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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Ruckus in Boston RP2
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Sterling Steal

XWF FanBase:
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05-17-2014, 01:08 PM

The camera opens up to show the Massachusetts State House in the background

The camera zooms out to show men in suits and even some women leaving and entering the building

The camera slowly zooms in on a figure that stands out

As the camera zooms in closer it is evidently Sterling Steal

He is wearing a well fitted black suit with a white dress shirt and a green tie

He is looking around his surroundings hearing the car horns and shouting in the distance

He puts on his shades and walks down the steps into the streets of Boston

The camera then cuts to Steal walking the streets of south Boston

The streets are full of local family grocery stores, small mechanic shops, and lots and lots of pubs

The camera man keeps a safe distance as he walks in front of Sterling

"It seems to me you have a hard time understanding my intentions Monday night and growing up in a run down, piece of shit like this place I understand why you have trouble learning basic verbal skills like putting words together."

As he says this a group of three young men (most of whom wearing Celtics jerseys) over hear his statement

One of them a scruffy fellow wearing a black t shirt and ripped jeans and sporting a Celtics hat turns around and insults Sterling

"What the fuck you just say ?!"

All three men converge around Sterling

Sterling backs up (as does the cameraman) and takes his sunglasses off

"I said I think Boston as well as the whole state of Massachusetts is nothing but a giant piss pool !"

Sterling spits in the face of the youngster and immediately punches him in the throat

He instantly goes down to his knees chocking

His companions one a black chappy in a Letterman jacket and the other a taller white gentleman wearing a black hoodie immediately start kicking and punching wildly

Steal puts up his hands packing away catching a few of his assailants blows

The people in the street either stop and laugh or move on casually

Someone yells kick his ass !

Steal catches his taller assailant off guard and connects with a straight shot to the jaw

The young man backs off to rethink his strategy

Sterling's darker attacker goes for a straight kick but, Sterling catches his leg and tosses him against a nearby compact suv

Steal quickly kicks him in the head putting him out of the fight

Sterling then turns his attention to the young lad in the hoodie

Sterling laughs out loud as he notices his lip bleeding

"Come on you little shit"

The young man takes the bait and goes for a jab but,Steal catches his hand and knees him in the gut

His foes goes down to a knee coughing profusely

Steal looks up and down the street everyone has either left or is going about there own business

Steal picks him up and connects with a vicious head butt that lays his opponent out for good.

Steal casually puts on his shades and wipes his lip before continuing his walk

The cameraman goes back to his close but safe distance

Steal seems calm and only a small bead of sweet runs down his forehead

"Back to you Arryn I will make this as simple as I can I will make this clear like I am talking to a ten year old"

Steal raises his right hand briefly before sighing

"I didn't come to the XWF to wrestle women....I didn't come to wrestle those who claimed they were real men because if they were I would have acknowledged there was one here but, until I see one I am the only true man in the XWF"

he smiles slightly

"And Arryn your going to find out first hand how serious I am. I didn't come to fuck you believe me I have better taste in women if I wanted to fuck a ten dollar whore I would stay in Boston for the weekend."

"No I didn't come to get laid I came here to wrestle and I don't know if you have noticed but all I have gotten for competition is somewhere along the lines of pathetic to sorry as shit"

He takes his sunglasses and looks down before biting his lip slightly and showing a face of disgust

"You can play with your hair and talk shit all day long but, what matters is what happens in the ring and whats going to happen is i am going to beat all the opposition you have in your body. I am going to show the XWF staff that I deserve a lot better then some slut who thinks she is tough because she has hard a hard life."

He stops and points at the camera

"You may be tough Arryn but, being tough can only stall the ass kicking you have coming your way. Enough fucking talking I cant wait to make my point clear on Monday I will see you later."

He winks at the camera before walking off the camera fades to black.

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