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Promo Protocol: May Shawn Bless You
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-27-2021, 06:34 PM

I sat there. Question unanswered. Going over every moment. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.

It’s not that she didn’t say yes. Or even that she said no. It’s the silence.

It’s deafening.


Silence intact.

The chair slid along the floor. The screeching echoing in the room. She walked to the door, gave it one quick knock. She never looked back as soon as the door opened. There I sat cold, emotionless, alone, but still alive. Still breathing, I sense eyes on me. As I look around the room, nothing adorns the walls. No two way mirrors.

“I guess I did build my own prison.”

As I stand up from the table I grab the ring, and hold it up to the light.

“What’s life without a few risks, yeah?”

I set the ring down on the table and walked towards the door. I stop and hang my head, taking a deep breath as I do.

“Maybe next time….”

The door opens. I don’t know what I expected when I got to the other side, but seeing nothing at all wasn’t it. I walked up the stairs from the basement and right into the kitchen. Everything in the house was as it was, with the exception of the door being booted open. I make my way towards the front porch, only to find the driveway completely empty.

“Yeah. That’s about right. My family, that I fight for, are nowhere to be seen. No Raven, no Betsy or Noah, or Jax. No Atara.”
I take a seat on the top step and clasp my hands together. “I’m the odd man out.”

“That’s not true.”
I feel a hand land on my shoulder.

“Yes it is. Just look around. She’s gone. No one else is here. Destined for a life and career of solitude.”
I glance up and see Derek standing there with a smile on his face.

“Just because she walked away from you doesn’t mean”
Derek takes a seat next to me. I’m not going to lie, I want to bash his fucking face in, but an ear is an ear.

“I know what it means.”
I said as I shook my head.

“You don’t know that. Maybe she’ll…”
I didn’t even allow Derek to finish his statement.

“She won’t.”
I hissed.

“Just because she left, doesn’t mean you’re done.”
Derek looked at me.

“Yes it does.”
I turn my head towards his.

Derek leans back on his palms on the wooden porch top.

“We both have to be at the same place, and one not chasing the other. There needs to be balance. She chose Osira over Me.”
I slowly begin to nod my head.

“You’re not going to hold that against her.”
Derek asked while tapping his foot on the step.

“Of course not. Yet there in lies the difference. She’s the one that I chose. I don’t blame her for choosing family, I never would.”
I shake my head and continue to stare forward towards the empty driveway.

“What about your family in Legacy?”
Derek asks without sounding too forceful.

“What about them?”
I quickly turn my head towards him.

“Her and Legacy?”
He avoids saying her name deftly. “Is she still going to be a part of the group?”

“That’s her call. She earned her spot.”
I responded without a second thought. “If she wants to stay, who am I to stop her? Seems like she’s already made up her mind.”

“And the rest of them? Raven, Noah...”
Derek didn’t finish rattling off the names before I interjected.

“What about them?”
I furrow my brow and peer towards him. “Be very careful with the next words out of your mouth.”

“I mean there’s no way for you to know which side they would choose.”
Derek looks out over the driveway. A small plume of smoke coming from where Noah crashed the Subie.

“I know. But it’s a bit convenient that they are either not here, or standing opposite of me.”
I let out a sigh and exhaled through my nose. “They could’ve told me not to do it. All of them could’ve stopped me. Jax, Raven, Betsy, Noah…. They could’ve told me don’t sign up for March Madness, don’t risk everything for a chance…..” This time Derek stopped me from saying anything more.

“A chance at what?”
A loaded question if there ever was one.

“A chance of self destruction.”
The response was one that I knew that was the eventual outcome. I can’t possibly be happy. I can never be content. It’s why I started in this industry in the first place. A chance to run away from my past and make something of myself. I did exactly that.

However the past always has a way of creeping back up on you. Take for example Jules always showing up and the most inopportune time. A one night stand that even precedes her. Yet even that isn’t the worst of it.

“Oh don’t do that now.”
Derek smiles. “We are just getting acquainted.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”
I look Derek up and down with a confused expression on my face.

“Shawn, humor me and answer one quick question.”
I give him a slight nod and he continues. “Why don’t you use your real name.”

“Shawn is my name, always has been.”
I quickly responded.

“Not that one. Why use Warstein? Is your father’s last name not strong enough? Does it not carry the same bravado as what you put out into the world?”

“What the fuck? Warstein is my legal name! Who are you?”
I stand up from the porch and take a few steps backwards.

“It is now…. but does the McCallum name scare you? Or just remind you of a time you’d rather forget?”
Derek stands up and takes a cautious step towards me, as I recoil back. “You had to know that your past would soon become your present.”

“How do you know this?”

“Shawn, there’s a lot about me that you don’t know.”
Derek slides a hand into his pocket. “Like I don’t know.” With his other hand he begins to tap on his chin. “The beatings I had to endure as a child. The psychological torture on a daily basis from both friend and foe. The fighting tooth and nail for everything I have in this world.”

“That doesn’t give you free reign to be an asshole and try to ruin my life!”
Once again I take a step back, and ball my fist.

“Not try, I succeeded. Although he did try to warn you that I was coming.”
Derek shook his head slowly. “But you just wouldn’t listen. You have always been too concerned with your own life, ready to jump on the next plane to Greece. All for a family that would never accept you. You let him walk away. You didn’t even say goodbye.” The pieces were starting to come together. He was clearly talking about the last time I saw my dad. He came to the door one night as Atara and I were heading off, and I couldn’t even manage to say one word to him. I just sat there like an idiot, with my mouth agape.

“You know your father did a lot for me. Mostly gloating about the son he left, about how well he was doing regardless of his absence.”
Derek pulls his hand from his pocket. Grasping a gold pocket watch, he runs his finger over the backside. I can barely make out the inscription on it ‘Leave No Doubt’, I could feel my blood begin to boil. “So I just had to see this man who he talked so highly of… only to find you. An addict, a failure, and I just couldn’t see the appeal. I couldn’t see why he placed you on a pedestal above the rest of the world. You were flawed and nothing like the man that he praised. Hell you’re nothing like the man YOU praise.”

“What do you want?”
My knuckles turn white with how hard I’m clenching them.

“My father was a great man. He taught me all kinds of tricks. How to deceive people. How to get them to put their guard down. How to slip into people’s lives unnoticed...”
Derek snaps his fingers. “And just like that, turn their world upside down, and watch it burn.”

I said through gritted teeth.

“To show to your father….”
Derek clears his throat. “Ahem, to show OUR father, that I’m better than you. I always have been. I broke you and you didn’t even see it coming.”

“What the fuck?”
It was the only thing that came to my mind.

“I stalked you. I laid in wait for the right moment. Years I waited for you. Watching you start and stop. Then she happened. I had my in. The door was left ajar, and well ...”
Derek confidently walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder. I try to raise my fist but he stops it with his other hand. “... Big Brother…. we are just getting started.”]

As the camera fades to black.

“Well here we go again.”

I stand there alone in the middle of a room. There’s nothing special about it. Just four plain white walls, nothing adorning the walls.

“Fuck this. Fuck all of this.”

“Am I just supposed to sit here and pretend that this is what I wanted? Am I supposed to go with the flow and just smile and nod as I stomp over someone that I truly love and care for?”
[white] I shake my head.
“And I do. I always will. I’ll forever have her back anytime she asks.”

“So that’s all I’m going to state on that subject. Now let’s move onto more pressing matters shall we?”

“The rest of the Elite eight. Or in this case Elite two. Because there are really only two people deemed a true threat to the title of March Madness King…. or Queen.”
A brief smile comes across my face. “I’m not talking about you Solace. I’ve seen many people come in with a rocket strapped to their ass, and you’ll fall just like the rest of them. I’d compare you to the Challenger. Off to a good start…. only to eventually go boom. Never quite able to reach the stratosphere you think you deserve only to come falling back to earth in a heaping fiery wreck.” I shrug as I usually do. “But then again people like you in this industry are a dime a dozen. For every one of me, there are a thousand of you…. wait that math doesn’t add up…. oh well I guess the only thing to say is I’m closer to The Brand than you are to me. These are just facts.”

“No who I really wanted to talk about was none other than Betsy.”
I look down to the right, and take a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry that it has come to this. All of this on a chance that we might stand face to face in the middle of the ring for the right to either Win the whole fucking thing or move on to the finals. You said a lot about me and that’s okay, I don’t blame you one bit. Yet even you can’t fully expect me to be there for you in the end. That’s what I do. Just ask her. She’ll be the first to tell you it’s always been about me. Everything done for my own ego and ascension. Yet why would I need to climb over people that I stand shoulder to shoulder with. I’ve built my own Legacy, and now I’m building towards something more. Betsy I fully expect to see at least one of us in the finals. For as long as I’ve known you, you have been watching carefully from the shadows of giants. I really hope you’ve taken notes. You’re going to need to have retained everything I or James have ever said.”
I smile at the camera for a second. “Let’s just hope you were listening the entire time, and I’m sure James will give you some pointers for when we eventually come face to face. Just know dear ‘sister mine’.... I haven’t quite shown you all the tricks I have up my sleeve.”

“And that leads us to Fury. Sorry I didn’t want you to think that I had forgotten about you and your bumbling band of idiots…. wait no that’s the Left Hand.”
I frantically scratch the back of my head. “Glorified scapegoats? Bad guys lite? The handi-capable? Whatever, I’ve already put too much thought into all of this. The fact that you are basically just like every other comic book villain. A carbon copy of a superior talent says everything about you. Who is that superior talent? Well every female, male or child in the stands, it could be just Ruby. Take your pick.”

“Can’t forget about the scrap heap that everyone can’t seem to gush over. Andre ‘I just go out of the pen and boy is my ass tired’ Dixon seems to be the only person that really wants it, so for you Andre I’ll say this, while I respect your uncle, and he did a lot for me over the years, it’s going to be a damn shame when you see some of his teachings being taught to you again. Over the years since I’ve last seen Jayzon, things have changed. I’ve changed. I’ve taken the things that he showed me and improved upon them. Why do you think the only person to mention him is me? Why would I be the only person to dare speak his name. It’s because I far surpassed him in every way. I’ve done something that he only wished he could do. The only way that he can TIE me, is to come back, we all know that isn’t going to happen…. so beating the tar out of you will have to suffice. You can call yourself ‘The King’ all you want until you’re blue in the face. I’ll just call myself King of The XWF or maybe not, more on that later.”

“Demos? Pass. Ned? Third time won’t be the charm. Anyone else in that battle royal worth a damn? I mean Champ showed up okay…. it’s far better than if that cum stain Big D showed up. See Champ I don’t give a single fuck about you or anything that you could possibly have to say to or about me. There are only so many different ways I can say that you’re not on my level. You’re in single A fall ball in Mexico, and I’m already hitting dingers over Tha Monsta in Fenway. Or you’re playing in the FCFL and I’m chilling signing my next major contract in the NFL. See so matter how much you try, the best you’ll ever possibly hope to attain is becoming Tommy Maddux… from the XFL to trivia question, right next to Rod Smart.”

“And I guess I said the word smart, so I guess that’s where Doc comes into play. See Louis, No matter what people say about you. He’s a monster. He’s one of the best to ever do it. He’s someone everyone should be weary of in March Madness. You hear them all calling for you to walk out. So why should any of us even try? Why should we bother when the choice was made the second you stepped into the fray? Yeah? Well that’s just too goddamn bad. If you think that Betsy, or Andre, or Demos or even myself are just going to lay down for you because you said ‘The XWF is mine again’.”

“It’s not, you have to know that right? Like for reals. The XWF is Forever. No one man will ever claim it as their own. No matter how many times I said it was Mine, it never truly was. No matter how many arrogant assholes walk through the doors and say it, it’s never true. Your Legacy much like mine is enshrined in the Hall of Legends, next to people with real claims of it. You are just another self driven, egomaniacal asshole who doesn’t understand what he’s actually saying. I would know.”

“We smell our own.”

“You asked if I didn’t win the tournament would I leave. Well probably, but I’d always come back to this place. This is my home Doc. It has been since you were still getting your undergrad from Bumblefuck University. I’ve bled more for this company than any man or woman. I’ve stood next to the people everyone looks up to. I didn’t blink. I didn’t cower. I didn’t run. I kept coming back. Over and over again. To simply prove a point.”

“That point? I need all of you to listen. Doc, Betsy, Atara, Osira, Solace, Overton, Fury, Demos, Dixon, Champ, Page, Thad, Corey, Knuckles, Bourbon and anyone else that has ever said anything about me.”

“I don’t need to be the King of the XWF.”

“I don’t need a title around my waist.”

“I’m not the XWF.”

“Simply put…”

“I’m a GOD in the XWF.”

“I transcend Generations,”

“I transcend Eras.”

“Fuck You. Good Night and Good Luck.”

“And Shawn bless.”

[Image: CreepyLimpKob-size_restricted.gif]

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
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