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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare - 04/13/2018
Author Message
Darius Xavier Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
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04-12-2018, 11:31 AM



- vs -
Standard Match

Tank Hammet
- vs -
Loa Dust On A Pole Match!

High atop a pole in a corner will be a bag containing Z's mysterious Loa Dust! Who knows what it could be used for by whomever gets hold of it first!

Ms. Hyde
- vs -
Jenny Myst
- vs -
Azrael Erebus??
Triple Threat for a PPV Bombshell Title Match!

That's right! Azrael is genderless and therefore eligible! Weird!

The Engineer & Joachim Bright*
- vs -
Peter Gilmour & ???
Who will Gilly bring as his partner? Does the F'n X-Treme Icon finally have the advantage in the tag team debacle?

Mystery Partner will be revealed in their first RP!

(*Joachim is standing in for the injured Micheal Graves)

Griffin MacAlister
- vs -
Finn Kühn
Steel Cage Match!

Chris Valley
- vs -
Jon Willis
X-Treme Rules Match!

Calum Jason
- vs -
Christian Andrews
- vs -
Calib Wallace
Triple Threat!

- vs -
Standard Match

The following match is a standard singles match, with no set time limit, and is scheduled for-

Tig winks at the crowd and raises her hands at them, and the entire arena comes to life with chants of "ONE FALL!"

Introducing first... the one-and-only, the enigma... RAIN!!!!!

"Here comes the Rain again", by Skylar Grey hits and the colors of the arena begin to flash quickly and vibrantly, akin to a trance club. Rain walks out through the curtains, the xTron displaying -- '#iAm'


Pyro of every color pours down upon the stage, as Rain saunters out.. He wears a t-shirt reading-- '#BELiEVE' on the front // 'or be left behind' on the back. The fans offer up a split reaction, some calling for his head (familiar territory, to say the least). However, some cheer on 'The Storm' as he sprints down the ramp, slides under the bottom and hops on the middle rope, raising the horns. The cheers and jeers of the fans reverberate throughout the building, as Rain prepares for war.

The enigmatic Rain is greeted by a decidedly mixed reaction.

And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan... He stands at 6'2" and tonight he weighs in at 262 pounds.... Nishimura Hibiki... ECHO!!!!!!

ECHO casually strolls down to the ring, he climbs the steps slowly, stopping at the top step and staring out into the crowd before climbing in between the ropes. Echo takes a look at his opponent and then leans back in the corner waiting for the match to start.

And there's Nipsey Russell with the bell! This match is on!

Rain and Echo circle each other to start out the match, and Rain looks to lock up with Echo for a test-of-strength, extending his left arm. Echo prepares to lock up... and is caught off-guard as Rain slaps him hard across the face! The crowd boos as Echo holds his cheek, nods... and then savagely begins attacking Rain's right thigh with hard shin kicks! Each kick causes Rain to stumble and retreat backwards until he runs out of room and is pushed up against the ropes! Rain receives a hard elbow to the side of the head, an equally-hard shot to the gut, and is then whipped across the ring! On his return, he's blasted with a scoop powerslam! Echo immediately springs to his feet and nails a Double Foot Stomp! It's a crushing blow to the solar plexus and he's still not done! With both feet on Rain's stomach, Echo kicks off and nails Rain with a Standing Senton! He quickly covers for the pin!




I'm betting Rain is regretting that slap right about now! All it did was make Echo mad!

I think it was a smart move, it showed that Rain isn't the least bit scared or intimidated by Echo. The longer this match goes, the more that slap might have been a stroke of genius.

Echo gets up and walks behind Rain, waiting for him to rise. Rain gets up, turns, and Echo blasts him with a Lariat... but it's blocked, and with authority! Rain blocks so hard that Echo spins his entire body and tries to counter by transitioning into an Enzugiri... but that is blocked as well! Echo falls to the mat, his strike blocked, and is quickly blasted right in the face by a dropkick from Rain! With his opponent dazed momentarily, Rain takes the opportunity to land some heavy leather, kicking Echo several times in the ribs and adding a few stomps for good measure! Rain grabs Echo in a facelock and hauls him up! Rain hits a vertical Suplex right onto the nearby ring ropes! As Echo dangles over the ropes, trying to suck in air and catch his breath, Rain quickly jumps to the second turnbuckle! From the second turnbuckle Rain nails a Double Foot Stomp to Echo's head, causing him to faceplant hard! Rain goes for the pin!



That's a kickout! We got another kickout!

Rain slams his fist on the mat in anger and hauls Echo back up, setting him up for a Powerbomb. Echo is lifted into the air... but reverses! From the Powerbomb position, Echo latches onto the nearby ring ropes and hits a Huracanrana, sending both men tumbling over the ropes and to the outside! Both men are slow to get to their feet, but Echo is the first man up! As Rain reaches a vertical base, Echo leaps at him for a Jumping Knee Strike... but Rain dodges out of the way, and Echo goes flying into the turnbuckle knee-first!

There's no padding on that buckle outside of the ring! Echo's knee just met cold hard steel and you can tell he's feeling it!

As Echo clutches his knee in pain, he is quickly snatched up and thrown inside the ring by Rain. Rain wastes no time going to work on that knee, grabbing it and kicking at it with all the force he can muster. Rain then grabs a hold of Echo's injured knee and locks on a Half Boston Crab! Rain applies the hold with authority, but his base is too high! He's too high up, focusing all his attention on that knee, and he gives Echo too much room! Echo rolls through the hold, breaking it, and kicks Rain off of him! Rain stumbles back, caught off-guard, and Echo gets to his feet! He throws a kick with his bad leg, and it's immediately caught by Rain... but it was a feint! Echo nails Rain with his other, undamaged leg, hitting Rain full-force on the side of the jaw with an Enzugiri and momentarily dazing him!

With a single hard thrust kick to the gut, Echo backs Rain into a corner of the ring! Echo runs to the center of the ring, favoring his bad knee, and then finds the strength to ignore the pain! With a cry of fury he charges full-force into Rain, hitting him with a Jumping Knee Strike! Rain, dazed, stumbles forward... right into the Tokyo Tour, Echo's patented double-knee facebreaker! Echo goes for the pin!



That's a kickout! I can't believe it but Rain kicked out!

Echo curses loudly and looks at Rain with fire in his eyes. Echo grabs a headlock, setting Rain up for the Apukku Su-ru, his finisher! But Rain blocks it with several hard blows to the gut! Yet Echo keeps hold of the headlock! Rain then hits a Northern Lights Suplex... but he's still trapped in the headlock, and Echo rolls through, still looking for his finisher! With no other options, Rain takes drastic action and lifts Echo above his head, throwing him up and over the top rope! Echo lands hard, his bad leg taking the brunt of the impact, and he's slow to stand! By the time Echo manages to get back up outside the ring, Rain has gotten up, launched himself across the ring, and on his return, dives over the top rope and goes crashing right into and through Echo!

It's a Somersault Plancha! Arriba!

Please do not insult my intelligence and the intelligence of everyone in this arena and those watching at home by pretending like you know Spanish.

Yo tengo un gato grande en mis pantalones! Donde esta la biblioteca!

Outside the ring, both men crawl back up to their feet. Rain harshly grabs a fistful of hair and tosses Echo back inside the ring, then rolls back in the ring himself. He grabs Echo up, who serves him up a hard shot to the gut, but Rain responds with several hard-clubbing blows to the back of the neck. With Echo dazed and hurt, Rain positions him on the top turnbuckle, facing outward!

Whatever he's doing, you can tell he's going for the win! Both men are nearly at their breaking point!

Rain turns himself around and backs into Echo, lifting Echo up shortly and positioning Echo for a powerbomb. With whatever is left of his strength, Rain ascends to the second rope, supporting Echo's full weight on his shoulders! The fans rise to their feet as Rain nails an Avalanche Jackknife Powerbomb from the second rope! Rain manages to crawl over to Echo and cover him for the pin!




It's over! It's over! And what a way it ended! Rain wins!

Winner - Rain

Tank Hammet
- vs -
Loa Dust On A Pole Match!
High atop a pole in a corner will be a bag containing Z's mysterious Loa Dust! Who knows what it could be used for by whomever gets hold of it first!

The fans are heckling the big, dumb, slow, lumbering giant Tank Hammet as he wanders into the ring looking for his opponent for tonight, but Z is nowhere to be found. Z is either too stupid to remember he had a match or he's missing!

We find out what's really going on as soon as the big tron flickers to life and we see

Hate Nation J̶̷o̶̷h̶̷n̶̷ Ron Cena!

Hey you big ugly dope fiend, you lookin' for this shit right here?

Cena pulls Z up off the floor and he's covered in blood and he's also handcuffed. Tank watches the screen and sees Cena stab a pocket knife into Z's face rapid fire style, making dozens of jagged lacerations. Sick fucking assault! Then he pops Z up into the fireman's carry, walks his bloody ass toward the wall and delivers THE BIG FUCK YOU right through the wall!

It was a brick wall.

Now the big tron jumps to pure static. One blink of an eye later this is already happening in the ring.

Attitude Adjustment to big Tank Hammet!

Cena rolls through the move bringing Tank back up on his back as he stands up to hit the same damn move again

but this time it's called the F-U! Cena isn't done there because now he does it again, dumping Tank over the top and to the outside making it THE BIG FUCK YOU! Cena follows to the outside so he can put the tip of a nightstick into Tank's mouth and kick his jaw shut, shattering the fuck out of Tank's teeth.

Pussy ass bitch. Kill yoself.

A lot of the fans are pretty relieved they don't have to watch a Tank Hammet vs Z match tonight.

Cena punches a teenage boy in the face for flicking him off.

Props dude I'm lovin' the hate. Peace.

Cena punches the boy's mother and finally heads to the back. Both the mother and son were left unconscious.

Winner - Fans of Gratuitous Violence

Ms. Hyde
- vs -
Jenny Myst
- vs -
Azrael Erebus??
Triple Threat for a PPV Bombshell Title Match!

That's right! Azrael is genderless and therefore eligible! Weird!

Here we go! This should be a violent match filled with malice!

Mandii is probably yawning somewhere.

Tig O' Bitties: The following match is set for one fall and is a triple threat match for a shot at the Bombshell Title! Introducing first, from Essex, England, Ms Hyde!

Mz. Hyde by Halestorm blares over the sound system while white and pink flashes light up the darkened arena. Ms. Hyde makes her entrance with the relighting of the arena. She skips down the ramp waving to fans on either side and flashing a large smile. Once reaching the ring and rolling in under the bottom rope the bubbly emotion of Ms.Hyde is replaced with a darker eerie vibe. Ms. Hyde pulls herself up from the mat using the ropes before pulling on the ropes and yelling/taunting the fans. Once getting her fill of the boos she walks to the corner of the ring and lays on the top turnbuckle with her elbow propping up her head.

I like her hair, it reminds me of cotton candy at the fair.

Go tell her that.

I'm hungry.

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing next, from Moonspire on the planet of Ozuul, Azrael Erebus!

The lights go off, and yellow strobes and smoke appear. When the light come back on, Azrael appears and walks to the ring confidently, with a dead set and determined look in his eyes. Eyes that smolder with a touch of fire.

This guy, girl, thing, is weird. Like something from a damn Nintendo game.

I bet you this thing is gonna win! How crazy would that be?! Social consciousness! Gotta love it!

Tig O' Bitties: And their opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, she is the Diva of the Damned........Jenny Mysssssst!

[Image: bKIBsan.gif]

Jenny walks to the ring with an aggravated look.

She just hasn't been the same since Mandii got here.

Bitch has gone off the deep end. For realz.

That makes her dangerous.

......wonder if she still puts out?

The bell rings as all three competitors stare at each other for a chance to face Mandii for the Bombshell Title. Jenny charges Azrael, firing off shots but Hyde pulls her back by the hair, throwing her into the corner and going after the genderless one herself. Jenny explodes back out of the corner and the two of them continue to stomp and chop Azrael. Hyde then turns and chops Myst, and as the alien slumps in the corner Myst and Hyde trade blows. Myst ducks and slides behind, throwing Hyde behind her with a belly to back suplex. Bouncing back up she does a cartwheel into the corner and splashes Azrael.

Myst looking good here, riding that momentum she gained against against Ortega.

Do you listen to yourself? Momentum, Ortega? Come on.

Jenny walks over to Hyde and picks her up by the hair but the scrappy new comer knees Jenny in the gut, the sets her up for a DDT but Myst shoves her off. Hyde comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Myst ducks, flipping her over her shoulder but Hyde lands on her feet. Myst turns around and Hyde hits her with a standing drop kick. Myst goes flying outside the ring. Hyde turns around but Azrael is there and meets her with fists, backing her into the corner. Those two go at it but Azrael gets the upper hand. Whipping her towards the center of the ring he pulls her arm back and levels her with a clothesline.

What a power move from Erebus there!

Jenny is up on the outside, and here and Azrael make eye contact. It motion for her to come into the ring. Jenny gives him a hand motion and walks around the outside, so Azrael turns back to Hyde in the center of the ring. It bends down to pick her up and she brings a leg up, kicking the being in the side of the head. Azrael stumbles away and Jenny slides into the ring. CODEBREAKER!

What a cheap shot from Jenny!

Strategy, Luca!

Jenny goes for the pin.



Hyde breaks up the count. She pulls Myst off the alien being and begins to fire some punches to the face before Myst ducks on a puch. She flips Hyde over her shoulder but once again she lands on her feet. She goes for a boot, but Myst ducks again and grabs the leg, shoving Hyde down and jumping to the middle rope, going for a lionsault. Hyde gets the knees up and Jenny rolls off, holding her midsection. Azrael is still down, Hyde is using the ropes to pull herself up.

What an action packed match we have already! None of these competitors can get the upper hand on the other!

Am I the only one hoping for a wardrobe malfunction?

Hyde gets to her feet. Azrael is on his feet as well. Myst is pulling herself up in the corner. The alien and the anime look at each other. They both smile at each other and look at Myst. As Jenny stands up they both run and clothesline the former Bombshell Champion over the ropes and to the outside.

As they look at Jenny, laid out on the floor outside, Azrael quickly grabs Hyde by the hair. It has this weird look in its eye, and hers go wide as he wraps a hand around her throat. Azrael lifts Hyde up for a chokeslam. Hyde reverses and Azrael whips her into the corner. Myst is up on the climbs on the top rope. Shooting Star Plancha!!!!!!!

Azrael takes Myst out!

He uses his powers to levitate over the rope and back into the ring. Hyde is up. She charges, and Azrael goes for the leg sweep, she jumps over and off the ropes, pushing him into the corner. They fire off shots on each other but Hyde gets the best of him. She hits a monkey flip and puts the creature on its back.

This match is so crazy. I can't get a read on who is going to win this thing!

Do you even care?

I do, in fact.

Hyde comes off the ropes with a leg drop.




Azrael kicks out at 2!

Hyde is pissed now, with an intense look on her face. She picks up Azrael and whips it into the ropes, and lifts it up...........


Azrael is out cold!

But as Hyde was still in the sitting position, Myst comes off the top ropes with a flying drop kick, connecting with Hyde's face and chest.

Jenny Myst out of nowhere!!

Jenny rolls her to her feet. Kick to the gut!

Here it comes!


PINK PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny grins and falls into the cover.



3-----MS HYDE KICKS OUT!!!!!!!

Oh my god! Hyde kicked out! Hyde kicked out of Pink Perfection!!!!!

It happens.

Jenny slaps the mat, then yells "three! Count to three!" at the ref. She puts three fingers up and gets in his face. He advises her to step back. Jenny turns around and grabs Ms. Hyde's arms, stepping on her hair. She pulls the arms up. Hyde's body arches up as Myst applied the pressure to her scalp and shoulder joints.

Vintage Myst here, that vile mean streak!

She is on her period 24/7!

The ref counts to 5 and then forces her to break the hold.

She shoves the ref's hand away and pulls Hyde's arms up again. At this 5 count this time, she breaks the hold and comes off the ropes, summersaulting into a splash but in Mid-Air Azrael hits her with a big boot out of nowhere! Myst is in a heap in the middle of the ring!

On one knee, the thing shakes off the cobwebs. Hyde is starting to stir. Azrael stands her up, and stands Myst up. Hyde is wobbly in the center of the ring. He whips her into the ropes, then Myst into the other ropes. Both hang their torsos over the top rope and it runs and clubs them both in the back of the head, causing them to both stumble into the center of the ring. He boots Hyde. He goes to boot Myst but she ducks, locking in position.


Same move, different opponent! Lets see if this time is any different for her!

It won't.
Jenny hooks the leg.



3----Hyde breaks up the count, somehow.

Jenny grabs her hands and rolls them through her hair with a scowl. Rolling out of the ring, she walks over the the time keepers table.

Where the hell does she think shes going?

Who cares?

In the ring Hyde and Azrael are trading moves.

Jenny grabs her pepper spray out of her bra and looks at it. Walking over to the ring, she gets up on the apron, waiting for one of them to turn around.

Just then..........

Its Mandii Rider!

Mandii is coming to the ring!

Mandii charges down the ramp and pulls Jenny off the apron, she takes the mace from Jenny, slapping her in the face. Jenny slaps her back.

In the ring, Azrael is down. Hyde leaps over the ropes and takes out Myst, but Mandii moved out of the way. But, she hit her shoulder on the mat.

Hyde may have hurt herself here! She is down!

Mandii, who is better off than either of them, rolls Jenny into the ring. Azrael is to its feet.

Mandii just fed Jenny to the wolf here!

Jenny stumbles to her feet.

Darkest Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Azrael covers.




It did it! Azrael Erebus is going to face Mandii for the title!

It gets to its feet, and shaking off the cobwebs makes the belt signal across the waist. Mandii shakes her head with a smile, mouthing "I don't think so!"

Oh this is going to be a big one! Azrael just pinned Myst after Mandii thwarted her plan! The Bombshell Division is a war zone right now!

Tig O' Bitties: Here is your winner, and the NEW NUMBER ONE CONTENDER FOR THE BOMBSHELL TITLE, Azrael Erebus!

Winner: Azrael Erebus!!

The Engineer & Joachim Bright*
- vs -
Peter Gilmour & Chris Chaos
Standard Tag Team Match

The words "FOLLOW ME" show up on the X-Tron screen as smoke billows at the entrance. Blue and white lights flicker. At the 10 second mark, he steps through the smoke wearing his jacket (Rated R Edge trench coat). Looking to both sides of the crowd. He walks slowly to the ring until he gets about 3/4 of the way down, then jogs and slides into the ring (edge style)...When he gets into the ring he gets up on the far turnbuckle and gets up on it, throwing both arms up.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of DADDYS FALLEN ANGEL by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his wife Maria Brink come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and kisses Maria as they wait for the tag team champions.

As the opening instrumental to "Words as Weapons" by Seether kicks in, Joachim appears at the top of the ramp. His entrance has little in the way of frills, but he'll clap hands with people who reach out to him. He'll climb up the ring steps and vault over the top rope, rolling to his feet and backing into a corner where he sits on the top turnbuckle while waiting for the match to start.

The entire arena is washed in sterile white light as the following words are spoken through the sound system:

Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill Is Dexter ill today?

On the main screen is a grainy image of an old television test screen. After the initial dialogue the sound slips into “Insect” by Die Warzau and his 'tron. The arena is still bathed in sterile white lights which are now accompanied by small red lights panning all over the arena that look like droplets of blood in contrasts with the white lights.

The Engineer steps to the top of the ramp, and he takes in the crowd, the ring, everything. Slowly an unsettling smile bisects his face, and some black tar like liquid will spill from his mouth. He'll run his sleeve over it before stalking to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. He then picks himself up in a neutral corner, remaining there with a dead eyed stare until the match begins.


Immediately Bright charges at Chaos with a foot raised…..BUT IS IMMEDIATELY CUT OFF WITH WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS! The superkick sends Bright flying back and he slumps into the corner, where The Engineer slaps his back before Bright rolls out of the ring, unconscious!

Engy cracks his neck as he enters the ring. Chris Chaos has a confident smile on his face, and Peter Gilmour is shouting all kinds of obscenities at the Tag Team Champion left standing.

Engy charges Chaos, who goes for Wrong Side Of The Tracks again……but Engy slams on the breaks before contact. Chaos smiles again, but Engy shoots and takes him down, before unloading with lefts and rights on Chaos!

Chaos tries to cover up as the referee bellows at Engy, but there’s no stopping him! In desperation Chaos reaches and grabs the bottom rope, but still Engy fires away on the challenger.

‘ONE……’ The referee begins his count as Engy continues to swing wildly at Chaos.





As the referee begins the final word Engy relents, but only for a moment as he charges the ropes before sending Chris Chaos flying out of the ring with a baseball slide!

Gilmour, incensed, begins to enter the ring, but Engy kicks the middle rope hard, sending it straight into Gilmour’s dick. Peter collapses on the apron and joins his partner on the floor. Engy, without even stopping to think, sprints against the ropes once more and, seemingly effortlessly, clears the top rope with a single jump and lands with his left hand on Chaos’ throat and his right hand on Gilmour’s, sending them both to the hard concrete outside! He maintains the choke hold on both for a few seconds, before tossing Gilmour aside and forcing Chaos to his feet, before pushing him inside the ring.
Not relenting, Engy immediately hooks Chaos up in an exploder suplex! Chaos rebounds off the canvas before Engy covers him.



Chaos’ shoulder pops up off of the mat before the referee can even count two. Engy immediately pulls Chaos to his feet and grabs his waist! Effortlessly he lifts Chaos up for the Delirium Tremens! With a scream Engy powers Chaos down…..BUT CHAOS COUNTERS WITH A HURRICANRANA THAT SENDS ENGY FLYING INTO THE TURNBUCKLE!

Chaos scrambles to his feet and looks to the corner, where his partner has recovered. Chaos takes a run and tags in PETER FUCKIN’ GILMOUR!

Engy, recovering in the corner, turns around straight into a Yakuza Kick by Gilmour! Engy’s head hits the mat hard but he immediately gets to his feet, only for Gilmour to put him straight back down with a superkick! Peter Gilmour turns to the crowd, an intense, driven look on his face, and shouts something unintelligible. He turns around but Engy is already back on his feet!

Engy extends his arm and runs at Gilmour, who ducks the clothesline attempt. Engy rebounds off of the ropes but Gilmour cuts him off with a rolling elbow. Engy drops to a knee where he is immediately hit with a second Gilmour superkick! Peter covers the fallen champion….



Following Chris Chaos’ lead, Engy powers his shoulder off of the mat quickly. Gilmour, however, doesn’t miss a beat and floats over into a headlock…..before powering Engy into a Falcon Arrow!

Instead of covering, Peter motions to the crowd that it’s over, and tags in Chris Chaos. Engy slowly begins to pull himself off of the ground as Chaos and Gilmour stand over him. They take a step back, poised for a double superkick. Engy, dazed, doesn’t look to have any idea where he is. He finally reaches his feet…..

When Joachim Bright sends Chris Chaos crashing to the mat with a dropsault! Bright instantly moves over to Engy and helps him properly to his feet. He turns back around….


Peter slams Bright face first down to the mat! Once more, Bright rolls out of the ring, and Gilmour now stalks Engy. Engy takes a step forward….


Engy pushes Gilmour to the mat, before coming off the ropes and taking him down with a running STO! Not missing a beat, Engy lifts Gilmour to his feet and charges him into the corner. He grips the back of Gilmour’s head and, with a scream, starts smashing his head into the top turnbuckle. The referee darts over to try and break it up.




At the count of three Engy relents, but quickly moves to the next turnbuckle, and begins again.




Engy relents at the referee’s count once more, before, you guessed it, moving to the next turnbuckle. This time, however, Engy pauses, before ripping the padded cover off of the turnbuckle, exposing the steel. He pulls Gilmour’s head back….


Gilmour rolls out of the ring as Chaos, the legal man, measures Engy…

and drops him with a German Suplex! Chaos bridges over and the referee makes the count!



As soon as the referee counts two Engy powers out of the pin. Winded and with a grimace on his face, Engy gets to his feet, but doesn’t see Chris Chaos waiting!

WRONG SIDE OF THE…. NO! Engy avoids the superkick again, ducking under before taking Chaos down with an arm drag…..STRAIGHT INTO A BOY NAMED IT!

Chaos’ whole body reacts in a mixture of panic and pain as Engy locks in his gogoplata! Fighting with everything he has, Chaos tries to lift Engy off of the mat but his strength fails him as he slumps!

He raises his arm as the referee moves into position.

Chaos’ arm drops…………..


A sick thud echoes around the arena before Engy, dazed, grunts in pain. Gilmour pulls his partner to his feet as Engy rises…….


Engy falls to the mat and he looks unconscious here!

Chaos collapses into the cover…




From nowhere Joachim Bright leaps from the top rope with a moonsault, landing right on Chaos to break the pin!

Bright makes it to his feet but Gilmour is back in, and he boots Joachim right in the midsection! Bright doubles over in pain and Gilmour, with an expression of pure rage on his face, immediately lifts Bright….


Bright’s entire body bounces off of the mat from the sick impact to his head, but Gilmour immediately lifts him up and holds him, barely able to stand, against the ropes. Chaos charges in and connects with Wrong Side of the Tracks! Bright flies out of the ring, his head hitting hard again on the outside, and he looks motionless.

Gilmour smirks at the destruction caused outside and returns to his corner, retaking his place on the apron and slapping Chaos on the back in appreciation. Chaos turns his attention back to Engy…. BOOT TO THE MIDSECTION! ENGY LIFTS HIM…..







Engy raises his arm!



Engy turns around, but the referee isn’t waiting to raise his arm, he’s facing Gilmour on the outside.

PETER GILMOUR IS THE LEGAL MAN! The tag had already been made!

Gilmour rolls back inside the ring and Engy, infuriated, pulls him to his feet……


Engy’s head crashes down to the mat hard, but Gilmour is also down!

What the hell? Joachim Bright is walking up the ramp!! It looks like he's completely given up on this match!!

Chaos is reaching out trying to get himself in. His finger tips only an inch away from Gilmour....thankfully Gilmour has all that extra fat which alllows Chaos to barely graze Gilmour's belly with his finger tips. The ref signals that a legal tag has been made and Chaos quickly climbs into the ring and covers Engy!




Winner AND NEW XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS - Chris Chaos and Peter "Super Dick" Gilmour

Griffin MacAlister
- vs -
Finn Kühn
Steel Cage Match!

Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the ring without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. Climbing the steel steps, he then takes his place within the ring and awaits his opponent's arrival.

"I have to tell you, Pip, it's GREAT to see Griffin back in action! Brings a tear to my eye as I remember the good ol' days."

"It IS good that an absolute legend of this federation is back in action, but Luca, one HAS to wonder how much action Griffin might be sporting from his time away from the ring."

"Good question, Pip the Drip, and I guess we're about to find out!"

As the heavy riffs of No Resolve's Kill Us echo their way through the arena, the fans begin to litter the stage and arena with boos as they know who's coming out. As the main riff starts to play, Finn Kühn makes his way out from the back in a long, black jacket, and his head bowed and in a hood, walking slowly towards the ring, allowing all the noise from the fans to go in one ear, and out the other as Scully and Isabel Mercier accompanies him out.

"Pip, is it me or does Finn seem... off?"

"How do you mean?"

"It's almost as if Finn's mind is... somewhere else, if you catch my drift."

"Now that you mention it... it does seem as if the Kaiser is off his game."

As the lyrics began playing, Finn removes his hood, looking not-so-ready, yet determined nonetheless, and walks to the ring with purpose. Once in the ring, he poses on the turnbuckles as fans continue to boo the Kaiser. After a few seconds, he hops down, and waits for the match to begin.

As both competitors are in the ring, the steel cage begins it's perilous descent, as-- HOLY SHIT! Scully hops in the ring and attacks Griffin from behind with a Double Axe Handle to the back! Griffin falls like a sack of bricks as both Finn and Scully are now putting the boots to Griffin!

"This is disgusting! Both Finn and Scully are mauling Griffin MacAlister!"

"I get this is survival of the fittest and all, but they better get off my nigga Griff!"

Referee Chaz Bobo is now getting involved, shoving Finn away and pointing Scully out of the ring. The Scullmeister holds his hands up and rolls out of the ring as the steel cage finally meets the ring apron, the Kaiser cackling in the meanwhile. Griffin is crawling back up to his feet, using the ring ropes for support. Chaz is in Griffin's face, asking him if he wants to go through with the match, in which Griffin winces but emphatically nods 'yes.' With the confirmation underway, Chaz signals for the bell to be rung.


"Here we go. The Mechanic meets the Kaiser, and after that vicious assault, one has to wonder if Griffin MacAlister is ready to go."

"Griffin's gone through worse, I know that first-hand. Let's see if he can't shake off that ring rust you mentioned earlier quickly though."

And Griffin goes OFF as soon as the bell rings! He lunges at Finn, aiming for the Kaiser's face as Finn is forced to cover up. Griffin backs Finn into the corner and continues to go for head shots, but Finn uses his prowess to reverse, and now it's GRIFFIN in the corner! Finn kicks Griffin in the corner, who doubles over as he forces himself out of the corner. Finn continues the assault with a clubbing blow to the back, forcing Griffin to one knee. Finn then runs off the ropes, looking for something--


HUGE step-up enzuigiri by MacAlister! Finn's eyes glaze over as now it's him on one knee. Griffin lines it up-- SIDE KICK TO FINN'S HEAD! Finn gets absolutely laid out by the returning MacAlister as the crowd is loving every second of this! Griffin turns to them, arms outstretched as he soaks in the cheers! He's about to head back onto the assault and waste little time, when suddenly Isabel Mercier is attracting Griffin's attention!

"What is this nonsense?! Isabel isn't even a contracted competitor!"

Griffin turns to the talent agent, a bemused look present on his face as Isabel is mouthing off to the Mechanic. Griffin leans on the ropes, and engaging in a little bit of a war of words with Isabel--


"And like a snake, Finn Kühn takes advantage of the distraction with a dropkick while Griffin's back was turned!"

Griffin's head bounced off the unforgiving steel cage wall as Finn devilishly smiles, knowing that he's in control again. Griffin walks backwards, obviously on spaghetti legs as soon enough, he can't support his weight and goes into a sitting position. Finn spots his chance, running off the ropes-- PENALTY KICK BY FINN KÜHN! Quick cover...



Kick-out by MacAlister as the crowd pop!

Finn looks disappointed for a second - he clearly has other places he wants to be - but he doesn't let that stop him from delivering the punishment. He grabs Griffin by his long hair-- and Griffin fights out and hits Finn with a devastating headbutt! Finn backs up a few steps, eyes crossed as he shakes his head!

Griffin laughs at the rookie and motions for him to come on! Finn, a fire blazing in his eyes, accepts the challenge, and slugs Griffin straight in the jaw with a stiff forearm! Griffin wobbles back, spitting blood out of his mouth, and kicks Finn in the gut! Finn doubles over as Griffin throws his arm across Finn's chest, grabbing onto his shoulder! Griffin lifts Finn for the Lights Out Motherfucke-- NO! Finn jumps out, and throws Griffin to the ropes! On the rebound, Finn goes for a clothesline-- MACALISTER DUCKS!

Finn turns around-- NO! Griffin kicks Finn's knee from behind him, forcing him to a kneeling position! MacAlister goes in front of Finn now-- AND! HE! KEEPS! STOMPING! THE! SHIT! OUT! OF! FINN'S! HEAD!

"Griffin is going OFF right now!"

"It's that fire he had before, Pip! Griffin is not letting up one bit!"

Finn is covering his head to try and defend against the stomps, and eventually Griffin, finally, stops stomping. Finn, groggily, tries to get up-- CURB STOMP BY MACALISTER! THE BOOT PARTY COMBO HAS BEEN HIT TO PERFECTION AS GRIFFIN COVERS FINN!



"Wait, what is this?!"

"Is Scully trying to climb the steel cage?"

Indeed, the Scullanator's attempt to climb the steel structure grabs the attention of both Griffin and the referee as Griffin gets off the lateral press. Griffin warily gets up and walks over to the wall as Scully is trying to climb up with all his might. The two are talking shit to each other as Chaz Bobo is yelling at Scully to get down immediately before he gets ejected, though Griffin waves the referee off and invites Scully to come into the cage with open arms and a big smile!

"Is Griffin INSANE? Why is he trying to bring himself into a two-on-one situation?"

"He already WAS basically in a handicap situation, Pip, with Paragon acting up on the outside and all. Maybe Griffin just wants to shut up Scully for goo-"






Griffin is out! Finn is crawling to make the cover now, trying to use the last of his strength to end this match...! Finn throws an arm over Griffin's carcass as Chaz reluctantly counts...





Winner - Finn Kuhn

Chris Valley
- vs -
Jon Willis
X-Treme Rules Match!

Chris Valley is already in the ring as the camera fades in, and he stands confidently in his corner as the lighting shifts.

Jon Willis makes his way out from behind the curtain, making his way down the ramp and towards the ring as the crowd boos him loudly. Jonathan reaches the ring and slides under the bottom rope!

He looks ready for action here, bouncing from side to side and staring down Chris Valley from across the ring! He starts shouting at Valley, telling him he's leaving the ring tonight on a stretcher! Valley looks a little tentative but there's no going back now! The referee shouts last minute instructions to each man, and calls for the bell!


Jon Willis and Chris Valley circle each other slowly, Jon lunging forward first grabbing Chris Valley in a single collar tie up before throwing a knee into Chris' midsection before Irish whipping him across the ring into the far turnbuckle. Chris collides hard with the corner, bouncing out to the center of the ring clutching his chest in pain. Jon Willis is waiting and grabs Chris around the waist, hurling him backwards with an exploding suplex! Chris skids across the mat, landing in a heap in the corner. The crowd boos loudly as Jon Willis poses and taunts them, then charges the downed Chris Valley and throws a rushing knee into his opponents skull. Chris rolls over, clutching his head in pain as Willis poses once more before kneeling down to stand Chris Valley up.

Jon Willis backhand chops Chris Valley, the crowd continuing to boo his dominance this match as he rears back and delivers another knife edged chop!


The crowd delivers the classic cheer, despite their distaste for Willis. Jon hooks Chris' head, lifting him up fully vertical before delivering a powerful spike DDT! He hooks Chris' leg and the referee slides into position and begins his count!

This one may be mercifully over!




Chris Valley kicks out! He's signing himself up for another helping of punishment! Valley tries to roll away from Willis, but Willis grabs him and pushes him to the mat with one hand while using his other hand to rain down punches!


Jon Willis is clobbering Chris Valley here! Valley is trying to cover up, but his defense does almost nothing towards stopping the onslaught! Willis busts him open with the last punch, blood spurting from Valleys head and down his face as Willis rolls underneath the bottom rope and out of the ring, reaching around underneath the apron and ring skirt until he finds himself a steel chair. The crowd boos Willis even louder than before, he can end this without a weapon! He's just looking to be destructive now! He slides back into the ring, Chris Valley trying to crawl away from him and leaving a snail trail of blood staining the canvas along the way. Willis lifts the steel chair high, slamming it down powerfully on Chris' ankle and calf! Valley howls in pain, rolling around and clutching his leg as Willis lifts the chair and slams it down again, this time on Chris' hip!


Valley screams in pain again, arching his back and rolling around on the mat as Jon Willis drops the chair on the canvas and drops to his knees for another pin attempt.




So close, but Valley shoots his shoulder up off the canvas and breaks the count! Blood is still gushing from Chris' face as he lays on the mat, staring up at the lights! Jon Willis grabs the steel chair and carries it to the corner of the ring, jamming it into the turnbuckle between the top and middle ropes! He heads back over to Chris Valley, lifting him to his feet before irish whipping him across the ring once more!


Chris Valley slams face first into the propped up chair in the corner, his already bloody face smashing hard into the steel. Valley bounces backwards and into the arms of Jon Willis, who lifts him up onto his shoulders... PSYCHO DRIVER 1!!!



Jon Willis all but destroys Chris Valley with that move, and he looks for another pin as the referee slides into position!





Winner - Jon Willis

Calum Jason
- vs -
Christian Andrews
- vs -
Calib Wallace
Triple Threat!

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing our Main Event for the evening. The following contest is a TRIPLE THREAT and is scheduled for ONE FALL!

So I heard these three weren't even supposed to be in the main event tonight, but because of the feud happening between the three, they were bumped here!

I just hope they can perform to main event caliber tonight. We have two veterans of the sport, and one new guy who might not even know he's in wrestling?

Introducing First...

Calib Wallace appears at the entrance ramp, staring down toward the ring.

From St. Paul, Minnesota! Standing in at 6'2, 230 pounds, he is CALIB WALLLAAACCCCEEEEEEE!

Calib makes his way down to the ring, looking at the fans and taunting them. One fan puts his hand up to give him a high five but when Calib goes to give him one, the fan pulls back his hand and points to the camera man behind him. He wanted a high five from the camera man, and that pisses Calib off. However, Calib turns his focus back to the ring and runs towards it, sliding under the bottom rope and popping to his feet, throwing his hands in the air. The crowd boos him and it only fuels his fire, making him laugh. However he's cut off...

Calib hates the fans almost as much as they hate him!

That's a very calculating and meticulous dude right there!

One of his opponents, hailing all the way from Miami, FL...

Christian Andrews appears at the top of the ramp, his focus not leaving Calib. While his music plays and the crowd cheers for him, Christian starts walking slowly, methodically, while staring at Calib. They said Calib and Christian were a lot a like, Christian wants to see if it's true.

Correction, THAT is a very calculating and meticulous dude!

Standing in also at 6'2, but weighing in at 285 lbs, he is "The Ghost that Walks"... CHRISTIAN ANNNNDRRREEEWSSSSS!

As Christian gets to the ring, he slowly rolls into the ring, again calculating everything as he stands to his feet. Calib doesn't move from his corner, and Christian moves into his corner, neither of them taking their eyes off of each other, Calib smiling through the stares.

The pressure is mounting here, as I've heard both men were tired of being compared to each other

And to think, it's going to come to a head here at Warfare!

And the final opponent in this match, hailing from England, standing at 5 foot, 11 inches and weighing in at 200 pounds, he is CALUM "bang bang?" JASON!!!!!!

Two men appear at the entrance way first, laughing their asses off at the introduction and giving high fives to each other that their plan worked. These two men are known to be accomplices of Calum, and sure enough from behind them Calum appears looking around, dazed and confused. These two men both grab a hold of Calum and pull him towards the ring. They finally make their way down, meanwhile Christian and Calib are not amused, standing in the ring with their attention only on each other still. Calum looks at both of the competitors in the ring, and his face shows "what the fuck" as he looks back at his two partners. They laugh and tell him to get in there, before rolling him in almost forcefully.

I'm not even sure what to say about this guy..

Referee Mika Hunt signals for the bell to ring, but no man moves. Two out of contemplation, the third out of... fear? Calum slowly walks up to the other two, his hands held out in a defensive position. It appears he looks to try and plead with them his case, but collectively they turn and in one fluid motion, they nail Calum with a double clothesline! The crowd watch, confused rather to cheer or boo that move, before Calib and Christian turn back to each other. The two of them step up toe to toe, chin to chin, and they stare each other down. Calib starts to talk trash toward Christian, who is just staring and listening.

To state the obvious, I think Calum is in way over his head here!

I don't think either Calib or Christian are afraid of each other. Look at the intense stares!

Finally Calib pushes Christian back, but as he does Christian grabs a hold of Calib's hands and pulls him towards him. Christian ducks and lifts Calib up in a Spinebuster position, but Calib quickly nails Christian with an elbow, and spins out of the attempt before stumbling backwards away from him. Calib gathers his feet under him, and charges Christian who was shocked by the elbow, but Christian gathers himself together just as quickly as Calib and ducks under the clothesline attempt, bringing his hands up and grabbing at the head of Calib, pulling him down with a jumping neck breaker! Christian hops back to his feet after that move, and starts kicking down at Calib before hearing his name called from behind him.

Look at that exchange! Christian seems to have gotten the better of the two there, but Calib is quickly trying to get back to his feet, not wanting to stay down for long!

Wow, not a minute into the match and Calum's partners are already trying to get involved in the match! Look at them screaming at Christian!

Christian turns and hears the two men screaming at him from out of the ring, as Calum slowly gets back to his feet. Calum tries to charge Christian, but Christian easily absorbs the sledge hammer fists, and lifts Calum up in a fire man's position, wait no... he continues lifting him up and over his head into a gorilla press! He then walks toward the ropes and tosses Calum out of the ring and into the two men who were screaming earlier! Christian laughs at the shocked expression before they turn into hurt expressions, as all three of Calum's squad is outside on the ground. Christian turns his attention back to Calib but not quick enough, as Calib had gotten back to his feet and snuck up behind Christian. He nails a huge body kick before slamming a foot into the back of Christian's leg, causing Christian to come down on one knee. Calib then spins around and hops back up, rushing towards Christian and nailing a Shining Wizard! Calib covers quickly.

Oh man! Calum just, in his own unique way, nailed a big splash on his partners on the outside!

Unwillingly of course! Christian showing the amazing strength he has, tossing... OH! WOW! Calib caught Christian with a couple good shots, and... THERE IT IS! Shining Wizard connects! This might be it, already!



Christian kicks out! The announcers were on their feet thinking Calib was going to get the quick win, and the crowd let out a roaring applause as Christian kicks out! Calib slams his hands on the mat, telling the referee that he didn't count fast enough. Calib gets to his feet and brings Christian to his, before irish whipping Christian into the ropes. As Christian comes back, Calib traps Christian's body against his and lifts, flipping Christian backwards and into a belly to belly suplex!

What strength now being shown from Calib! This man is nearly 80 pounds more than him, and he's still able to flip him over his own body!

I'm not sure how anybody will beat Calib here, or really in the entire XWF! This is intense!

Entire XWF? Let's not get crazy now...

Calib gets to his feet, looking now at the downed Andrews. He starts walking towards him as the crowd starts to cheer. Calib seems confused, but realizes quickly they can't be cheering at him! He turns around and notices that Calum has rolled back into the ring, and the other two have tossed him a chair from the outside! Calum however wasn't anticipating being caught red handed, and looks at Calib, then the chair, then back at Calib. Calum shrugs his shoulders, and lifts the chair up but before he could even move, Calib throws his foot forward and nails Calum with a big boot! Calib kicks the chair to the side, showing a lack of desire toward weapons, and then picks Calum up to his feet. Calib puts Calum on his shoulders, and then falls back nailing Calum with a hard tower drop! Calib rolls over and gets back to his feet, his target specifically on Calum, which turns out to be a mistake. As he stands, Christian has gotten to his feet and grabbed the nearby chair that was kicked toward him. Calib doesn't see Christian sneaking up on him until it's too late, and Calib throws his arms up to try and absorb the shot as Christian nails the chair across the forearms and shoulder area of Calib! The impact forces Calib's hands down and Christian takes advantage, using the corner of the chair and slamming it into Calib's jugular!

Calib can't breath! That shot might have just crushed his jugular!

Who knew Christian was such a savage?!

Christian doesn't let up, as Calib is in trouble bending over and holding his throat. Christian brings the chair back into a baseball set up, and swings forward slamming the flat part of the chair clean across Calib's head! Calib is busted open laying flat on the ground as Christian sets his sights now on the hurting Calum, who has barely gotten to his feet. Christian brings the chair with him, the blood of Calib still on it, and as Calum looks up to see Christian, Christian lifts the chair and attempts to bring it down onto Calum! Calum, with quick thinking, has spun away from the chair shot. Calum, this time probably without thinking, throws his hands back and grabs the nearby ropes, using them to propel off into a missile dropkick! However Christian was still holding the chair, so Calum connects with the chair, sending the chair right into Christian's face!


I don't think he meant to do that, but I think he's thankful it worked out that way! Christian was sent to the ground by this small guy!

Calum looks at Christian and then over at Calib who was still on the ground, and looks confused. It appears he has no idea what to do right now, as the two on the outside are screaming instructions at him. He finally gets that he should pin one of them, so he chooses the closest one to him, Christian. He walks over to him and lays down on top of him, lifting his leg for the pin!



Calib comes down with a huge leg drop onto Calum, also breaking up the pin! Calib grabs a hold of Calum, pissed off, and tosses Calum into the turnbuckle. He then bends down and lifts Christian to his feet, throwing punches left and right forcing Christian back into the corner trying to defend himself. Calib turns and charges toward Calum, leaping within inches of Calum's face and bringing his knee up hard, connecting with Calum's jaw! Calum's head bounces off the turnbuckle post and snaps forward, as Calum collapses to the ground! Calib then turns and charges toward Christian but Christian uses his veteran awareness, and as Calib gets close, Christian quickly spins out of the turnbuckle so as Calib leaps forward, he finds nothing but the turnbuckle pads! Calib's knee hits hard against the pads, and he comes down limping before turning toward Christian, getting caught with a huge Side Slam Hook!

This could be it! Christian caught Calib looking, and Calib is in trouble!

Calum looks knocked out over there in the corner next to the turnbuckle! I think Calib might have given him a concussion!

Christian signals for the end, lifting Calib up to his feet but Calib in a last ditch effort, throws his hands in a windmill forcing Christian's hands off of him, and then catches Christian with a low blow! Calib rolls around to Christian's back as he's bent over, and he lifts Christian backwards, up and over him and brings him down hard with his trademark move, the Pic Off! Calib goes to cover, but sees Calum stirring, trying to rise to his feet. Calib decides to target Calum, rushing forward but gets tripped by one of the men outside! Calib comes crashing down to the ground and tries to spin forward, catching himself in a seated position! Calib looks confused trying to figure out what happened and Calum takes advantage! Calum rushes forward, running and jumping nailing Calum's trademark move, Entering The Hole! The running knee caught Calib in the temple, almost like Calum was returning the favor, and Calum falls forward catching himself on the downed Calib! The pin is official!



Christian breaks up the kick out by grabbing the foot of Calum and pulling him right off of Calib! Calum pleads but it's to no avail, as Christian lifts Calum up to his feet and tosses him into the turnbuckle near him. Christian turns Calum over from the turnbuckle and into the top rope before grabbing his head and bending him over. Christian has him in a DDT position, and lifts Calum up, propping his feet on the ropes between the first and second! Calum is in danger as Christian falls back with Calum's head in his hands and BAM! It connects! The Rope Hung DDT! Christian rolls Calum off of him as he sees Calib struggling to get to his feet, and Christian gets to his feet, albeit slow as well.

Both Christian and Calib have gotten back to their feet, and both seem to be struggling to stand on those feet.

Calum looks hurt from that DDT but his guys are cheering him on, trying to wake him up from his daze! It's anyone's game right now!

Christian and Calib lock up in the center of the ring while Calum slowly starts getting to his feet with the assistance of the ropes. Christian tosses Calib to the ropes. Wallace bounces off the ropes and ducks under an attempted clothesline by Christian Andrews. Andrews quickly spins around to try and catch Wallace on the return with a hip toss but instead the two men take each other down with matching clotheslines.

Andrews and Wallace are now both down while Calum Jason is now up to his feet, he looks at both of the downed men not sure what to really do until Wallace makes the choice for him. Wallace sits up but only for a second as he gets absolutely destroyed by Calum Jason's running knee that he calls Entering The Hole!!

After the strike Calum is pumped up, so much so that he doesn't notice that Christian Andrews has quietly gotten to his feet, he grabs Calum from behind, lifts him up onto his shoulders and then plants him in the center of the ring with the Soul Stealer.

Calum Jason and Calib Wallace are both down, Andrews falls to the mat onto one knee and then lays across a still dazed Wallace for the pin.




Winner - Christian Andrews

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[-] The following 12 users Like Darius Xavier's post:
(04-12-2018), (04-12-2018), Azrael Erebus (04-12-2018), Calum Jason (04-12-2018), Finn Kühn (04-12-2018), Imperial (04-13-2018), Jon Willis (04-12-2018), Ms.Hyde (04-12-2018), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-12-2018), Scully (04-12-2018), Snow (04-13-2018), The Engineer (04-12-2018)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-12-2018, 12:09 PM

Hey engy told u that u wouldn't see it coming...

5 time baby!!!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-12-2018, 01:55 PM

You're welcome, Peter
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Chris Chaos's post:
Christian_Andrews (04-12-2018)
Benny Blowjobs Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

04-12-2018, 02:14 PM

Yeah Peter! Make sure you get down on your knees and thank Chris Chaos like he wants. You know the quickest way to Chris's heart is through his over sized sin bean. And trust me Peter, no one needs, no demands praise quite like Chris. Make sure you ask him if you are doing it right. He's really big on feedback.

[Image: 10942356-0f03-4239-acfa-69ffc5195ba2.jpg...height=467]

Ever have someone blow their load on your chest while you fuck them in the ass? Want to?
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Benny Blowjobs's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-12-2018)
The Engineer Offline
Man of Peace

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-12-2018, 04:50 PM

Well boys, I'm a big enough man to admit....ya got me. I still hate you both and wish you all the worst, but you earned them straps.

Engy claps for them. Not sarcastically. (Well, maybe a little sarcastically).

[Image: 9QBn3eQ.jpg]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes The Engineer's post:
Ms.Hyde Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-12-2018, 05:14 PM

"It" has a penis. You uneducated fucks need to take an anatomy course.

[Image: Shmfi4X.png?1]
[Image: rmeHP2e.gif]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Ms.Hyde's post:
(04-12-2018), Azrael Erebus (04-14-2018)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-12-2018, 09:58 PM

(04-12-2018, 01:55 PM)Chris Chaos Said: You're welcome, Peter

Sorry partner..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Jon Willis Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-12-2018, 10:09 PM

And so it begins.

Valley was the first.

He won't be the last.

My name is Jon Willis.

I hurt people.

See you soon, XWF.

[Image: XVfH5Eq.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Jon Willis's post:
Snow (04-13-2018)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-13-2018, 07:53 AM

Ooc: where's my belt and my name in color

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-13-2018, 08:14 AM

(04-13-2018, 07:53 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Ooc: where's my belt and my name in color

That was my bad Gilly I fixed it now.

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[-] The following 4 users Like Vincent Lane's post:
Calum Jason (04-13-2018), Finn Kühn (04-13-2018), Imperial (04-13-2018), Madison Dyson (04-13-2018)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Vincent Lane's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-13-2018)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-13-2018, 11:33 AM

yea u fixed it the wrong way asshole!
change it or im challenging u to a deathmatch! ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Thomas Nixon (04-16-2018)
Benny Blowjobs Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

04-13-2018, 01:07 PM

Stop being a or I challenge you to a cock sucking contest.

[Image: 10942356-0f03-4239-acfa-69ffc5195ba2.jpg...height=467]

Ever have someone blow their load on your chest while you fuck them in the ass? Want to?
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Snow Offline
A Wiccan Lezzie w/A Lust 4 Blood!!


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-13-2018, 04:57 PM

My bro Rain done snapped that bitch Echo in half! And now, we're headin' toward a tag match fer them Hart AND Bombshell belts!!! This is the beginnin' of a new Era in the careers of my brother and i. XWF?

Be prepared for the perfect storm.

[Image: gy0RDvs.gif]


1x HeavyMetalWeight Champion
2x Federweight Champion
1x 24/7 Xtreme Champion

^ click
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Ms.Hyde Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-13-2018, 05:43 PM

(04-13-2018, 04:57 PM)Snow Said: My bro Rain done snapped that bitch Echo in half! And now, we're headin' toward a tag match fer them Hart AND Bombshell belts!!! This is the beginnin' of a new Era in the careers of my brother and i. XWF?

Be prepared for the perfect storm.

It's going to be a joy to watch you and your brother being snapped by Main and Rider. *Laughing* And let me guess, your cousins are Blizzard and Flood? Oh Wait! Your mother is mother nature isn't she? If these jokes can get a contendership where is mine because I had to face two men this week just to have Mandii Rider fuck it up.

[Image: Shmfi4X.png?1]
[Image: rmeHP2e.gif]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Ms.Hyde's post:
Rain (04-15-2018)
Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-14-2018, 09:49 AM

(04-12-2018, 05:14 PM)Ms.Hyde Said: "It" has a penis. You uneducated fucks need to take an anatomy course.

"They either need to take an anatomy course or stop drinking from the fountains in the back, cause there's something definitely in the water around here."

"Impressive showing in the match though, Ms. Hyde."


"Now, if I remember correctly, there was talks of an overnight abduction?"

"Would it be safe to assume that idea is still on the examining table?"

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Azrael Erebus's post:
Ms.Hyde (04-16-2018)
Ms.Hyde Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-14-2018, 04:08 PM

(04-14-2018, 09:49 AM)Azrael Erebus Said: "They either need to take an anatomy course or stop drinking from the fountains in the back, cause there's something definitely in the water around here."

"Impressive showing in the match though, Ms. Hyde."


"Now, if I remember correctly, there was talks of an overnight abduction?"

"Would it be safe to assume that idea is still on the examining table?"

I've never been with an Alien before. As long as you are examining me in your "true form" you can abduct me anytime. *Wink*

[Image: Shmfi4X.png?1]
[Image: rmeHP2e.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-15-2018, 04:33 PM

(04-13-2018, 01:07 PM)Benny Blowjobs Said: Stop being a or I challenge you to a cock sucking contest.

how about i choke u with that fake belt u got

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-16-2018, 06:31 PM

Jennifer, my child. Impressionable, naive little girls such as yourself... You're all the same. Even breathing around a figure of my beauty is near impossible. A young lady like you faints at the sight of a gorgeous, androgynous masterpiece like me. It's referred to as the 'Johnny Depp Dilemma'. You see, Miss Myst, you may have two victories over me, but knowing that unbridled love and lust you had to be shoving into the back of your mind, that truly must have been the hardest fought victory of your life!! If ever you think you can ignore my glowing, glittering, shimmering shining face, I'd love to meet you a third time...

--China doll || Shut your mouth--

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-17-2018, 10:21 AM

(04-14-2018, 04:08 PM)Ms.Hyde Said: I've never been with an Alien before. As long as you are examining me in your "true form" you can abduct me anytime. *Wink*

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"See you soon."

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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