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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 2/19/2014
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-20-2014, 02:49 AM

Wednesday, February 19th

Bon Secours Wellness Arena
Greenville, South Carolina

Alexandra Callaway
- vs -
Jordan Caliban
Standard, One fall

- vs -
"Canadian Badass" Justin Jones
First blood

- vs -
Jason Rider
I quit! - Submission match

Ann Thraxx
- vs -
Olive Pendershore
X-treme rules!

Jesus Wiseman and Lucena
- vs -
Ric Flair and Shylock Dagon
Standard Tag

Mandii Rider
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
Casket match

The Dimallisher
- vs -
Hank Lane
Ladder match and contendership for the US Title

[Image: CdS48cg.jpg]

Alexandra Callaway
- vs -
Jordan Caliban
Standard, One fall

Punkin starts the match with a solid boot to Callaway’s stomach thus ending her non-existent pregnancy. Callaway fell down, but managed to drag the Irishman with her as she fell. The Demon quickly got to her feet first and began to pull Jordan over to the apron, to set up for a Guillotine Leg Drop, but Caliban springboarded to his feet and hit Ally with a Diamond cutter. Callywhacker is down. She’s trying to get to her feet, but Jordan is quick to grab her, lift her to her feet and hit her with a Tornado DDT! Ally is trying to get up.

Callaway is on her feet, and grabs Caliban by the throat. She lifts him off his feet using some unbelievable strength, not far mind you she is 6 inches his shorter, and drops him with a surprise Choke Slam! The Irishman gets up and tries to hit but Callywhacker hits him with an STO. As soon as they’re on their feet Alexandra drops Punkin with a Devil Lock DDT. Things have certainly turned around. Demon has made her way to the ropes, and begun climbing them for a Flying Crossbody. She leaps just as Jordan gets to his feet. It hits!

With Ally on top of him Caliban begins throwing relentless blows into The Demon’s ribs, using his knees and elbows. That has to hurt, but Ally gets up, and drops a single size 7 boot right on the chest of Punkin. He screams in agony, still reeling from the house fire. He grabs her boot, and shoves her off, though. As he stands up and runs to the ropes hoping to hit her with a splash, but instead was caught off guard by a running neckbreaker. A short lived hurrah, because as soon as Callaway had her back turned Jordan hit her with an exploding suplex. As soon as both get on their feet the Irishman hits with a full nelson suplex!

Callaway is up and she looks pissed. She hits The Irish with a Rolling neck snap as he attempts to get to his feet. She then climbs the ropes and hits him with a Suicide Dive. As Jordan stands up he gets a Reverse roundhouse right to his face. As he goes down he manages to toss another shot right to Ally’s stomach. She’s un-phased, instead grabs Caliban once more to take him to the apron and hit him with a Guillotine leg drop. She sets him up! As she’s about to drop the leg he rolls just out of the way and throws one more punch to The Demon, this one hits her square in the sternum. Both are down.

Slowly Callaway recovers first and is on her feet just as Caliban is attempting to rise to his. She greet him with a swift kick to the midsection before executing - Malicious Intent (Crucifix Powerbomb)!

Callaway covers for the pin!



Winner: Callaway

The cameras are moving throughout the hallways of the backstage area, down the hall we see “The King of Darkness” Sebastian Duke talking to his apprentice, and the XWF’s newest superstar Enigma.

SEBASTIAN DUKE:”This is your moment, the moment you have been waiting for since I first approached you on the streets of Hartford.”

ERIC NIGEL MARTIN:”Yes my Master.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE:”You have done all you can do to train for such an occasion. You have done well in your time at the compound. If you succeed you will open the doors to even greater success. If you fail… how 'bout you just don't fail. I'd be forced to do something I don't want to do."

ERIC NIGEL MARTIN:”I understand.”

- vs -
"Canadian Badass" Justin Jones
First blood<

Hail To The King" by Avenged Sevenfold hits the pa system as the lights turns red and a white spotlight shines down on the top of the ramp as Justin Jones comes walking out with his long canadian jacket and his personal Canadian Badass Canada flag holding the hand of Traci Jones as they walk down the ramp smiling cocky as they walk up the steps as Justin holds the ropes open for Traci. Jones hands his flag to his manager as she waves it around as Jones taunts the crowd. He gets boos with some cheers from his fans, but mostly boos.

Am I A Psico by Tech N9ne hits over the P.A. After a few moments no one walks out. Where is Psico? At one part of the arena the crowd goes wild. The camera looks around and finds out why the crowd is going crazy. It's Psico! He's making his way through the crowd. He's giving high fives to everyone and fist bumps. Psico gets to the barricade and is about to hop it but is stopped by two fans and they just so happen to be blond haired, big breasted twins. They both kiss one cheek, He may be wearing a mask, but he had to be smiling. The twins giggle before slapping his ass for good luck. Psico jumps the barricade, much like The Shield would but of course he made it look cooler then anyone else, from there he walks up the steps and through the ropes. Jones and his wife just roll their eyes before Justin's wife leaves out of the ring.

Ding Ding.

Jones is the first to throw a punch, but the ever so quick Psico steps to the side and made Jones miss, Jones goes for another attack but again misses his attack, this only pissed the Canadian off. Psico could be heard laughing as Jones kept trying to hit him. Psico had had his fun and kicked Jones in the gut and followed up with a DDT. He got on top of him and started to rain down punches left and right to Justin's face. Once he finished Psico got to his feet. He grabbed Justin by the head and got him to his feet, from there Psico put Justin's head between his legs and pulled him up into a Power Bomb, but he didn't hit just yet. He ran and jumped hitting Jones with a running power bomb.

Jones struggled to get to his feet. He was on his hands and knees, at this time Psico bounced off the ropes and hit Jones in the face with Amnesia(A Kick To The F'n Head). All of a sudden Superman by Goldfinger hit over the P.A. and out walked David Shadows. Justin and Shadows were not the best of friends, David as always had a blunt and was smoking it while he made his way down the ramp laughing at Jones. Psico shrugged his shoulders before rolling out of the ring. He walked over to the time keeper and took his chair. He patted his head saying he'd give it back. Meanwhile Shadows was hitting on Justin's girl who would have none of it. Jones realized this and got to his feet and started to yell at Shadows, he was met with the middle finger. Justin's wife turned from Shadows, David smirked and slapped her ass hard, which enraged Jones, but there was nothing he could for when he was about to get out of the ring and attack Shadows, Psico grabbed Justin's shoulder and spun him around. Psico hit Jones in the gut with the end of the chair and throw it down before he hit Jones with Psicosis(Diamond Cutter) onto the chair. The combo of Psicosis and the metal chair caused Justin's head to be busted open and blood flowed down his face. The ref saw the crimson mask of Justin Jones and called for the bell.

Winner: Psico

- vs -
Jason Rider
I quit! - Submission match

The theme song starts to play, White Zombie – Electric Head Part 2, a few seconds go by and then Enigma runs out of the back and slides head first into the ring and then starts walking to each turnbuckle and shaking the top turnbuckle until the opponent makes their way to the ring.

The crowd comes to a hush as thick smoke hits the air. That’s when Still counting hits and the females in the crowd start cheering and getting ready to drop some panties as Jason Rider makes his way down to the ring with his cocky smile plastered on his face. Once he reaches the ring he sides under the bottom rope and sticks out his tongue before pushing up from the floor and standing to face Enigma.

The referee stands between the two men as the announcer finishes announcing the fact that the only way to win this match is by making your opponent say I Quit via submission. Enigma, being the submission artist that he is surely has the advantage in this match.

The two men lock up and immediately Rider gets the advantage pushing his opponent into the ropes and flinging him across the ring. The two men run towards each other but Rider ducks a clothesline and leaps up onto the middle rope before flying back and hitting a springboard elbow. Both men are fast to their feet though, and Enigma hits Rider with a bionic elbow to the temple, and then a forehand chop to the chest. Rider's in the corner now and Enigma hits a devastating crane kick to take his opponent down. Rider is sat, leant against the turnbuckle. Enigma taunts the fans for a moment a receives a flurry of jeers, he runs off the ropes opposite and flies in the air and hits a flying knee to the skull.

Rapidly, he climbs the opposing turn buckle now, and as Rider reaches his feet, smack! Flying forearm by Enigma taking his opponent down to the mat. He then unleashes some knee drops to the back of his opponent before grabbing the leg and looking for a Texas clover leaf submission. Enigma locks it in and Rider begins to scream out in pain but continues to shake his head at the referee. He pulls himself to the ropes eventually and the referee breaks the hold much to Enigma's frustration.

Enigma signals for Rider to get to his feet. The weakened competitor eventually does but clings onto the ropes and pulls the top rope down as Enigma runs at him, sending him to the outside. Jason ceases the opportunity and runs off the ropes, flies through the middle rope and bam! Suicide dive! He takes Enigma out to perfection with that high risk dive! The referee begins to count. The two men slowly crawl into the ring, both feeling rather groggy. Rider whips Enigma into the turnbuckle, Enigma ducks but Rider runs up the turnbuckle and hits a whisper in the wind! Devastating. The two men are down and out once more.

Sebastian Duke appears from the backstage area and stands at the top of the entry way, arms folded, staring intently at his Apprentice in the ring.

They struggle to their feet. Rider hits cross chops to Enigma who fires back with some forearm chops of his own. Enigma gains the momentum now and grabs Jason by the head and spins it around to attempt a neck breaker but Rider spins out of it and hits a standing drop kick to the back of Enigma's head.

Enigma drops to one knee and Rider runs off the opposite ropes and lays him out with a shining wizard! Rider leaps onto Enigma in a heartbeat and goes for a crippler cross face. The submission move is locked in and Enigma is roaring out in pain. He desperately clambers towards the ropes to no avail. Rider loses his hold for a second though and Enigma capitalises. He rolls out of it and spins Rider onto his front and grabs him by the arm and locking in a triangular choke hold. It seems Rider is close to saying the words but he rolls over and grabs the bottom rope forcing Enigma to reluctantly break the hold. Enigma then unloads some stomps onto him, frustrated stomps. Rider desperately clings on to the bottom rope and the referee forces Enigma away from him after making a four count.

Enigma begins to argue with the referee and as he turns back around, Rider out of no where! Lights Out DDT (RKO)

That's gotta be it, Rider now locks in a cobra clutch. It's going to be the end for Enigma who struggles for breath. Some how, some way, Enigma rolls forwards and kicks Rider off of him though, he runs off of the ropes, and hits it!

The Big Reveal!!! (Clothesline From Hell)

Enigma looks up with a grin on his face. He grabs Rider by the leg and locks in The Great Mystery (Boston Crab with his knee on the opponent's neck).

Rider tries to move but Enigma pulls him forwards once more and he's got no choice.


Enigma refuses to let go for a moment. Sebastian Duke looks on at Enigma and raises his head slightly but then just heads to the back without a second thought. Enigma looks for Duke but he's already gone and the victor is puzzled.

Winner: Enigma

Ann Thraxx
- vs -
Olive Pendershore
X-treme rules!

"When the Lights Go Out" by The Black Keys plays over the loudspeakers as Olive exits the entrance (oh the irony!) and walks to the ring. Eyes straight forward and ignoring any and all fan contact almost as if she's oblivious to their presence or just really doesn't care they exist. Once she gets to the ring she slides under the ropes and awaits her opponent still just focused on what's about to happen rather than making a spectacle of herself or doing any obnoxious gestures for attention.

"Pretty" by Kidneythieves plays over the loudspeakers as Ann Thraxx slowly walks down to the ring, accompanied by flickering red/yellow lighting.

The severely underpaid referee in the center of the rings looks back and forth to both ladies involved in this upcoming match, and the cameraman follows. This goes on for a solid minute, just an excuse to show off the modestly dressed bodies of these two women? What the fuck, guys? Start the fucking match already!


The two women circle the ring, Thraxx staring intently at her opponent, Olive failing not caring enough to return the intensity and instead offering a disinterested glare. Thraxx backs up and bounces off the ropes towards Olive, who catches her with a dropkick to the jaw, knocking Thraxx off her feet. Shaking her head furiously, she hops up to her feet, much to the unamazement of Pendershore. She offers a sarcastic clap, which seems to have enraged Thraxx! Thraxx rushes after Pendershore again, this time connecting with a HUGE lariat! Olive's down, clutching her neck. Thraxx returns the sarcastic round of applause, yelling something that cameras can't quite pick up at her fallen opponent. The clapping stops abruptly however, as Thraxx begins to lay in stomp after stomp to Olive's head and shoulders. A sick smile stretches further and further as each stomp lands, but despite this, Olive's getting back to her feet. The smile quickly drops into an equally over the top frown before Thraxx drops an elbow across her back, forcing her right back down to the mat once more. Thraxx dusts her hands off and gets back to her feet, turning back to the body of Pendershore to deliver a soccerball kick that sends her out of the ring! She rolls under the ropes and falls off the apron, onto the matless concrete below. Dismissively shaking her head, Thraxx follows her out of the ring, catching Olive as she starts to rise to her feet. Thraxx tries to get a headlock, but Olive shoves her off!

Thraxx takes a step closer to her opponent, but gets a punch to the mouth for her troubles! She stumbles back and Olive springs into action, grabbing Thraxx by her hair and slamming her face first against the ring apron! And again! Thraxx's hair still in hand, she tosses her backwards against the ground. Pulling her up to her knees, Olive throws a knee at Thraxx's cheek, connecting and snapping her head to the side violently. Thraxx, dazed, simply smiles at her attacker. Confused and slightly unnerved, though quickly dismissing those initial reactions, Olive releases her hold on Thraxx's hair and walks over to the ring apron, reaching underneath for a weapon of some sort. Without looking first, she drags her hand around before finally getting her hands on something. She pulls it out... (That's what, someone said)

An aluminum baseball bat? A sample of blood caked on the meat of the bat catches her eye, which she seems to have made a silent vow not to touch. Instead, one hand on the handle and the other lightly touching the furthest end opposite, she approaches Thraxx's body, seemingly aiming for a spot on the side of the fallen woman's head...

Pow! She drives the blood caked end of the bat right into Thraxx's temple! Thraxx rolls over onto her back, clutching the spot on her head that's sure to be throbbing now! However, it doesn't look like she's done. Keeping her hands in the same position, she slams the bat down onto Thraxx's abdomen. A scream escapes along with the rest of the air from Thraxx's lungs on contact, leaving her coughing and heaving for air. Content, she drops the bat to the ground and goes for the cover.

The cover.

The cover?

The ref still stands inside the ring, shaking his head at Olive. Oh right, this isn't falls count anywhere! Olive shakes her head in slightly frustrated disbelief before getting off of Thraxx and pulling her back to her feet. Wait no, Thraxx delivers an open handed slap to the face and shoves Olive off of her. Looking around, still slightly dazed, she spots the bat on the floor and leaps for it. Olive follows but is too late! She gets back to her feet and Thraxx takes aim herself, swinging the bat full force right into Olive's left knee! She collapses onto the floor, clutching her wounded leg, and Thraxx begins to laugh maniacally. She raises the bat above her head and brings it down hard on the same spot! Upon impact, Olive tries to scoot away on her hands, attempting to distance herself from her attacker. To little avail it would seem, and Thraxx grabs her by her left ankle, looking to pull her back...

When she gets caught with a kick to the side of the head from Olive's right foot! Olive tries getting to her feet, leaning heavily on her right side. Without a second thought she makes a mad limp towards the ring and slides under the ropes. Pulling herself back up, she watches as Thraxx reaches under the apron for another weapon.

A burlap sack? Well, okay then. Thraxx slides into the ring with both weapons in tow, eyes locked on the weakened knee of Olive Pendershore. She makes the approach but gets caught with a flurry of punches. Olive doesn't let up, continuing to throw punches to her opponent's stomach when her knee gives out. Thraxx drops the bat, but maintains a tight grip on the sack. The bat bounces off the mat, and rolls slightly out of Olive's reach. She scoots over just a few inches and grabs a hold of the object barely, dragging it closer, ever closer to her. Standing up shakily, she clutches the like she was previously, and jams into Thraxx's stomach once more! Thraxx's eyes grow wide and she wobbles back, opening herself for Olive's endgame: a wild, full swing that connects right with Thraxx's mouth! She drops to the mat, presumably out like a light! Both of her lips are busted, and she might be missing a tooth after that! Olive drops the bat and goes for the cover, half expecting the ref to pull some weird bullshit like last time. However, no. The ref starts his count!



KICKOUT! How? Frustrated, Olive throws an elbow or six to the same spot she hit with the bat before hooking the leg once again.




Olive snarls before getting off her shakily, scanning the ground for the sack that was in Thraxx's hand. Finally, she finds it and opens it up, dumping the contents onto the mat. Thumbtacks! Thraxx however, is getting to her feet as well, throwing a series of punches to no one and then falling back onto the mat once more. Shaking her head, Olive opts to catch her breath and let her leg rest while Thraxx continued to struggle to her feet. Finally, after using the ropes, Thraxx is back to her feet and eyeing the puddle of tacks, wastes no time in trying to put Olive smack dab in that puddle. She delivers a kick to the hurt knee that opened Olive up for the set up...

Depth Perception?

No! Olive somehow got herself out of that hold!

Bringing Down the House! Onto the tacks! Olive appears to have aggravated her knee in the process however, and struggles to roll Thraxx onto her back for a cover. Finally, after exerting much more effort than initially expected, she goes for cover as the camera zooms in on the bloody, tack ridden face of Ann Thraxx.




Winner: Olive Pendershore

Jesus Wiseman and Lucena
- vs -
Ric Flair and Shylock Dagon
Standard Tag

"Baby Elephant Walk" by Henry Mancini plays over the loudspeakers, and out walks Cheat Lucena, smiling and silently reviling in the boos he receives from the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp, pointing and cocking his head towards a group of women in the front row. Once that proves fruitless, he gets into the ring, "eagerly" anticipating the arrival of his opponent.

"WOOOOOO!!!!" The trademark of howl of Ric Flair can be heard through the arena. The opening to Also sprach Zarathustra begins to play through-out the arena as the fans get on their feet in anticipation. Our comes the Nature Boy, wearing one of his custom made robes that cost more than your life and the matching wrestling attire to fit. He slowly makes his way to the ring and goes to acknowledge a few of the fans near ringside. He goes to extend his hand to them but he pulls it back and runs it through his hair, giving off another "WOOOO!!!!" ...As he walks up the stairs to get into the ring, he motions for the referee to hold open the ropes and he enters into the ring. He takes off his robe and hands it to the ref and finishes it up with his trademark strut across the ring as he waits for his opponent.


Right out of the gate, Lucena rushes in and shoots for a school boy pin, which Flair immediately kicks out of! Shaking his head, he points one finger to the younger man before going for that big knife edge chop. It connects and Flair shouts WOO! before delivering a series of chops that back Lucena into the corner. However, one of the chops comes a little too slow and Lucena manages to evade, making Flair hit the turnbuckle with the full force! Shaking his hand wildly and muttering, he turns towards his opponent before getting caught with a rolling elbow to the chin! Flair falls against the ropes, bouncing off and getting back to a vertical base. Cheat goes for another rolling elbow that while connecting, leads to him getting hit with another chop! Flair hits the mat and Lucena backs up, his chest reddened.

Flair gets back up to his feet, no longer looking ready to play these games. He says something through gritted teeth before stepping towards his opponent, hitting a punch to the stomach that doubles Lucena over. He sets him up and drops him down with a huge vertical suplex! Cover!


Kickout! Cheat laughs as he powers out of the pin attempt and gets back to his feet. He slaps Flair right in the face and yells loud enough for all to hear: "A win isn't a win if it's clean!" Another slap! He's about to bring it around for a backhanded smack, but Flair hits a chop! Irish whip! Lucena bounces off the ropes and gets caught with a clothesline! Flair backs up and struts before hitting a knee drop. He tries for it again, but Lucena rolls out of the way, leaving Flair to land on his old ass knees! Lucena gets back to his feet and hits a running dropkick to the side of the kneeling Flair's head! Cheat then delivers a big elbow drop to Flair's back. And another! And a third? No, this time it's Flair who gets out of the way! He gets back to his feet at the same time as Lucena and the two engage in a lock up! Flair gets the knee up before Lucena has the opportunity to pull anything funny, and lifts him up before dropping him with a shin breaker! Flair with the knee drop to Lucena's knee! He tries to go for the Figure Four Leg Lock, but he gets kicked off by the resilient Lucena. For a cheater, he was a tough sonovabitch when he needs to be! Lucena gets back to his feet and shoves Flair of the ropes, hitting him with a dropkick.

Flair doesn't go down though, and instead Lucena whips him off the ropes before hitting the opposite set of ropes, smashing into him with a huge running elbow that does knock Flair to the ground. Cover, while throwing knees to Flair's side.

The ref refuses to count until he stops. Scoffing, Lucena gets back up and pulls Flair up to his. He goes for a eye poke but Flair grabs his arm and tosses it down, spinning Lucena around. Belly to Back suplex! Kept for the pin!



Kickout! Lucena's back to his feet and hits a roundhouse kick to Flair's head!




Lucena's feet are on the ropes! The ref notices and stops the count. Cheat's pissed off and breaks up the pin attempt himself. He drops to his knees by Flair's head and starts smashing his fist into Flair's head, causing him to blade like a motherfucker and get massive color like only a Flair could! Flair with a headbutt, sending Lucena stumbling back! Flair gets back to his feet, running and hugging the turnbuckle before trying to pull the padding off! The ref sees this and steps in, trying to fix it! Cheat walks up to Flair but Flair hits the low blow! Roll up, right as the ref turns around! he goes for that count!



Three! The Dirtiest Player in the Game just taught the rookie a lesson in cheating!

Winner: Ric Flair

Mandii Rider
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
Casket match

The two lock up and remember anything goes. Duke over powers Rider with ease and lifts her up almost straight away but she uses her speed to flip out of it and send Duke to the mat with a hurricanrana. She runs off the ropes and goes for a kick but Duke catches her ankle with his hand and lifts her up into the air and slams her on her back. She's down and Duke rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair before sliding back in but she sees this and stomps on his back a couple of times. She goes to pick the chair up but Duke punches it out of her hands and whips her across the ring. He flips her over his shoulders, but she lands on her feet and kicks him in the back of the legs, sending him down to his knees. She kicks him in the back of the head immediately after then runs off the ropes and hits a enziguri.

That takes Duke down to the mat and she picks up the steel chair. She plants it under his head then runs off the ropes and goes for a leg drop but he rolls out of the way. She screams out in pain and Duke reaches his feet. He grabs her by the head and lifts her up, cradling her left leg, fisherman's suplex! Executed to perfection.

Duke slides to the outside and he opens the casket, he slides back in and Mandii is on her feet and she's grabbed the chair. She hits him in the ribs with the chair and then brings it crashing down on the back of his head. Duke drops to one knee and she goes for third smash but The King of Darkness forwards rolls out of the way then turns. He grabs Rider by the throat and slings her into the turnbuckle. He runs at her with a clothesline but she ducks it then smashes Duke head first into the top turnbuckle. He turns and stares directly into her eyes. She looks scared and so she should be, Duke kicks her in the gut and hits her with a spike piledriver.

He heads to the outside and grabs a baseball bat from under the ring. Duke climbs back into the ring and swing it at her. CRACK. Rider drops to the mat.

Duke tries to roll her towards the casket but she grabs hold of the bottom rope. She manages to kick him in the head and force him away. She is quick to her feet and hits him with an axe kick. She then runs off the ropes and hits a spinning forearm. She then executes a standing moonsault. Rider runs off the ropes and kicks Duke towards the casket. He grabs the bottom rope and moves to the right of the casket just in time. Rider comes flying over the top rope and takes Duke to the mat.

The two begin to exchange punches on the outside and Duke whips her into the barricade. He hits her with a big boot sending her over the barricade. He slides back into the ring and taunts her from the outside. She comes sliding in but Duke intelligently stomps on the back of her. He runs off the ropes and hits a knee drop. He picks her up and hits her with a fall-a-way slam.

The crowd jeers the King of Darkness. He locks in a Boston crab and tries to wear her down. She screams in pain but Duke simply laughs. They get to their feet and Duke picks her up and throws her into the turnbuckle. He goes to hit her with a chair but she turns and spears him to the ground before unloading a flurry of forearms.

She pulls him up and she tries to set him up for the Crack Hard (vertebreaker) but Duke flips over and lands on his feet. She turns around and he grabs her with both hands by the throat. He lifts her up eye. Choke slam!

He waits for her to get to her feet and he looks to set up another choke slam. He grabs her by the throat and lifts her up! But no, she flies out of it and lifts Duke up, F-5! The power in this girl is amazing! What an F-5 that is!

Duke's down and out. She rolls him towards the casket desperately looking to put an end to this match. She is tired though and is struggling. Duke grabs her by the head and plants it into his own knee. She falls backwards and Duke grabs her by both legs and then flings her across the ring.

Both of them remain down for a moment, regaining some energy. They struggle to their feet and exchange slow but powerful closed fists to each other's skulls. Mandii Rider hits a knee to the mid-section of Duke and then pulls him down to the mat head first executing a spike pile driver. She then heads up top. She leaps down and hits a powerful splash that also hurts her own stomach.

The two of them have put on a brilliant match so far and it's got to be nearing an end. Rider goes for a second splash but Duke catches her as she climbs the turn buckle. He grabs her from the top, and power bomb! Duke's surely got it now, he must have it!

He picks Rider up and he looks for the Darkness falls but she reverses it into a hurricanrana again! Duke flips over and he is heading towards the casket. He lands on his feet though and turns. He ducks a clothesline and runs off the opposite ropes!

SOUL SHOT! He sends Mandii over and into the casket. She's out cold and he shuts the casket lid and claims victory!!

Winner: Sebastian Duke

The Dimallisher
- vs -
Hank Lane
Ladder match and contendership for the US Title

Hailing from Waco, Texas it's - The Dimallisher!

Dimallisher walks out playing air guitar and working up the crowd. He kisses someone's baby in the front row and then marches into the ring.

Coming at us from Chicago, Illinois it's - Hank 'Thunder' Lane!

Hank 'Thunder' Lane makes his way towards the ring. He is wearing a long Satin robe with Thunder on the back of it in Diamonds. As he passes by the announcers table he grabs a mic from one of them and takes it into the ring with him.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane: Now I want ALL of you Fat, Disgusting, Out of shape worthless pieces of crap to close your eyes while I take my robe off! Your eyes don't deserve to gaze upon a body as fine as this!

He throws the mic down and takes his robe off. His Muscular body is glistened with sweat and shines under the light. He has on a pair of Black wrestling trunks with Thunder on the back of them. The crowd is a mixture of cheers and boos as Hank saunters to the middle of the ring.

The Dimallisher and Hank Lane meet up in the center of the ring as the fans go crazy! Lane glares at Dim like he could eat the man alive and with just cause, because this match is for a shot at a contendership for the US title! A match who's winner will be decided upon when someone claims the certified contract; that's hanging high above the ring, stating they're the the next contender. A lot is riding on this match and the chips are stacked. Both participants look beyond eager and ready to get this match started and as the fans continue to display their enthusiasm, the bell rings, giving both parties the ability to do just that!

The Dimallisher and Hank Lane fly towards each other, Dim catching Lane with a fast right jab to the chin followed by a hard left hook to the gut! However Dim's hardest punch to Lane's rock solid abs, is nothing but a tickle to the chiseled stallion. Lane laughs at the attempt and grabs Dim by his shirt collar before Lane lifts Dim up and flings him across the ring!

Dim flies across the ring like a football...if a football were a tall, athletic guy shielding his face from a tragic collision with something, while he screams at the top of his lungs. Dim crashes right into the ropes, which shoots Dim right back towards Hank and into Hank's awaiting Standing Drop Kick! Dim drops like a sack of so many potatoes and Lane rips Dim from the canvas just to deliver a DDT!

With Dim down, Hank slides from the ring and reaches under the ring. Hank smiles smugly as he pulls a ladder out and tosses it over the top rope. The ladder misses Dim by only a few inches and Dim pops up screaming! Dim looks like he can't believe he was almost cracked in the head from that ladder!! Looking beyond thankful that didn't happen as he shakes his head and slaps himself in the face, in order to regain some of his bearings. As Dim does this, a shriek from the audience, something like the sound of a Banshee having an orgasm, or perhaps the noise of a Hydra that was slowly dying, erupts and strangely enough, catches Dim's attention. He looks to the audience and there, five rows back from the fan barricade is - SANDY!

Sandy: God Damn Dave! Don't be such a worthless piece of shit! Win this match! Win it for your baby I got in me!

Somehow that noise akin to nails on a chalk board mixed with the sound of someone gargling lard that penetrated the air from Sandy, has given Dim pep. He seems to be fueled with vigor as his eyes light up and he turns to Hank Lane; who has just reentered the ring, with a burst of energy!

The Dimallisher: This ones for you Sandy!

The Dimallisher charges at Hank Lane and immediately catches Hank with several chops to the chest and a few knees to the gut that cause Lane to double over. That's when Dim hits Lane over the back with a Double AxeHandle! Lane falls forward but is caught by Dim, only to be given a Sidewalk Slam!

The fans cheer for the nine to fiver underdog!

Dim then races off to the ropes and uses them to propel himself back towards Lane, who's still sprawled on the canvas. However, just before he reaches Lane, Dim catches himself in a dead stop and promptly drops The People's Elbow!

From there Dim does his best to pull Lane up to his feet. Hank slightly groggy, begins to fire back at Dim with some punches but Dim solves that issue by kicking Lane in the shin! Hank howls in pain and begins to hop on one foot as Dim pulls him in with a Nostril Hook Hold followed by an Eye Poke! Hank yells and Dim delivers a Body Slam!

That Body Slam took a lot out of Dim to perform, but he somehow manages to follow it up with a Leg Drop! It connects perfectly and Lane surges up from the canvas in pain! Dim then gradually rises up from the canvas and gives a quick stomp to Lane's cheat for good measure as he surveys the ring. With Hank down and appearing rather beaten after that vicious onslaught delivered by The Dimallisher, Dim concentrates on the next matter at hand, claiming that contract!

Lane groans from the canvas and that's when Dim spots the ladder. Yes! This is definitely Dim's time to shine! Dim runs to the ladder, sets it up and begins to climb it. Although, Dim's also feeling the fatigue that comes with the level of exertion he put himself through. He's rather tired and worn down looking, so he takes his time when climbing the ladder. Even still with that being the case, he climbs that ladder with determination in his eyes!

Right about halfway up the ladder though, Hank begins to stir and slowly rise to his feet. A factor Dim takes note of out of the corner of his eye. This causes Dim to quicken his accession; however, just as Dim reaches the top and his fingertips graze that contract....

Hank Lane Shoulder Tackles the ladder!

The ladder drops and Dim crashes with it onto the canvas!

Dim was so close!

He almost had it!

Rolling to his side, Dim gingerly rises to his feet with the aid of the ropes. Dim looks out to his muse Sandy; still in the audience, for some inspiration, but to his dismay she's lost interest in the match. Instead she's currently chowing down on a trough of chili cheese fries! Where did she even get that? The food served here isn't sold by the trough! Dim must have some pull with the people who run the concession stands. Food servers united! Or something to that effect. Which basically means that adds up to his girlfriend getting special treatment. Still, a trough full of chill cheese fries. That's just, wow. Anyway, back in the ring, Dim is looking mighty disappointed that his sweetheart is busy having a love affair with a trough of chill cheese fries and not giving him the support he desperately needs! A tragic factor that has Dim distracted and leaves him wide open for an attack from Hank Lane!

An attack in the form of the always devastating move; cleverly titled, Thunder Lane!

That clothesline almost knocked Dim's head clean off! Dim rocks the canvas hard and Lane wastes little time to wrench Dim up by his head after that. From there, Hank delivers several punches to Dim's gut while he also he drags him off to the ropes. Dim, still groggy from almost getting his head severed off, complies, which unfortunately leads to him being pulled up to the top rope by Hank. Hank yanks Dim into position and the fans are off their feet in anticipation. They know what's about to happen and roar excitement as it happens! Hank Lane busts out - Stormy Night (A Vertical Suplex from the top rope followed by a Frog Splash for the pin)!

The Vertical Suplex managed to land perfectly on the ladder laying in the ring and the Frog Slash pulled off afterwards, delivered devastating results! Yet, instead of ending it with a pin as usual, Hank rises to his feet and rips the ladder out from under The Dimallisher!

Dim slumps to the canvas and Lane proceeds to set the ladder up. Lane tosses his sweaty, golden locks back as he begins to climb the ladder. Meanwhile, The Dimallisher is out cold and motionless in the ring!

Lane is at the top of the ladder within minutes and Dim can't stop it!

Lane reaches out and tears the contract down as the fans cheer the number one contender for the US title - Hank Lane!

Winner: Hank Lane

Greenback Boogie by Imarobot begins playing over the loudspeakers and the fans jump to their feet as the entirety of The Company makes their way down to the ring. Theo Pryce grabs a microphone from the Ring Announcer.

Theo Pryce: ”Ladies and Gentlemen of the XWF. Once again the lines have been drawn. Where they were was once Shane and the Black Circle against the Administrator and his network there is now Eli James and The Congregation against The Company with the Administrative Network’s backing. I told each and every one of you the night The Company came into existence that our singular goal is to put an end to tyranny and to bring balance back to the XWF. That has not changed.

Our new owner, Eli James IV has done everything he can to ensure that his rule is absolute. He has stripped people of titles, he has affected the outcome of title matches, he has shown a blatant lack of respect for each and every one of you on the roster. You would all be fired if it weren’t for the Admin Network. Do you get that? You would all be out on the streets if Eli James had done what he wanted. And now we come to the point of no return. World War X. I am not here to beg, or even ask any of you to join our side. You will make your own choices. I just wanted you to hear once again who stands for what. The Company, the Administrative Network is fighting for you, so stand up and fight for yourselves against Eli James. Understand this, I won’t make threats against you like, “join me or regret it.” We are not here to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. Join us or don’t. The decision is yours. Make it wisely.
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[-] The following 9 users Like Giovanni Ferrari's post:
AlexandraCallaway (02-20-2014), Andrew Morrison (02-20-2014), Archie Lawson (02-20-2014), Clean Lucena (02-21-2014), Hank Lane (02-20-2014), Liz Hathaway (02-20-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-20-2014), Scorpio (02-20-2014), Theo Pryce (02-20-2014)
Ann Thraxx Offline
Fuck the fuck off!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-20-2014, 06:12 AM

For the record, I was TRYING to get slammed onto those tacks... Okay!?... Seriously, I told you I feed off pain, Olive. And I was that bored that I needed that in order not to fall asleep. I was TRYING to get slammed onto the tacks and it still took you that long. I wasn't even really TRYING to hit the Depth Perception, but I almost did because THAT'S JUST HOW MUCH YOU SUCK... So yeah, I let you fill me with thumbtacks and pin me. You're welcome. There's my good deed done for the year.

[Image: 2lv1fme.png]

How come all the weird kinky stuff in the world reminds you people of me!?
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Ann Thraxx's post:
Kruzifix (06-30-2014)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Ann Thraxx's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (02-20-2014)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-20-2014, 09:16 AM

"Just like I said I would."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-20-2014, 10:40 AM

Yeah, you did. Now let Swagzilla take you to the candy shop. Then you show him your other guillotine leg drop. ;)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-20-2014, 06:27 PM

"No thanks Swagmeister. But thanks for the congratulations."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Kristy Jackson Offline
The Joan Of Charisma

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

02-20-2014, 06:32 PM

Mandii Rider put up a nice attempt against Duke.

[Image: ifPzIwv.gif]

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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-20-2014, 06:34 PM

"Mandii is an amazing person. She's one of my best friends! I'm so proud of her."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes AlexandraCallaway's post:
Kruzifix (06-30-2014)

XWF FanBase:
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02-20-2014, 06:35 PM

How about you come home with Swaggy, and you show him all about putting up a fight, Kristy? ;)

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