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Monday Night Madness (4-14-14)
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-14-2014, 06:32 PM

[Image: eEbTxwp.jpg]

Date: April 14, 2014
Arena: Oracle Arena
City: Oakland, California

JOEY STYLES: "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another edition of Monday Night Madness and have we got a show for you. XWF World Champion "Hollywood" Hogan will be making his XWF wrestling debut in a tag team match with Randy Savage, reprising the Mega Powers. John Samuels the 15 second King of the XWF will be taking on current TV champ Elisha in a non title match. And our Main Event, the XWF's first ever Race Wars. A match featuring the XWF's Three Resident White Supremacist's Wyatt Reynolds, N.A.Z.I and Wyatt Reynolds, hashtag VictoryForever. Without further adieu let's get to our opening match."

nWo Theme Song plays

As the nWo theme song blasts over the PA, the nWo Mega Powers "Hollywood" Hogan and "Macho Man" Randy Savage along with valets Brooke Hogan and the lovely Miss Elizabeth make their way to the ring, taunting the fans as they do.

Bad Things By Jace Everett plays

As fog rolls down the ramp and the lights turn red as Kane's theme song begins playing. Vincent walks out as the lights turn to normal but the fog is still rolling down the ramp. Vincent makes his way down the ramp, he has his cane with him as he strolls to the ring and gets in. He stands in the middle of the ring, he place his right hand over his heart and bows all classy like before he waits in one of the corners of the ring .

For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica plays

Things happens and then Vlad The Destroyer walks down to the ring to join his partner for the match.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage and "Hollywood" Hogan
- vs -
Vlad The Destroyer and Vincent Kane
nWo Rules - Anything Goes

Ding ding ding!

Hogan starts the match for his side, opposite Kane.

The pair go for a lock up which ultimately leads nowhere as neither man is able to get an edge. Hogan shoves Kane off and cracks his neck before stepping back in for another lockup. Eye poke! Kane's taken aback, clutching at his affected eyes while Hogan hits the ropes and comes back with a lariat that sends the smaller man to the ground momentarily. Kane pushes himself back to his feet before staring Hogan right in the eyes. On the apron, Macho Man is ranting about the Madness to some fat fan in the audience. Vlad's flipping out, yelling in some Cyrillic language and punching the top of the turnbuckle he's next to. Savage drops from the apron and gets in the fat fan's face before reaching over the barricade and pulling his chair out from under him and taking it with him.

Meanwhile, Kane throws a stiff punch that catches Hogan in the ear! He stumbles back, yelling about his back for some reason before stepping forward into another huge punch that connects with his jaw, knocking him off balance and onto the mat. Kane looks over to his corner before catching a thrown chair to the side of the face! Macho Man with the assist! Hogan gets back to his feet and picks the chair up before swinging for the fences and almost knocks Kane's head right off his shoulders! But wait!

Tommy Wish and Scotty Guillermo run down to the ring in matching Black T-Shirts with the "Dark Green" nWo symbol on it. Then both men run into the ring and started brawling Randy and Hogan while Vlad and Kane are just watching. Then Scotty and Vlad hits a double Suplex on Randy in the ring while Vincent is holding Hogan with Tommy punching his midsection until he falls on the mat. The de facto quartet roll Savage out of the ring before turning attention to the fallen Hogan! They lay into the big man with stomps as he tries to roll his way out of the ring! Finally, he does, falling to the ground outside with a thud.

And then there were four.

Scotty runs the ropes, and leaps out of the ring with a flying cross body that somehow manages to hit both sprawled out men! The crowd goes absolutely insane! The three left in the ring celebrate their accomplishment, while Scotty yells insults into Hogan's previously afflicted ear.

Then, the vibe changes. Tommy spins Vlad around and hits him with a quick elbow to the temple, dropping him like a bad habit. Kane tries to square up but he gets hit with a kick to the gut and gets dropped to the mat with Hideyaface (Implant DDT)! The crowd breaks out in boos as Guillermo and Wish leave the building, not giving a single fuck.

Hogan and Savage start to get up to their feet and both slide into the ring, ready to return the favor. They look around, only to see Vlad's gone missing! They don't seem to care and pull Kane up to his feet! Macho hits a Super Atomic Drop that sends Kane stumbling forward right into the largest arms in the world, Brother. Hogan hits a huge Scoop Slam and then walks towards the ropes as Macho climbs to the top rope.

Leg/Elbow drop combo!

Where are the lights?

No, seriously?

Where are they?

Oh, there they are! Hogan and Savage are firmly in- oh wait a second they're both laid out. Vlad's back in the ring, helping Kane to his feet. He makes the seemingly legal tag and runs towards where Hogan lays. He throws a big punch to the grounded man. Wait!

Hogan's shaking! He sits right up despite getting another punch!

He's hulking up, brother! Vlad throws punch after punch which only make Hulk convulse faster.

HULK: "Brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother-"

Finally, Hulk gets fed up! One more punch and he points to Vlad as the crowd goes silent. Another punch!

Hulk catches it! Punch! Punch! Punch! Punch! Irish whip off the ropes!

Big boot!

Hulk runs the ropes...

LEG DROP! The cover!




Winner: nWo Mega Powers

We come back from commercial and the camera's show us the hallways of the arena where we see the outline of a man but not his face, the man appears to be in peak physical shape though his big jacket could be slightly misleading, and even his voice doesn't sound recognizable. As we move closer we can see that the man in question appears to be speaking to Cheat's Biographer, it sound as those the conversation is ending.

MYSTERIOUS GUY: ... that's what happened. Pretty simple, Biographer. Disgusting, isn't it.

THE BIOGRAPHER: Yep, just... wow, I never saw that coming, even from Swagmire.

MYSTERIOUS GUY:By the way, where is he.

THE BIOGRAPHER: You mean, Cheat. He was so scared he didn't want to be here when you arrive.

MYSTERIOUS GUY:I didn't expect him to be that chiken. But well, I didn't blame him, there is lots of stalkers at this zone. Anyway, I hope you can help me. It's a long time I've waiting him and I have already made some movements in order to get that asshole suffer so something would happen soon. And everything's there. His contract on that time, so he could deny that he worked for them, the day, everything, but I need you to do it. Weren't your guy the Worst In The World? Didn't him like the dirty wins? There is no dirtiest win that this one.

THE BIOGRAPHER: And he lost his title because of Swaggs...

MYSTERIOUS GUY:Exactly. You got him.

THE BIOGRAPHER: Well.. I have to talk with him about this... for now he has a match today against him and maybe he finds it enough. Gimme a time.


JOEY STYLES: "What was that about? What was Cheat's Biographer doing with that man? And where is Cheat?"

Don't Swallow the Cap by The National plays

Kendall's theme plays over the speakers, and after a momentary lapse in activity, Kendall emerges on the entranceway, looking down at the ground. Slowly, cautiously, she looks up and scans the audience for a few brief moments before taking off down the ramp in a slow, confident although slightly apprehensive manner. Fans reach out for a high five, but she gives none, instead focusing on the ring. When she reaches the apron, she crosses herself, takes a deep breath and climbs up before stepping under the bottom rope.

Time by Pink Floyd plays

The lights in the arena go dim and the sounds of multiple clocks can be heard ticking away through-out the arena. Finally the alarm sounds and the beginning to Time by Pink Floyd begins to play. Out steps John Austin from beyond the curtains. He stands atop of the stage with his hands held to his hips and surveys the arena. He makes his way down to the ring, greeting a few fans along the way.

Kendall Sawyer
- vs -
John Austin
Standard Match, One Fall

The bell rings an Sawyer moves first hitting Austin running knee. Sawyer lifts Austin up as the crowd erupts in boos.

JOEY STYLES: "Not again."

The Outsiders make their way out from the back and climb into the ring. Sawyer is holding Austin up while staring at the two members of the nWo not sure how to proceed. Kevin Nash destroys the referee with a big boot and then rolls his knocked out body out of the ring and signals to the back. A second later Nick Patrick appears and gingerly strolls down to the ring.

Scott Hall grabs John Austin from Sawyer and just wags his finger at her, telling her not to intervene.

An Outsiders Edge and a Jackknife Powerbomb Later and John Austin is laying motionless on the ring floor. Scott Hall then points at Kendall and then down at John Austin.

Kendall kneels down and covers Austin...

Referee Nick Patrick makes the count.




Winner: Kendall Sawyer

Scott Hall climbs out of the ring. He grabs the steel metal ring steps and tosses them into the ring. Kendall Sawyer slides out of the ring and back pedals up the entry ramp while watching what The Outsiders have in store for her opponent. Hall then grabs the padding that surrounds the ring and rips it up exposing the cold concrete floor.

Hall sets up the ring steps right in front of the ropes as Kevin Nash walks a still barely conscious John Austin to the steps. Nash climbs to the top of the steps while Hall pulls the top rope down. Nash positions Austin between his legs, setting him up for another powerbomb...

He lifts him....


JOEY STYLES: "OH MY GOD!!! Kevin Nash just jackknife powerbombed John Austin from the top of the steps down to the floor outside of the ring, he must have been 20-25 feet in the air.

Austin's head smacked the concrete and now blood is starting to leak out of his head. A pool is now forming around the unconscious body of John Austin.

JOEY STYLES: "We need paramedics down here immediately. John Austin is hurt and he's hurt bad, it looks like Kevin Nash might have literally cracked Austin's skull open.

Nash and Hall look down and see the blood forming around Austin's head and hightail it to the back.

JOEY STYLES: "Ladies and Gentlemen I am being told we need to go to a commercial break. Hopefully the EMT's arrive on the scene soon. This does not look good for John Austin."

It's Not Unusual by Tom Jones plays

SwagMire does the Carlton dance on his way to the ring. He thinks it's cool, and tough. so he does it. Fans enjoy it. Mostly the men.

Baby Elephant Walk Plays

The proud man walk to the ring, delighting his theme song, smiling and pointing to everyone like "hey yo" before getting in the ring.

Cheat Lucena
- vs -
SwagMire Swaggins
Standard Match, One Fall

The bell rings and Swagmire immediately takes the center of the ring, and urges Lucena to come lock up. Lucena smiles and flips Swagmire the bird. Swag shakes his head and begins to chase Luecena around the ring. Lucena slides under the bottom rope and elbows the back of Swagmire’s head as he attempts to follow him out. Swagmire falls through the ropes onto the floor and Lucena slides back into the ring, playing to the fans. Swagmire slides back into the ring and catches the unsuspecting Cheat with a clothesline to the back of the head! Lucena falls to his knees and Swagmire stomps him down and goes for a quick cover….




Swagmire quickly pops up and delivers a huge kneedrop! And now it’s Swaggy’s turn to play to the crowd! He pops up and starts dancing, much to the crowd’s delight. Swagmire reaches down and grabs a handful of Cheat’s hair but is met with a poke to the eye! Swagmire reels as Lucena gets up and charges!

Big Boot!

Cheat drops to the ground as Swagmire shakes out the cobwebs to regain his vision. Cheat stirs on the ground and struggles to make it to a knee. Swagmire lurches over and places Cheat’s head between his legs and lifts him for a powerbomb, but Lucena pokes him in the eye again! Swagmire begins to stumble and Lucena unloads with a series of punches, sending Swagmire crashing down to the canvas with Cheat on top of him.



Kick out!

Cheat takes a few steps backwards and charges the rising Swagmire. Cheat sends Swagmire stumbling into the turnbuckles with a huge single leg dropkick! Without hesitation, Cheat charges in once more and delivers a running elbow to the face of Swagmire. Cheat unloads with a series of elbows to Swagmire. Swagmire stumbles out of the corner pushing cheat backwards, but Cheat delivers a roundhouse kick that sends Swagmire crashing to the mat. Cheat jumps on Swagmire and puts his feet on the ropes for extra leverage.



Swagmire gets a foot on the bottom rope. Cheat slaps Swagmire’s head repeatedly, dragging the larger man to his feet. Cheat pushes Swagmire against the ropes and whips him to the far side. Cheat quickly hops onto the top rope and springboards off for an elbow strike!

Swagmire counters with a huge Diamond Cutter! He may have broke Cheat’s neck with that one! Swagmire quickly lifts Cheat up and sends him back down to the mat with a massive powerbomb that shakes the entire ring! Swagmire collapses on top of Cheat for the pin



Another eye poke sends Swagmire rolling off Cheat! What a bastard! Cheat struggles to his feet while Swagmire angrily rolls around the ring, standing up when he notices Cheat has nearly made it to his feet. The two stagger towards each other and meet in the center of the ring.

Suddenly Joseph-Gordon and Katie run down to the ring to distract Cheat Lucena while he gets Swagmire on the ropes. The distraction proves futile as Cheat just laughs at them. In response Katie climbs onto the ring apron lifts her shirt to expose her bare breasts to Lucena.

JOEY STYLES: "Well that should get the ratings up even higher, assuming that's even possible."

The exposure works well and allows Swagmire to get away and pull out his bar of soup. He gets Lucena's attention, rubs it in Lucena's face before irish whipping him into the ropes. Is he going to hit him with the perp walk or his newly announced Rapist? Neither, from out of nowhere comes The King of the Dwarves, Frodo delivers a Shayouken! to the blinded Lucena before him and his kids run off to the back where Katie is no doubt going to be scolded for flashing the crowd.

SwagMire with the cover...




Winner: SwagMire Swaggins

All of a sudden the lights go out.

JOEY STYLES: "What the..."

The lights come back on and in the ring standing behind Swagmire is former Ark of Covenant Champion Dusty Wyatt. Dusty taps Swagmire on the shoulder...Swagmire turns around slowly and is hit with a Sister Abigail. Cheat looks back at the ring as he is making his way to the back and doesn't do anything but smile and continue to walk off.

JOEY STYLES: "What the hell is the meaning of this?"

Dusty Wyatt then picks up Swagmire's Ark of Covenant title, he stares at it for a moment then starts laughing, just as Swagmire gets to his feet, Dusty runs and hits Swagmire over the head with it, knocking the current champion out. Dusty Wyatt grabs a microphone and pulls out a piece of paper, he then grabs Swagmire by the head.

DUSTY WYATT: "Read what it says Fagmire, NOW"

Swagmire starts to read the text.

SWAGMIRE: "I am sorry for hiding the word Pin successfully from you. I should have been less cryptic and not embarrassed you like I did. I am ashamed to call myself the Ark of Covenant Champion. Right now, I agree to a match for the title. Ring the bell."

Just then Dusty Wyatt hits the groggy Swagmire with another Sister Abigail, he covers Swagmire and a ref slides in and starts the count...



Thr....No, Dusty Wyatt has pulled Swagmire up.

DUSTY WYATT: "Now that I have everyone's attention, from this point forward the Ark of Covenant title, will be more recognised and taken seriously once more. As much as I would love to take back the title, I am not a cowardly man. For now, Fagmire can keep it.

Dusty wipes sweat from his forehead, he then hits Swagmire with the Brother Bray. The lights go out once more for a few moments and when they come back on, Dusty has disappeared.

JOEY STYLES: "Ladies and Gentleman I don't think anyone saw that coming. It remains to be seen if the Ark championship does become, once again, a respected championship. what the hell is going on? What are the local police doing here?"

Two local Oakland Police Department officers walk down the ramp and get close to Swag, when Cheat takes a micro and starts talking

CHEAT: Here's the thing Swagmire. I had such an offer just moments ago coming from an anonymous guy that told me that you're pretty close to jail. Due to this guy revealing news, right now you're under arrest! It's pretty easy. Bio has a contract just there that says that while you were a police officer you were also working part time as a barasita at a local Starbucs, surprisingly for me, this guy revealed that long time ago that while you were there, I would come in to get a drink and you would spit mucus in my latte machiato big size cup! committing a pretty clear crime: public health felony!

- heat while a breathy Cheat takes a dramatic pause -

CHEAT: Obviously I won't reveal the identity of this guy, but he hate you even more than me. And luckily for you, I'm a good person despite my condition as Worst In The World. I'll let you have a choice. You're going to be arrested right now, that's for sure, but this guy wants me to testify against you. That way, you would enter in a long process where you're going to end up with your big fat ass as someone's fuck toy. But, on other hand, I could not testify, this guy gets fucked but you wouldn't, of course the price is that you would face me... in a CHEAT RULES MATCH!. There is no need to answer me now. Decide wisely, you fat fucker son of a bitch! You get one call in jail right? I expect to be that call.

Stars and Stripes Forever plays

Stars and Stripes Forever begins to play as Samuels walks to the ring, blowing kisses to the booing crowd. At the end of the ramp, a woman hands him her baby which he kisses on the forehead. He slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and hands his Stetson to Fairchild.

Push It by Static X plays

Elisha's Theme Song plays as the masked double champion makes his way down to the ring.

Non Title Match
"The Senator" John Samuels
- vs -
If Samuels wins he receives a TV title shot the following week on Madness.
If Elisha wins he does not have to ever face John Samuels as long as he is the TV champ.

The match starts off quick as both men meet in the middle and grapple up. Elisha gets the upper hand and whips Samuels into the ropes, and elbow to the side of the face and Samuels goes down. Elisha quickly gets his opponent to his feet and delivers a suplex and a quick cover...




Samuels kicks out and shoves Elisha off of him and then quickly gets back to his feet. Elisha does the same and the two men charge at each other and Samuels takes out Elisha with a running knee. Samuels gets his opponent back up and sends him to the ropes, a big boot to the face puts Elisha down but not for long as Samuels gets him back up...facewash, fallaway slam...cover...




Samuels lifts Elisha up by his hair and goes for a DDT...Reversed into a suplex. Elisha rolls over on top of Samuels and starts laying waste to Samuels face with punch after punch. Ms. Fairchild is up on the ring apron and screaming at the referee. The ref looks up and walks over to Ms.Fairchild to try to calm her down. While doing so Samuels reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black object....


JOEY STYLES: "Was that a flapjack?"

Elisha topples over, half unconscious. Samuels tosses the flapjack outside of the ring as Ms. Fairchild conveniently climbs down from the ring apron just in time for the ref to turn around and make a count.




JOEY STYLES: "Kickout there by the current TV and 1/3 of the Trios champs."

Samuels can't believe it. He thought this was over. He rips Elisha up, eye poke, a momentarily dazed Elisha is leveled with a discuss clotheslines but Samuels kept a grip of Elisha's arm and brings him back to his feet....pump handle slam. But it isn't enough to keep Elisha down as he gets right back up and DDT's a surprised John Samuels.

JOEY STYLES: "Elisha has a lot of fight in him, Samuels better not take this guy lightly just because he "beat" Theo Pryce last week."

Samuels slowly gets up and charges at Elisha but misses the running knee, instead taking a punch to face that sends him staggering backwards. Elisha makes a move but Samuels catches him and instead tosses him to the ropes where Ms. Fairchild aids in pulling the top rope down which sends Elisha crashing to the floor. The ref walks over to look down and check on the status of Elisha, meanwhile Fairchild tosses another item into the ring which Samuels catches in mid air and slides onto his hand.

Elisha gets up, shakes the cobwebs off and stares at Fairchild who quickly retreats to the other side of the ring.

Samuels starts yelling at Elisha to get back into the ring which Elisha happily obliges.

Elisha gets into the ring, grabs Samuels by the back of the neck and punches Samuels in the face. He does it again and again...but the fourth attempt is blocked and Samuels instead connects with a right of his own, aided by the brass knuckles. A move that proves to be fatal as Elisha stumbles backwards giving Samuels the space he needs to land his finisher...


Samuels with the pin.




Winner: John Samuels

JOEY STYLES: "Well a win is a win I suppose. Even if it involved non stop help from a valet and some weapons."

As John is celebrating his victory by standing over top of his opponent his back is turned to the entry way where Sid Feder hobbles out, a weapon in his hand. He stops about 50 feet from the ring, raises his weapon, takes aim and fires...


Samuels screams as an arrow pierces him in the leg, going clean through. Samuels immediately drops to the ring floor and Sid then hits a button on his harpoon gun that starts retracting the rope that the arrow is attached to, in effect, pulling Samuels out of the ring and onto the floor as Ms. Fairchild stands off in the distance horrified at what she is witnessing.

Sid reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small glass bottle that reads "Holy Water"?

JOEY STYLES: "What is this some crazy Baptism? Is Sid Feder the new Eli James?"


Sid smashes the bottle over John's head again a move that results in screams from "The Senator". It appears that the contents of the bottle was not "Holy Water" but rather some fucked up kind of acid which is now burning Samuels head.

SID FEDER: Congratulations on your win . I'll see you soon.

Sid hobbles back up the entry ramp as EMT's rush past him and towards his victim.

Back from commercial...

The rooms goes dark and the X-Tron lights up with Dark Green color background as Black was speaking to the fans.

Listen up fans, what you just saw earlier tonight is two men who are sick and tired of nWo rules and wanted to show how much they need to retire already. If you are hearing this nWo, FUCK your rules, FUCK your old ways of doing things.... this is a fair warning to anyone who thinks we are scared of THE nWo, we are not afraid of you old fuckers at all!!

nWo Black and White... IS DEAD

What you gonna do when Greenamaina is runnin wild on YOU..BROTHER!

Then the X-Tron cuts off to this picture..

[Image: BvNzWPl.jpg?1]

JOEY STYLES: "What is this? Another nWo? That's just what we need. Ladies and Gentlemen we will be back with the main event right after this commercial break."

The Lights dim for a brief moment a faint sound of the wind...or so you thought! Grand Belial's Key - Fecal Parturition blasts over the PA as Morbid Angel comes from the Back stage area storming down to the ring looking for blood and death!

N.A.Z.I goosesteps his way to the ring throwing out Sieg Heil's like he's the welcome wagon.

Wyatt Reynolds makes his way to the ring, slowly, methodically while not turning his attention away from either of his opponents.

Non Title Match
Morbid Angel
- vs -
- vs -
Wyatt Reynolds
XWF's First Ever Race War's Match
Winner is the first person to lynch a colored man.
Colored men will be provided

JOEY STYLES: "Ladies and gentlemen, it's now time for the inaugural Race War's Match!"

Well, technically we had something similar to Race Wars on Wednesday when Dimallisher and Morbid Angel fought to hang a gay black man. The difference here though, is that there are multiple black people... and they are not gay...

There is a platform on the stage which contains three hooded black men with their hands tied to three separate posts. In front of the platform are three different methods of execution:

1.) A gasoline can, box of matches, and a cigarette

2.) A noose

3.) A hunting rifle and box of bullets

Each selection will take about the same amount of time to prepare. It's just a matter of taste.

Once all three have made it to the ring, the referee goes over these special rules and calls for the bell. Morbid Angel runs up and kicks Wyatt in the face. NAZI walks up behind Morbid and chokes him, what a maneuver! While NAZI chokes Morbid, Wyatt gets up and starts punching Morbid in the chest. NAZI lets go of Morbid, but lets his guard down as Wyatt kicks him in the balls.

Wyatt now turns his attention to the nig nogs on stage who are waiting, eagerly, to be lynched.

Wyatt walks up the ramp and approaches the stage. He begins to survey his options. Which form of lynching will he choose?




He picks the noose! Wyatt grabs that noose and approaches one of the colored men on the podium. He's gotta put that noose around the man's neck,, sling it onto the overhead beam, and then pull on the rope in order to suffocate him. Wyatt is working on getting that noose around the black man's neck, but the black man puts up a fight.

It doesn't take long for NAZI to come up to the podium. Angel chooses the fire option. Of course the fucking kraut had to choose the bundle which includes a cigarette and burning body. Might as well throw some strudel in there.

NAZI takes the can of gasoline and begins to pour it all over his black guy. Once he has the man drenched, he walks over to retrieve the box of matches, but it's too late! Morbid Angel catches NAZI with an uppercut. Angel then DDTs NAZI onto the wooden podium.

Meanwhile, Wyatt is still struggling with his colored man, he's actually having to beat the man down. He probably didn't anticipate that extra work.

But wait, Morbid Angel grabs his hunting rifle (since that's the only option he has at this point) and whacks Wyatt in the back with it. However, we see that Wyatt was finally successful in wrapping the noose around his colored man's neck.

So to update on the standings:

Wyatt's black man has the noose around his neck.
NAZI's black man is covered in gasoline.
Wyatt and NAZI are down.

JOEY STYLES: "What in the fuck is Minxs doing here? What does she have to do with this?"

Micah took off towards the ring, her eyes filled with fire and anger only directed at one man. Within the next two minutes, she was standing at the top of the ramp, some of the fans whispering softly when they spotted her yet, Micah's eyes never moved towards the fans, they stayed locked on one of the competitors. Maybe she should have taken for consideration the other two men, figuring out a way to keep them from interfering...but that would come later.

Silently, she walked towards the ring, a silent cheer in her head as none of the white men took notice. Her eyes spotted one of the many nooses littering the ring and she picked it up, spinning it slightly before realizing her intended target had his back turned towards her. Micah jumped up on the outside of the ring and threw the noose, giggling softly as it landed around his throat. Before he could pull the noose off, she pulled...hard. She heard NAZI's surprised gag as the rope pulled tight around his throat and pulled him off his feet. The noise caught the attention of both Wyatt and Morbid as they both turned to face the fallen NAZI. Micah looked up and jumped back to the floor, still holding onto the rope wrapped tightly around NAZI's throat. Her eyes darted between Wyatt and Morbid quickly, trying to come up with a game plan. Drop the rope and give herself more room to move or limit herself and keep the rope tight on NAZI's throat.

It didn't matter what she did since NAZI stood and gripped the rope surrounding the ring with one hand and the rope around his neck with the other. He yanked back and forced Micah to step closer to the ring, his eyes filled with anger. She snarled and jumped up, her hand grabbing his head and slamming him into the top turnbuckle. She slid into the ring and wrapped her arms around NAZI's waist as she connected a spear. She had only remembered the other two men when she felt hands in her hair. Micah let out a soft yelp as she looked up at Wyatt, shocked at first but now pissed. How dare he stop her?! Her elbow connected with Wyatt's stomach, forcing him to bend in half and she connected a snap DDT. Wyatt bounced off the mat and she looked back at NAZI. She charged at him and slammed into his back, punching the back of his head and trying to make him bleed.

She stood and pulled NAZI to his feet, sending him into the corner and watching as he hung on the second turnbuckle, the rope still around his neck. She walked over and tightened the rope, forcing his head up.

"Such a pretty face. You're cuter in blood."

She brushed her lips against his before dropping the rope and his head. With a final look at him and Wyatt, she walked away.

While all of this is going on Morbid Angel is on up on the stage working on loading that hunting rifle with bullets. I don't know why they gave him a hunting rifle when he has such a close range target. Nevertheless, it takes some time but Morbid eventually has the rifle loaded.

He points the weapon at the black man AND HE FIRES IT!

But wait! NAZI tackled Angel and caused him to miss his target. NAZI takes the rifle out of Angel's hands. Wyatt tries to attack NAZI, but NAZI strikes him in the shoulder with the butt of the rifle.

NAZI drops the rifle on the ground. He can only use the method of execution that he selected at the beginning.

NAZI grabs the match, lights it, and goes to throw it, but Wyatt grabs NAZI by the wrist! Wyatt then headbutts NAZI. NAZI falls to the ground and the match goes out.

With both opponents down, Wyatt turns his attention to the black man and the noose. He grabs the end of the rope, throws it over the beam and begins tugging on it to choke the black man! This takes a lot of strength!

NAZI sees this going down and he quickly grabs his box of matches, lights the entire pack, and hurls it at his gasoline covered black man, engulfing him immediately! NAZI's black man is screaming and burning to death.

Morbid sees the burning man and the choking man and knows right away that he has to get to work!

Morbid grabs the hunting rifle, points it at his black man, pulls the trigger... but no-- the weapon has a malfunction!

Morbid smacks the rifle with bottom of his fist and the rifle goes off and shoots the black man in the face!

The referee goes to check on the status of the black victims... they all seem to have died AT THE SAME TIME!

JOEY STYLES: "Who the hell is the winner?"

Suddenly the silhouette of Madness General Manager Ozymandias appears on the XWF Tron.

OZYMANDIAS: "Gentlemen, Gentlemen, it appears as though the three of you have managed to do the unthinkable, instead of just one winner, we have several. And no I am not talking about the three of you, I am talking about all of the Nazi's and KKK members and the Peter Gilmour's of the world, you have made each and every single one of them happy. XWFhatesblacks is even trending on Twitter right now. Way to go Gentlemen. You have done the XWF and white people everywhere proud. In the name of White Unity I am declaring the winner of this match to be:"

Winner: White Supremacists Everywhere

OZYMANDIAS: "Good day gentlemen."

The silhouette of Ozymandias disappears, replaced with:

[Image: White_Aryan_Resistance_Hate_Logo.png]

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back folks, and right now, I'm being told that it is time. It is time for the coronation of John the Second as King.

“The King of the XWF crown was trashed in favor of the XWF World championship last week and as a result, Senator isn't champion. However, Paul Heyman and company now consider John Samuels to be at the very top of the industry.”

Heymans music hits and he comes storming through the entrance way with several riot cops in tow.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes Paul Heyman! Not only is he the Commissioner of Madness, but he's also the manager of greatness. The list is long, and continues today. By and large, those managed by Paul Heyman reach heights that, possibly they couldn't have reached otherwise.”

Heyman enters the ring with a microphone. On one side of the ring, is a throne. Two riot cops flank the throne. Hanging on a mannequin is a Kings robe. Set on a small velvet covered table is a crown. Behind it, set on something resembling a gun rack, a gold scepter that gleams beneath the lights of the arena.

JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heymans security force, is scattered around the arena floor.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “My name... is Paul Heyman.”

Many fans cheer. Many fans boo.

PAUL HEYMAN: “My special thanks to the California State Police for providing me with additional security for tonights festivities. It's not every day that we crown a new King around here. And tonight, is a very special night. One of my own, John Samuels, takes his rightful place as King.

“Not as King of the XWF, no no, that is over. John Samuels is not the King of the XWF. But he is the King of professional wrestling!

“I've guided him through just about every move he has ever made here in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation and last week, he proved that he is exactly what I said he is. The King of wrestling. Together, he and I reached the absolute top of the mountain. Not the XWF mountain, mind you.

“But the mountain of all of wrestling.

“At the bottom of that mountain lies many of the independents that are out there. Somewhere in the middle, places like Ring of Honor and TNA. Way above them lies WWE, and way above them the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, hovering near the top of the mountain.

“This company is the number one promotion in the industry for a damn reason. We thrive on diversity. We are a place where the rich like Theo Pryce can come and call home. We're a place where drug addicts like Luca Arzegotti can fake their own deaths and come back to take the XWF by storm all over again. We're a place where extraterrestrials like Azreal Erebus can call home and be quite successful. We're a place where the super natural like Unknown Soldier and Sebastian Duke dominate on a regular basis. We're a place where even a Republican Senator from the Lone Star State of Texas can become King...”

Heymans statements cause a mixed reaction from the Oakland crowd.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Without further adieu, ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the unparalleled, unrivaled, undisputed King of professional wrestling... THE SENATORRR... JOHN... SAMUELLLLS!”

“Stars and Stripes Forever” plays as Senator Samuels emerges from backstage. He's followed by a few more riot cops lent to Heyman by the California State Police. Red, white and blue pyro bursts from all over the arena. Over the entrance way, over the ramp, over the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “An entrance fit for a King!”

Samuels makes his way to the ring, smiling from ear to ear and basking in the enormous negative reaction from the liberal California crowd. Samuels climbs the steps and two riot cops sit on the middle rope, allowing the Senator to enter.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I'm proud to call John Samuels a friend.”

Heyman hands the microphone over to a riot cop as he takes the robe off of the mannequin. Senator holds his arms out, and Heyman places the robe on Senators shoulders and fastens it around his neck. Heyman applauds as Senator takes a seat in his throne.

Heyman retrieves the mic.

PAUL HEYMAN: “John, before I crown you as King John, the Second, I just wanted to say a few things.”

Samuels looks on, just smiling, not really saying anything.

PAUL HEYMAN: “This is without a doubt one of my greatest accomplishments. Leading BRRRROCK to conquer the Streak is one thing, but this is something completely different. The Streak was big, but this... This thing we're doing right now is so much bigger on so many levels.

“I remember when you first signed your contract.”

JOEY STYLES: “A mushy trip down memory lane? Seriously?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I remember taking you under my wing and handing you everything you ever wanted on a silver platter. All because I could. I remember giving this rising, yet still unproven star a shot at Neonero and the European Championship.

“I remember doing whatever it took to ensure that Neonero could not walk out with that title still around his waist. I remember the night you were crowned the new champion, John. It's something I have always held near and dear to my heart.

“I remember all the good times we had together, John. All of our scheming to ensure that you stayed the European champion forever.”

Senator laughs as Heyman continues.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Then you had to go away. Your duty to your country took precedent and you were forced to step away for awhile and go to Washington. I have to admit, it was the least amount of fun I've ever had here in the XWF while you were away.

“I didn't have a real Paul Heyman Guy to call my own. I was so distraught that I even lost my show for an entire week to Crimson Cobra.

“So distraught that I no longer cared who was champion. Punk, McGovern, Feder, Luca, I just didn't care. Then I lost my show all together. Every thing I had built on Madness was stolen from me, John. And I had no one.”

Both Heyman and Senator look sad.

PAUL HEYMAN: “That's when I got the call that changed things. Ole Senator was coming back! John Samuels was coming back to the XWF under a disguise. He made his way up the rankings of the Nuclear Winter Series in record time as Titan!

“He revealed his true self in Japan and won the Nuclear Rumble! He earned his shot at the crown and by doing so, became the hottest name in the business once again!

“Things were right in the world of Paul Heyman again.”

Heyman and Senator are smiling again.

PAUL HEYMAN: “And to top it off, Senator, you defeated our good friend Theo Pryce last week and became the King of the XWF!”

The fans boo.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Although that moment was stolen from you, I give you your moment right here and now!”

More booing.

PAUL HEYMAN: “If you would, John, kneel before me say I may crown you as the King of professional wrestling.”

Senator stands up and steps down off the throne. He kneels before Paul Heyman.

JOEY STYLES: “It looks like he's Tebowing.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “We've traveled a long and winding road together, Senator. And it comes down to this very moment.”

Heyman grabs the crown and holds it above Senator's head. One of the riot cops holds the microphone to Paul Heymans mouth.

PAUL HEYMAN: “It is not only a pleasure, but an honor, to crown you as...”


Heyman just crowned the Senator. Except not the way you'd think. He flipped it around, then nailed Senator on the top of his head with the metal part of the crown!

JOEY STYLES: “Senator is down and clutching his head! I'm not even sure what the hell I just witnessed!”

Heyman tosses the crown and grabs the scepter as Senator makes it back to his knees. Heyman brings the scepter down across Senators head, busting him wide open and busting the scepter into two pieces.

JOEY STYLES: “I can't believe what I'm witnessing! Heyman! He just stabbed Senator in the back!”

Heyman once again has a mic. Senator is bleeding profusely but still trying to stand. Heyman points at one of the riot cops.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Put him down!”

The riot cop rips off his helmet and jumps toward Senator who has somehow managed to get to his feet. The riot cops springs to action and locks in a painful looking knee bar.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Say hello to the Joelho Bar, Samuels!”

JOEY STYLES: “I'm at a loss for words here! I can not believe what I'm seeing!”

Senator screams out in pain as Heyman looks on with a smile.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Let him go.”

The riot cop lets him go. Heyman points at another riot cop.

PAUL HEYMAN: “You! Put him down again!”

The second riot cop rips off his helmet and grabs Senator by his bloody hair and lifts him to his feet. The riot cop lifts Samuels up into a hanging vertical suplex and then slams him to the mat with a power slam.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Say hello to the Killshot, Senator!”

JOEY STYLES: “Wait a second, I don't think these guys are real riot cops.”

Heyman stares at the defeated Senator who lays on the mat covered in his own blood.


Heyman points at an obvious female riot cop.

PAUL HEYMAN: “How about you deliver a referendum to the fallen Senator here.”

The female cop removes her helmet.

JOEY STYLES: “Those are definitely not riot cops! That's Kendall fucking Sawyer!”

Sawyer lifts the semi-conscious Senator to his feet and places him in the corner. The two other “riot cops” lift Senator to the top turnbuckle, making sure his back is to the ring. Kendall Sawyer climbs to the top rope and delivers her spike inverted hurricanrana, driving Senator head first into the mat.

The three riot cops stand side by side with Paul Heyman standing in front of them.

PAUL HEYMAN: “What you have just witnessed, ladies and gentlemen, is the future of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation...”

Heyman looks down at Senator.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Taking out the past.”

Heyman points at the dark complected man.

[Image: 2mpdj49.jpg]

PAUL HEYMAN: “I give to all of you, a champion in mixed martial arts! A man extensively trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! I give to you, VELLORE BROMMER!”

Heyman then points at the other man.

[Image: o-ARROW-MANU-BENNETT-SPARTACUS-facebook.jpg]

PAUL HEYMAN: “I give to you now, a man that has fought for this nation...”

Heyman again looks down at Senator.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Not just made speeches like some...

“A highly trained sniper for the United States Military, I present to you, TOMMY GUNN!”

Heyman moves on to Kendall Sawyer.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Last, but certainly not least. Only the second female Paul Heyman Guy in history, a woman that will undoubtedly make Madusa proud. A woman that can and will defeat any man in this company, the incomparable, KENDALL SAWYER!”

JOEY STYLES: “I'm still so confused.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “It's not a secret, that together, Senator and I have risen to the highest levels. We've gone as far as we could together. As they say, all good things must come to an end. It's a bitter sweet end, no doubt, but the end justifies the means.

“You have, standing in front of you, three individuals who will take this company by storm. Three individuals who have accepted my services of leadership. Three individuals that will rise to the occasion and dominate this company.

“Three individual Paul Heyman Guys that are the future of this business.

“Senator Samuels is in the past! It's the dawn of a new era! These three individuals, along with the Beast Incarnate BRRRRROCK LLLLLESNARRR with me guiding their careers make up the next generation of the Heyman Alliance!”

Heymans theme music plays as he leads his new clientele out of the ring and up the ramp. The cameras focus on the fallen and bloodied Senator John Samuels as Madness fades out.

OOC: Reminder, next week's Madness is a Royal Rumble. No need to sign up, just RP for the event. The winner will receive a title shot. A card will be posted tomorrow and names will be added as RP's start posting. Hopefully there is a better turnout for that than there was this past week.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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[-] The following 12 users Like Ozymandias's post:
(04-14-2014), (04-15-2014), Andrew Morrison (04-14-2014), Clean Lucena (04-14-2014), John Samuels (04-14-2014), John_Black (04-14-2014), Kendall Savannah Sawyer (04-14-2014), Minxs (04-14-2014), Morbid Angel (04-14-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-15-2014), Scorpio (04-14-2014), Vellore Brommer (04-14-2014)
Paul Heyman

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04-15-2014, 01:22 AM

At long last...

The King is dead!

Long live..... Paul Heyman!
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

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Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-15-2014, 09:38 AM

didnt see that coming

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Minxs Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-15-2014, 10:16 AM

Hehe....That was fun. I need to do that again.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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