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To Be The Bad Man.
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Broken Hart Offline
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12-17-2016, 05:02 PM

"Have you ever found yourself trying to do the best you can... yet still falling short of the dreams that move you? Promising yourself that THIS is the day... yet finding the day pass you by? I am SICK to DEATH of putting my best foot forward, yet always ending up in the same circle of uncertainty. I don't know me, I don't know how to succeed, I don't know how to do the things I must do to be who I want to be... Am I getting there? Will I ever?

"...You better fucking believe I will. Or I'll take every last goddamned one of you with me.

"I've been ridiculed, pushed aside, talked down to and everything in between from the time I was a young boy till this very day. You people will tell me I shouldn't complain, but you have NEVER, EVER filled my shoes. I've lived my life with my head held low, walking with fear and shame racking my concious. I'm never, EVER, going to be like you... and I am damned proud of that. I lose one match and you all feel as if I'm a joke........ but that joke is about to rip you apart and spread the pieces.

"I've walked across this land from company to company, aiming for the stars, but always finding myself tossed out the back door. Because of my attitude, my personality, the things that make me me... I'm different, and people are afraid of what they don't understand. Do not understimate me quite yet, ladies and gentlemen, one match does NOT make a man's career. One match is only the tip of the iceberg, and with Chastity by my side, I WILL CRUSH the men and women XWF lines up at my door. I know talent. Kid Kool and Snow are talented, David Stone and Ronnie Cage are talented, Brendan Poor-- I mean, Brandon Moore, he's talented, they're ALL talented...but I'm beyond talented-- I'm the whole FUCKIN' show. Truth.

"Believe me,'re in for the ride of your fucking life."

~ ❤ ~

Broken Hart is again standing atop the old, musty monestary he calls his sanctuary. The bricks are weathered, the stained glass windows are not as colorful they once were, and the inside is covered in dust and cobwebs....but BH sees the roof as his perch, the place he collects his thoughts. Every time he needs to get away from it all and see the world from the top down, this is the place he retreats to. There's so much on his mind these days, from his return to XWF under a mask, to the love he shares with Chastity. Now, he thinks about Kid Kool and Snow... not to mention Havoc.

"Ronnie Cage, I'm glad you recognize the amount of intelligence I possess, but I'm smart enough to know you're not too shabby yourself. We're both smart men, and the ring is calling our names... we're both being drawn upon a collision course, and I DO indeed respect you... but respect has never stopped me from doing what I must to do that which is needed. You WILL stand, you WILL fall, end of story. And as for your buddy David Stone... Dave, I may have lost at WildCard, but that is ONE match at the start of many and I WILL change your perspective, or die trying. And I'm not going to die any time soon.

"You mention the mask I wear... Sure, I may not be hiding a face people love, but they will remember me, BELIEVE me boy. This face is one that the whole goddamned company hates, and I welcome that hate. The thing is, there's a good few that buck that norm... Men and women who may very well end up on my side of what I feel is a war on the horizon. Do NOT overlook my prescence... you're new here. I'm not. I know what it takes to etch my name in the Realm of Xtreme. And I will.

"Brandon.....fuck you. Seriously, you cocky, big-headed bastard, you think you've got the cajones to step to the top of this promotion and mark your name? Doubt tip-toes through my mind at that thought, you're no star, you're not main event material, and come Savage? You're gonna prove me right. Believe it. Though, I'm not gonna totally write you off... you have talent, I'll admit. But you're not me, you're not Ronnie or David, you're not The Kid... what are you?

"You're full of hot air... and I'm going to be the one to deflate you. Bring all your youth and vigor, and I will pull the trigger... sending you crashing to the ground in a heap of smoldering rubble. I've been living my WHOLE life working on myself, crafting myself into something I can be proud of. And men like you have paved a path of misery, well NO.MORE. I am not a rag doll to be mishandled by people that should be polishing my boots. I'm TIRED of feeling the pain and emptiness of this life... I want you to know, that come Savage, YOU, David, Ronnie, Drezdin, Lyianna and Nami will serve to be my proving ground."

Broken Hart peers over the edge of the monestary roof..... He smirks before LEAPING off, and the camera hurries up to find him standing atop a blue Honda Civic, roof crushed by Hart's weight. The camera is switched to one on the street, as Hart gazes into the lens, cowl flapping in the winter wind...

"The XWF is about to meet the Broken Hart that SHOULD have shown up at WildCard Weekend. The Broken Hart who's focused, ready, and prepared to lay it all on the line and FIGHT. XWF, I spent somewhere around two months hyping myself... and then I fell short. I needed a wake up call, I needed to feel a shock to my system, to tell me I have a way to go before I reach the level I once stood at. This industry is built upon the backs of men and women who've poured every ounce of themselves into this business... and I will not let them down.

"Havoc... let's raise some hell."

Hart lunges at the camera, sending the screen to--


[Image: black_heart_zpsnnlf1k63.png]

Tear it out. Move in for the kill.
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