03-13-2013, 08:06 PM
The duo is teleported not to their intended location, but to a great hall. In the middle of the the hall sits a table large enough to seat 20 men. Kinwrathi knows this place, it is the meeting place for the Joltinen Chieftains each century. Standing in front of the Chieftain and his disciple is the original Chieftain and queen of the Joltinen, Lady Gonnerah.
Gonnerah silently stands in front of Kinwrathi and Andromai, a look of confusion on her face. Intensity in her eyes, as per usual. She opens her mouth, and begins to speak at a slow pace.
Gonnerah: "Now, may I ask why you two are interfering not only with the realm of the living, but the land of Earth? A land not scouted or patrolled or even considered important by the Joltinen?! Have you lost your mind? Have you gone rogue?!"
Kinwrathi begins to speak up, but is interrupted by Andromai, who looks her master square in the face and responds to the accusations laid forth by the queen.
"Madame Gonnerah, if I may..."
"You may not, disciple. If I wanted to hear you speak I would tell you directly, Miss Andromai."
"Very well, Madame."
"Go on, Kinwrathi..."
"Gonnerah, you can not know what is important to our interests without visiting the place itself. You can't make a proper decision without experience in the field you're deciding on. I'm on Earth to decide how the planet fares to our existence. I act only as a scout, the one who provides information on what we need to do, if we need to do anything at all."
"Very well, Kinwrathi. Now, you murdered someone in under an hour of being there, what do you have to say for yourself about that?"
"Bitch had it coming..."
"Very well..."
"Now lady Gonnerah, we both know you wouldn't interfere in my business on these accounts. What's really going on?"
The Joltinen Queen looks at him, anxious and troubled. She opens her mouth to speak, but all that comes out is broken up words.
"Is. Your. Disciple. Trust. Worthy?"
Andromai looks up from the floor, surprised at the question. Kinwrathi doesn't skip a beat however, and instantly answers.
"Yes, she is. I have great confidence in her."
Gonnerah's face lightens up a little bit at the news, and she begins to speak, her pace speeding up a bit from her normal speed of speaking.
"Kinwrathi, as you know, the Fuhyergon is approaching faster than we expect. I fear we aren't ready enough for the incoming war. I have an assignment for you and your disciple if she's so trustworthy."
"What is your assignment, m'lady?"
"There's a powerful, albeit untrained master of mind reading and dream warping. She's located in the village of Lerrio..."
"Right in the middle of fucking nowhere? This should be a fun little trip..."
"As I was saying, she's a Joltinen worshiper to boot, so recruiting her should be easy...
"There's got to be a catch, you wouldn't send me on something easy..."
Kyrino walks down the dark gray hallway, the doors to the prisoners' quarters closed tight. Suddenly, the sadistic disciple formulates a cold-hearted plan to show his dominance over not only the prisoners, but the disciples too...
Without a single word, he pulls open the door to the nearest prisoner quarters and silently pulls the man who inhabits the cell out of his bed and drags him into the center of the lair. In the center is a large podium, which Kyrino places the man onto...
Strapped onto a block of wood that's only wide enough to cover someone's back is the poor prisoner. He screams his head off in fear and anger, while still without a word Kyrino rings the bell to alert all others, prisoners and disciples, to the center of Neuroseir. Within 20 minutes, everyone else is there, watching intently as Kyrino decides to make a point of dominance without speaking a word.
He pulls a club from a sheath on his cloak. Raising it above his head, his eyes meet the eyes of the prisoner, who's only expression is a fear for his life. Without any other hesitation, the club comes down hard and strikes the prisoner in the mouth, knocking out a tooth along with a spurt of blood...
The man tied to the wooden pillar screams out in pain, and his abuser responds by hitting him in the mouth again from another angle. Again, another tooth flies out of the man's mouth, followed by a huge gush of blood...
Three times the club hits the man's face, smashing his nose and causing the blood to just pour from his destroyed nose.
Kyrino needs to say no words, and the crowd just cheers at his ruthless display. He unties the man, and silently points him in the direction of his quarters. The bell rings again, dismissing the people in attendance back to their daily routine. All is back to normal in the land of anger and hatred, albeit with one disciple gaining respect...
"Cyren, you disappoint me.
You claim you will not fail in your return, yet you offer nothing to show any commitment to your cause.
Your lack of commitment is shameful.
You fancy yourself a legend, but legends care much more for their status than to be as unapologetically mediocre as you are right now.
In fact, you aren't even mediocre.
You're downright terrible.
This is the legend I'm to face?
I am not impressed, Cyren. I'd hope you would be say a little bit more than your abstract failure at being threatening.
In fact, the next shotgun blast I hear better be you killing yourself and dying for the second time.
And this time, not coming back.
That's the only contribution you can make anymore.
Cyren, you aren't scary...
Just give up."
![[Image: 5iqFpUK.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/5iqFpUK.jpg)