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Madness Conclusion: 9.8.2014
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-10-2014, 05:00 PM

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back and Maniacs, its time for the epic three part main event! Three gigantic matches that if there was a roof on this place, it'd be blown off. Gator, Harrison, Arzegotti, Lane! Gilmour, and a from some place else! Azrael and Duke!

“It all starts right now!

“Four men will battle, to the winner goes 1,000 dollars out of Paul Heymans own pocket. All four men are in the ring and waiting for the bell.”

Fatal Four Way
Luca Arzegotti
- vs -
LH Harrison
- vs -
- vs -
Vinnie Lane
-Xtreme Rules-
-One Fall-
-$1,000 Cash to the Winner-

Before the bell even sounds the 4 wrestlers in the ring start to pair off and go right at each other. Vinnie Lane and Gator in one corner, Arzegotti and Harrison in the middle of the ring.

The ref quickly turns and signals for the bell which comes a second later. And just as it does Gator’s face smashes into the turnbuckle…not once…not twice…but three times. Gator stumbles out of the corner and right into a DDT by the Loverboy.

JOEY STYLES: ““Loverboy” Vinnie lane is starting this match off quickly against the Television Champion.”

Locked up in the center of the ring is Luca Arzegotti and LH Harrison. Harrison appears to have the upper hand as he whips Luca to the ropes. On the return Luca ducks a forearm to the face and then bounces off the far ropes landing a flying forearm smash of his own that sends LH Harrison to the mat. Luca quickly follows up by yanking his opponent to his feet and then nails him with a drop kick. The move sends Harrison into the ropes. He bounces off, a tilt a whirl backbreaker later and Harrison is out on the mat.

Luca goes for the pin…



Broken up!!

JOEY STYLES: “Vinnie Lane jumps in there with an elbow to break up the pin.”

Luca shakes off the elbow shot and quickly gets up and in Vinnie Lane’s face. Lane take a step back right into Gator. Presumably Gator is smiling but with that mask on who the hell really knows. In lue of a smile however Gator starts to unload a volley of punches to the face, the end result of which sends Lane back into the waiting arms of Luca Arzegotti who delivers a snapmare driver.

Luca doesn’t even bother with a cover knowing that Gator and now the rising to his feet LH Harrison would not allow for it.

Gator charges at Luca but is cut off by Harrison who basically tackles the television champion.

Luca takes the opportunity to slide out of the ring and start shopping at the discount store “Under The Apron” for some household items. To which he finds a shovel, a trash can, two chairs and a table, each of which he carelessly pulls out from under the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “Looks like things are about to heat up.”

Back in the ring Gator takes Harrison down with a German Suplex and pin combo…



Broken up by “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane with an axe handle to the chest of Gator. The man in the red mask quickly gets up and goes right at Lane. A volley of punches that propels Lane into the corner. Gator leans in, grabs Lane and props him up on the top turnbuckle. Gator then attempts to get his footing on and pull himself up but Loverboy delivers a well placed punch right to the gut of Gator that results in him doubling over in pain.

Loverboy then sits up and takes off, driving Gator’s face into the mat with a leg drop bulldog.(Fameasser). Loverboy rolls over for a pin but before the ref can even count to 1 Luca cracks him over the back with a chair. He goes for hit number two but Harrison rips the chair out of his hand and swings…



Harrison absolutely destroys Arzegotti with that chair shot. The former European Champion is down and he isn’t getting up. Gator rolls out of the ring, still in pain from that bulldog leaving Harrison and Lane in the ring to battle it out. Harrison and Loverboy lock up in the center of the ring with Loverboy getting the upperhand. He grabs Harrison by the neck and propels him to the ropes and then catches him with a snap powerslam. But he’s not finished. Lane pulls Harrison back up to his feet and sets him up for a Headlock Driver that is blocked and reversed into a Russian leg sweep.

Outside of the ring Gator is setting a table up, he then grabs a chair and slides into the ring with it.

JOEY STYLES: “Is Luca still alive? I haven’t seen him move in 5 minutes.”

Gator stands up with the chair and goes to take aim at Harrison but Harrison ducks the first shot…


But not the second.

Harrison goes stiff and falls backwards to the mat like he had just been shot in the head. Luca starts to show signs of life for the first time in a while. Gator looks around trying to pick his next target but before he figures it out Vinnie Lane and Luca both charge at the television champion. Luca hits Gator with a drop kick that sends Gator stumbling backwards and into the ropes. The ropes propel Gator forward and Lane takes advantage with a well timed spinning spinebuster and then a pin…


Broken up by Luca.

Who then goes for a pin….


Broken up by Lane.

Lane and Luca are now up in each other’s grills while Gator rolls back out of the ring, this time taking LH Harrison with him. Luca makes the first move, a lariat that sends Lane across the ring but seems to leave him un phased as he quickly gets back up and hits Luca with a high knee and then a vicious European Uppercut. He then backs away a bit and sizes Luca up…

JOEY STYLES: “I hope Vinnie Lane wasn’t planning on having any kids.”

Luca turned an attempted super kick into a nasty punch to weiner but caching Lane’s foot and then striking at Lane’s unprotected cash and prizes.

Lane falls to the mat and Luca kneels down for a pin…


On the outside LH Harrison just sent Gator through the very table that he set up with a snap suplex and then a pin.

The ref looks around seeing two pins going on at the same time.

First he looks at Luca, then LH Harrison, then back to Luca and finally LH Harrison. Luca starts yelling at the ref and Harrison quickly joins in, though with a lot less vulgarity.

JOEY STYLES: “I can’t be sure but I think Luca just called the refs mother a wrinkled old cunt.”

Harrison climbs onto the ring apron and starts pointing at the ref and then Gator. Luca sees this and charges at Harrison and with a missile drop kick sends Harrison back down to the mat outside of the ring where he falls right into a now standing Gator. The two men look at each other and then….


JOEY STYLES: “Holy crap!!!”

Luca Arzegotti levels Gator and LH Harrison with suicide dive. Back in the ring Vinnie Lane pulls himself up using the ropes and sees the pile of bodies on the outside of the ring. He looks around the ring and sees both chairs, he picks them up and tosses them both out of the ring. He says something inaudible to the ref and then climbs out of the ring and yanks Luca up by the neck and tosses him into the waist high barrier. Luca’s back contorts awkwardly and Loverboy quickly takes advantage by lifting Luca up in the air in a bench press motion…


Out of nowhere Gator spears Lane through the barrier, taking Luca with him. The three men are now laid out on the hard concrete floor as security moves into position to try and keep the fans at bay. LH Harrison shakes off the cobwebs and stumbles over to his three opponents. He grabs Loverboy Lane by his long flowy blonde hair and pulls him back towards the ring. He picks up Lane and lays him out onto the ring announcers table.

JOEY STYLES: “No!!!! Not my God damn table. Use the Spanish announcers table.”

Harrison quickly runs up the ring steps and then climbs up the top turnbuckle and in one fluid motion leaps off…



Harrison destroys Vinnie Lane and the announcers table, and possibly himself with a top rope moonsault. Harrison lands with the back of his arm laying across Lane and so the ref slides in to make the count….




At the last possible second Gator flies onto the scene like he was the blue blazer dropping from the ceiling and flattens both Harrison and Lane. Luca also gets up to his feet and walks over towards his fallen foes. He picks up the ring bell as he does…


Luca cracks LH Harrison across the face with the ring bell and then tosses the mangled metal bell to the floor. Luca then lifts a barely conscious LH Harrison to his feet only to send him back down to the floor courtesy of the Get Away Driver(Kneeling Omega Driver). And the cover…




JOEY STYLES: “Luca was a second away from walking away with the victory.”

The 80’s hair band drop out breaks up the pin with a kick to the back of Luca’s head. Luca immediately turns around and stares his attacker down, while also pulling LH back up to his feet.

The Television champ also enters the picture and now all four men are standing, some of them a bit wobbly and looking to square off again. Gator quickly moves and attacks Luca with a volley of punches and then a quick DDT. Loverboy grabs Harrison and tosses him back into the ring. The ref looks around not sure which pair to stick with.

JOEY STYLES: “Well this could get real interesting real fast.”

Luca reverses a swinging neck breaker and plants Gator on the hard cement. Inside the ring Loverboy has Harrison up to his feet, he tosses him to the ropes and on the return trip puts him down with a snap powerslam. But Loverboy’s not done, he yanks Harrison back up and a second later sends him crashing back down to the ring with the Black Label Driver( Vertebreaker/Cop Killa) and then the pin.



Luca sees the pin and leaves Gator behind to try and break it up…


Too late. Luca grabs Loverboy by the foot and pulls him out of the ring but it’s too late. The ref is already calling for the bell.

Winner: “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane

JOEY STYLES: “What a match! What a close contest put on between these four men!”

The official hands Vinnie Lane a check, signed by Paul Heyman, for one grand.

JOEY STYLES: “Vinnie Lane! Thats a check! Good lick cashing that my friend.”

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “This electrified cage is lowering and we're about to have a match with pride on the line. Mr. XWF will officiate while Peter Gilmour defends his XWF pride against that Pest from some xtremely shitty fed! Trust me, I've seen it.

“Mr. XWF is already in the ring awaiting the arrival of the two competitors.”

”Deathclub” by William Control plays.

JOEY STYLES: “I think these XWF fans are telling it like it is. They don't like Pest. Not even a little.”

”Implode” by Slayer plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Peter Gilmour on the other hand, bleeds the black and blue of the XWF! These fans know it! And they're all in Petes corner tonight!”

Electrified Cage Match
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
-If Gilmour Loses, He Leaves XWF-
-If Pest Loses, He Becomes Gilmours Bitch-

The bell rings and Peter rushes at Pest, delivering a spear that sends Pest into the cage. Gilmour has him pinned and is throwing jabs into the Dildo King's ribs, but some shitty fed doesn't seem to notice, he just laughs it off and shoves Peter off. Gilmour stumbles back and begins to charge for another assault, but Pest simply stretches his arm out and drops Peter with a clothesline. Gilmour goes down, and Pest grabs him by the throat. He begins to lift the King off the ground, and goes for a choke slam. But no! Peter manages to get free, and drops to his knees. P.Gilly kicks Pest's legs out from under him, and delivers a fist drop to Pest's gut. Gilly lifts some shitty fed up and poweslams him into the mat again. He hooks the leg for the pin.



Shoulder up. Dr. Validity slow counted it, and Pest got a shoulder up! Peter gets to his feet, and grabs Pest. He delivers a spinning Double Underhook Facebuster and goes again for a pin.




Pest kicks out, despite the fast counting, and gets to his feet. He lifts Peter up as well, then drops him with a Sidewalk slam. He lifts Peter up for a scoop sidewalk slam. He mounts Peter for a series of punches to Peter's face.





5... punches, then Peter gets his knees free and sends one to Pest's lower back. some shitty fed ceases his punches and instead gets Peter in a Triangle Arm bar. He pulls it tight, and Peter tries to get free, struggling. Then his hand connects with the ropes. Dr. XWF calls for the break up, but Pest tightens his grip. The Doctor walks over and headbutts Pest so hard he lets go of Peter's arm. Validity proceeds to life Pest into the air and drop to one knee as he lets go of Pest, who hits the knee. With some shitty fed down, Peter goes for another pin.

Before it can even be counted Pest kicks out. He gets to his feet again, and rushes towards the cage at the opposite end. Peter gets to his, and looks confused as he waits to see what Pest is going to do. Dr. Validity watches as Pest just climbs the ropes, touches the cage, then hops down and faces them. He waits for a second before running at Peter full speed, stretching his arm out like he's going for a clothesline or spear. At the last second he switches it to a one handed Bulldog that drops Peter to the ground.

Pest pops and delivers a standing moonsault on Peter. He goes for a schoolboy package. Validity starts counting.




Peter managed to kick out of it, and get to his feet. Peter and Pest manage to get to their feet, and Peter whips some shitty fed into the corner and dishes out a Yakuza kick. Pest slumps down into a pile in the corner. With his foe seated and trying to get up, Peter facewashes Pest, culminating in another bigboot to Pests' face. Pest goes down to the mat entirely, and Peter begins to stomp him into the mat even more. Doctor X rushes in to break up the stomping, but not before throwing a few kicks towards Pest.

Peter and Validity back off, and Pest slowly gets to his feet. He shakes his head for a second, and charges at Peter, who drops him with an ENDGAME, Package Piledriver. Gilly again goes for a pin.




Pest manages to get out of the pin, and to his feet. Peter is up and furious. He goes on the attack and grabs for a Falcon Arrow, but as Peter grabs Pest, he reverses it into a German Suplex. He drops Peter like a bad souffle, and then picks him up again to deliver a WG WF smackdown. Pest goes for another pin, but Dr. XWF doesn't even bother counting. He's busy gesturing with his pelvis at the some girl in the front row.

Peter kicks out, and Pest gets to his feet and goes to attack Mr. XWF, who still has his back turned. WGF picks up the ref and drops him with a WG WF cutter. Peter walks over, and leg drops Pest. He then lifts Pest up and delivers a Falcon Arrow on top of Dr. Validity. Peter goes for another pin, but with the ref being pinned there's no one to count the pin. He gets angry, then to his feet, and lifts Pest to his. Peter whips Pest to the other end of the ring then helps Dr. V up. On the rebound Peter meets Pest with a Gilmour cutter. Pest goes down, and Peter goes for another cover.



And Dr. Validity ignores the count to go back to making gestures at the woman in the front row. some shitty fed kicks out, and gets to his feet. Peter gets to his, and his caught with another bulldog for his trouble. From the mat, Peter swipes out Pest's legs and gets on Pest and begins to pound Pest's head into the mat. The crowd begins to cheer for Peter, quietly at first and then louder. With every slam it get progressively louder until they're basically screaming his name at the top of their lungs. Pest just laughs, and wraps his arms around Peter and jumps to his feet. He's holding Peter in his arms at this point and rushes towards the cage full speed. Slamming Peter and him into the cage. He releases Peter, who falls against the ropes, which gives Pest a chance to throw his knee into Peter's sternum.

Peter goes down, and Pest scurries the ropes and waits. Peter begins to stir, and try to get up, slowly. Dr. Validity goes over and begins to count Peter out.


Peter's not up yet.


Sill nothing




He's started to sit up


He's sitting


He collapses on all fours.


He gets to his knees


JOEY STYLES: “He's up! Peter is up! C'mon Gilmour! You can do it!”

And he gets a flying spear from the top rope to send him back down. Pest turns this into a pin, with his legs on the ropes. Validity starts to make the count.


Then he notices the feet on the ropes, and breaks it up. Pest gets in Dr. Validity's face, causing Validity to puff up and start yelling back in Pest's face, and Pest actually begins to throw Chops to the chest of Dr. Validity. Validity retaliates with a backbreaker to Pest. With Pest down, he goes for a pin. Peter is confused, by Mr. XWF yells for Peter to count the pin.




Pest is up and on his feet. He lifts Mr. XWF up by his neck, and slams him into the cage before letting go, and hitting Peter with the WG WF Destruction, a GTS into RKO. Instead of making the pin, he lifts Peter up by the throat and choke slams him into the ground. Pest begins to stomp Peter as if he were on fire. Dr. Validity begins to stir, and slowly gets to his feet as Peter rolls out of the way of the stomps. Peter gets to his feet slowly. Once up he drops Pest with a KILLSWITCH, GTS into a RKO. He then rolls Pest up for a pin.

Mr. XWF slowly slides across the ring for the count...




WINNER: Peter Gilmour


“Peter Gilmour came to Madness and defended the honor of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation!

“That piece of shit Pest, is now Pete's bitch!”

Madness fades to commercial.

[Image: eliminationchamber.jpg]

JOEY STYLES: “The monstrous structure, that is the Chamber of Horrors!”

”The Oncoming Storm (Dr. Who Remix)” plays.

JOEY STYLES: “If there's ever been anyone that's had Sebastian Duke's number, its Azrael Erebus! Twice before, he's buried Duke alive! Twice before, he's taken Duke's championship!

“Tonight, there are no titles. It's just Duke! It's just Azrael!”

”O Fortuna!” by Nevergreen plays.

JOEY STYLES: “He's a zealot in every sense! He's hellbent on ending Azrael's win streak over him! Tonight he has that chance!”

Heymans Chamber of Horrors
Azrael Erebus
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
-One Fall-

Duke enters through the chamber door and slams it shut behind him. The officials lock up the chamber as Paul Heyman can be seen watching from his sky box. The bell rings and Azrael and Duke come to the center of the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “One thing's for sure, Sebastian Duke isn't used to looking up at Azrael Erebus.”

Azrael with the first shot! He lands a stiff right to Dukes jaw, staggering him backward. Azrael with another one, then a scoop and a slam to the King of Darkness. Azrael then drops a huge elbow on to Duke before getting back to his feet. He glances at the countdown clock on the Xtron.




Azrael lifts Duke to his feet and tosses him toward the ropes. On the rebound, Azrael lifts Duke into the air and slams him back to the mat with a spine line.

JOEY STYLES: “Azrael Erebus is doing the unthinkable right now. He's manhandling Duke!”

Azrael then lifts Duke back to his feet again. Once again, he tosses Duke toward the ropes. On the rebound, Duke hangs on to the ropes, stopping his momentum. Azrael reacts quickly though and charges at Duke and delivers a clothesline, sending Duke over the top rope and falling to the steel floor of the chamber.

Azrael steps over the top rope and reaches down, grabbing Duke by his hair. He lifts him up to his feet, then lifts him up into a bear hug like hold. Azrael then slams Duke into the chain wall of the chamber repeatedly. Azrael drops Duke and he falls back to the steel floor with his head and shoulders leaning against the wall.

Azrael again looks at the clock on the Xtron:




JOEY STYLES: “We're getting close here. Time is ticking away toward the first of four weapons pods being unlocked!”

Azrael returns his attention to Duke, but Duke uses the chamber well to aid him to his feet and land a vicious kick to the midsection of Azrael. Erebus doubles himself over and Duke drives him head first into the steel floor with a thunderous DDT!

Duke gets back to his feet.

JOEY STYLES: “The first pod has now been unlocked!”

Duke climbs back into the ring and walks toward the opened weapons pod. Once inside, he starts tossing chairs out of the pod and into the ring. Duke re-enters the ring with a chair in hand and goes right for Azrael Erebus who remains on the steel floor of the structure, but is starting to get to his feet.




JOEY STYLES: “Three chair shots from Duke to Erebus! That keeps the super human down!”

With Azrael on his back, Duke drives the edge of the chair into Azrael's throat, cutting off his air supply. Azrael starts to kick wildly, and is finally able to shove Duke away. The chair flies away as Duke lands against one of the pods.

Azrael gets to his feet as he fights to regain his air. He charges for Duke and delivers a devastating spear that sees them crash through the weapons pod glass. Shards of glass rain down upon them. Azrael gets up first and starts pulling lengths of chain from inside the pod.

Duke starts to crawl out of the pod and Azrael wraps a length of chain around his fist and swings. Repeatedly whipping Duke with the chain.

JOEY STYLES: “For anyone that's keeping score, I think Azrael Erebus still has his number!

“One pod opened, one pod annihilated, the third set to open in just moments!”

Azrael straddles Dukes back and wraps the chain around his throat, choking him. Duke grasps at the chain around his neck, trying desperately for air. Duke reaches back, then gets to his feet with Azrael on his shoulders.

JOEY STYLES: “Holy shit!”

Duke crashes down on his back sending Azrael down with an electric chair drop.




JOEY STYLES: “The third pod is opened but both men are down on the floor of the chamber. Ten minutes in! It's already been a hell of a war!

“Wait a minute!

“That's Mr. XWF! What the hell is he doing out here!?”

Mr. XWF starts to make his way to the chamber wheeling a cart. On the cart, two 5 foot tall canisters and a torch. Up in the sky box, Paul Heyman struggles to see what Mr. XWF is doing and quickly gets on the phone. Mr. XWF lights the torch and starts cutting away sections of chain.

JOEY STYLES: “He's trying to get into the chamber!

“What's that sound? It sounds like... stomping?”

More than a dozen men in military fatigues march out onto the entrance stage. The assumed leader orders them into position with sniper rifles pointed at Mr. XWF. Mr. XWF looks over his shoulder, but doesn't stop cutting away at the chains. By now, a large gaping hole is evident within the structure.

Up in his sky box, Heyman holds his right hand on his forehead, all at once, the snipers fire their rifles. Mr. XWF drops to the floor like a rock.

JOEY STYLES: “They shot him! OH MY GOD! They shot Mr. XWF!”

It becomes evident that the bullets were rubber, but Mr. XWF is unconscious. The military men drag Mr. XWF to the back.

Back in the ring, Duke and Azrael are struggling to their feet. Erebus charges toward Duke, but Duke side steps him and sends him head first into the final remaining closed pod. The glass shatters and Erebus falls in a heap inside the pod.

Duke steps into the pod and drags Azrael out. He lifts him up and leans him front side first against the ropes. Duke climbs into the ring and grabs Azrael in a side head lock. Duke drags Azrael onto the ropes, then drives him face first into the mat with a bull dog variation before going for a cover.



JOEY STYLES: “Azrael with the kick out!”

Duke gets back to his feet and lifts Azrael to his. Duke tosses Azrael into the corner and follows it up with a huge avalanche in the corner. Duke immediately runs off the ropes, on the rebound, Duke delivers a huge big boot to the larger Azrael Erebus, taking him down again. Again, Duke goes for the cover.



JOEY STYLES: “Another kick out from Erebus!”

Duke starts to get back to his feet. Azrael, too. Duke runs off the ropes...

JOEY STYLES: “Soul Shot!”

He lands the clothesline from hell but refuses to go for the win. Instead, he lifts Azrael back to his feet, then lifts him up and drapes him over his shoulders.

JOEY STYLES: “He's going for it! He's going for Darkness Falls!”


JOEY STYLES: “Azrael reversed it! He hit him with the Darkest Light!”

Azrael hits the Cross Rhodes and makes the cover.



JOEY STYLES: “He kicks out at almost 3!”

Azrael struggles back to his feet. He grabs a couple of chairs and sets them up facing each other and touching. He then ventures into one of the smashed open weapons pods and pulls out a fire extinguisher. As Duke starts getting to his feet, Azrael launches the extinguisher contents into Duke face.

Duke thrashes around a bit, trying to regain his vision. Azrael takes the extinguisher and nails Duke in the head with it.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes John Madison! The crazy bastard has a chain saw!”

Heyman is on the phone again.

JOEY STYLES: “Here come the troops!”

Madison enters through the hole in the side of the chamber and starts chasing Azrael with the chainsaw.

Heyman holds his hand over his head as the snipers get into position.

JOEY STYLES: “A direct strike! John Madison is down!”

Azrael returns his attention to Duke who remains on the mat. He lifts Duke up then lifts him up in a crucifix powerbomb.

JOEY STYLES: “The crucifixion of Sebastian Duke! It's poetry!”


Azrael lands the Stars' Fall, sending Duke crashing down through the chairs. Azrael goes for the cover.



JOEY STYLES: “He kicked out! Jesus Christ! He kicked out!”

Azrael gets back to his feet, feeling frustration. He lifts Duke to his feet...

JOEY STYLES: “Darkest Light again! Here it comes!”

Duke miraculously reverses it though, and lifts Azrael off his feet...

JOEY STYLES: “Darkness Falls right into the pile of bent and twisted steel chairs!”

Duke hovers on all fours after the inverted pile driver over Azrael Erebus. His eyes roll back in his head, and Duke collapses to the side.

JOEY STYLES: “Both men are down!”





Azrael is moving first.


Azrael is up and he reaches down for Duke...


Duke locks in the submission and Azrael struggles against it, but can not free himself. Azraels left with only one option, as he tries to flip himself over Duke. It pins Dukes shoulders down, but also applies even more pressure to his own neck!




JOEY STYLES: “The bell rings! It's over! But who wins? Azrael tapped out, but also got the 3 count on Duke at the same time!”

If I can have your attention please...

The camera pans, then zooms in once it finds Paul Heyman up in his sky box.

It is obvious that Azrael Erebus pinned Sebastian Duke. However, it is also obvious that Sebastian Duke forced Azrael Erebus to submit. With both of these events occurring simultaneously, it is regretful that I must declare the official result of this match... a draw!


JOEY STYLES: “They beat each other! If nothing else, I think Duke proved his Azrael's equal inside that ring!”

Duke and Azrael shake hands in the ring. Azrael starts to make his exit as the monstrous chamber is lifted away from the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “What an amazing match between these two. They never disappoint when inside the ring....what the hell is this?”

The lights go out in the arena, the crowd grows in anticipation. The lights turn back on and we see John Austin behind Duke with a barbed wire wrapped chair in hand. The fans explode into cheers.

JOEY STYLES: “OH MY GOD!!! Its Austin..get this psycho out of here!!!”

Duke turns around and is hit across the face with the chair. Blood starts to pour from Duke's head. John picks up Duke and delivers the brainbuster on the barbed wire chair. Duke lies face down in a pool of blood as fans chant 'holy shit!'...Austin motions for a microphone.

JOHN AUSTIN: I thought you were suppose to be this almighty unstoppable legend? ..looks like your nothing more than John Austin's bitch!....I challenge you Duke to a match. Its time these great fans get what they have been wanting....for me to bury your old ass..

John drops the mic on Duke's body and exits the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “John may be this lunatic fringe but God have mercy on his soul when Duke regains consciousness.”

Madness finally fades out.
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[-] The following 9 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (09-10-2014), Doctor Louis D'Ville (09-10-2014), Gator (09-10-2014), John Austin (09-11-2014), Mastermind (09-10-2014), Ozymandias (09-10-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-10-2014), Unknown Soldier (09-10-2014), Vincent Lane (09-10-2014)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-10-2014, 05:28 PM

.... slow clap....

..... slow clap....

.... slow clap.....

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[-] The following 2 users Like Vincent Lane's post:
(09-11-2014), Gator (09-10-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-10-2014, 05:37 PM


[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(09-10-2014), (09-11-2014), Vincent Lane (09-10-2014)
Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-10-2014, 05:53 PM

Fucking incredible. Well done everyone.

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Gator's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (09-10-2014), Vincent Lane (09-10-2014)
LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

09-10-2014, 08:00 PM

Absolutely amazing. Great work by all involved.

[Image: yA7XLDP.png]

[Image: f9wsBWb.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour (09-10-2014), Vincent Lane (09-10-2014)

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