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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-21-2017, 04:57 PM



The alarm was ringing---screeching bell that punctured the darkness of the early Florida morning. Chris was already awake, and he had been for some time. There was a puddle visible on the sheets. He had tossed and turned so much that Jenny had went to sleep out on the pull out in the living room. The sheets were matted from where he had balled them up. The bathroom light was on, it could be seen dimly illuminating the room through the door. The water was running, from the sink, not the shower, amplifying the dull thud as it smacked the porcelain.

Chris was in the bathroom, staring into the mirror. He was scruffy, rather unkempt looking, and his hair was a tangled mess of golden main. His eyes had a dead look to them. Empty. Cold.

He was looking at something, but it wasn't himself. He had felt this way before, shortly before the chamber match, and he didn't like it. This was a Chris that hadn't been seen in quite some time, a Chris that wasn't channeled often. This was a Chris was that violent, over the top and downright evil. A Chris that was capable of inhumane things. A Chris that liked to hurt and loved to maim. A Chris that wasn't a demon because of some Exorcist like possession, no, but a demon that was built up from years or abuse, mental torture, and self doubt. A demon that could only be healed by winning, by actually mattering in the world. A demon that only HE could free. But this demon in front of him---this demon didn't care about human life. He didn't care about men, women or children. He cared only about one thing--the pain he could and would inflict on anyone in his path. This is something he hadn't felt since he murdered those fish on his dock back in December. This was a side of him that wouldn't stay down---for better or for worse.

He shut the water off, and suddenly there was silence. He turned it back on, then off, then on, then off. The water was on hot, and steam would form in the sink bowl every time he turned it on. On the 5th rotation of the faucet knob, he left it on, and steam began to fill the room shortly after. Then, as he could barely see his reflection in the fogged mirror, something came to his mind. "There's Something In The Mist". Something was a good description for it because even he didn't know exactly what it was. Who he was. Who or what was trying to stare back at him through the fog. Then, without even thinking, his hand moved slowly towards the scalding water. Slowly, without a second thought. Then, suddenly. he begins to wince. The water is touching his hand, and there is a searing pain shooting through his skin. But instead of pulling back, and instead of biting his lip and grimacing, he smiled. He smiled like he had never smiled before.

Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body

The more pain he felt, the more alive he felt. The more his demons came to the surface. The more his demons became mortal, in the now red and peeling flesh. He smiled because the more pain he felt, the more he knew that there was nothing on this earth that Micheal Graves could do to him that part of him wouldn't enjoy.

....And THAT is what scared him.



August 20th, 2002

13 year old Chris was walking back to his house. It was 98 degrees outside, and ridiculously humid. He took the same path he took every day on his way home from football practice. The bike path by the Bay. This way was calm, usually, though a little run down. Overgrown weeds took over both sides of the road, and there were several cracks in the cement. Behind the long grass you could hear cars zoom by on the Courtney Campbell Bridge. His 14th birthday was tomorrow, and he finally felt like he was going to be a man. High School, Varsity Football as a Freshman, and the hottest girl in school on his arm (Nicole Dagastino). He did have a common enemy, however, in Jason Corrigan. Jason had made Chris's life hell ever since they both had developed a crush on Nicole. Nicole was the X factor in a lot of the bullshit Chris had to deal with.

Ever since they first met on that bus in 2nd grade, they were virtually inseperble. But Jason had stuck his nose into the equation in Middle School and had been a thorn in his side ever since.

As he got closer to where the path cut under the bridge the the pathway that led to the road that took him towards his house, he began to hear sounds up ahead. Human voices, but there was a female in the mix. It sounded like these people were arguing. The female voice sounded stern, but with a bit of concern, angst and.....fright?

Chris turned the corner and he saw the people who were inhabiting his typically quiet bike path.
Crouching behind some of the over-sized grass and weeds, he looked towards the voices that were now less than 100 feet in front of him. When he saw their voices, his heart sank.

It was Nicole. And she was with a group of guys. The one in the middle, with whom she was arguing, was none other than the sniveling cockroach Jason Corrigan. He has his hand wrapped around her upper right arm, and was trying to pull her somewhere. Chris wanted to run out there, but he needed to be smart. There were 5 of them and 1 of him. There is a difference between being brave and being stupid.

He continued to stay crouched, looking at the 5 kids. He knew them. Jason, obviously, Mikey Sims, Rinn Taylor, Lloyd Wade, and Will Laughlin.

As he continued to crouch, relieved a bit that there was some shade to block to oppressive heat, he sensed something behind him. His first instinct was to swing. But as he came around, someone caught his arm and he felt something thump him across the face. Everything went black.

When he woke up, two of the kids he saw were holding him down. Jason had Nicole up against the bridge pillar, kissing her neck as she looked away nervously.

"What the hell are you doing here, chump?" It was Rinn.

"Get off me, get the hell off me!" He yelled.

"What do we have here, the white knight, riding in on his horse to save his little girlfriend. Cute, but stupid at the same time."

Chris wriggled again, but these kids were strong. He laid there, baking in the sun. Rinn punched him in the stomach, driving the air from him. Coughing, he tried to sit up again. This was met with a knee to the face.

Jason unzipped the top of Nicole's jean shorts. She tried to push his hand away. Something in Chris snapped. He wanted to give Nicole the world. Wanted to treat her like a princess. He wanted to make sure all she ever did was smile. He grabbed the nearest arm, and twisted, hearing a crack. Kicking his legs and wriggling his body, he got to his feet. This is when Jason saw him, threw Nicole to the sand below and ran over. Chris blacked out.

.........When he came to, the kids were down. Jason and Rinn were tied to the pillar with fishermans rope Chris had found on the makeshift beach. The other kids were motionless on the conrete. It was almost high tide, and the warm bay water was already up to their chests. Nicole stood there, tears in her eyes. He looked at Chris, then to the two tied kids who were now yelling for help.

She looked back at him.
"Run, Chris. Get out of here. I will call you tomorrow for your birthday. You don't need the trouble. Run."

He wanted her to come with him, and she did. Stopping about halfway up the trail she turned back. The bay water was almost to their necks. She still had a soft spot for Jason. Sure, he was an asshole, but she couldn't let him die. She told Chris to run, that she would catch up. She promised him. Giving him a kiss on the lips, she promised him again. He turned away and she began back down towards the pillar.

August 21st, 2002

8:00 AM

The sun was barely up, and it already felt like it was pushing 90 degrees. No wonder his mother was miserable all the time. A teen mother, in the late stages of pregnancy during the hottest month of the year. No wonder she had a small hatred with him.

Rolling out of bed he stretched, his elbows cracked. Opening his door, he heard the TV on in the main room. His mother must already be awake. I mean, it was his birthday, did she have something cool planned? Maybe they'd go to Busch Gardens. Theme parks are fun when you are a teenager.

"Oh, you're awake" she said in a snide tone as he walked by. His mom was 32, and still hot. She cycled through boyfriends more than he cylced through water bottles at football practice.

"Happy birthday to me" he said, rolling his eyes as he opened the fridge.

"I am serious, it was a fucking mess in here this morning." She lit a cigarette. He guessed it wasn't her first of the morning.

"What happened to your face?" She asked as he poured his OJ.

"Not like you care" he said, looking out the window at the fenced in back yard. He sighed. "So what do you have planned today? Or am I going to have to find my own fun again?"

His mother puffed her cig, and changed the station on the TV. "You can start by not whining. You are 14 now. Act like it."

Act like it....pssht.

"You had me at 16, are you really a good judge of 'teenage' character?" He didn't mean to snap at her, but she was relentless.

"While you are in there, you might as well finish the dishes."

Nice topic change.

He stood up, and walked over to the sink with another sigh. Grabbing a plate, he could feel it crusty in his hands, he turned the water on hot. Part of him wanted to put his hand into the hot water, feel a little pain on the outside to take away the pain he was feeling on the inside.

"And stop with that sighing" he heard from the other room. He would tune her out, he had to. Happy Birthday to him.

After about 20 minutes, all of the dishes were done. Chris wiped his hands off and went into the other room where his mother, if you could call her that, was.

"Has Nicole called at all?" He asked. "She said she would call me as soon as she woke up."

His mother chuckled. "Oh, you mean that little rich twat from Garden Springs? The one who is going to have My Super Sweet 16 on MTV and get a BMW from daddy when she's barely passing?"

God she was cold. Chris balled his hands, but he knew he couldn't hit her. He loved Nicole. Hell, he loved Nicole more than he loved his mother.

"Nicole. Yes. My girlfriend."

His mother chuckled again, shaking her head and taking a drag of her cigarette.

"Hey by the way, Derrick is coming over later so make yourself useful and go somewhere."

Derrick was her new fling. He was kind of a douchebag, but then again, you'd have to be to put up with a white trash whore like her. Sitting here in her tank top and jean shorts, her hair tied back in a ponytail, she was the one lecturing him on who to date when she was currently banging her tattoo artist.

As his mother flipped through the channels, Bay News 9 came on. The anchor was on, looking dapper in his three piece suit.

"Police are investigating a body found today in an estuary leading into Tampa Bay. It has been identified as the body of 16 year old Lloyd Wade of Tarpon Springs. Wade was alive, but barely. He is currently being treated for his injuries at Tampa General Hospital."

"Damn" Chris said under his breath, snapping his fingers.

His mother turned her head to look at him.

"Please tell me YOU have nothing to do with this. Isn't that one of those kids you say picks on you sometimes?"

"It wasn't me" Chris said nonchalantly as he slipped his Jordan sandals on. "And I am upset you'd even suggest that."

His mother shifted on the chair. "Get over here, young man, and tell me what we are dealing with. I don't need any more trouble from you. You don't want me to send you to Tampa Catholic, do you?"

Chris chuckled this time. "Oh yeah mom, Tampa Catholic for $8,600 per year. You can barely keep the lights on in this shithole. Your car is always in the shop. I know I'd get there and get kicked out because we couldn't pay. I know about the drug use and the drinking. Oh, oh, I got one, how about the dog you got me last year on my birthday----the one you let me walk twice then returned it to get your deposit back because you needed to get high again?"

He slipped on his other sandal.

"How about that newborn baby you don't have custody of?"

He ducked quickly as the remote came flying at his head. It smashed against the wall and the batteries flew out, rolling across the floor.

"CHRISTOPHER JACKSON!" She yelled as his hand touched the paint chipped doorknob. "Yes, you're whore called. She said she wants to see you later---try not to fuck this up too. Seems like a nice girl."

He slammed the door as the pictures rattled on the walls. One fell off. It was a baby picture of him. The glass shattered. He would never be that innocent again.

10 am.

He walked down the street, punching stop signs and mailboxes. So much built up rage and anger. He just needed to get it all out, somehow. He knew he couldn't go to Nicole's house---her parents didn't like him. Hell, he didn't like him anymore.

A police car rolled up to Chris as he crossed the intersection of Burch and Rosewood. It slowed down and the window dropped.

"Hey, young man, come here for a second." The cop had a southern accent. Inland Florida accent. Probably some transplant who was tired of beating on the hillbilly's.

"What happened to your face?" The cop questioned. The bruise was huge on his cheek. He still tasted Nicole on his lips.

"Just a scrum, officer, nothing major."

"I see, a scrum." He looked at Chris with accusing eyes. "You don't happen to know anything about the boy they found half dead in the estuary, do you?"

Chris huffed. "No, I don't. Now sir, please, leave me alone."

"Ahh, but you know about it? That was just reported on the news this morning---what boy your age watches the news?"

Chris started walking, and the car rolled slowly next to him.

"He came to, you know. Singing like a canery. You fit the description."

Chris shot back. "It wasn't me. Leave me be, officer. I just want to be alone."

The cop parked the car, getting out on one side. "Stay there, kid, I need to talk to you."

Chris took off. He rounded the bend as he heard the sirens behind him. Damnit, why had he chosen flip flops?!

Running and scaling a chain link fence on the corner of Rumson and 5th, he ended up in someone's back yard. Their pitbull dog barked and growled. He ran to the other side of the fence, and scaled that. The sirens could now be heard again, this time more than one. They were close, he could heard them yelling into their shoulder radios.

"We have one in pursuit, fits the description. He's fleeing on foot, intersection of 5th and Wesley".

He kept running. He had lost one flop in the yard with the dog. He ran until he felt like his lungs were bleeding. Just then, he mis-stepped. His ankle turned in the flops and his face dragged against the cement. It wasn't 10 seconds later he felt his arms wrenched behind him and tight cuffs go on.


The cop car rolled up to his house. The heat in the back of the patrol car was nuts. He noticed his house from a distance.
"Next stop, Bates Motel. When you get there, ask for Norma Bates. She loves visitors."

"Shut up" the cop said, "this woman is your only chance. You are a minor, and we can't pin you to the crime just yet. But you did flee, and caused some property damage. You better hope she vouches for you."

As the car rolled into the driveway, his mother was at the front door. The cop got out and began to converse with her as Chris looked out the window. He fucked everything he ever did. For some reason, whenever he thought he did something right, it always seemed to be wrong. His mother had always told him that one day he would be a champion, one day the meek would bow before him. But he needed to be smart. This wasn't smart.

The one thing he loved in the world, Nicole, had been MIA. Nobody had heard from her and she wasn't home. His mother came out to the car.
"Yeah, that's him."

He felt some relief seeing his mother. She needed him around the house. Who else would clean the dishes?

The conversation was muffled from behind the tinted glass, but he could make out one thing she said......
."No. I don't want him here if he is going to act that way. You can take him. Maybe he will learn."

His own mother had betrayed him. She had a chance to cover for him, and she didn't. His heart sank again. Tough love? Pssht. If she wasn't such a cunt he would have never left the house. The cop got back in the car. "You've done it this time, kid. Let's just hope she's calmed down enough to bail you out tomorrow." He put the Crown Vic into drive, each gear option clicking as it went down to D.




Chris and Nicole had reconciled and come to an agreement. She refused to stop being "friends" with Jason (mostly because their parents were big money professionals who knew each other and didn't want to make it akward at social events between the two families) but she would not hook up with him anymore. She had no interest after he attempted to force her in late summer like the bridge.

Chris had played a good game. As a freshman on Varisty, he played better than expected. Two sacks, 12 tackles, a batted ball and caught a touchdown while in at Tight End. The football players all dated cheerleaders and were at a party before the homecoming dance. Not Chris---he had asked Nicole and she had agreed. But she had been very quiet lately. Jason had moved into her development with his family (the wealthiest one in Tampa) and she had been acting weird lately.

The night of the dance, Chris had spent his allowance money at the florist to buy Orchids, Nicole's favorite flower, and wore his best button up shirt. He was actually dressed well. He hissed thru grit teeth and looked at his watch. Nicole was late.

He was just standing there. He looked stupid. Everyone else was coming in with their girlfriends or dates and he stood there by himself holding flowers. After about 40 minutes went by, he went outside. Where the hell was she? About 10 minutes after that, a white Cadillac pulled up. Chris knew this car. Jason's older brothers car. What. The. Fuck.

He stood there and watched, paralyzed. Eventually, she got out. She walked up to the front door, wobbly. She was clearly buzzed. She smelled like smoke and the front of her dress was wet. It hadn't rained in months. Chris brushed it off. He trusted Nicole. He gave her the flowers and she smiled. The car pulled off.

----Slow dancing, later on in the night, she put her head on Chris's neck by his ear. "I saw him again" she whispered.

Chris pulled her close. "He lives in your neighborhood. I expect you to see him. Just don't hook up with him or anything and we are fine." She nodded, saying she didn't.

The end of the night came as quickly as it began. Chris noticed it was a bit chilly outside, which happened sometimes with the salt air.

He offered his football hoodie, since there was a good chance she would be cold when they got outside.
"Thanks" she said, "but I am good." She then reached into her bag and took out HIS sweatshirt. Chris didn't say a word to her on the way home. He just stared straight ahead as she played with the dial on the radio. "I love this song!" She looked at him. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. He wasn't okay. He was far from it.

He dropped her off, and didn't even lean in to kiss her. Once the door shut in her house, he peeled out.


Chris and his buddy Tommy Mac were in the driveway of a mansion house. Tommy had a light, Chris was underneath the car. It was a white Cadillac.

"Almost done" he grunted out from under the car.

There was a few mechanical popping sounds and some liquid poured out. He rolled out from under the car. "GO, GO NOW" Chris said as they ran to the car. They pulled out.

Chris had cut the breaklines.

The news the next day had featured Jason's brother, who had crashed into a tree on Gulf to Bay, because he had no breaks......

Chris grinned. But something inside him felt dead.




Present Day:

The water was hot, but Chris didn't care. Jenny walked up behind Chris and put her arms around him.

"Are you okay?"

Chris nodded, looking at something in the mirror that she couldn't see.
When asked that that he hear was Nicole's voice when she asked the same question all those years ago. This time, however, he did have an answer.

"I will be......Saturday Night when I retain my title in the match of the year.....I will be."

She yawned, turning off the water.

"Go back to bed, we have to go to the gym in the morning."

He told her he would be right there. Jenny was a prize, but she was only in it for the fame. He knew this. He looked at a picture he kept on the wall of the bathroom. It was him with the Universal Title. It was the only thing he loved......the only thing he truly had left.

[Image: lTXQXkH.png]

"Micheal Graves, is there something I should know? Not only do you pal around with a adult who calls himself the "Cereal Killer" and refers to other men as sugar bear, but now you have acquired a white van. And that haircut? Jesus I like when the crayola people did your face for you better. You didn't look as much like David Schwimmer on a drinking binge. And that language! Is that really appropriate language to be using when on your way to a place designed for children? Yeah and you are supposed to be the "face", you can't even handle being a face.

But enough with the jokes and puns, it is serious time for me. I am in a place that I am not sure I can ever get out of. I think you have poked the bear one too many times. You have awoken a sleeping giant. You have taken this "ego" of mine, and you have personified it. I thougt Gabe Reno was the biggest thorn in my side here since I took Dolly out, but no---it has to be you. You actually had the idea to look at my first few matches here, then a match where I got screwed so hard Jenna Jameson felt it. Are you proud of yourself? August 6th, I will man up and admit I read the card wrong. I did not know the match had Knight in it. He caught me by surprise. It takes a real man to admit their flaws and mistakes. Then Dillinger----he was the Intercontinental Champion when he beat me and was on the top of his game. Have YOU ever been IC Champ? You want to boast and brag about taking people to their limits? Dillinger and I damn near killed each other. If it weren't for a few visual tricks from Dillinger, I would have beaten him. The Bourbon thing.....yeah, not going there again. Everyone on planet earth knows I was screwed. I have moved on, I am over it. Clearly you care more about my past than I do. There is a reason why I only went back to Wild Card Weekend. You could be as decorated as Ric Flair, Graves, but if you haven't done shit in months that is all anyone remembers when you step into the ring. "He was good, wasn't he? What happened?" Fighting more times in a year than you can use your fingers to count isn't helping your cause.

Similar thoughts process as me? You have a smiliar thought process as me? I have to chuckle a bit there. You have NO IDEA what runs through my head, NO IDEA. But I don't have to make up some excuse about possession to cover up me sucking. You enjoy makeup, and you can't wrestle. My first promo was about facing facts, maybe those are two to add to the list.

You aren't the threat to me, Graves, the stipulation is. It is, as you said, "unusual" to see in an Iron Man Match to have to win by 2 falls----but it is the witch hunt by management that is a threat to me. Not you. Get that straight.
They seemingly have some vendetta against me for whatever reason. They don't want me to hold this title any longer. Why? Because they know that unless they stack the decks, this belt will NEVER change hands. Parody is good for business. As much as I am the face of this place, they know that the young talent on this roster will never get a shot. Graves, you can't beat me by yourself. Not only do you know it, but they know it too. When I get into this zone, I am virtually unstoppable. When I get into this zone, I am a god among men. Why? Because when the demon surfaces in me, I no longer care about human life. I don't care who I hurt or how badly I hurt them. I don't care how badly I get hurt. I just care about 1 goal---being the last man standing when it is all said and done. Whether I have to win by 2 falls or 10 falls, Graves, when this demon arises in me stipulations don't matter. I WILL embarrass you on national television.

You see my demon isn't some entity that makes me do goofy things, paint my face and use bologna in a less than desirable manner. My demon is myself. My demon is buried deep within me, it is a product of my own mind. I don't need some "possession" excuse to claim I have demons. I know I do. And when all the pain and mental anguish and torture that I have been through begins to rupture up from my core it will make Vesuvius look like a premature ejaculation. What don't you get, Graves? I am the most dangerous man on this roster when I get this way. I have no heart, no soul, no morals. You have pushed me to this place. You have made me what I will be in that ring Saturday Night.

Carson, California. A nice town. 26 miles from Disneyland Park. Directly between Compton and Long Beach. As of the 2010 census, Carson had a population of 91,714. Located 13 miles south of downtown Los Angeles and approximately 14 miles away from the Los Angeles International Airport. There are a lot of people who are going to witness your demise. One of the bigger towns in the area, Carson is going to be your final resting place. I am not talking about just a wrestling career. I mean overall. There is a chance that I might kill you in that ring. Whatever I need to do. If you won't stay down I will make sure you never get up. I am coming for you with a fire and a passion that has been unmatched. Since they are hiding Gabe Reno from me, I am going to take out all that rage I have for that piece of shit out on you. Gabe will get his, I have enough vengeance to go around, but you happen to be victim number 1. Then Thaddeus Duke. Then whoever the hell else wants to test me.

Do you want to know why I jump on "anyone who says my name"? It is because my entire life I have been bullied, picked on, beaten up, and taken advantage of. I have worked my ass off to get to where I am and acquired the skills I have. Growing up, to save reputation and avoid looking like a pussy, you had to defend your honor. You had to step up to the plate. I refuse to be disrespected. You may call it being irrational and hot headed....but I call it being a man. I step up to defend those who wish to soil my name. And so far, I have been successful in that quest. I will remain successful as well.

You want to know how I am preparing for this match? It sure as shit isn't going to Disney Land. Steve Sayors was foreplay, it was fun. I have been training countless hours in the gym and the practice ring to get ready to the match of the year in 2017 so far, ad what are you doing? You are going to an amusement park. You are having fun. This is all fun and games to you, isn't? This is just a joke to you. You are so confident that you can sip an XL soda and inhale cotton candy while fantasizing about blowing Mickey Mouse. I could never think about that right now. This title is far too important to me. This company is far too important to me. This new look Savage is. My demons try to rise themselves up. They try to come out. I do my best to swallow them down but sometimes I cannot control it. When I step into that ring Saturday, Graves, 28 years worth of demons will come out---it will look like the goddamn Ghostbusters in that ring on Saturday.
Part of me, Graves, part of me hopes you make national news. What do I mean? I hope you are part of a ride malfunction that kills you and Cadryn, and the XWF holds a candlelight vigil and wonders "what could have been." But part of me hopes you survive. Part of me hopes you have the time of your life. I wish you get autographs, take photos, ride the gondola, and have a really big soda. I hope you have more fun at Disney than you've ever had. Because when you leave the park, you step into the ring. I hope you have a great time because it will be your last. When you step into that ring I will take you apart, inch by inch, and break you down piece by piece, and I will tear you apart methodically for 60 minutes. I want you to have a wonderful time at Disney because when you get into that ring at Savage against me and my demons, it will be, and I promise you, 60 minutes of pure hell.

I had no love left in my heart for a long time. I lost all I ever truly loved, until I saw this belt. This belt is the only thing I have left to love on this earth.....

.....60 minutes? Psssht, I'd fight the rest of my life to keep this belt. So get ready, because when the power of love and hate combine......all you have is........


[Image: bEghlJe.png]

[Image: Y3POk6x.jpg]
XWF RECORD: 22-5-2
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