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Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1)
Author Message
Jeff Fairfield Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-04-2014, 07:17 AM

[Image: 8RPU4hw.png]

November 3, 2014
Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY

We go inside Madison Square Garden and see a very different setup for XWF Madness. To the left of the entrance stage by the X-Tron is a royal setup with four ladies, each holding an item such as a plate of fruit or a fan. Between the ladies is a nice royal throne with the XWF crown. A special video is played displaying a lot of XWF talent over the years showcasing their in-ring ability and it ends with a graphic saying Monday Night Madness Presents KING OF THE RING!

Standing in the ring is Jeff Fairfield with the brightest smile and a white and black suit.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Men.. Women.. Children.. New York! Welcome! To Madness! Welcome to the KING... OF.. THE RING! Tonight is also COMMERCIAL FREE for those watching live at home! Yeah, it's because I love you guys. I do. Last week I was attacked by Mister Lesnar, and he wanted in the King of the Ring. He wanted Tommy Gunn in the first round, but Mr. Gunn had some things come up to where he couldn't make it here. However, Mister Lesnar IS in the building! Now, I know he isn't technically in the King of the Ring tournament, because some don't want him in it. I think he's earned it, don't you fine people?


JEFF FAIRFIELD: "I've decided that tonight, the winner of the tournament you've all seen the brackets for... will not get the crown, but a shot at the crown against.... Brock................ Lensar.

JOEY STYLES: "What a screw job! All these competitors are going to go through hell and Brock gets a free ride to the final match?"

Outside the arena a white limo arrives. The backdoor opens and out walks ELI JAMES! In a suit! His hair is slicked back into a ponytail and he's well groomed with a smile on his face. He inhales the air of New York and turns to the limo... another person appears to be getting out and it's... SHANE "" ANONISTRATOR!! Eli and Shane shake hands. Eli gets back in the limo and Shane begins walking towards the arena!

Lucius Fyre
- vs -
Lucifer Kage
- vs -
Doctor Louis D'ville
One-Fall Match

The bell rings and both Lucius Fyre and Lucifer Kage begin running full sprint towards Doctor Louis D’Ville. The Doctor returns with a charge of his own. He lunges forward and clotheslines both men. Kage pops up and takes a body slam. Fyre comes up and takes one too! Kage is back up and gets hit by a snap suplex. Fyre takes one as well. The two men are laid out on the ground as the Doctor smiles down as he hasn’t even broken a sweat. The Doctor lifts up Kage and pulls him across the ring. The Doctor wraps his arms around the waist of Kage and hits a HUGE releasing German suplex! Kage flies across the ring and lands hard on top of Fyre! The two men are just lying there in a puddle of humanity.

The Doctor yawns and walks over to the group and lifts up Fyre. He locks on the Tazzmission and is inflicting some serious pain on the neck region. Fyre is about to tap out when D’Ville releases the hold. Louis D’Ville walks over to the referee and begins casually chatting with him. The referee seems confused, but begins talking to the Doctor. They chat seemingly about nothing as the other two men finally get to their feet. They look at the doctor and then start wailing on each other! They seem to have given up on trying to outdo the Doctor. D’Ville turns about to see the two men throwing hands. D’Ville smiles and hits a double clothesline. He quickly picks up Fyre and nails a Lobotomy! Fyre rolls out of the ring. D’Ville hits an Oklahoma Slam on Kage and sets him up. D’Ville scales the turnbuckle and waves slightly at the audience as they boo.

D’Ville launches himself off! TREPANATION! The flying headbutt had Kage motionless in the ring. D’Ville motions for the end. The Doctor lifts up the body of Kage and nails yet another LOBOTOMY! The Doctor finally covers his patient as the referee begins the count.





Lucius is rolling out of the ring, exhausted after the match he just had against the good Doctor and some guy named Kage that doesn't split punch people's balls. He tries to make it to the back of the arena to rest up and help out his fellow Asylum members later on. Just then, the lights are cut off, leaving Madison Square Garden in darkness.

Nothing but the crowd's confused murmuring can be heard for an entire minute.

The lights turn back on immediately when the song blares out through the speakers, revealing all twenty members of the Hidden Order (including Caleb) encircled around Lucius Fyre, who is in disbelief that the one he had burned alive was not only still alive, but had brought twenty friends with him to take him out. Before he has a chance to break the circle, nineteen of them run in on him and proceed to pummel the poor demon child with fists, knees, headbutts, and kicks. Lucius stands no chance of fighting back, as he is cornered from virtually every angle.

Then the leader of the group motions for all of them to push him into the ring, which they do with ease. The main man slides in and looks at the dazed Lucius with hatred in his exposed eye.

The leader spins in a circle...

...and absolutely CLOBBERS Lucius with his discus lariat, the Revolution!

Lucius is down on the floor unconscious! He's not going to get up for a while!

The leader motions for his gang to come back in and hold him down in a cross formation, which they do in seemingly no time flat.

Caleb then slides into the ring and hands the leader a stainless steel canteen. This prompts the rest of the gang to tear off the leather jacket and whatever shirt he was wearing at the time. Jack proceeds to unscrew the lid to the canteen, throwing it aside when it's completely unscrewed.

Jack then pours some form of clear liquid onto Lucius' chest...


Lucius is screaming out in pain as the droplets touch his skin!

Jack continues to pour out the acid until the shape of a Christian cross remains on his torso.

Satisfied with what he's done, Jack drops the empty canteen right beside him and they all proceed to walk backstage, leaving Lucius writhing out in pain. The crowd is baffled with what just transpired.

JOEY STYLES: "What the hell just happened???? Doctor D'Ville is still at ringside. He continues his celebration as he advanced.

Jeff Fairfield is backstage meeting various celeberties that were invited to the special King of the Ring that include: Jay Z & Beyonce, Pink, Derek Jeter, New York Knicks Basketball Team, Chevy Chase, and Aerosmith. A few ladies walk in who are familar Playboy bunnies (Amanda Booth, Carly Lauren, Jennifer Vaughn, and Gisele) and grab Jeff's arms... they walk off.

Spike Hannigan
- vs -
- vs -
Jet Frost
One-Fall Match

The bell sounds and Gator watches as Spike Hannigan runs straight over to Jet Frost and starts peppering him with rights and lefts. Frost backs into a corner and waits for a break, and the referee steps in, backing Hannigan away momentarily… but Spike dives right back into the corner with a big splash! Jet Frost is crushed against the turnbuckles as Spike turns and walks back to the center of the ring…

Right into a kick to the gut and a DDT from Gator! Gator immediately tries to go for the quick victory…



No! Pin broken up by Jet Frost, who dives out of the corner with an axe handle to Gator’s head.

Gator stands and locks up with Jet Frost, quickly moving the smaller man backwards toward the ropes… oh my, look at this! Jet Frost walked up the ropes backward, and is now standing on the top rope while still locked up with Gator!

Front flip into a neckbreaker! Gator’s head snapped back as Frost leapt from the top and somersaulted over him, dropping the TV champion with a sick neckbreaker!

Before he can capitalize, though, Spike Hannigan is back up and he’s laying more punches into the face of Jet Frost… Frost blocks him and hits him with a standing spinning heel kick right to the face! Spike Hannigan goes down hard and Jet Frost hooks both legs for the pin…



Broken up by Gator!

Gator is back in the match, and he reverses a clothesline attempt from Frost into a deep armdrag takedown, and another one as Frost gets back to his feet! Gator holds the arm after the takedown and locks in an overhead hammerlock, really torqueing that shoulder.

Oh! Frost manages to send his foot up over his head and catches Gator right on the point of the chin with that up kick! Gator is stunned and releases the hold, and Frost pops up and runs the ropes…

Right into a spinning powerslam from Hannigan! Spike Hannigan stays on top of Frost!



Again broken up by Gator!

Gator grabs Hannigan in a front facelock and pulls him to his feet. He hooks a leg up and… fisherman buster! Gator dropped Spike right on his head!

Missile dropkick from Jet Frost!

When the heck did Frost climb to the top rope? He just sent Gator flying across the ring with that high missile dropkick! Gator is sprawled out across the ring from the other two men, and Jet Frost brings Spike to his feet, setting him up for a suplex… No!

Spike grabbed Frost by the head and nailed him with the Facebreaker! Jet Frost is flat on his back, and Spike goes for the pin…



Kickout by Frost!

Spike looks frustrated here… he’s climbing to the second turnbuckle and he leaps off towards Frost after Jet Frost gets to his feet – and Frost hits him with a perfectly timed superkick to the face! Spike collapses to the mat… but Frost doesn’t go for the cover!

Jet Frost climbs the corner, and he’s setting up for his big finisher, the Ice Accelerator! He’s up, and he flips for the 450…

Gator with a spear out of nowhere!

Gator ran across the ring and speared Jet Frost right in the middle of that 450 so hard that he sent him flying over the top rope to the outside! What an amazing move!

Gator turns to Spike, who’s just getting to his feet, and he leans forward and drapes him over his shoulders… DISASTER DROP!

Gator hit the Disaster Drop on Spike Hannigan! He hooks the leg and goes for the win…




RING ANNOUNCER: "Here is your winner, and advancing to round two...... GAAAAATOR!!!

Backstage Jeff Fairfield, with the playboy bunnies on his arms, is talking to Brock Lesnar who is relaxing in his private dressing room eating some fruit.

Fireworks blast off along the stage for several seconds before calming and allowing a man to walk out from the back without being set on fire.

The fans erupt in a mix of cheers and boos for the controversial owner of the XWF, SHANE "" ANONISTRATOR! He's wearing his classic Charlie Sheen mask along with a nice black and white suit, looking very professional today for the King of the Ring extravaganza! He enters the ring and has a microphone tossed to him from some monkey on the outside of the ring.

Shane: Thanks, monkey! Hahaha!

Shane points and it's an actual, literal monkey hopping around at ringside which he has trained to hand him the mic. Shane pulls a banana out of his pocket and tosses it out to the monkey.

Shane: I just wanted to come out here and tell all you waggle baggas just how fortunate you are because tonight you will see a brand new KING OF THE XWF crowned! Peter Gilmour will no longer be known as the king! I know, it's a sad day but the XWF will live on with a new king who will make us proud........... OR I'LL SHOVE A POTATO UP HIS ASS!

The fans mostly boo but a few of the sick freaks cheer at the thought of this.

Shane: And with that said I would like to go ahead and give all of you guys a very special treat. I've looked high and low for that next big name to take this company by storm and to bring us even more media coverage. I've spent many nights eating nothing but potatoes and asparagus, searching internet databases for that certain someone who I think can really turn this show around. I mean with me managing Warfare, you have to admit Madness is pretty inferior! HA!

The fans boo. One of them throws their drink and it hits him right in the Sheen mask.

Shane: Oh I was kind of thirsty, thanks! Now without further ado, let me introduce you all to that next big XWF name! Get used to hearing it folks! I give you...






Richárd Téssmocker!

Once Shane introduces the new handpicked talent, the lights in the arena go off. It remains that way for a good five seconds. The titantron goes off as well along with the minitron afterwards. Suddenly a spotlight flicks onto the center of the stage. A man with a familiar face walks onto the stage while no theme music is being played. He is wearing an nice vest with khakis and some tan dress shoes. He has a barre on with matching shades.

JOEY STYLES: "Wait, we know that guy. Its Tessmocker. Dick Tessmocker."

Wrestling fans seem to cheer for Téssmocker since they know him from other wrestling promotions. Richárd Téssmocker stands in the spotlight looking at the amount of applause he is receiving. He air kisses both sides of the arena and spits right on stage. Once he does so, the crowd erupts with hate. He proceeds in walking down the ramp into the ring while the spotlight continues to follow him. He signals for a microphone and is given one. He shakes Shane's hand.

Téssmõcker: Merci Monsieur Anonistrator. Thank you.

He then shakes Shane's hand. The crowd is still booing after what he did on stage.

Téssmocker: Finalité XWF has witnessed greatness as of thé third of November, thé year 2014. Mark thés in tour calendrier. Thés date signifie thé year greatness émerge toi XWF all thanks tou Mr. Anonistrator.

The crowd chants "You Suck". Shane then gets annoyed by this. He decides to speak.

Shane: Hey, cut this out! Cut it out right now! Is this what I get for trying to bring a little class to XWF? You all can learn something from Mr. Tessmocker. He is a 3rd generation professional wrestler! Do you feces obsessed freaks even know what that means?! Wrestling is in his blood, unlike whatever is floating around in Maria Brinks' and Ezekiel's blood! This man standing beside me has been all over the world. He was a Triple Crown and Grand Slam Champion everywhere. I'm the man that personally called him up to XWF for God-sakes, and I don't do that with just anyone!

Téssmocker: Correction, tou are thé genius that personally called me up tou XWF.

Shane: (happy) Me, a genius? Oh stop it. If anything, my potato deserves some of the credit.

Téssmocker: No, i am serious Mr. Anonistator. Tou are a genius. For years, XWF has been missing class, culture, refinery, some one as good looking as I. What all of tou troglodytes fail tou réalisé is that not only did Mr. Anonistrator......

Shane: (happily) Oh please, call me Shane. My friends call me Shane.

Téssmocker: Merci Monsieur. What tou all fail to réalisé is that not only did Mr. Shane bring in Thé Adonis of Sexiness tou wrestle for XWF, that man being myself. Hé brought a man who personified greatness everywhere hé went. That man is moi, Thé Peronification of Greatness. Grandeur personnifié

The crowd chants "This is awful!

Téssmocker: Will tou all stop this nonsense at once! I didn't come here for your stupide childish games. I came here for on reason only. That is to bring all thé prestigious éléments missing from XWF. While i can bring all of that here juste by making m'y présence here, i figures why not grasp all of thé championship belts here as well? Tonight is thé night that greatness has made its way to XWF. Greatness will be personified by moi Dick Tes .....i méan Richárd Téssmocker. L'ère de grandeur commence ce soir. Croyez ce bébé

Shane applauds as the fans boo his hand selected choice to enhance the Madness roster. What kind of impact will Richárd Téssmocker make in the coming weeks?

XWF employees are seen taking down Paul Heyman posters and removing the name Heyman from various things that contain the word Madness with it. Jeff walks up and looks like he's going to cry, and walks off.

Tony Santos arrives a little late to the building and is blindsided by STEVEN KESSLER!! Kessler smirks while Tony is laying on the ground from the attack.

JOEY STYLES: OH MY GOD! Steven Kessler wants to win this thing and he may have just eliminated his next opponent.

Grayson Stinger
- vs -
Steven Kessler
- vs -
One-Fall Match

The bell rings and Grayson Stinger rushes forward and nails a DDT on Mastermind. Kessler runs off the ropes and nails a lariat. Stinger bounces right back up and nails Kessler with a running forearm. Kessler gets back up and takes an enzuigiri from Stinger! Stinger raises his arms as he celebrates a bit prematurely. Mastermind is back up and he begins hitting heavy strikes to the chest and mid-section of Grayson. Mastermind hits an uppercut knocking Grayson to the mat. Mastermind climbs to the top rope. Grayson staggers back up and turns around. Mastermind leaps off and hits a flying clothesline! Mastermind goes for the pin.



Th-NO! Kessler breaks it up.

Kessler is standing up ready for Mastermind. He bounces off the ropes and NAILS him with a spear! Kessler lifts him back up and hits a KESSLERPLEX! The T-Bone Suplex drops Mastermind hard to the mat. Kessler goes for the pinfall! But Mastermind gets a foot on the rope. Kessler stands up and drags Mastermind back towards the center of the ring. Kessler stands up and is demolished by a springboard crossbody by Stinger! Stinger grabs Kessler and rolls him up!



Thr-NO! Kessler kicks out!

Grayson Stinger looks at the referee as if that were a slow count. He lifts up Kessler and sets up for the CASH MONEY! The black tiger bomb is… REVERSED! Kessler snuck out of it. He bounces off the ropes and hits a big nasty boot. Kessler jumps up the turnbuckle and leaps off for a diving elbow, but Mastermind pulls Grayson out of the way! Mastermind locks on THE MIND CONTROLLER on Stinger! The Boston Crab variant has Stinger reaching out in pain. Mastermind is rearing back not letting Stinger get any air. Kessler bounces off the ropes and nails a big boot to the face of Mastermind dropping him to the ground. Kessler picks up Mastermind, but is met by several punches and uppercuts. Caught off guard, Kessler staggers back a few feet. Kessler is hit by a clothesline and crashes into the mat. Mastermind runs off the ropes and hits a big leg drop. Hulk Hogan would’ve been impressed with that drop! Mastermind locks The MIND CONTROLLER on Kessler. Kessler is trying to get to the ropes, but is struggling to do so. Stinger drops an elbow to the head of Kessler.

Mastermind pulls back on the hold. He’s wrenching it back, but Kessler seems to have a rejuvenated spirit! He claws and rushes towards the ropes! Kessler finally gets to the ropes! The referee breaks up the hold and Kessler kicks Mastermind in the face. Mastermind picks up Kessler, but Kessler slaps him. Kessler hits an enzuigiri. Mastermind trips and falls outside of the ring. Stinger rushes forward and gets kicked in the abdomen. Kessler hits a spinning heel kick. Kessler slams Grayson down. Kessler runs off the rope and NAILS IT! THE BIG HIT! The knee jawbreaker drop connects and Kessler pins him.





Jeff Fairfield is asking if anyone has seen or heard from Paul Heyman, especially those who are big supporters of his.

A promo video is shown displaying XWF Monday Night Madness from previous years and leading up to the King of the Ring tournament.

Tony Santos
- vs -
El Tiburon
- vs -
Ezekiel Carter-Williams V
One-Fall Match

The match starts off with Santos rushing to deliver a spine snapping lariat on Ezekiel, sending him to the ground hard. El Tiburon rushes at the duo, but trips over his untied shoes, and falls flat on his face. Santos is on his feet, and begins to lay boots to Zeke's torso. Zeke begins to flail in agony, the AIDs is making his body weak and frail. Tiburon is back on his feet and charging at Santos for a spear. Santos counters with a massive suplex landing him ontop of the broken body of Zeke. Santos walks over to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle. Flying Leg Drop! It connects! Santos has landed directly on Tiburon's head, driving it into Ezekiel's neck. He hooks for a double pin. The ref begins to count it.



Santos gets up and moves away. He broke his own pin up. Ezekiel shoves Tiburon off of him and charges for a Bulldog. Santos said steps it, and instead throws an elbow to the back of Carter's head. Sending the AIDs Avenger to the mat, hard. Tiburon charges for a Enziguri, but Santos catches him mid leap, punches him in the balls, and throws him to the corner. Santos walks over to the corner, leans back on it, pulls out a can of PBR, pops the top and starts chugging away. Zeke gets to his feet, charges at Tiburon and goes for a River of Blood. He's got Tiburon in the air, but no! Santos our of nowhere with a running dropkick, sending Zeke to the ground with Tiburon on top of him. All without spilling his beer. The crowd begins cheering for Santos as he gets to his feet and finishes his beer. Zeke starts to stir, and Santos throws his now empty beer can at Zeke, knocking him back down. Tiburon struggles to get up as well, but Santos walks over and kicks him in the face. Both men are not moving, which means it's time for a Cigarette.

Santos pulls a pack of smokes from his pocket, pulls 2 out, and places them in his mouth at once before lighting them. He takes a few deep puffs before walking over, kicking Zeke in the face once more, dragging him over to Tiburon, kicking Tiburon in the face, and stacking his opponents on top of each other. He walks over to the corner, climbs it, stands atop the turnbuckle posing for all to see. Without putting out his cigarettes he dives through the air, a magnificent Tony Award, landing perfectly atop the pile of broken men. He hooks two legs for a pin.





JOEY STYLES: Ladies and Gentlemen.. Tony Santos has returned! It looks like he'll get a chance to strike revenge on Steven Kessler in round two!

Backstage a knock is heard at Brock's door.

BROCK LESNAR: "Come in. 'Bout time you brought me my steak.

IT'S TOMMY GUNN! Tommy jumps Brock and is beating the hell out of Brock! Gunn slams the door and locks it, and continues the beating behind closed doors.

Derek Rampant
- vs -
Harley Jack
- vs -
Joey Hawkins
One-Fall Match

Rampant gets in the early shots on both Jack and Hawkins, however the tables are turned quickly and Rampant eats a forearm shot to the face from Harley Jack. Jack goes after Hawkins with a series of jabs before catching him unawares with a belly-to-belly suplex. Rampant gets back in on the action and attacks Jack from behind, hitting a dropkick and sending him into the ropes. Hawkins is back on his feet now and he goes after Rampant, dodging a big boot attempt and instead hitting a spear! He begins to strike Rampant in the head on the mat, but Harley Jack pulls him away and whips him into the corner. Rampant rolls out of the ring to gather his bearings, while Harley Jack signals for the Biker’s Walk! He charges, but crashes and burns as Hawkins dives out of the way. Jack staggers backwards and Hawkins rolls him up with the first pin attempt of the match!




Rampant slides into the ring in time to break up the pinfall. He grabs Hawkins and delivers several stiff blows before hooking his arms and driving his head into the mat with a vicious double underhook DDT. Hawkins twitches on the mat and Rampant rolls him over to attempt a pin, but Harley Jack hits an elbow drop before Rampant can make a cover. Rampant and Jack both lock up and Rampant is pushed back into the corner. The referee orders Jack to break the hold and he obliges, only for Rampant to viciously kick his degraded knee! Jack grunts in pain and goes down on one leg in the middle of the ring, while Hawkins climbs to his feet. Rampant runs from the corner and drives his knee into Harley Jack’s head, sending the big man down and possibly eliminating him from the tournament. Hawkins and Rampant are trading punches in the middle of the ring, however Hawkins is still groggy from the DDT and misses a chance to block Rampant. He stands stunned, and it’s enough time for Rampant to capitalize with a T-Bone Suplex! Hawkins and Jack are down, leaving Rampant standing tall! Rampant covers Hawkins!





Hawkins kicks out! Rampant pounds the mat in frustration as the referee informs him that he only made a two-count and climbs to his feet. Rampant pulls Hawkins to his feet and nearby Harley Jack stands up too. Rampant whips Hawkins into the ropes and catches him with a shoulderblock on the rebound, before Jack limps forward and grabs him from behind, hitting a back body drop. Hawkins is back up and he runs at Harley Jack, who manages to avoid a sloppy clothesline attempt and instead unleashes with his own 12 Gauge lariat! Hawkins spins in midair and collapses in a heap, and Harley Jack makes the cover! Rampant is getting back to his feet, but he’s too late! Harley Jack has it!




Hawkins kicks out! Rampant pounds the mat in frustration as the referee informs him that he only made a two-count and climbs to his feet. Rampant pulls Hawkins to his feet and nearby Harley Jack stands up too. Rampant whips Hawkins into the corner shoulder first and runs at Harley Jack, ducking underneath a lariat attempt and hoisting Jack onto his shoulders. The crowd explodes as he hits his trademark double knee gutbuster on the larger Harley Jack! Derek Rampant covers!




Hawkins kicks out! Rampant pounds the mat in frustration as the referee informs him that he only made a two-count and climbs to his feet. Rampant pulls Hawkins to his feet and nearby Harley Jack stands up too. Rampant attempts to suplex Hawkins but he wobbles and loses his balance. Hawkins has his feet back down on the mat and he whips Rampant into the corner shoulder first. Hawkins has shaken his cobwebs loose as he unleashes a flurry of strikes on Harley Jack before dropping down and hitting a low blow! The crowd boos as Harley Jack collapses clutching his groin, and Rampant charges forward looking to capitalize. It doesn’t happen though, as Hawkins catches Rampant and hits a HUGE Heavy Heat powerbomb! Hawkins covers!




RING ANNOUNCER: "Your winner and advancing to round two... JOEY HAWKINS!

Jeff Fairfield, along with XWF security, are attending to Brock Lesnar. Fairfield demands they find Tommy Gunn immediately.

Justin Sane
- vs -
- vs -

Justin Sane, Venomous and Wrestler82 stare at each other, if looks could kill Venomous would already be dead, which it looks like will be soon as Sane and 82 rush towards him and beat him into the corner, kicks and punches destroying Venomous as he does nothing to defend himself, well that's what happens when you don't train for the match the whole week. Sane rips Venomous away from the corner and delivers a swift kick into his midsection and twirls him around. That's Insane! Justin gets back to his feet and picks up Venomous throwing him towards 82 and The L.A 50182! Venomous lies still on the mat, Sane taunts to the crowd while 82 seizing the opportunity goes for the quick pin. The ref counts.




Broken up with an axe handle by Sane who pushes away 82 and goes for a cover.




And 82 with a low dropkick sends Sane off Venomous' limp body and 82 goes for yet another pin but before the ref can even slap the mat Sane sends kick after kick into 82's body knocking him away from Venomous who slowly crawls out of the ring. Sane goes over to 82 and grabs him by the head and lifts him into the air, dropping him with a snap suplex. 82 holds his back in pain as Sane runs to the ropes and hits 82 with a perfect springboard moonsault! The ref slides in for the cover.



82 gets a shoulder up at 2! Sane gets back to his feet and lifts Wrestler82 up and smacks him in between the eyes with a heavy blow, and goes for another but his fist is grabbed and thrown away by 82 who now goes in for a clothesline and knocks Justin to the mat but he quickly gets to his feet but is dropped by another viscous clothesline by 82. Sane shakes out the cobwebs and slowly gets to his feet as Wrestler waits for him, goading him into getting to his feet. Sane gets up and is greeted by a heavy kick into the stomach, 82 lifts Sane into a suplex and drives him into the mat, 82 spins around and lifts Sane again. Another suplex! And another! Three Amigos by Wrestler82! He goes for the cover again.





Th- NO! Sane just kicks out! 82 puts his hands over his head and gets to his feet shouting at the ref, arguing the count! Sane slowly crawls to the ropes and gets himself up as 82 is distracted with the ref. Wrestler82 pushes away the ref and turns to a worn out Justin Sane, the pair rush towards each other and lock up. 82 bends Sane's arms back but Justin won't give up! He kicks 82 away but Wrestler comes back with a discus lariat which misses as Sane rolls under 82's arm and quickly gets up as 82 turns to him. Screws Loose! (High Impact Superkick) to 82's face! Wrestler is seeing stars but doesn't go down, Pledge of Insanity! (Sets his opponent up in the Death Valley Driver position. In one smooth motion he swings them around into seated tombstone piledriver) Sane goes for the pin.

RING ANNOUNCER: "The winner of this match and advancing... JUSTIN SANE!

A video recap is shown of what has happened so far in the night and who is advancing.

Frodo Smackins
- vs -
- vs -
Ghost Tank

Frodo and Ghost Tank are in the ring awaiting Gein....

The theme for the Asylum plays as the crowd awaits the arrival for the newly renamed Mickey "The Martyr" Manson for his involvement in this match.


Still waiting...

It seems to go on for several minutes as Manson simply does not appear, looks like this will be a singles match. The referee turns and signals to ring the bell as both Ghost Tank and Frodo, a little confused, focus on each other.

The referee tosses his arms up, and lets Frodo and Ghost Tank know the match will go ahead and begin.

Frodo walks over to Ghost Tank, climbs the ropes by him, and slams a Batter's Helmet right on his head.

"There you go, you unlovable . Protect what little shit you still got going on up there."

Frodo bops back to his corner, yes bops. Deal with it, cockstains.

The bell rings and this now singles match gets under way. Ghost Tank and Frodo lock up and Ghost Tank pushes the much smaller Frodo backwards. Frodo bounces back to his feet and rushes forward. Frodo nails an uppercut and several smacks to the jaw. Tank takes the hit, but is staring down at Frodo with apathy in his eyes. Tank hits a high knee connecting and knocking Frodo off the ropes. Frodo bounces back and takes a big boot between his eyes. Tank wastes no time as he picks up Frodo and squeezes him tight in a bearhug. Ghost Tank squeezes it tightly as Frodo just laughs at him. Frodo reaches down and begins biting the ear of Tank trying to Mike Tyson his ear. Tank lets the move and Frodo is still latched on. Frodo puts an arm around the head and drives his head into the mat for a DDT. Frodo rolls him over and pins him down.



Thr-NO! Tank gets a shoulder up.

Frodo allows him to get up. Frodo rushes forward and hits a big shining wizard! Tank goes down. Frodo goes for another pinfall, but Tank gets his foot on the rope before the count even starts. Frodo picks him up and Tank headbutts him. Tank lifts up Frodo with an elevated, delayed vertical suplex! With the size and weight of Frodo, he’s not hard to hold up. After what seems like a full minute, Tank drops him shaking the whole ring! Tank doesn’t go for the pinfall though. Ghost Tank climbs the top turnbuckle and is poised. Frodo gets up and turns around into a diving spear! The massive frame of Tank just obliterated Frodo! Tank goes for the pinfall!



Th-NO! It was so close! Frodo just barely gets a shoulder up.

Tank seems in shock at this. Tank picks up Frodo and sets up the TANK TRACKS! One powerbomb, the sec-NO! Frodo gets flung up as Tank comes up. Frodo hits lolnope as the Superman Punch connects to the face of Tank! Tank staggers back and swings wildly at Frodo. Frodo kicks his legs out from under him. Frodo leaps to the top rope as Tank is staggering up to his feet. Frodo leaps! DRAGONRANA! The flip into a hurricanrana was devastating! Tank looks to be out cold, but Frodo is not done. He motions for the Shayouken!

The lights go out. A red mist begins flowing through the arena. The red spotlights show Hysteria on the apron. Hysteria grabs the attention of the referee as he is laughing wildly. Frodo suddenly falls to the mat for seemingly no reason! Then Mickey ‘The Martyr’ Manson sets out with a steel chair. He begins smashing it down on the back of Frodo! Abruptly, the lights turn out. They turn back on and reveal that Tank is laid out across the chest of Frodo!



Th-NO! Frodo kicks out! Ghost tank cannot believe it.

Ghost Tank helps Frodo to his feet only to be greated by an uppercut so powerful that Tank flies back into the ropes before crumpling to the mat. Frodo flings himself on top of the fallen Tank as the referee starts counting.





BROCK LESNAR: "I hope that piece of shit, Tommy Gunn, is still in the building. Paul and I want to have chat with him.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "Paul? Have you talked to him?

BROCK LESNAR: "I don't know where the hell he is, but he'd back me. He'd tell me to put Tommy back in his place.

JEFF FAIRFIELD: "I understand your anger, Brock, but I'm doing everything I can to find him. For now, just go back to relaxing and watching the show. Remember, you meet the winner tonight.

- vs -
"The Aerial Knight" Johnathan Heartsford
- vs -
Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace

The three men are already in the ring. The ref calls for the bell and the match is underway! Tyroil wanders around the ring like a chicken with its head cut off, before stumbling right into the Lights Out (Spinebuster) from Maverick! Tyroil's head snaps upwards on impact and falls back to the canvas as his eyes roll back into his skull. Heartsford gives a faux applause to his standing opponent before making his way over to Tyroil's fallen body. He pulls the fallen man up to his knees and hits the ropes-- The Knighting (Shining Wizard)! Tyroil's head snaps harshly on impact and he falls face first to the mat, limp as a corpse! Maverick tries to roll him over for a pin, but Heartsford pulls him off with force and spins around, going for a discus forearm! No! Maverick ducks it and drops Knight hard to the mat with a sick Back Suplex! He holds for the pin but Knight kicks out before the one count can even be made. It's gonna take a whole lot more than that to put the Knight away!

Heartsford claws himself up to his feet, throwing a stiff forward strike that catches Maverick right in the abdomen that doubles him over. He wastes no time in dropping the slumped over man with a quick DDT! He follows that up with an elbow drop before ripping him off the mat and forcing him back to his feet. Knight shoves the dazed Maverick into the corner and backs up. He steps over Tyroil's fallen body before shooting forward and running right into the corner where Maverick's set up. He goes for it, Monkey Flip! Maverick shoots up in the air and lands flat on his back, rolling over to his side and coughing uncontrollably.

Heartsford ascends the top rope and leaps off, Knightfall (Shooting Star Press) onto Maverick! No! He gets the knees up! Heartsford crashes hard, bouncing off his opponent's knees and landing back first on the mat in a position similar to the one Maverick was in mere moments ago. Maverick pushes himself off the mat and up to his feet again as Knight rolls over onto his knees and begins to push himself up to a vertical base. Maverick snarls and throws a wicked left to the face of Heartsford, and clocks him right in the cheek! Heartsford stumbles back, grabbing the site of impact and trying to nurse it as his opponent comes in with a second punch but Heartsford ducks this one! He grabs tightly onto Maverick's arm and kicks him in the stomach! Maverick stumbles aback and Knight kicks him right in the knee! Maverick falls to his knees and Aerial hits the ropes. The Knighting (Shining Wizard)! Mav goes down! Knight goes up to the top rope, measuring up Wallace! Knightfall (Shooting Star Press) on the fallen colored football player! He hooks the leg!




RING ANNOUNCER: Your winner... "The Aerial Knight" Johnathan Heartsford!!

JOEY STYLES: This has been an incredible night so far! There's still more to come!

[Image: fairfield.png]
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Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by Jeff Fairfield - 11-04-2014, 07:17 AM
re:Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by Maverick - 11-04-2014, 02:32 PM
re:Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by Maverick - 11-04-2014, 02:54 PM
re:Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by Mr. Oz - 11-04-2014, 08:19 AM
re:Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by Mr. Oz - 11-04-2014, 09:17 AM
Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by SwagMire - 11-04-2014, 09:21 AM
Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by SwagMire - 11-04-2014, 10:25 AM
Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by SwagMire - 11-04-2014, 11:16 AM
Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by TJ Wallace - 11-04-2014, 01:38 PM
re:Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by Scully - 11-04-2014, 02:44 PM
re:Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by Maverick - 11-04-2014, 03:13 PM
re:Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by SwagMire - 11-04-2014, 07:48 PM
re:Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by Mr. Oz - 11-04-2014, 04:37 PM
Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by TJ Wallace - 11-04-2014, 07:53 PM
Madness: KOTR 11.03.14 (Part 1) - by SwagMire - 11-04-2014, 08:01 PM

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