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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Game Has Changed, But the Player Remains the Same
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B.O.B. D Offline
Active in XWF

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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-03-2019, 07:48 PM

It's a whole different game after Saturday Night Savage. And this time when I say 'game', I'm not referring to board games made to parody my Warfare opponents. No, this is a reference to the entire state of the XWF. Come Wednesday, me, Mastermind, and Peter Gilmour square off for a chance at the Xtreme Champion.......... but that match means so much MORE now. Not only does the winner get to face Unknown Soldier for his Xtreme Title, but they will also do so knowing he is now the Universal Champion!

At Savage, I managed to make my own statement, but it was a mere whisper when compared with the one Unknown Soldier, and even Gilly, made right before it. And while I may have been granted a TV Title shot, LIKE I DESERVE, it's not even being thought about because of Soldier's cash-in. Once again, Big D is being cast aside because someone else wants to hog the spotlight with Lux, Apex, and Chris Page. If people didn't think I was already motivated enough just for the sake of an Xtreme Title shot, they haven't seen ANYTHING yet! Knowing that my match against Mastermind, and Unknown Soldier's lapdog, gets me a one on one match with THE Universal Champion means they will have to drag my broken body from that ring before I allow myself to lose! Everything I've worked for, every goal I'd ever hoped to accomplish now officially laid in the balance of this one match. I'd die before I let another opportunity like that slip from my grasp.

Alot of people had a problem with my actions a few days ago, wondering how I could cause so much chaos? Did they think that when Robert Main beat the shit out of the Engineer for a free ride of a Title reign? Did anybody question Unknown Soldier when he cashed in last night and threw a complete wrench into the entire Title picture; or Chris Page when he invited XWF and was gifted Championship matches as a thanks for trying to destroy the company??? Nobody batted an eye until Big D said something, they didn't have a problem with the dismantling until I was the one doing in. And now, here I am, potentially being rewarded for going out and making my statement HAPPEN, rather than wait around for a gift like Steve Justice or Thaddeus Duke. I find myself in a position to become a Double Champion within a matter of weeks, and NOT with two belts people would rather use as toilet paper than respect. No, if I can defeat Peter Gilmour and Mastermind, I'd set myself up to become TV Champion at the next Savage, and follow it up with the Xtreme Title at Relentless. With that I'd hold the two belts Mastermind did, AT THE SAME TIME, and in a matter of only months into my XWF career.

I've experienced plenty of low points since arriving, but that is all in the past. As I've said before, the next win is what matters and my next one will be of the utmost importance. Take away the fact there's a Title shot on the line, ignore that the winner faces the newly crowned Universal Champion.......... this match is big without all that. Three men willing to walk through hell and back to revitalize their careers. Whether it's Mastermind: overcoming his knee injury and not living up to the hype around him; Gilly: showing everyone that he's more than a big dick and wasn't Universal Champion by fluke; or even me: an outsider searching for respect and glory in a community that sees him as a walking dick joke. There's only room for one of us to show the world otherwise, and I have no plans of being one of the two left in the dust.

That's why Peter Gilmour did what he did at Savage, assisting his boyfriend in winning the Universal Championship. Delivering a Gilly Cutter to James Raven like he was proud as hell to attack a man after a hard fought contest. The way Peter Gilmour was acting, you would've thought HE was about to claim that belt for his own. I guess it shows how hard that super dick of his is for Unknown Soldier. Gilly knew his name, his legacy, was fading into obscurity and he needed to do something about it. When Unknown Soldier approached him about his intentions, I'm sure Peter wet himself with excitement. It wasn't like he was gonna get anywhere near that belt himself, now that his buddy has it, he can be around it all the time! I bet when Soldier is sleeping, Gilly sneaks into his room, snags the Championship, and walks around with it on like it was his. Because that is, and was only ever gonna be, the closest Peter Gilmour gets to being Universal Champion ever again.

He made the decision to help Unknown Soldier because he knew it was his best chance to remain in the spotlight for just a little while longer. The Gilly jokes had finally gotten to him and he needed to call his big brother to come fight the bullies for him. I don't know how much help a person who's too cowardly to have a fair one on one match is, though, but maybe that's why they're searching for Sid Feder. They're gonna need all the help they can get with all the targets they have on their backs. Good luck with a man who the company respected so much, they named a Title after that no-one gives a shit about.

I don't blame Gilly for trying to make himself relevant again, but his sad attempt at a career revival could wind up being his biggest downfall. The man holding the belt Gilmour has a chance of earning a shot at has been giving him these distractions leading up to the match. 'Help me keep Apex at bay so I can win the Title.' 'Let's go on a crazy pirate adventure to find Sid Feder.' If I didn't know any better, I'd say Unknown Soldier is trying to butter Gilly up. He seems like a man who either doesn't want to face Peter Gilmour, or one who wants his mind muddled with other things when he does. Despite Gilly putting it all out there to help his friend succeed, there's no way the feeling would be mutual if the two were to face off for one of Soldier's belts.

Luckily for Peter, he won't have to worry about his friendship ending over a mid-card Championship just yet, because he's NOT getting that Title shot. He'll be able to go about his business as a flunky to Unknown Soldier, showing himself off like a lonely woman needing attention. But in the end, whatever Gilly manages to do, it'll all by overshadowed by the fact he did it as Unknown Soldier's bitch. Everyone will remember how he helped his master win the big one, only to go on to lose to Big D, before watching his master fall before my feet, as well. And after I'm through with them, Gilly can fall back to irrelevancy, and Unknown Soldier can go back to sucking dick for meth!

But I'm getting ahead of myself, because Peter Gilmour isn't the only wrestler in this match trying to keep their career afloat. Mastermind has been on a journey of his own as of late, all for the sake of leaving his mark on the business. He can be proud of his three Xtreme Title reigns, or even his TV Title one, but deep down it'll never be enough. Despite his excuses of taking Universal Champions to the limit, the fact is he still didn't beat them.

Mastermind knows his career is on the back end, but I don't think he realizes just HOW much so. That knee is a factor, whether he wants to admit it or not, and his recent actions have proven that. He's out there in a search for a protege to live his dreams through, because he knows his knee won't hold up much longer. He's gonna be lucky if he can walk TO our match, let alone walk AWAY from it!

Mastermind knows this is gonna be one of his last chances to make an impact before he transitions to the role of teacher. It started with his losing streak, one that was so bad he had to brag about beating Belladonna Lovely to end it. Leap of Faith didn't help as, not only did he grab the wrong briefcase, but he ended up with the one containing the most insulting items. That doll was alot like Mastermind's career as of late, all blown up. Another loss at Warfare will only have people questioning if Mastermind should've retired BEFORE he was past his prime. If he doesn't quit or pick his game up soon, his trainee won't even WANT to learn from him.

I remember fearing Mastermind when I first walked into the XWF lockeroom. He was the Xtreme Champion and I watched as he kicked out of people's pin attempts left and right, including a few of my own. The way he would thwart his opponents' attacks and put a sticky note on them after they failed was intimidating. But the problem was, that was all he did. He hung around backstage with his belt, portraying himself as a wrestler despite barely stepping foot in the ring. It was so bad, I didn't realize he made shirts for the people he beat for at LEAST a month. But eventually he DID defend his Championship and was bested by none other than Zane fucking Norrison. I don't know if Mastermind was just having a bad day or really just couldn't win, but I'm gonna show him how you take care of Zane on the next Anarchy. Great wrestlers don't lose to extras from The Walking Dead, they beat them and they do it in convincing fashion!

The only thing close to an accomplishment Mastermind has had recently would be elimination me from War Games, and even THAT doesn't come without an asterisk. Making someone tap out who was looking to exit the match early, anyway, doesn't account for much. Truth be told, Ned Kaye could've had the honor had he applied a halfway decent hold on me at the time Mastermind did. That Universal Title shot meant so much to me, I was willing to take a dive to ensure I make it there in one piece. I did just that and Mastermind just happened to benefit from that decision. Considering it's the only thing he's done in recent memory, I wouldn't put too much weight into it.

This is exactly why Mastermind knows the fat lady has sang on his life in XWF. He's fully aware that the only way his name will ever be associated with a Universal Champion is if he's managing one. But considering he's never going to be MY manager, I wouldn't hold out too much hope for that. Mastermind is just gonna be remembered as the guy who made cheap t-shirts for the people he beat, on the few occasions he actually won. An average wrestler who'll probably make for a below average manager.

Mastermind seems to think I give a shit about where he's from, that I 'made a mistake' in saying he's from Australia. Truth is, I don't care where he's from, as far as I'm concerned I did him a favor in portraying him from the land down under. Had I created a board game about a douchebag from New Zealand, there would've been alot less interesting things to associate with him, nothing at all to be exact. Even if I HAD made a mistake in mocking him being from the wrong country, could I really be blamed? The man's mentor is Outback Jack, for crying out loud, the man who uses two back and forth Clotheslines for a finisher and calls it the Boomerang! If he didn't want to be associated with Australia, he should've chosen someone to train him who ISN'T a walking stereotype of that country. It'd be like if I was trained by William Regal, everyone would assume I spend my free time drinking tea and eating crumpets!

Outback Jack is living proof that Mastermind is bound to fail. Most people choose winners to be their heroes and it translates to them having a winning attitude and following in the glory of those they look up to. Not Mastermind. Despite managing to do more in his career than his mentor, it still hasn't accounted to much. This is exactly why he has such a deep desire to be a mentor, himself, because he wants to follow in Outback Jack's footsteps. No matter how many times Mastermind says he's gonna win Wednesday, regardless of what he thinks about my memory, it just isn't gonna happen. People will remember him as a pretty good mid-carder whose knee held him back so he had to become a manager. And then they'll shrug, watch the new talent Mastermind brought in, and wonder why someone so talented is being held down by such a loser. And then it'll be Outback Jack all over again, only this time, Mastermind will be playing the role of Jack. Doesn't seem like much of a legacy to me.

It probably seems like I'm talking out of my ass about Gilly and Mastermind, just an enemy trying to rile up my opponents. But the truth is, I know a hell of alot about legacies and not living up to expectations. Ever since arriving in XWF, I've done everything I could to forge my own path and it's gone about as well as Outback Jack's WWF career. My first few weeks were quite the roller coaster ride, losing to people who have since become irrelevant in XWF, as well as beating a few. I captained a winning War Games team, only to have people doubt how much I contributed to that victory. Then when I went on to show everyone what I had in my Universal Title match, it was all undermined when Robert Main pinned Donovan Blackwater. My effort earned me an opportunity at Leap of Faith, but when you're an unlucky guy in a match based solely on random chance, things are bound to go against you.

But just because things haven't gone the way I'd imagined, doesn't mean I don't have time to change it. That's the difference between me and guys like Gilly and Mastermind, my hourglass is still half full while theirs trickles down to its last few grains of sand. Even though both men have accomplished more in their careers than I have thus far, MY future consists of becoming Xtreme Champion AND TV Champion at the same time; while theirs involves retirement homes, soft foods, and adult diapers as they struggle to remember the glory of their past.

My ascension to super stardom begins at Warfare when I upend two of XWF's supposed 'greats', on my way to a match with the new Universal Champion. And even though that match will only be for the Xtreme Championship, I will treat it as the most important match of my career. But to get there, I have to treat THIS match as the most important one I'll ever have, and I'll be damned if it isn't. If you told me a week ago that I'd be one match away from facing the Universal Champion, I'd have told you to lay off the crack. But now that my match with Mastermind and Gilly has so much more weight to it than a shot at a 24/7 Championship, you bet your ASS I'm gonna do whatever it takes to have my hand raised in the end! The game has changed and the rules may be different, but I intend to break them and walk out a winner. And that ain't no story, it's the Cold Big D Truth..........

June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
2019 Relentless Fishing Contest Winner
1x XWF World Heavyweight Champion
1x bWo World Heavyweight Champion [despite what Miss Furry or James J. Dildo says]
1x NWF World Heavyweight Champion
2x XWF Xtreme Champion [current]
2x XWF TV Champion
1x XWF Internet Champion
1x NWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Slim)
1x NWF Xtreme Champion
1x NLCW Slamfest Champion
1x LCW Hardcore Champion
3x WWF X-Division Champion
1x WWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Seth Flash)
1x WWF Dark Champion
1x WWF TV Champion
1x EGW Fury Champion
3x XWF Federweight Champion
4x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion
1x 420* Cruiserweight Champion
2x CMW Hardcore Champion
1x XHW T.V. Champion
1x WXC Hardcore Champion
1x XPW U.S. Champion
1x WLFC Tag Team Champion w/Chance
1x WWC T.V. Champion
1x WWC European Champion
1x WWF 24/7Hardcore Champion
2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion

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Barney Green (09-03-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-03-2019), Theo Pryce (09-04-2019), Unknown Soldier (09-03-2019)

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