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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
You stupid bitches
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-21-2018, 11:42 AM

[font=Courier][size=medium][color=#32CD32]Well well well.....lookie hooie have here ladies and gentlemen? Meizan.

The first of five corporate suck up dumbasses to flap their god for saking gums in looooong ass winded promo that weather we saw it, heard it, or even read it, that no one will ever probably give a flying fuck about.

One of five corporate suck up dumbasses that I will be facing in a elimination style match.

Ya know....(takes a sip of his Mountain Dew) my short four years and counting since joining this company I've noticed a lot of things that I haven't even noticed till now.

The one thing that I've noticed now that I didn't before is that back then when this company first started out I saw what this company was trying to do and what wrestlers it had on the roster.

Seeing how this company was unfolding as time went on was fun exiting to watch each and every single day muchless ever single week.

And I have to admit I was sssooo jealous that as a ki...actually make a young boy I wanted to be apart of what ever that they were doing.

The only promblem was that how do I get to be apart of what they were doing when I'm not old enough to be ten years of age muchless litterally old enough to work in any job? But I eventually digress.

But as I got older and older, some where along the lines as years had gone by this company the xwf has lost its way a bit..................well..make that lost its way a llloonngg time ago.

You see when it first started to five, six, seven, eight, he'll even ten, fifteen years later the action was off the charts,nt he action was none stop.

There was not a day gone by when it got boring as hell.

I mean look at it!? Look at the this company had........................................

Ghost tank, Robbie bourbon, Peter fucking Gilmore, scully, maverick, hell it even had our current xwf boss Vincent lover boy lane, and so and so on.

Even the roster of xwf divas was off the charts, the roster of xwf divas was such that I dare say that it was better then the roster the guys that it had.

At the time, Both the men and the women of the xwf didn't need to stand in front of a fucking camera, or have a camera in front of them shove strait in their face, or what ever the case maybe and was forced/ had to do a god damn mother fucking looong ass winded promo while wasting everyone's time.

Not once did I ever recall them ever having to do it, as a matter of fact if my memory serves me they ever did.

All they had to was let their actions do the talking...NOT flapping their gums.

BUT NOW NOW NOW...N.O.W, look at what this company has become?

Twenty years later this company has turn this place a commercialized corporate hollywood with the entire roster of corporate suck up dumbasses that has gotten brain washed by this place.

What? Don't believe me? Look at this company now and compare it to the company back then.

Like I said a moment ago, back then the men and the women didn't need to waste time of doing a loooooooooong ass winded promo of any sorts.

All they had to do was to let their actions do the talking, and if they did need to say anything, they would call out whom ever and kick the persons ass.

But now you got almost if not the entire roster flapping their endless amount of dribbling bull shit time after time and wasting ARE PRECIOUS TIME.

look at my opponents that I am facing, theres one.........make that five examples of what I mean.

just look at them, one did so far, waiting on the other four.

I mean seriously!? if we didn't need to do that crap back then, then why the fuck now?



you see ladies and gentlemen, I Boris johan valentenko better know as Drezdin will not and I repeat not do any of that shit.

like I said we didn't need to do that crap then, we sure as hell don't need to do that now.

from here on how if it means to loose match after match to make the whole damn place realize that you don't need to stand in front of a camera or need a camera do a promo and spew endless amount of insignificant dribble over and over and over and over again time after time and if you did need to say anything do it in the ring call out the mother fucker or bitch and kick the persons ass...then..well so let it be.

and at turning point my five opponents that I am facing will be no different.

I will call each and ever one of your assess out and I will destroy your assess one by one and I don't care how in the hell I have to do it.

if what I said pisses a bunch of retarted putas out there, to bad so sad cause I couldn't give a too bit shit any more.

but of course im always available any where any time.

till then to my opponents, and to the company that I am working for.............. YOU CAN NOW BE MY BITCHES ASS WHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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