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Cheat Lucena sucks used tampons like they're an ice pop.
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04-14-2014, 09:40 AM

"We're back with another rendition of stupid things Cheat Lucena said. This time he decided to go and do a twitter chat about this using the hashtag Swaggyduggyquackquack. That's a stupid name, but we're moving on. I won't be tweeting back, because Twitter is lame, but use the hashtag Cheatrapesoldmen to talk trash on him. Let's get this going.

Quote:yep, this shit is awesome. As usual. Oh, and talking about shit, Swagmire Swaggins. I was just trying to help him with the other day promo, but the guy is trying so hard to bring our little encounter at the cage to the personal field. It wasn't my purpose but he's really touching my eggs. You know what I mean. He even insult my mother. What that comes from? She has a thyroid problems, it's not something like she eating a lot, she's changing that since last time she had a by-pass and now she's avoiding eat a yogurt after the five kilogrames of ribeye. Maybe you would think it's too much, but trust me, she need it, last time we didn't give enough she started to try kill everyone there, but for obvious reasons she couldn't and finally getting her to the sixth by-pass in a week. And now this fucker is insulting a person with a problem. So, when are we going to start the live twitcam.

Good going, you admiting you have a fat mother. And apparently you are a woman who has eggs to get fertalized. Great, I knew you smelled like a bitch. I've been making it personal since day one, but I didn't bring mothers into it. Wait, yes I did. So what? You insulted my mother first, I just said that yours should have got an abortion or used condoms, you called mine fat. And fact, my mother is 70 years old. I want to repeat that, she is 70. 5 kilograms of ribeye is 11 pounds of meat. That is the same weight as a large human baby, that means your fat ass mother eats a human baby a day, at least. It's not a Thyroid, it's just that she's fat. Twitcam is for grandpa rapists.

Quote:Ok guys, hi guys from the net, we're in Cheat Lucena's twitcam, you can write your question, I'll answer gladly the questions I think are good enough to be answered by the Cheating Juggernaut and you can twit funny facts and insults to the man that I'll face at my wrestling debut at Madness to the hadstag #SwaggyDuggyQuackQuack , a man that not a long time ago made a very disrespectful promo when he's suppose to be a former respectful cop, whose name is Swagmire Swaggins, and to be honest I couldn't be more scared. Let me say something to you scumbag piece of shit, It's the first time that I face a match without trying to mock and insult as much as I can my opponent, maybe as a result as the not so "strong" or "hard" challenge that you suppose to Cheat Lucena, The Worst In The World and you pay me saying that I rape grandpas, that I watch gayporn and shit like that when I'm not only not mocking you, I'm trying to save your big fat black momma (yes, it HAS to be a big flat black momma because noneone would believe that hot chick is anywhere near to your genetic chain) from be ashamed again by his idiotic son again and I want you to change your ways in order to be a better person but you are not being thankful at all.

You're scared? You should be, because I will hurt you. Honestly, there might even be blood. That's not here, nor there, it's just facts. My mother isn't fat, she's just old. His means male, you've been calling my mother a man this entire time and I ignored it because I figured you were just , but when you try and say you're not insulting me or my family, but you are. And yes, you do watch gay porn and have sex with old men. Dirty old men, who shit themselves. Then you rub the shit on your dick because you're a sick mother fucker. You're not trash talking me because you're too afraid to say boo to me. You're barely able to properly tweet. Pussy.

Quote: Let me remember you why we're facing each other at Monday Madness: I was the United States champion, I was beating the fuck out of you, in fact I pinned you at the Elimination Chamber but in the proccess I was forced due to the weight of your fucking big fat black ass to get my shoulders touching the mat meanwhile I was pinning you, that simple, and me, Cheat Lucena, I'm pretty annoyed by the fact that I lost my title because of this big fat black ass. If that would not happen and I simply pin you clear, I'll never be facing you here at Madness in a match, I'll never that you were so scared to face that you didn't want to accept to be under Cheat Rules stipulations. You were defeated by me, you refused to made the things more interesting this Monday, you refused to accept my help when I gently offered to you and your mum and you're going to get your groin destroyed by me because I don't like when people treat me like that. This is the situation, you make me angry, you even insult my mum and you're going to suffer the consecuencees. How is the twitcam working, any good question? any good insult?

So, you weren't kicking my ass, I actually just rewatched the footage. Before the pin I was facing Enigma, then you got me with a lowblow, and the suplex pin. You weren't winning, and you wouldn't have won anyway. You couldn't have beat Radio if it wasn't for Feder. Again, I did decline your stipulations because of how asstarded they were. I'd get a DQ if I didn't poke someone in the eye. Really? That's a stupid match. If I challenged you, how am I scared? I won't be destroyed, because you're incapable of doing anything of the sort. You're a useless ball of failure.

Quote:Why always Taco Bell? It's that a good question? it comes from Nanai34

Quote: Because we like it. Really Bio? That's the best question that the people have said? I know it wouldn't be lot of people asking because they usually don't like me but I can believe you.
Taco Bell is pretty solid, we agree. Much love for the Beefy Five Layer.

Quote:"Swag's a cocksucker that would get his fucking neck broken and their balls dried by ma boy Cheat #swaggyduggyquackquack" - The Iron Sheik

Quote:HAHAHAHA, that's a good one. Pretty accurate, Sheik. I'm afraid to tell you Sheik that I would not break his neck as long as I don't need to, don't forget who you're talking to, the master of the Spanish Rogue, the Worst in the...

False, Frodo is the cock sucker of the family. Why would Cheat dry my balls? Will they be too sweaty for him? Did he mean drained? That's not much better. But you won't break my neck, not even if you thought I needed it. Because I'm going to shatter your pelvis and you won't be able to walk.

Quote:"내가 양키 영토에 미사일을 발사하겠다고 위협하기 전에 삼촌 똥거야 눈물 속임수 #SwaggyDuggyQuackQuack" - Kim Jong Un.

translated Said:I threatened to launch missiles Yankee territory uncle before going to tear shit cheats

Quote:Talking about bad people, ma boy Kim Jong. I don't know the fuck you just wrote playa. I hope someday you invite me there and I'll bring the guy to me to sent it to one of yours labor camps. Oh, sorry, you got any of this things, I didn't say that. ;)

So, you threatened to launch missles at yankee territory before tearing up shit? That's odd. I'm going to threaten to kick a duck in the face before I take a piss. Same concept, only I really will kick the duck. And Cheat, how are you friends with Kim Jong Un, if you don't speak Korean? Nice try, bitch.

Quote:A twitcam question... the fuck happened to the book? RonKoerge

Quote:Ask that to yourself

We really wanna know.

Quote:Do you really wanna me writing "and he got eliminated himself"

That is what happened, isn't it?

Quote:You have no writting skills. It's not about what happen to me, it's about how you reflect it there. At the end I'm the one doing your work fucker. Take notes meanwhile you're managing me this Monday because this Swagmire Swagings thing would a be pretty writable thing.

Then why pay him? Why have him follow you around? It will be pretty easy to write how I destroyed you in the ring. Julio.

Quote:Whatever... hey... this is something interesting... "I got some info about Swagmire that you may liked. If you want it, be on Taco Bell at 12 #swaggyduggyquackquack" - @mysteriousguy

Oooh, I wonder what it is, and who it is. I bet it's James Deen. Maybe it's James Gandolfini.

Quote:That's in a few minutes, Bio

Great time telling, Cheat. Does your watch have Mickey Mouse on it? Mine says Tag Heuer.

Quote:Yeah... the guy should be close. And you'll get something interesting about this fucker.

Maybe it's Hank Lane and he's going to make things up like he did when he had his match against Freddie.

Quote:I... to be honest, I don't like this kind of things very much.

You kind of invited it, Fabian, when you started this twitterchat thing.

Quote:What do you have to lose with this? You may hurt him, he insulted you.

Doubtful. It's probably lies.

Quote:Bio, I pay you, please, record it and all that shit, but I don't want to be here in that moment.

Run away and never return.

Quote:What? You're the one interested!

He just said he's not. Do you people speak the same language?

Quote:Cut the cam.

Smartest move you made all day. Now, please just run away and don't see me in the ring. You're scared of information, you'll be terrified of what I do to you. I told you, I'm going to hit you with the rapist. It will hurt."

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