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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Slaying the Beast
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-11-2014, 11:58 AM

We fade in on our TV champion, Johnathan Heartsford, roaming through the marshlands of Louisiana for very little reason. Cambot notices that there are quite a few crocodiles swimming through the swamp towards the fresh meat that they smell. The knight knows the danger he's putting himself into by simply walking in front of these carnivores, but he's brave enough to ignore their presence and keep on walking. The TV title belt is strapped around his left shoulder, appearing to gleam in the moonlight above him. He stops in his tracks and turns towards one of the crocodiles, who seems to be snapping its maw at the knight, just waiting to get a taste of his flesh. Much to the viewer's surprise, Johnathan smirks and kneels down to the reptile's eye level. Neither the knight nor the croc snap at each other and they stare at each other for what feels like an eternity. The knight laughs, breaking the tension and the silence.

"You'll get your shot soon, ol' buddy o' mine. I have this belt now, and I intend on keeping it, even when we square off once more."

The knight stands up and proceeds to walk away from the crocodile. It doesn't even bother to follow him as much as it just stares him down as he walks. He adjusts his belt to flare off the moonlight and into the bot's lens, just to mess with it and the viewer. After pulling that joke, the knight laughs and adjusts the belt once more to stop with the lens flare.

"Sorry about that, but I made a childhood promise that if I ever get anything reflective, and shine it off the nearest source of light and into the camera. Can't go back on a promise I made myself, ya know?"

He scoffs somewhat.

"Anyways, before I end up wasting time talking about how I blinded everyone and everyone at home, I might as well talk about Gator's return from the hospital and to the ring."

A wide smile creeps up on his face at the mention of this news.

"Congrats, man! You made it out of the hospital alive! I'm sorry I didn't get you a proper welcome back gift, but personally handing you a beer was probably good enough. Hell, that was probably the first beer you had in a while, too, so you can't tell me that the beer tasted like shit with your taste buds ruined by hospital food. Seriously, I had that shit when I fractured my skull from skydiving; for no reason whatsoever, I started to crave orange ice pops."

Realizing that he's getting off topic, the knight violently shakes his head until he decides that he's done it enough.

"Sorry about that, I started to get ahead of myself. The point is that everyone missed ya man, and we just can't wait to see ya kick ass. Oh, and as for this belt on my shoulder? Don't worry, I'm not claiming it as my own just yet, no matter what the guys in the back label it as. It's still technically yours until we square off once again. That is, if you still want your belt."

He can't help but laugh at the mention of Gator winning his own belt back. It's unprofessional, yes, but he can't help it if he finds the thought funny.

"Well, before the dream match can begin, I have to focus on my next opponent, which can either be a major step up or step down, depending on your stance with this guy. If you've seen Madness, you should know who I'm talking about. I'm talking about GT, Ghost Tank, the man that closed the coffin on Scully's career. And, if you just became interested in the fed as a whole, the man that speared me through a cage wall and made me take a break for a whole week. Hey, I had to take one! The bastard nearly broke my back and almost put me out of action for a couple months."

He uses his free arm to reach over to his back as he tries to pop some stiff discs. He groans out in pain before continuing with the promo.

"I swear that I can still feel it, no matter how many times the chiropractor pops that same spot, I can still hear an obnoxiously loud crack from it."

He grimaces a little as he turns his entire torso in half circles. More pops can be heard from his back while he does so.

"Point is, he's a man that really shouldn't be fucked around with."

He stops as he looks back at the camera with a sly grin on his face.

"Or is he? You see, even though he didn't lose too much and he's never been on a losing streak, the people he's lost to aren't really making his image as a monster-human hybrid any stronger. All except for Frodo. Fucker's really damn good in the ring, surprisingly enough."

He chuckles somewhat.

"So, besides Frodo, who chooses to go by the ten second Violator for whatever reason, who else did the Ghost Tank lose to, or has he likes to put it, who was Ghost Tank slain by, in order for everyone to suddenly doubt his credibility as a combination of a monster and a man? For starters, we have Mastermind, a man who was famous for losing against everyone that went against him in that ring. That is, up until Ghost Tank. If my brain isn't playing tricks on me-"

"Which it just might be."

"Will you shut..."

The knight groans out of annoyance before continuing.

"Anyways, if my brain isn't playing tricks on me, this was the first Madness after the King of the Ring Tournament and after your tag match against Morbid and Gilmour. After defeating such talents like those two, you were more than certain that he would be nothing but a stepping stool on your path to greatness. Had MM not grab you by the neck and choke you out, you probably would've been fighting the likes of Theo Pryce and Dr. Louis D'Ville."

Once again, the knight acts unprofessional and laughs at GT's expense.

"Well, we all knew what really happened. And you were fucking pissed when you woke up from dreamland. How could a monster of a man such as yourself lose to a small fry like Mastermind? No matter the answer, you attacked MM out of a fit of rage, and I bet I should be expecting that once you find yourself unable to keep me down. Not to worry, mistakes like that happen. Surely it wouldn't happen a second time, right?"

The knight takes a deep breath through his teeth, as if he's just about to deliver some more bad news at the sound of the words 'it can't get any worse'.

"The Horseman was your next fight. Who the fuck that guy is and why I should care about him is rather unknown to me. He's gone anyways, so why even bothering mentioning him? Simple, you lost to the relative unknown in a last man standing match. And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, you were tossed off the roof the match took place on. How was the landing anyways? I was always curious about that since it was never really televised. Did you land on some dude's car like in Killer Instinct, except you got up and went home afterwards? No, really, I'm curious."

He shrugs before continuing. Knowing who's coming up next, the knight proceeds to laugh a bit before pressing on.

"Last and probably least, the man who lost a poker game to Vinnie Lane thanks to some strange possessed chair, the man who got his ass drilled into with a broom by your dwarf brother, and the man that hung you up with meat hooks thanks to outside interference..."

Johnathan clears his throat, getting ready to try and impersonate his voice to the best of his ability.


He then proceeds to laugh arrogantly at the mere mention of his name.

"What's even sadder is that the douchebag hadn't even bothered to have any other match after defeating you. He's probably still partying hard because of his victory over you, pretty much proving that any schmuck that could enter the ring can take you down if they tried hard enough."

He chuckles a bit.

"It's funny, really, it is. Ever since I took that spear, I've risen to the championship level and had some of the greatest matches of my career after losing War Games. Where have you been? You've been stuck fighting men that won't even come close to holding something like this in their lives. We're you there to crush the young men's dreams of success while achieving none yourself? Well that's currently where your career is at right now. That is until you can beat me. With this belt around my shoulder, I don't plan on letting it go after facing you. This is a part of me. And if you wish to take the Television title, you'll have to pry it off of me after I die."

The knight laughs once more.

"And since you're not interested in killing me, you'll never be able to win this belt when I'm holding it. Not to worry though, maybe if you listened to what the screams are telling you, you'll be able to figure out exactly what they want you to do. Give up. The knight always slays the monster at the end of the story. This story is no different to all the others you've heard before, even if it stars something completely new and unknown to the hero. So come on pussy cat, show me your claws. They won't be able to cut through my defenses even if they were made of pure titanium."

"Good luck backing that up. You're dealing with a giant of a man that can take you down with one swing of his hand. He also moves as fast as a cheetah trying to catch its meal. Just how will you be able to defeat a man that strong and that fast?"

"Never doubt a champion. Men are presented with impossible odds almost everyday and they manage to overcome them, no matter how extreme or how taxing it is on them. Cambot."


"Turn off."

The scene cuts to black.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

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