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"Do Not Take The Lord's Name In Vain" --Quoth Joan of Arc, Epic Rap Battle of History
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-19-2014, 05:01 AM

[xx-autolcenter]--miley montana appears--

[Image: 1f119b5047619e2333b7f702d3efac93daa96ed0.jpg]

SMB: ...Why are we here, again?

Krystal: Cuz I love her, that's why!!

SMB: ...The things I do for the gal I love...

|date: december 24th, 2007|

[Shane and Krys were going to the theatre, to watch 'Miley Montana in The Emperor's New Groove 57, The Search For More Money']

Shane: Krys, I really don't--


Shane: ...fuck, okay. We'll watch it, but promise me we'll have sex afterward, okay?

Krys: Okie.

[Shane and Krys go into the theatre, and watch the movie. Afterward, they have sex.]

--the next day--

[Krys died.]


[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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