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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 8/7
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 03:18 AM

North Charleston Coliseum
North Charleston, South Carolina

- vs -
Phoenix Death
Standard, One Fall

Gabriel Adams and David O'Conner
- vs -
Christian Malice and Bobby
Standard Tag

Mastermind and Ricky Maine
- vs -
Aaron Reign and Clean Lucena
Tornado Tag

Kennedy Nikomedes
- vs -
Zoey Ryback
Inferno Match

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Unknown Soldier
Hell In A Cell

Cameras pop to life and greet an enthusiastic and lively arena; chock full of Warfare fans, with the image of Giovanni Ferrari, sitting behind his desk. Gary, the nearly dead wallaby, lays on Gio's desk with its tongue rolled halfway out of its mouth and its eyes barely open. It coughs and a glob of vomit splatters across Gio's desk, yet Gio pays the mess no mind. No, he's only focused on the camera as he smiles broadly.

"Well...hello there, all my lovely Warriors. I've taken time from my busy schedule of drugs, sex and more drugs, to bring you this message. It's about the status between Madness and Warfare. See, now...I'm confused on why, this is even an issue? I mean, put reruns of old Shove It's, in Madness' place and you'd get the same ratings. Yet for some reason, Heyman and Oz think their show and talent surpasses ours."

Gio sighs.

"It's fine, they can be wrong. They're opinions never changed things before and we've always had the better matches and talent each week. Look at tonight for example. Unknown Soldier, came out from his long hiatus in order to wrestle in one of the most controversial matches we've seen in the XWF. And it's happening on Warfare! Just a bit of proof, that the most brutal and awe inspiring matches, take place here. We don't need to tell people our show is better because it's already common knowledge. People just know it and the evidence is there to back it up."

"However, Paul and Oz have gone past simply rambling nonsense and now, they want to threaten Archie. They want to bark orders and puff out their chests as they act all high and mighty. Well...I say, lets put this to a real test, shall we? Show vs show. Madness vs Warfare, and the winner....has to admit who really is the best. Maybe then, we can finally put all this silliness to bed."

Giovanni smirks.

"You clearly wanted a war gentlemen, and now......well, now you've got one."

- vs -
Phoenix Death
Standard, One Fall

Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch plays and Phoenix Death comes out through a cloud of white smoke and sirens going off walks slowly down to the ring and takes coat and hat off.

Little Busters by The Pillows sounds over the PA and the lights go out. After about 10-20 seconds, red lighting shines through the arena as Atomsk appears on the turnbuckle standing tall and looking directly above him with his winged cloak on and arms extended out horizontally. The lights return to normal and Atomsk slowly looks at his opponent. He takes his cloak off and gets in his corner to prepare for the match as the music fades.

Ding ding ding!

Phoenix Death wastes no time in charging forward and clocking Atomsk square in the throat with a lariat! Atomsk falls to the mat, grabbing at his throat and squirming. Phoenix laughs and tries to follow up his move with a standing elbow drop, but Atomsk rolls out of the way and gets back to his feet. Phoenix gets back to his feet as well, but is beaten to the punch by Atomsk, who delivers a discus elbow that rocks Phoenix Death. Phoenix stumbles back a bit before Atomsk pulls him in and delivers a fisherman's suplex! He keeps the leg hooked.




Phoenix shoves his shoulder up off the canvas and rolls over onto his stomach before pushing himself up to his feet. Atomsk is waiting and tries to pull Phoenix in for another move but Phoenix pushes him away and throws a kick that lands in Atomsk's stomach! Atomsk doubles over and Phoenix takes advantage, hitting a suplex of his own before pulling Atomsk up by the back of his mask and hitting another one! He follows that up by hitting the ropes and coming back with a senton that positively squashes Atomsk into the mat! He hooks the leg!




Phoenix gets back up to his feet and delivers a kick right into Atomsk's ribs before dropping a big elbow that once again misses its mark! Atomsk barely gets out of the way in time however and Phoenix's elbow crashes right on top of his hand! Atomsk lurches up to a sitting position before pulling his hand free and getting all the way up to his feet. Phoenix beats him to a vertical base and comes in with a big boot that Atomsk ducks! Atomsk follows that up by hitting a release German Suplex. Phoenix rolls through, ending up on his knees, head down. Atomsk sees this and sets himself near the ropes...

ATOMSKICK! (Springboard Moonsault Mule Kick)!

He goes for the cover!





Just in the nick of time! Atomsk looks to be beside himself in disbelief! He pulls Phoenix up to his feet and drops him with the Atomsk Bomb (Spinning Tiger Bomb)!

He goes for the cover again!




Winner: Atomsk

Gabriel Adams and David O'Conner
- vs -
Bobby Zi and Christian Malice
Standard, One Fall

We've gotten confirmation that Christian Malice ended up in another state. We assume this is because he took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. Also, there have been Work Visa issues with David O'Conner that prohibit him from showing up. Meaning that this match will now be a one on one encounter!

tha lost soul plays as Bobby just walks to the ring while sum boo, sum cheer for him.

Crushing Day by Joe Satriani plays as Gabriel Adams walks to the ring with his head bowed, never acknowledges crowd. A focused and driven exterior, until the bell rings.

The bell rings, and the two engage in a lock up in the center of the ring. Adams, being the bigger of the two gets the upper hand and throws punch to Zi's stomach before dropping him face first into the mat with a DDT. From there, Adams hits the ropes and drops a knee across the back of Zi's skull! Zi, clutching the back of his head, rolls over onto his back and sits up. Adams tries to pull him up the rest of the way but Bobby reverses the effort into a snapmare that takes the bigger man off his feet! Bobby follows that up with a soccerball kick to Adams' back. Adams grimaces, falling over onto one side before ending up on his back. Bobby looks down at Adams and smiles before hitting a double foot stomp on Adam's chest!

The force of the stomp forces the air out of Adams' lungs and as Bobby steps back onto the mat, Adams gasps desperately for air. Bobby peels the rapidly inhaling Adams up to his feet, and tries to whip him into the ropes but Adams reverses it and sends Bobby into the ropes! on the rebound, Adams almost takes Bobby's head off with a clothesline!

He goes for the pin!


2- Kickout!

Bobby shoots a shoulder up and Adams drops a forearm across Zi's nose before getting off of him. He cracks his neck as Bobby starts to get back to his feet. Once Bobby makes it back up, Adams tries to pull him in for a hangman's neckbreaker but Zi breaks free and hoists Adams up and hits a German Suplex. He tries to roll it into a second German but Adams blocks it and breaks out of Zi's grasp!

He doubles Bobby over with a knee to the gut and pulls his head inbetween his legs.

Saving Grace! (Front Flip Piledriver)!

The cover!




Winner: Gabriel Adams

Zoey has just arrived at the arena, and she is trying to find her changing room, when all of a sudden she's about to walk past a door way, when smash, a chair hits her in her face. She falls to the ground. Mastermind is seen standing over her, holding the chair.

"That's for costing us a chance of the Trios Belts, now I've had my say."

Mastermind gives her another whack with the chair, and walks off.

Mastermind and Ricky Maine
- vs -
Aaron Reign and Clean Lucena
Tornado Tag

Both Aaron Reign and Clean Lucena are waiting in the ring for their opponents.

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

Ricky Maine emerges after the words "and now for my next number.. I'd like to return to the classics..."

Ding ding ding!

Mastermind and Ricky Maine look to each other before going on the attack on both of their opponents; Reign for Maine and Lucena for Mastermind.

Maine clocks Reign in the face with a punch before dropping him with a gutwrench suplex. Meanwhile, Mastermind backs Lucena into the ropes with a series of punches and whips him off into the opposite set of ropes. On the rebound, Mastermind connects with a big boot that takes Lucena off his feet! Lucena crashes hard to the mat, only to get flattened even further by a top rope elbow drop from Maine, as Mastermind pulls Reign up to his feet.

Mastermind immediately thereafter drops Reign with an inverted DDT as Maine hits a vertical DDT on Lucena.

Mastermind climbs up to the top rope and absolutely flattens a struggling to stand Aaron Reign with the Mind Changer (Flying Clothesline) and follows it up with the Mind Sleeper (Sleeper Hold).

Meanwhile, Maine sets Lucena up for the New Regime (Steiner Screwdriver) and drops him right as Mastermind transitions into the Mind Controller (Boston Crab).

Maine goes for the cover as Mastermind cinches in the hold!



Three and Reign taps!

Winners: Ricky Maine and Mastermind

Peter Gilmour is seen walking the halls of the XWF preparing for his match by yelling "Suck My Dick" as loud as he can. He's so focused on this that he doesn't see Tommy Gunn come around the corner and crack him across the face with Peter's half of the tag team titles. How did Tommy even get that?

Nevertheless the blow to Gilmour's head immediately busts him open above the right eye and Gilmour goes down in a heap.

"Hey Gilly you're bleeding. Are you on your period?"

Gunn continues smashing Gilmour in the face with the belt until Gilmour's entire face is covered in crimson. Gunn then tosses the belt into a nearby trash can. He then reaches into his black wrestling back and pulls out a small plastic container of lighter fluid and starts spraying the inside of the trash can before dropping the container into the trash. Gunn then pulls a lighter out of his pocket, ignites it and tosses into the trash. A second later and the contents of the trash can are engulfed in flames. The smell of burning leather begins to permeate the hallway.

"You see that Gilmour, your title went up in flames, just like your sad pathetic excuse for a career. Keep ducking me bitch and see what happens. This is just the beginning."

Gunn kicks Gilmour in the face one last time for good measure before walking off down the hallway

Kennedy Nikomedes
- vs -
Zoey Ryback
Inferno Match

“Born In The USA by Bruce Springsteen” bellows out of the booming speakers. A large American flag waves on the Xtron as Born in the USA strikes up. As the Boss starts to sing, Kennedy emerges from backstage. He stands with a British Bulldog style cape with his arms out, revealing his American flag cape. Two Marines flank him as security, holding American flags. As he stands there, a series of three pyro explosions, simulating rocket fire escape from the stage and fire out above the ring. The first explosion is red, then white, then blue.

As the Opening Beat of "Slam" By Pendulum begins to rock through the speakers the fans come alive, as the camera sweeps across the arena from the far side towards the entrance runway a light show of greens and blues falls over the arena. The lights drop as a voice comes across the loudspeakers.

"Tonight, On This Small Planet, You Will Bear Witness."

Two large explosions thunder across the stands. The techno drops as Zoey is launched into the air, she lands firmly as the camera pans across the audience once again. The lights come on, long red hair flowing across her shoulders, Looking left, looking right, then down to the ring. She smiles to herself, before taking those first steps towards the center of the arena. Throwing her hands into the as the crowd comes alive, hands reaching out from both side of the ramp. She strolls down the center, reaching her hands out to either side brushing the finger tips of the audience members now piling into the gaurd rail. She bounds towards the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope and leaping up onto the second turnbuckle on the opposite corner of the ring. She holds both hands in the air, holding a black bandana in her right hand*, Leaping down from the turnbuckle She throws her jacket into the crowd, quickly snatched out of the air by the fans.

The referee looks to the ring assistants who set the ring apron on fire.

“Well it’s safe to say that this match is going to be a close one that could go either way, but I suppose I have to say that!”

He nods to the time keeper who rings the bell and then Kennedy and Zoey lock up. Kennedy overpowers her immediately and tries to back her into the corner but she flips him there. The flames are on the outside of the ring apron so they aren’t quite touching but Zoey Ryback flips him into the corner and hits him with an extremely loud crossbody chop.

The crowd responds with an “Oooooooooooo!”

Niko hits her with a jab to the midsection and then hits her with another to the side of her face. He follows this up by slinging her into the centre of the ring and clotheslining her to the mat.

She is back to her feet and he arms drags her down to the mat. She’s up again but he grabs her arm and flips her over. She lands on her back but again is fast to her feet. Straight away though she walks into a standing drop kick!

Ryback falls to the mat. Niko drops down to the mat and grabs her arm and pulls it behind her back, locking her in an armbar submission move. She roars in pain for a few moments before Niko eventually releases the hold. He pulls her to her feet and looks to go for a reverse DDT but Zoey spins out of it and pushes him forwards, he staggers as he heads towards the flames. She grabs him from behind and cradles herself, flinging him behind her and executing a german suplex. Niko lands on his back and the suplex was so powerful that he almost flips entirely over.

Zoey Ryback smirks. She turns and climbs to her feet and pulls him into her ribs with a sarcastic grin on her face. She lifts him up into the air grabbing the back of his right leg whilst in the vertical position. Ryback looks out to the crowd, she throws Niko in front of her and slams his head between her legs, executing a brutal face plant.

She begins to roll him towards the fire but he rapidly responds by kicking her away, she falls back to the mat. Niko gets to his feet and spears her before unloading a flurry of forearms to the skull. Ryback tries to flip him over but he rolls it straight over again and knees her in the temple.

She falls back to the mat, and this time he grabs her my the legs and falls backwards, slingshotting her headfirst into the turnbuckle. Zoey falls backwards and Niko grabs her from behind, he grabs her arm and hits her with a Side American (Russian) Leg Sweep.

She roars out in pain but he pulls her up. Kennedy goes to pick her up into the air but she pulls his arm and twists it around. She runs at him but he ducks and flings her over the top rope! She’s sent to the outside, avoiding the flames in the process!

Niko looks at the ropes and he runs off of the opposite side of the ring and throws himself over the ropes! Suicide dive to the outside! He lands it and takes Zoey down and they both go flying into the commentary desk.

“HEY! WATCH OUT WOULD YA!? Oh right, what a dive by Kennedy! Taking both of them down!”

They both struggle to their feet and begin to exchange punches on the outside.

Eventually Kennedy comes on top he grabs her by the head and sends her towards the flames but she reverses it and instead sends him flying head first into the barrier.

Zoey runs at him but Niko spins out of the way in the nick of time. Ryback manages to stop at the barrier and turn. She sees Niko lining up a deadly superkick.

“He calls that the Home of the Brave!”

But she ducks it, and he turns. She kicks him in the gut and then plants him with a spike DDT on the outside.

She picks him up and grabs him by the throat, she pushes his back towards the flames. He manages to reverse it by jabbing her in the ribs. He grabs her by the hair and pushes her towards the flame. She is inches away now. She elbows him in the temple in desperation and he falls backwards against the barrier.

He runs at her with a final attack, but he ducks it and grabs him by the head and shoves him into the flames and he catches alight!!

The assistants put him out immediately but this one’s over!

Winner: Zoey Ryback

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Unknown Soldier
Hell In A Cell

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of IMPLODE by SLAYER begins as a white beam of light comes from the top of the arena and shines on the middle of the ramp. We then see a hand go into the light as a man kneels in front of the light. It is Peter Gilmour! The music picks up as Peter gets up and screams to the heavens as he and his new valet Jessica Johnson come down to the ring. They get into the ring and Peter goes to the nearest turnbuckle and puts out his hand as the same beam of light comes down into his hand as he gives us a very scary look into the camera. He then laughs wickedly then screams to the heavens again as the lights come back on and he awaits his next opponent.

The entire arena is shadowed in a cloud of smoke and darkness when out of the sky comes a red beaming light that traces a pentagram into the center of the ring. The pentagram continues to rotate in the center of the ring as Unknown Soldier sways out from underneath the dark archway entering the ring. His eyes gleam against the darkness surrounding his entrance. Step by step he closes in on that squared battleground. He climbs between the two middle turnbuckles, then turns to his corner of the ring. Kneeling down in the corner, he searches underneath his collar, pulling out from underneath his shirt, the silver pentagram... Then bringing it off his head, and into the palm of his two hands. He closes his eyes and pulls the silver pentagram towards his forehead, touching it... Then he raises his body up, and opens his eyes. He pulls the chains apart, then entangles the pentagram around his corner turnbuckle. Then drops it, and lets it dangle off it, facing the outside of the ring... He turns around gripping his chest, where the pentagram used to be, then takes a deep sigh, running the other hand through his hair....

Unknown Soldier and Peter stand on opposing sides of the ring, slowly approaching the center until they're only a few inches apart. Their eyes trained on each other, it's clear neither chose this battle but both realize they...must...fight. It is for the respect of the combat, the love of the sport and making millions upon millions of women, cream their panties...they must now fight!

(insert Viking type roar here)

Some of the women already seem to be riled up from just seeing them standing there in the ring. Moaning and thrashing about wildly in their seats, like they've all been possessed by a horny, sex demon while throwing various clothing items and undergarments towards the ring as a twenty foot cage weighing five tons, slowly descends from the rafters and shifts into place. Locking tight with a sharp click, the cage is secured over the ring and ready for the fight. Then with the sound of the bell, it's official, this Hell In A Cell fight between Unknown Soldier and Peter Gilmour - has begun!

Sitting by ringside, ready to provide commentary on the chaos is Warfare's own Ace Atticus - number one commentator extraordinaire, dressed to, someone.

"Hey, I heard that! I'll have you know gold pleather is in baby."

Sure it is.

"You nameless, faceless jerks better watch it. I'll have every hidey hole and crawl space in this place fumigated and then you'll see - Ace Atticus, isn't a man to be messed with."

Easy there tiger, don't bust out of your gold pants.

"You're lucky I have a job to do."

Speaking of your job, shouldn't you be doing that right now? The action's in the ring by the way. God you're terrible at this.

"And your days are numbered, but for now, lets focus on the action."

Could we?

"Why I oughta....oh shit, look at that! Those boys are really going to town on each other!"

Peter Gilmour and Unknown Soldier, have already gotten well into the swing of things as every female in this arena swoons and squeals. Soldier wailing on Peter with some savage punches before catching the King Of X-Treme with an Uppercut! Gilmour stumbles back and Soldier is right after him with a Spinning Heel Kick! However, Gilmour manages to catch Soldier's leg mid-kick and tosses the man powered by SATAN! across the ring by that very leg! Soldier crashes into the cage's steel wall and Peter comes charging! Running full force, straight at Soldier and taking him out with a Clotheline! Unknown Soldier crashes to the canvas and Gilmour lifts him up into a Fireman's Carry, dropping him instantly with a Backbreaker! Soldier slams to the canvas and Peter laughs wickedly!

"If that's how Gilmour treats his friends, I think I'd rather be his enemy!"

From there, Gilmour sends some stomps into Soldier's ribs, midsection and stomach, while he's down and Soldier pretty much takes it. This causes Peter to stop what he's doing as a worried look crosses his face. Peter seems distraught, like maybe he went too far. Grabbing the sides of his own head with both hands, Peter begins to frantically yank at his hair while he paces back and forth. Dashing from one side of the ring, to the other a few times, before bending over in order to check on his fallen friend, Soldier.


Boot to the nose from Soldier!

Gilmour stumbles back and Soldier jumps up, wrapping both his legs around Gilmour's midsection while he punches Peter repeatedly in the face! Over and over, Soldier's hits become quicker and more fury filled, until Gilmour is busted wide open! Then Soldier stops, grins and licks the blood pouring from Gilmours nose before quickly unwrapping his legs from around Gilmour's midsection.

Launching back off Gilmour, Soldier lands on his feet and instantly flies forward with some flips, promptly countering those movements with several back flips. Well placed back flips, that turn into a Dropkick to Gilmour's face!

"That was one hell of a kick!"

Gilmour collides with the canvas and Soldier greets him with a Corkscrew Elbow Drop! From there, Soldier grabs Gilmour by the back of the head and runs towards the steel cage's wall with full force, slamming Gilmour's head right into the cold, unforgiving steel cage wall! As Gilmour releases a scream in agony, Soldier presses Gilmour's face into the wall, causing blood to flow and drip, into a jewel encrusted chalice down below, on the other side of the cage. A steady, stream fills the goblet, thanks to Peter getting busted open pretty badly earlier. Plus with the pressure of Soldier's hands pushing Gilmour's face against the wall, it's like he's juicing an orange!

"What a sick fuck!"

Gilmour lets out another scream as the cup continues to fill, but this time the scream was in fury! Reaching back, Gilmour grabs Soldier by the hair and with a fury filled roar, he whips Soldier's head into the cage as hard as he can!

Soldier drops his hands and flops to the canvas as Gilmour rolls away from the wall of the cage. Both men panting and staring at each other before Gilmour, slowly rises to his feet. Grabbing up Unknown Soldier by his hair again, Gilmour drags him to his feet and tosses Soldier across the cage. Soldier soars and then smashes right into the wall of the cage, his head connecting the steel...with a sick, wet thud.

"Ooooh, that's gotta hurt!"

Unknown Soldier gingerly begins to rise, but not before he dabs at his head and then looks at his hand, almost as if he were checking for blood. When none appears on his hand, Soldier begins ramming the wall of the steel cage with his own head! Over and over again, till blood begins pouring out of a large, jagged gash!

"What's that freak doing? And what's that on the other side of the ring?"

Staggering back with a grin, Soldier charges the wall of the cage and presses his own head against it. Letting a stream of blood drip out the side and fill up another jewel encrusted chalise!

"What....the....fuck, is up with these cups?"

Blood rushes out of Soldier's head wound and fills the goblet as Gilmour runs over before quickly spinning Soldier around to face him. Once this happens, Soldier simply grins and points at the cup. Gilmour stares out at it in confusion, so Soldier goes to grab Gilmour by the head in order to help Peter see closer. However, Gilmour still isn't happy about his own head being juiced like a piece of fruit, so he isn't that compliant with Soldier. In fact, Peter backs away and swings on Soldier instead!

Catching Soldier with a mean left hook, followed by a Yakuza Kick! Unknown Soldier slams into the steel wall and drop forward, landing on his knees in front of Gilmour. His eyes now starring up at Gilmour as Gilmour smiles sadistically and delivers a Spinning Leg Kick, that damn near takes Soldier's head clean off!

Soldier smashes into the canvas. Flopping down in a bloody heap and Gilmour flies into action. Leaping into an instant Leg Drop! A Leg Drop, that never connects, because Soldier manages to roll out of the way just in time!

"That Leg Drop caught nothing but canvas!"

Using the cage wall in order to aid himself, Soldier rises to his feet as Gilmour gets to his. A gleam of fire dances in the devil's eyes as he licks at his own blood, spilling from the many wounds in his head. Both men locking eyes before Gilmour releases a growl of determination and charges forward! Running full speed at Soldier, Gilmour attempts a spear!

Amazingly enough, at the last second, Soldier leaps straight up into the air! Soldier's hands latching onto the roof of the cage as Gilmour passed right under him, smashing straight into the wall! Then as Gilmour topples backwards, Soldier lets go of the steel mesh that makes up the ceiling of the cage and lands right on Gilmour's back! An act that cause Gilmour to start thrashing about and going wild as Soldier hangs on for dear life!

Soldier attempts to calm Gilmour down, with a few blows to the head but to no avail. Gilmour has worked himself into a wild beast like frenzy and Unknown Soldier is stuck on his back for the ride! Luckily, Gilmour's frantic dash around the ring, makes it so Soldier is able to grab onto the ring bell. Using that, Soldier begins to smash it into Gilmour's head, until Peter's face is opened up to almost frightening levels and the bell is mashed into nothing but a lump of useless metal that Soldier tosses aside. With Gilmour slowed down, Soldier jumps off his back, hits the wall of the cage and uses it to ricochet back at Gilmour with a Suicide Dive!

The impact causes Gilmour to collide with the canvas as Soldier bounds up to his feet. Rushing off to the side of the cage, Unknown Soldier begins to climb it feverishly. Ascending; higher and higher, until he reached the top. Hanging there, near the top of the cage and covered with blood, Soldier cackles like a crazed demon and launches down with a perfectly delivered Frog Splash! Making brutal contact with pin point accuracy, Gilmour surges on the canvas in agony as Soldier staggers back up to his feet.

With his head tilted backwards and his eyes slowly drifting back into his head, Soldier wrenches Peter up from the canvas, only to put him back down with a Scoop Slam!

Followed immediately by - The Dark Star! (Shooting Star DDT)

Unknown Soldier goes for the pin!




Winner: Unknown Soldier

The area explodes as Unknown Soldier rolls off Gilmour. Both men lay on the canvas staring upwards as Greggo comes scampering from under the ring. Collecting up both goblets full of blood before making his way into the steel cage, Greggo brings them over to both Soldier and Peter. Slowly, Unknown Soldier sits up, turning to Peter and helping his friend rise to a sitting position as well, before he places his attention back on Greggo. From there, Greggo hands over the blood filled chalices to both men. Handing the one full of Soldier's blood to Gilmour and the one containing Gilmour's blood to Soldier, Greggo stares on with lively expectation as he licks his lips. Simply salivating as both Gilmour and Soldier immediately swallow down the goblets of blood.

Then as the blood drains down their throats and pours all over their faces in the process, every woman in attendance as well as every female watching this broadcast on television....erupt with their periods! It's a global menses epidemic! And it's all thanks to Unknown Soldier and Peter Gilmour!

"For the love of all that's holy, someone get John Black! We need tampons! Stat!"

Fade to worldwide crimson!

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[-] The following 6 users Like Giovanni Ferrari's post:
(08-08-2014), Mastermind (08-08-2014), Morbid Angel (08-08-2014), Ozymandias (08-08-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-08-2014), Unknown Soldier (08-08-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2014, 04:49 AM

Id knew id lose but that ending though.......

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Unknown Soldier (08-08-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2014, 04:49 AM

Oh and tommy dumb... u better hope I don't find u

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Unknown Soldier (08-08-2014)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 04:52 AM

"I'm not the one hiding you stupid bitch."

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2014, 04:57 AM

I'm right here . U burned my belt and made me bleed.. you're next to die!!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Unknown Soldier (08-08-2014)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 05:08 AM

"? I guess if you can't win like your good buddies Sid and Dim you might as well at least try to talk like them. Way to be original."

"Thanks for recapping what I did to you. For a second there I almost forgot."

"As for being the next to die, who was the first? I've heard you threaten to kill a lot of people. I've also seen you fail repeatedly."

"Get used to this Gilmour, until you grow the balls to face me in the ring I am going to be there to beat your punk ass down."

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2014, 05:14 AM

Don't worry.. I'll see you real soon ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 05:30 AM

You'll be waiting a while, Tommy. If this piece of cum ever came to accepting a match he'd die. He'll have to be forced into this.
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 05:32 AM

"Does that mean you are going to come out of Dim's asshole and join the rest of us in the world?"

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 06:46 AM

OOC: pretty cool show, I can`t wait for my debut...
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2014, 09:25 AM

oh tommt i already told you im going to find you and I am going to kill you..

mr SHIT FED.. I guess I can kill you too.. so I'll order 2 coffins!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 09:47 AM

"You don't need to find me, I'm not the one hiding. Has the beatings I've given you the last two shows made you even more ?"

"As for killing me, well we all know that won't happen. You couldn't kill yourself if you put a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pulled the trigger yourself. Somehow you'd fuck it up we all know that."

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Atomsk Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-08-2014, 09:53 AM

Very entertaining.
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Phoenix Death Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-08-2014, 11:24 AM

OOC: sorry for only posting once this week my son broke his elbow and honestly I have so much going on that I didnt even know I was booked until the day i posted I forgot all about checking this site with everything that win some you lose some even tho i only posted once I still felt it was strong enough to win the match but I guess the XWF riders thought different and thats the game we play I suppose...with this all being said Im sorry but I honestly dont have time to check this site week in and week out to see if IM booked so that was my last match I got a new baby on the way and with my son a new promotion at work Im traveling a lot so goodluck to everyone in the XWF!

Phoenix Death
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-08-2014, 11:49 AM

What did you expect a Roleplaying site was about?

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Morbid Angel's post:
Wallace Witasick (08-10-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2014, 12:16 PM

(08-08-2014, 09:47 AM)Tommy Gunn Said: "You don't need to find me, I'm not the one hiding. Has the beatings I've given you the last two shows made you even more ?"

"As for killing me, well we all know that won't happen. You couldn't kill yourself if you put a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pulled the trigger yourself. Somehow you'd fuck it up we all know that."

see u on warfare darling ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 12:51 PM

"Remember that time you denied being gay?"

"One need only to point to your most recent response to see that you do in fact live for dick."

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 3 users Hate Tommy Gunn's post!
(08-08-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-08-2014), Unknown Soldier (08-08-2014)
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-08-2014, 04:03 PM

(08-08-2014, 11:24 AM)Phoenix Death Said: OOC: sorry for only posting once this week my son broke his elbow and honestly I have so much going on that I didnt even know I was booked until the day i posted I forgot all about checking this site with everything that win some you lose some even tho i only posted once I still felt it was strong enough to win the match but I guess the XWF riders thought different and thats the game we play I suppose...with this all being said Im sorry but I honestly dont have time to check this site week in and week out to see if IM booked so that was my last match I got a new baby on the way and with my son a new promotion at work Im traveling a lot so goodluck to everyone in the XWF!

Phoenix Death

OOC - The number of times that you post has no bearing on the outcome of the match. We're a fed that judges based on the quality of the rps. Quantity doesn't come into play at all as a deciding factor on the judgment of who wins or loses. That being said, I'm sorry your son was injured and I hope he has a speedy recovery. Perhaps, when you get a little free time and want to have fun with writing, you'll look us up in the future. Until then, I wish you well and hope to see you again.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Giovanni Ferrari's post:
Morbid Angel (08-08-2014)

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