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Alexis Riot
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Alexis Riot Offline
You Will Respect Me

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

12-26-2015, 03:10 AM


In-Ring Name: Alexis Riot

Wrestler's Real Name: Alexis Richards

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning

Wrestler Date of Birth: September, 6, 1992

Height: 5'3

Weight: 135 lbs.

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Personality: Alexis has always portrayed herself as a fan favorite rebellious type, but after her fake retirement and shocking beatdown of Dolly Waters she's shown a more cold, sarcastic, and manipulative side.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Looks Description: Alexis wears a simple black sleeveless top with a pair of plain black tights and a pair of black knee high boots with kickpads similar to another Chicago native, CM Punk. She also wears a black leather hoodie during her entrance. She used to have dyed pink hair, but she has reverted back to her natural hair color; brown. She wears a miniature crystal cross around her neck during her entrance. She also has scars on the palms of her hands from a crucifixion match against Trax from years ago.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Pic Base: Ariel Bloomer


Strengths: A high flyer who can get technical if she needs too, Alexis is very resilient to punishment. Alexis almost never taps out, she would rather pass out first. She can pull out moves and counters seemingly out of nowhere, leading for an unpredictable offence for her opponents. She loves to bend the rules and seems to be able to recover quickly from devastating or even fatal injuries, such as being set on fire, thrown off of high places, or even being crucified. Ever since showing her true colors, she has shown more more of a brawling style and has cut down on some of her high flying moves. She is also an opportunist and is very intelligent.

Weaknesses: One of Riot's major weaknesses is her lack of stature and the fact she's not the strongest out of all the XWF superstars. Being a risk taker, if a risk fails, she will often crash and burn. Alexis often taunts and demeans her opponent when she should be going for the kill, which can lead to openings to attack her,

Entrance Theme Music: Kiss My Eyes by B Lett

Entrance Description: Kiss My Eyes begins to play over the loudspeakers as dark blue lights begin to flash on stage. Crimson Words then display on the X-Tron, reading,

"You Will Respect Me"

Pyro then goes off on stage and suddenly Alexis Riot appears. She scans the crowd with a look of disdain before walking down the isle. She keeps eye contact with the opponent in the ring all the way through, paying no attention to the jeering fans around her. When she gets to the ring, she climbs the top turnbuckle and, after removing her hood, stretches her arms in a Chirst-like pose; taking in the hate of the crowd. She then climbs down from the top rope and stares down her opponent, evil in her eyes.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Double Knee Armbreaker
Tilt-a-whirl Headscissors
High Kick
Arm Drag
Fujiwara Arm Bar
Sunset Flip
Handspring Back Elbow
Handstand Headscissors Takedown
Jumping Cross Armbar
Sling Blade
Diving Hurricarana
Lotus Lock
Wheelbarrow Bulldog
Various Roll Ups
Tornado DDT
Running Tornado DDT
Rolling Elbow
Mafia Kick
Pele Kick
Jumping Lariat
Low Blow

Trademark Move(s):
Fade 2 White (Kneeling Belly to Back Piledriver)
Big Fucking Kill (Reverse Roundhouse Kick)
Riot Lock (Crossface)
Fatal Injection (STO Backbreaker Into an Reverse STO into the second turnbuckle.)
Stone Cold On Crack (Wheelbarrow Stunner)
That Chicago Move (Go To Sleep)
No Escape (Tornado DDT through the ropes to an opponent outside of the ring)
Riot-Can-Rana (Reverse Hurricarana)
Surprise! You're Dead (Sunset Flip into a Double Knee Backbreaker)
Eat Boot Bitch (Inverted Stomp Facebreaker)
Acid Rainmaker (Rainmaker Clothesline)

Finishing Move(s):
Riot Time (Shooting Star Press into a Double Foot Stomp)

Last Chancery

Riot Control (Curb Stomp, Sometimes done off the top rope)

Favorite Hardcore Attacks:
Riot is a master at using her environment to her advantage, a technique she learned from years of survival on the streets. She can turn anything into a effective weapon. In short, she uses all the weapons she can get her hands on in various creative ways.

Additional notes: Eh, I got nothing.

[Image: RgWkPlt.jpg]

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1 Time X-Treme Champion
Snow Job Gauntlet Winner

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