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Positive Mindset
Author Message
Talia Areano Offline
Once broken, now reborn!

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

01-10-2017, 10:52 PM

It is a bright, cold morning in St.Louis. By the overlook view of the city anyone can tell it had snowed, due to the snow patches throughout parts of the city. After some time, we came to a well kept neighborhood. It is snow it each one of the yards. But good thing the streets have been cleared and most of the drive ways or cleared of snow as well.

After some minutes that felt like seconds have passed, the camera brings us in-front of a median-size grey house. Unlike most of the other houses, this house drive way hasn't been cleared. The screen zones forward inside the grey house, which brings us to the bedroom.

~bleep, bleep, bleep~

We hear the alarm ring, after some moments in the sim-dark room we see a hand press the snooze button. After some moments of watching the person move around, we see them raise up out of the bed.

It appears to be a exotic female with long brown hair, at the moment it is obvious by the extreme amount of bed hair. Plus the dry drool on the side of her face, she was sleeping wonderful.


As the young yawns, some people realize it is none thing than Talia Areano, formerly known as Ursula Areano. She soon begins to scratch her head, as she drags her self off the queen mattress. She is training some booty short, showing off her curves in all the right places and a black crop top.

When we see her leaving her room we can see her black and white cat Cookie sleeping on the floor curled up next to her bed. After some seconds of stretching herself out, she makes her way down stairs.

By the looks of it is a nice house inside in out. Surly it wasn't cheap in the slightest. She had to save for a long, long, long time to be able to brought her first house. Making all those appearances on the wrestling circuit and winning champions on the way. Talia is living a pretty good life.

Trust and believe though, someone like of status will not go around spending money like crazy. Oh No! The poor upbringing Talia had growing up, she value money far beyond most of the wrestler's of today's age.

Talia makes her way to the kitchen, she rubs her eyes and yawns, while she opens the refrigerator door. She grabs the carton of milk from the middle self and chugs some of it down. As we see some of the milk, drip down the side of of lip onto her chin. She begins to wipe it with her wrist.

She places the carton on the counter and begins to make her way to the front door to see if she has some mail. After slowly opening the door the cold wind smacks Talia in the face hard.

"Oh Shit, that's cold!" Taila starts rubbing her exposed skin, hoping to keep most of her body warm.

Quickly she makes her way to her mail box and runs back inside closing the door. She leans up with her back against the door as she goes through the mail. Some was some bills, ad for teeth whiter, magazines for M&M monthly and some junk mail. But there is one piece of mail that was different from all the others. Talia begins to open it carefully, hoping to be something important. After pull out it, a grin appears on Talia's face.

The camera soon get a view of the letter it is has the "XWF" logo on the top of the page, as long as some other writing. But something that stood out the most was the words in big bold letter saying "Appected, Welcome back."

"Hell yeah!" Talia shouted as she slowly slides down to the floor. Her back still against it with a relived look on her face. Talia knees against her chest has she looks up, with what it appears to be tears of joy in her eyes.

"This is the chance I have been waiting for, to right the wrongs of the past. Compared to the other letdowns, I displayed in the past. I will make 2017 the starting mark for a brand new start in XWF, a new direction and goals for the future. No matter what happens, this time around...."Talia pause for a moment, letting her thoughts build up. "I will not fold to the pressure!"

Talia starts to have a proud look on her face. Feeling like this time will be different than the other time and she is willing to go as far as to prove it as well. Through her passion and determination. Slowly the camera fades to black as Talia has her face buried in her knees still crying tears of joy.

[Image: fdfUSnQ.png]
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Dolly Waters (01-11-2017), JimCaedus (01-11-2017)

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