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Who was Dylan George?
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02-24-2015, 06:39 AM

Through a havey lense, a camera pans into a dark, smoke filled room. The outline of man could be seen as the creepy cadance on an evil consummed creature begins to rant:

“Who was Dylan George?

.....May it be noted, that in you're asking who Dylan was, rather than who he is, you're acknowledging the absolute fact that Dylan is indeed no more.....

But who he was? Let us step back for a moment, let us imagine a man, a man with superhuman like athletic ability. A man so fantastically fetching, with a body so immaculately erected it was as if he was conceived from the seed of Kratos and spawned in the womb of Aphrodite... he was guile, he was power, he was wit, he was desire.

The embodiment of earnestness, the purveyor of paramount propriety, the siren of soul sobering serenity… God carefully crafted and christened this creature as Earth’s conveyance of the Heaven’s perfection.

…Yet with all that earnestness, propriety and serenity at his command, Dylan was still mortal, and from the exit of the utero was involuntarily entrenched in this realm of iniquity.

God’s warrior of righteousness, was unable to fight away the casting of shadows throughout his manipulated mind. The Demon Mares of the eve ran rapid over all of his righteous fortitude barring the hollow horrors of the night.

…The evil of the world had overcome the power of the Heavenly endowment, Dylan had succumb to his gravest fears, giving the false evidence appearing real complete power over his mind, body and soul.

In the end, Dylan’s own dream of achieving grandeur on Earth’s biggest stage, and spreading the message of righteousness worked against him. He is now living it only through his Nightmare…the living, breathing manifestation of fear. The titan terrors of earth now occupying the creature christened of brawn, bravery and integrity.

The sleep of reason produces monsters…and,

Finally a face materializes from the murky mist...
[Image: Jasonmask.jpg]

I am the mightiest monster of all, it’s time to bury this world.”

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