broken bodies in my wake. My record gets thrown into question a lot. No doubt Gabe will mention it. He already sorta did in a backward sort of way, but that’s Gabe, backward. He asked if I have won a match since December. Well, of course I have you twat, maybe you would notice if you could pull your head out of Chris Chaos’s ass for five minutes. Where have you been? I don’t remember you doing anything of note between the cruise ship and Lethal Lottery. You guest refereed a match, and you ran around the area like an idiot, looking for Chris Chaos. Were you out there every show being the winner, the champion that you claim to be? Fuck no, you were taking it easy and resting up for your eventual match with Chaos for that strap. I don’t blame you. Smart strategy letting him wear himself thin fighting every idiot he would make eye contact with while you rested up and prepared for your big win. Don’t go talking down to me though. That’s called “Chaosing”, and side effects include shortened title reigns and loss of locker room respect.

Am I light or am I dark? Do I paint my face, or dread my hair? At the end of the day Gabe, does any of it really matter? Are you really more concerned with how I look or how often I drop an F-bomb over how hard I hit and how badly I want to break your and Chaos’s faces? You say that I’m not entertaining? Maybe you’re right. I imagine that I must be an acquired taste, but I really don’t give a fuck if people like me or they hate me. Watch these promos or turn off the TV in anger simply because I’m on there. Because at the end of the day, I am on there, and I am in that ring, and as long as I am, I will a thorn in the side of … sorry, BITCHES like you.”

Chaos and Reno think that they are untouchable. They believe themselves to be in a class all their own. You would think that Chaos would be a little more humble in this second go round with me, but no. He’s just as blinded by his own bullshit as he ever was. The only difference this time is that I’ll be on the lookout for shenanigans in this match. “ICOLONBLAST” will not pick up a win due to dirty tricks or interference, and sad to say for them, that means they will not be picking up a win period. They can rant all they want about dark this light that, embarrassed this, won that. At the end of the day, none of that shit will matter. What WILL matter is the fact that Dolly and I are both rabid pit bulls who are prepared to do whatever it takes to regain our momentum in this company.


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(04-08-2017), Cadryn Tiberius (04-07-2017), Dolly Waters (04-07-2017), JimCaedus (04-07-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-07-2017)

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