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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-02-2014, 10:01 PM

"Wow, ok, let's get right down to things, then. I guess I have to do this. I was hoping I wouldn't, I mean, I've been nothing but nice to the man, but Theo has to go and be a dumbfuck. Let's begin with the obvious. Theo, I specifically told you that I hope this stuff doesn't damage the friendship, which is of course code for I DON'T WANT IT TO BE RUINED. But, in Theo talk it means I plan on dissolving that shit. Right, because that's the same mind that honestly believes that I'd fuck up a Theo fact. The problem with Theo's mindset is that, in it he actually believes I actually meant the match in general. No, Theo needs to remember things he's said. He told indicated that the Trios were the only title he cares about.

Emperor without an Empir Said:Followed up by hitting the powder a little too hard the result of which saw Theo spend a few days in dream land only to wake up and find out that his relationship had crumbled and he took the loss in the trios match, the one title Theo really had any desire to ever win. He costs his team the victory and it’s something he’s had to deal with since.

And he doesn't want the Asylum to hold a win over him, yeah? Well, I'm going to ensure that happens. So, I'd be doubly fucking him over. Which is of course the reason why I'm wondering about the damaged friendship. Hey, we should probably go on to something else equally important. Theo's forgetful nature, or lies. Not sure which. He claims to have just willingly given up the reigns to Pryce Industries, which is only sort of true. I mean, he did sign over his rights to it, but that was months after he was forced out of the company, and left all alone. Or did he forget the time that he was removed as acting CEO by his sister, or not really his sister, Erica Rayner, who was savagely beaten by a black dude one night. She lost NAZI's baby from the attack, which oddly happened less than a week after she seized Theo's company from him. Want the proof of him being removed?

Same as before Said:“Erica what the fuck is this? What’s going on?”

“Theo how about we take a walk over to the security office?”

“How about you go take a long walk off a short pier?”

“I’m not here to joke around Theo.”

“Really? Because all of this sounds like one big joke to me. Why the fuck am I not allowed to go to my office?”

“Because it’s not your office anymore.”

“What? What are you talking about? Do you have pregnancy brain or something?”

“Theo you don’t have an office here anymore because you don’t have a job anymore.”

“We are back to that whole thing? I’ve told you before you cannot fire me. It doesn’t matter how hard you try.”

“Do you really want to have this conversation here or would you like to walk with me to security?”

“Fuck you Erica. Get out of my way.”

Theo takes two steps forward but is stopped by the group of security guards that were previously standing behind Erica.

“Every one of you mother fuckers is fired. Collect your shit and get the fuck out of my building right now.”

Not one of the security guards moves instead only Erica does and she moves to within a few feet of Theo.

“I’m sorry it’s comes to this Theo but the Board voted last night. You are out.”

“Get the fuck out of here.”

“I’m serious Theo after your latest episode with your drug overdose I met with the board and explained things to them but even then they were hesitant to move on you. No doubt because they saw what you did to the previous Board of Directors but after you made headlines yesterday the Board had decided that they finally have had enough.”

“Headlines? What headlines?”

“These headlines.”

The Video

Remember that, Theo? That's when the drugs, and McBride cost you your company. Now, you went ahead and finalized your removal later, but that is the true moment when you lost it. What you held onto? Those were pieces of paper than proclaimed you as someone no one at Pryce Industries gave a shit about. And you still want to claim I got my facts wrong, don't you? It's ok, there buddy, you can try and hide behind your smoke screen all you want. Like you did with Lila. Or did you think I wouldn't bring that up? Because, oops, I have that one as well. You said it was your lack of communication, right?

Last Ditch effort Said:Theo turns around and is now staring face to face with Lila. The color immediately drains from her face as her eyes widen.


“Hello Lila.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to talk to you.”

“I’m working.”

“Yes I’m aware of that. I did get you this job after all. Are you enjoying it? ”

“What do you want Theo?”

“To try and straighten some things out.”

“I have nothing to say to you.”

“Yes I figured that based on you not answering my calls. You had to know that this was the next logical thing for me to do.”

“I did. I was hoping that you would take the hint but I should have known better.”

“Lila, there is so much I want to say to you…”

“Unfortunately for you I don't want to hear any of it. I need to get back to work. Please leave.”

“I believe your shift is ending soon, will you at least do me the courtesy of meeting me at the café around the corner so we can talk?”

“Why should I do that?”

“Because I think a lot happened last week, not all of which can be taken at face value and because I think you owe it to me.”

“I owe you nothing.”

“This job, the home you currently live in would both indicate otherwise.”

“So that’s it then? I come and speak to you or you take my job and loft away from me?”

“No. I gave you both of those things because I wanted to. And they are yours to keep. I am really not the person you think I am.”

“You’re a liar and a drug addict.”

“I only lied about being a drug addict.”

“That’s one lie too many. And it’s certainly not the only one, we both know that. Now please leave.”

“Will you meet me at the café?”

“I don’t know.”

Well, it looks like it was your lack of communication. You failed to communicate that you're a fucking junkie. But, that't not the funny part. No, the funny part comes right here when you said this great piece of bullshit.

Theo Pryce Said:My breakup with Lila had very little to do with drugs at all. She knew I did drugs, she didn't care at all.

I dunno, there pal. That video evidence I showed seems pretty contradictory. You know, unless you hired an actress to be there like you did with Azrael. Actually, that'd make more sense. Theo gets dumped because he can't be John Cussack, so he comes up with huge level of horseshit about it being his drugs, which he then forgets because he's a fucking junkie, and comes up with some other shit because he's a junkie who can't remember his own lies. Yeah, totally seems to make sense to me. But hey, if you don't believe me on that one either, Check the footage

But then again, what do you expect from the man who dropped a notice that his plane went down, knew people were concerned, but still continued to run around here in a mask pretending to be someone else. Remember when you claimed to have been vacationing on an island?

You know, here

Here it is for you, in case you forgot as well Said:The scene fades in to an exterior view of Theo Pryce's home in Paradise Valley, a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. The home appears as though it has been neglected for the last several months which is not completely surprising given that it's owner was hiding out on a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

Right, but you were masquerading as Enigma then. How could you be on an island and so active here? You know, unless that's a lie as well? Is Theo's Junkie side shining through, or is he not really Enigma at all? Because I'd have to wager that one of them is the case. Cause like, I remember how Enigma was training Cain at the compound while Theo was supposedly on an island. Damn, man, I guess you're a good business man because you're so full of shit. Hey, little buddy, it's ok. You tried. And failed.

And for the record, since you seem to love being fucked up and making shit up as you go along. There was no willingness on my part in what my kids did, in fact, I stopped that shit several times. I can't control what they do when I'm not around, though. Oh, and that wasn't advice I gave, it was judgement. This is advice, watch your kids more and they won't end up time travelling and dying. Then you don't have to be the Hank Lane of Serial Killers.

Hey, guess it's time to bust into Madison.

So, yeah, I did mean to that contradiction on purpose. It was sarcastically said. Because everyone knows you're a horrible human being, and probably shouldn't ever breed. Again, coming from me. I guess being as fucking useless as you are you never got sarcasm. Sorry. Shit, sarcasm again. I meant to imply I wasn't sorry that you're too to get this shit. Should I maybe have someone hold up a sign when I'm being sarcastic for you? Seriously, would that help you?

Ok, so listen, you paying Pest to do shit? Not very interesting. What Pest does is, yes, but you handing him cash to do it? Not so much. No one wants to see the behind the scenes of Leon taking money, they just want to see him bust some bitch in the face with a shotgun. You get it? Your part is of little interest.

Your gender? Not very interesting either, because at the end of the day, you're still an old out of shape bitch. Hell, your tits probably shrunk when you became a woman.

Handing Peter gold? Not really interesting. It's what he does with it after that's interesting. Are you fucking getting it yet? Your actions are irrelevant. You're the guy in the movie whose whole job is to sit there and drop one piece of information about Godzilla, and then fuck off back to his mom's cunt for all we care. Except, you manage to fuck up the info dropping part. You need Luca to do that for you. Honestly, can you do shit with Luca's assistance? Or Theo's?

The thing is, John, like I've been saying, and having to repeat. You're not interesting, the people you get to do things are interesting. Yeah, I mentioned how you and I share an affinity for fucking with Peter and Lane, but the difference is that I do it myself, which is why I'm more interesting. You're as interesting as the biography of a soap salesman who spends all his time looking at soap. Congrats, Maddy, not only are you too stupid to get the point of things, you're also a soap salesman.

Madison, I've won a title, Swagmire won a title, I've been Star of the Month, all without you. I've been forced in TV Title matches, something I did not want, all without you. Nazi, Eli, Duke, Mystica, where are they? Where? Exactly. John Madison hasn't done shit for anyone still around. Except Azrael, so you say. But tell me, do you really believe he needed you to force feed Birdseed down his throat in order to succeed? No. Not at all. Tell me, where is Luca right now? That's right, John. He's gone as well. People don't need you anymore. Not to succeed. Except for Peter. And you know what? You'll be back sucking on his fat titty again soon because you need him. He doesn't need you. You need him to feel important. You know you're not worth a damn anymore, so you rely on other people to make you feel like you are. Hawkins asked me to kick his ass again, and I will, because I'm nice like that. You? No one asks you for shit because you're dried up and past your prime.

You might want to rewatch that match with Guppy again, because Hysteria won without you. He didn't need you. No one needs John Madison anymore. No one."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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