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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Travis McCoy Offline
The Real McCoy

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-03-2016, 12:19 PM

“I recommend you start paying attention, because you'll want to tell your kids about this. I was there the night XWF changed forever. I saw him take his first step here. I listened the first time his voice crackled out of the speakers. I saw the future legend when he had to tell us all his name. Now we know exactly who will be lucky enough to tell his grandchildren that he was the first to be defeated by The Wolf, The Messiah of the Piledriver, The Trademark.

Travis McCoy

I can already see your eyes rolling, I can hear the dismissive tone, Fair, I'd do the same, if some new guy walked into my territory and claimed to be the best. The game changer, the revival, the swift kick in the ass you all need. But in the back of your mind, in your nearly dormant lizard brain, you see me, and part of you fears that everything I say is true. I'm not young, and I'm not pretty. The crooked nose, the peaks of a heavy brow beaten into place by the fist of men at least your equal. The scar that runs down my neck, the pink raised flesh on my knee, left as a reminder of a scalpel.

Every injury paid back in full. Every crimson mask under raised arms of victory. Every scar a story you will never know, that ended with me standing on top. Even though you did not see it, my career is long and I've earned the right to stand here. My claims of greatness are not without merit. I do not claim to be supernatural or a god. I bleed and my bones break. I am a man. A vengeful man, a competitive man, a dangerous man.

A better man than you.

I am not a hero, those who cheer me do so on their own accord, and I pay them no mind. We all wish to paint our self as the protagonist, the prodigal son, I've let go of this weak trait long ago. I do as I wish, and so do the fans. I know exactly who I am. Does that bother you Branden? You can speak freely, that's why we're here. The beating you receive will not be affected for better or worse by what you say. Do you wish you had the confidence I do? That you could stand in front of all those people and be yourself regardless of their reaction?

I think you probably do.

I want the best from you Branden. I want every bit of strength your young body can muster. Do not be confused, I do not wish the best for you. I wish great bodily harm on you. I want to break every bone in your body. I want you to wish you had died with your parents. The embarrassment you feel standing in front of a beautiful woman will pale in comparison to what you feel after I leave you broken, laying helpless.

One last message to all of XWF.

Watch closely as I defeat Branden. Take notes and commit it to memory.

They'll be asking you about me for the rest of your life.”

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