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XWF FanBase: Men, some teens (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)
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03-11-2013, 09:00 PM
Neuroseir, Sethin's sixth lair. A dark, prison-like atmosphere. All light is artificial, there is no sun. Those unfortunate Cyridians who were angry, hateful, spiteful, etc. are imprisoned here for the rest of eternity upon death. Guarded by the disciples of the Chieftain who work for the right to be successor, the heir apparent to the throne of the Chieftain. Those disciples carry out the every will of their undisputed leader. The Chieftain of Neuroseir, sixth lair of Sethin? That would be the "man" known simply as Kinwrathi.
Kinwrathi walks through the dark hallways in the heart of the prisoner containment area, smirking at the thin layer of moss gathering on the cold, damp walls. A rusted metal slot creaks open, and the eyes of one prisoner replace the brown and silver metal. The Chieftain smiles, knowing that the prisoner will say something they will soon regret...
Prisoner: "Hey asshole! Why am I here?"
Kinwrathi: "I have nothing to explain to you, prisoner. Go back to suffering in silence."
The man in the cell doesn't bother to respond, knowing the consequences he faces by talking back to the Chieftain himself. Kinwrathi smirks sadistically at the worthless piece of trash and continues on his way, when he's stopped by...
Dude McBrodude, the longest serving disciple to the Chieftain of anger and hatred.
Dude McBrodude: "Sir Kinwrathi dude? Dude, can I have a raise? Is it like, movie night or something? Work sucks, bro. You should make it more fun-"
"Do you ever shut the fuck up? Now I know why I made you my first disciple. Get to work, you lazy waste of space!"
"But boss dude, work sucks!"
The Chieftain's face is one of sheer dis-concern.
"Do I look like I care?"
"Um, no sir dude bro! I'll just get back to work now..."
Kinwrathi's glare reverts back to normal, and he goes back on his way. He continues on his way to the Disciples' Tower. Down the labyrinth of hallways that separates him from his destination. He can't help but think to himself as he continues down the confusing hallways...
Why did I make this hallway so hard to navigate? It's quite literally the second most annoying thing I've had to deal with on a regular basis. The first of course being that Dude McBrodude guy. The only reason I haven't stripped him of his disciple status and sent him back into the life of being a good for nothing prisoner is the same reason I contemplate it a lot. He annoys me, so he must infuriate anyone else...
Finally, the mildly agitated Chieftain makes it to the door of the Disciples' Tower, eager to return to the land of Earth. For what reason, he had no idea...
The lobby of the Tower is one of the few instances of something that appears visually pleasing being in existence in this lair of Sethin. It's floor is covered in dark red carpeting. The walls decorated with the finest Cyridian artwork. Sitting in the middle of the room is a statue, made of gold and silver, in the shape of a knight. Not a knight of any conventional accounts, however. A knight whose armor is thorned, whose sword is short, the blade thin.
Kinwrathi, being a man on a mission, has no time for observing the beauty of the lobby, and turns the corner into the stairwell. He makes his way up to the 4th floor of the tower. Stepping through the door marked "Andromai" he comes face to face with his most trusted disciple...
Andromai: "Yes, master. How may I be of assistace?"
The woman stands at attention, the way Kinwrathi had trained all of his disciples to behave when he wishes to speak with them.
"At ease, Andromai. You never have to stand at attention when in your own quarters."
"Oh, of course, sir..."
"Anyway, back to what I needed. I need you to come to the land of Earth alongside myself in preparations for our debut in this professional wrestling organization known as XWF."
"Um, sure master. Anything for the good of the Joltinen!"
"Stop with the ass kissing, Andromai."
"Sorry, habit. Who will be left in charge?"
Andromai's body tenses up at the sound of the name. She hated Kyrino with a passion. He was her rival, the only competition for becoming Kinwrathi's successor. She'd be damned if he took her spot.
Andromai starts to speak up, but stops when she thinks of what opportunity she was given. She, the only female disciple to a male Chieftain, was trusted in the task of accompanying the Chieftain of wrath and hatred to the realm of Earth! A victory, which although is already huge, was amplified by her mad love for the Chieftain himself...
"So, when are we to go?"
"Now. Take my hand..."
With a tingling sense of glee, Andromai grabs her master's hand as tight as she possibly can. The room begins to distort, stretching outward and inward multiple times. The room finally compresses, leaving behind a distinct nothingness. Seconds later, Kinwrathi and Andromai are standing in the backstage area of the ANZ Stadium in Sydney, Australia...
Steve Sayors, followed closely by an uninterested cameraman appear around the corner. With a delighted look, the interviewer advances onto the two, who are just beginning to control their bodies after the teleportation...
Sayors:"This is Steve Sayors here with the newest addition to the Shove it Saturday Night Roster, Kinwrathi!"
"Who are you?"
"I'm an interviewer..."
"Oh, so I'm expected to answer every one of you half assed, stupidity filled, unnecessary questions."
"Well, if you think that..."
"I know that. Now go on, ask me a question."
"Well, what do you think of the XWF from your short time here?"
"Any other, more relevant, more intelligent questions?"
"What do you think of your opponent this week?"
"Cyren. The Last Legend. If he can be considered a legend on any federation on this planet, that doesn't bode well for the long term reputation of said fed, Steve. I have to ask, how can you show up to work with a smile on your face everyday knowing the mediocrity that this company calls its legends? It's a damn sham, it's a joke! Is this how I'm to be treated in my debut? To lower my standards to going up against the poorest excuse of a veteran, let alone a legend that I've ever seen in my life? Cyren, you don't know what you're getting yourself into by coming into the ring against me. Your feeble little mind can't comprehend what I can possibly bring. How I can benefit you. I can make you legitimate, something I doubt you've ever been...
All I ask in return is that you give me some competition. I don't want to embarrass you any further than I already will by not only beating you, a supposed legend, in my debut. You'll be completely decimated by a rookie, Cyren...
Let's get one thing perfectly clear, whatever you are. You can show up in any shape, any form you want to. I'll rip it to shreds all the same and come back for more. That's how I am, Cyren. I say things, you get mad, I get better. Stronger. Until you feel a sense of hatred you never knew existed, and I'll be stronger than anyone could ever imagine in their damn lives...
I hope you've rested well, Cyren. Because I'm going to send whatever fucking form you've taken right back into the grave..."
"A lot to say, I see..."
"Shut the fuck up, you waste of space and a paycheck..."
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