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The Hired Gun Offline
THE CCWF Hired Gun

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

08-29-2015, 08:13 PM

The scene opens faster than The Hired Gun dropped Peter Gilmour with that Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! The Hired Gun is seen walking through a long hallway in an undisclosed location, he's completely surrounded by white from the walls to the floor tiles. He keeps right on walking until he reaches the end of the hallway where he comes to a door. There's no label on it, it's just a plain white door that matches the rest of the hallway. The Hired Gun pushes it open and steps through. Inside he finds Shane sitting behind a desk and two chairs sitting in front of the desk, one occupied by another member of the CCWF's hired muscle, K-Money. The Hired Gun closes the door behind him and focuses his attention on Shane.

THG: You waned to see the all night tranny thriller?

Shane: That's right Barney, come in, have a seat, take a load off. That's not code for masturbation just to be clear, this isn't that kind of party.

The Hired Gun looks a bit confused but Shane tends to have that effect on people. He takes a seat beside K-Money but still keeps his attention focused on Shane.

THG: So what's this about? Are we going to go over some kind of CCWF takeover strategy or something?

K-Money: You could say that.

K-Money has a big grin on his face and you can tell just by looking at him that something is about to go down.

Shane: That's right, you could definitely call this a strategy meeting. Tell me Barney, have you ever seen Starship Troopers?

THG: Hell yeah, who hasn't, that movie was the shit.

K-Money: You got that right, shit was bonkers.

Shane: Good then you'll get what I'm about to say to you. You see Barney the position of The Hired Gun was one that I offered to you until you died or I could find somebody better. Well Barney, I found somebody better.

THG: WHAT!?!?!

Shane: I...found....a....better....Hired.....Gun....

The door to the office now swings open and a second Hired Gun steps through the doorway. The original Hired Gun jumps up and stands nose to nose with the new Hired Gun.

K-Money: Yo homie, I don't think you want to do that, he's got a short fuse and it would be nothing for my boy to drop you right here.

Shane: Barney, you might want to listen to K-Money. After all you're now staring into the eyes of CCWF and XWF legend Sewaside which also happens to be what you'd be committing if you chose to lay a hand on him. Not only would he stomp a mud hole in your tranny loving behind but I'm not so sure that K here would sit idly by while Sewaside had all the fun. So if you value your life then I'd suggest you get the hell out of my office.

The original Hired Gun continues to gaze into the eyes of the new Hired Gun before finally looking back towards Shane.

Original Hired Gun: You know what Shane, FINE! The American Everyman doesn't need you or this bullshit Halloween costume that you've got me stuffed into. You don't want me with the CCWF anymore? Fine but this won't be the last you see of me, I can promise you that. Hell I might even join the XWF now and make sure this little takeover of yours never gets off the ground.

K-Money: Ewwwww, we're so scared. Look at how scared we are Barney, go ahead, look at my face, look at how afraid I am.

K-Money points to his face as he shows zero emotion at all.

The New Hired Gun: Took the words right out of my mouth fam.

The Original Hired Gun turns around and punches a hole into wall before storming out of the office.

Shane: Well that was completely uncalled for, that wall has always been nice to everyone.

The New Hired Gun: Shane, you're a weird cat but I fucks with you.

K-Money: No shit, otherwise he wouldn't have you in here looking like a hood ninja.

The New Hired Gun: Man, shut yo beef mexi-melt ass up.

K-Money: See that's why I hope you have a heat stroke wearing that shit.

The New Hired Gun: Oh don't get it twisted now, this get up is hot as shit but just like always, ain't nothing on goods green earth hotter than the Sports Entertainment Messiah.

Shane: Now that's what I like to hear! Make sure you bring that attitude to the ring with you on Madness because you've got a steel cage match with Oni Kymiku.

The New Hired Gun: Oh you can count on that, you can count on that. Right now though, I'm getting out of this fucking sweatsuit.

The New Hired Gun fist bumps K-Money before exiting the room. K-Money then looks over at Shane.

K-Money: Don't you think you should have told him that it's really an Evening Gown Steel Cage Match?

Shane: Nah, he'll figure it out.

K-Money smirks and shakes his head.

K-Money: Whatever you say homie, you pay the bills but I can promise you that when he finds out he's going to be pissed.

Shane doesn't seem worried as the scene fades.

{Mindset: When you're the Sports Entertainment Messiah do you know what you can do? You can jump into ring or cut a muthafuckin promo and body whoever the fuck you want. Barney Green? The Sports Entertainment Messiah will massacre him. Steve Jason? James Raven? Theo Pryce? John Samuels? Check, check, check, and check. I don't give a damn who it is, I would fuck Vinnie Lane up if he won't on my side. I can give it to you mothafuckas however the fuck you want it because I stay on point. That's just what I do homie, that's why I'll always be the The Sports Entertainment Messiah and ya'll will always just be false idols running around in the house that the messiah built. If ya'll were bad ass kids like I was then you've heard your parents tell you more than once that they brought you into this world and they can take your ass out.

Me being here now is no different, the XWF is a child that I helped bring into this fucked up world. I cared for it and took care of it throughout its early years and then when it matured I let it out into world. For a while I watched like a dad witnessing his son get his hustle on and really make it in the world. I was proud, the federation that I helped build was doing great things, the roster was stacked from top to bottom with amazing talent, and its potential looked endless. However that's when shit got fucked up. The XWF, my child, was introduced to a drug, a drug called shock value. It was innocent enough at first, the less talented mothafuckas on the roster started taking things past xtreme into the realm of absurdity in order to compensate for their lack of skill. The problem was, it worked. Instead of getting laughed off the fucking roster like they should have been, people were eating that shit up. The XWF was riding high on pissing on bums, touching little kids, and snorting a combination of semen and coke off midget stripper's asses. The XWF was hooked, it kept needing more and more shock value to feed its addiction to the point where the XWF has become what it has today. The only thing left of the child that I once cared for is a drugged out, toothless whore who will suck the dick of any talentless in a back alley as long as they promise to give it another hit of shock value.

For real, ya'll gotta let a mothafucka know what the fuck ya'll see in these so called "wrestlers" you've got now because I don't see shit. Oh you can fuck farm animals, you can rattle of a list of racial slurs that have been around for years, you can rape each other and do all of this dumb shit. Wow, you're so fucking awesome. Really? Is that how you mothafuckas see yourselves? Man, ya'll are corny as fuck. You've turned the XWF into the fucking wrestling federation equivalent of Limp Bizkit. Just a whole lot of posing and loud noise with no real talent to back it up. I've never been afraid to keep it 100, I'll tell it like it is and fuck how anybody feels about it. Ya'll niggas are in the wrestling industry and half of ya'll can't wrestle for shit. In the XWF that I built, that I cared for, that I loved, ya'll wouldn't even be good enough to book in dark matches. Which is exactly why I'm here to put this federation down. I tried, I sat back and watched for a long time hoping and praying that the XWF would turn itself around but it's obvious now that isn't going to happen. Nah, the XWF is too far gone, too strung out, too dependent on shock value, and too devoid of any real talent to ever change. Ya'll let Peter Gilmour win a bunch of titles man, PETER FUCKING GILMOUR! That right there should tell you that most of the people on the roster ain't shit, ya'll out here losing to a guy who in my day was the XWF's version of the Brooklyn Brawler!

I could talk about how I'm going to kill the XWF all day but let me get to this bitch I have a cage match against. See back in my day we had Tomoko Hanahara who I've fought with and against, a woman who could main event in any god damn federation she chose to wrestle in. Today's XWF, ya'll mothafuckas got Oni Kymiku, enough said. Me fighting her is no different than when I made my return last year and had to fight a bunch of fake ass bitches who thought they were something but ended up being greener than goose shit and half as dangerous. Listen Oni, I've been in this business for a long time and I've been at the top of this business for a long time. Do your research, XWF Top 50 of all time, CCWF Hall Of Famer, and won enough titles in those federations to equal my weight in gold. Two federations, I'm just talking about TWO FEDERATIONS! I've been in more and accomplished more but I'm just going to bring up those two. Now with that in mind Oni, what the fuck have you done in this business? It's ok, I'll wait......

Yeah, that's what I thought, a whole lot of nothing. See I'm a boss in this industry but you, you're not even a curtain jerker, you're more like the curtain jerker's intern who he makes do coffee runs for him. As a matter of fact if I hadn't stepped into role of The Hired Gun then you wouldn't even be fighting me. Had it been me that stomped your head in, I would've never even thought about accepting your challenge. Bitch is you kidding me? In this business the regard that my name is held in is as high as it gets, to even throw stones at the throne that I sit on you should be required to win at least two universal titles and then maybe I'll give you the time day. You haven't earned the right to to climb into the ring with me yet, period. Me feeling obligated to fulfill the duties of the last Hired Gun is the only reason I'm stepping into the ring with you, well that and I have to admit that you do have a nice rack.

That shit ain't going to save you though because I don't hold back. It doesn't matter to me that you're not on my level. You want mercy? Then know your limits and don't even think about showing up to fight the Sports Entertainment Messiah. In any other sport some people would call what I'm going to do to you in that cage running the score up. However I'll tell you the same thing that any great coach would tell you, it ain't my job to take my foot off the gas, it's your job to try and stop me. A job that you're going to be so fucking bad at that you'll probably get fired on your day off. HOW THE FUCK YOU GOING TO GET FIRED ON YOUR DAY OFF CRAIG!?!?!? So to sum it up, regardless of how nice that ass looks, I'ma be breaking my foot off in it. You can try to resist me if you want to but it'll be like trying to say no to Bill Cosby, in the end you'll realize you never had a choice to begin with.

[Image: wmDljSa.png]
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