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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Shove-It! Boards » Shove-It! RP Board
The Virgo Saint
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Raion Kido Offline
The Lion


XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

05-05-2023, 07:07 PM

“Superheroes, eh? Let’s show them what a real hero is meant to be!”


Jason Cashe and Raion Kido’s next commitment to defend the Tag Team Titles was approaching, and it had not missed the Lion that standing in front of them were a dynamic duo, two heroes straight from the Silver Age of Comics.

“Geez Kido.. you’re getting this thing done or what? I wanna try it on already!”

“Easy Cashe, it’s almost done!”

It was only fitting, therefore, that the Lion at least tried to do something for his partner - especially considering his wild and unkempt look. So there he was working again, chiseling a metal plate on the anvil.


Looking at the piece he was crafting for a last time, the Lion finally wipes some beads of sweat off his forehead.

“Annnnnnd here we go, Cashe. Just let it cool off for a bit and you’ll be able to wear a Golden Cloth too!”

“This better look nice, dude, and it better have some nice room for my balls and my CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWK!!!”

“... I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

At the convention center where the Lion was promoting the Saint Seiya film, the Lion had, in addition to his work, set up a public exhibition of his workshop, and the fans were looking wide-eyed and slack-jawed, although whether at Raion’s work on the anvil, or at the general presence of Jason Cashe, it was truly impossible to say.

“But look at the bright side, Cashe. We’re facing a pair of American iconic superheroes, so it’s only fitting I show them how we do things in Japan, eh?”

The DioGEE looks completely uninterested, huffing as if he were hitting a blunt - maybe he even was.

“Hello? Earth to Cashe?”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry - just bored out of my mind here.”

The Lion raises an eyebrow at his partner.

“What is wrong with you, Cashe? You’ve been… off, as of late, for lack of a better word.”

Cashe draws a deep breath and turns towards Kido.

“Listen Kido - you’re the good guy here, you’re the shining beacon of the SAGA, and you’ve got two fucking titles. You’ve been out of this world. But me? That’s just not who I am. I’m the one they love to hate, the one that brings the dick because that’s what I am best comfortable being.

And all of this shit is weird, man. I’m fighting alongside you against a bunch of Batman imitators, and now I have to wear one of them metal suits you wear too?”

Raion raises a placatory hand.

“Easy, Cashe, it’s just for this one time. Besides, you tased me and kicked me down there before we won these titles, so it’s only fair you now put up with me this one time - and you don’t even have to do anything!”

“Well that’s a point…”

The young Saint of Athena moves over to the anvil, and places a piece on the metal plate.

“It’s cooled off now, Cashe. Let’s try it on!”

Moments later, the Lion is assembling the new Cloth he has just forged - the image of a maiden, looking up to the sky, and arms joined in prayer.

“Here we go! You said you were a Virgo, so here it is for you - the Gold Cloth of Virgo!”

The DioGEE looks confused.

“Whoa wait a second… I have to dress as a FEMALE!?”

Raion rolls his eyes, and draws a deep breath.

“It doesn’t look like a woman when you’re wearing it, Cashe, it’s just how the constellation goes! Just try it on for the fans out here!”

“Well fine, geez. But if I’m doing this, you’d better put on Barbie Girl by Aqua!”

“... For Athena’s sake, Cashe.”

And Cashe goes behind the Lion’s stand, to get changed into the Cloth. It isn’t long before a crowd of fans is standing in expectation before the Lion, who addresses them as if he were a ring announcer.

“... Alright, ladies and gentlemen, here it is, the Lion’s newest work. You’ve seen me don my Gold Cloth of Leo night after night in the XWF, the symbol of a Saint of Athena. But you should know that it is but one of twelve, each owing to a constellation in the Zodiac. And now, you’re about to see one more!”

A hubbub erupts among the fans, but it’s soon broken by the DioGEE’s voice in the background.

“Umm, Kido? I feel kinda awkward here… this suit seems too small for PARTS of me, bruh…”

The Lion pretends not to have heard that as he continues his speech in a grandiose, booming tone.

“So without further ado, I give you, from Houston, Texas, the newly anointed Saint, JASON CASHE - THE GOLD SAINT OOOOOOOOOOOOF VIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”

And Cashe finally comes out - the Gold Cloth he is now wearing fitting him like a pair of guns would fit an effigy of Jesus Christ.

“Well whatever! We’re gonna beat up some bats here, woooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!”

The crowd goes from stunned, to laughing in hilarity at the same time, and at that point, as was the DioGEE’s request, the infamous Aqua song blares through the P.A. system.

“I just love this track!”

Resigned now to his fate, it is all the Lion can do to set down his Gold Cloth of Leo, and open it up…


“The time has finally come for Cashe and I to defend these Tag Team Titles, and it seems that we have a Dynamic Duo coming to face us.”

Thus the Lion begins as Cashe is now merrily dancing to Barbie Girl. Even with the DioGEE’s trials and tribulations on display, it was still Raion Kido’s job to uphold the value of the XWF Tag Team Titles. Double Champion he now was, and double-booked as a result - but whether victorious or dead, it would never be said he was not a fighting Champion.

“I can appreciate superheroes, but as you’ve seen, we in Japan do things a different way. We like our heroes to be easily recognizable, we want the world to know they’re coming, because when evil sees their unmistakable appearance, they realize that they are ultimately doomed. From Goku to the Saints of Athena, to Ultraman and the numerous Super Sentai squads - you would know them as Power Rangers - but we created them first - it’s the people that matter more than the suits.

And that, apparently, is a lesson that the Just-This League is in dire need of learning.”

Any pretense of civility is now gone from the Saint of Athena’s face, the classic leonine snarl just having surfaced in its full might.

The Blue Tango and the Atomic Bat might disparage him and his partner - and they would very dearly pay the price. Superheroes or otherwise, it was one thing to have designs on the Tag Team Titles - and a very different thing to resort to lies in an attempt to win them.

And for anyone that fashioned themselves a champion of justice - this was quite simply unacceptable in the eyes of the Gold Saint of Leo.

“Because what I don’t appreciate is this Blue Tango wannabe questioning my integrity - as if we didn’t know just who he was already, but let’s indulge our caped crusader - after all, I’m not about to enforce the Superhero Registration Act.

Never mind that again we have a case of someone going on about honor and samurai and seppuku and all that stereotypical drivel - because I’m Japanese, you know, Athena forbid we move on from that - but if you’ve bothered to do a minimum of research, you would have seen that I deal with Greek mythology, and it should have dawned on you that the Anime I represent is more than typical Japanese culture - it’s for the world itself - for the very culture that has made this world as great as it currently is. A culture whose heroes served as the first inspiration for the very thing you want to imitate!

Tell me, Mr. Tango, where did you think the first heroes emerge? Was it not Thesseus that slew the Minotaur, Perseus that slew Medusa, or Bellerophon that slew the Chimera? Before the Golden Age of Heroes even began, people were looking at stories like these for inspiration, and the idea of heroes greater than the common man! So I would advise you to do some research before you speak to me about my own culture again - or I shall make an example out of your fallen carcass as I am now doing with your miniscule brain.

But then again, the Blue Tango cannot learn from this. After all, this is someone that clung to the Atomic Bat because that was the only way to escape his perpetual mediocrity, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Or did you think I would not notice, Mr. Tango?”

An index finger extends from a gauntleted golden fist, the Lion’s voice as metallic as the Golden Cloth he wears. Even now he was taking care not to outright reveal the identity of the Blue Tango - for there was an example to set.

If the Caped Crusader imitator would not follow it, at least the Saint of Athena would.

“When we look at the history of our Caped Crusader, the only thing we see is a pitiful excuse for a man that has to hide his past failures behind a goofy superhero act that does not even belong to him! And just in case someone wants to accuse me of throwing stones in glass houses, I don’t mean it for his appearance. After all, I too take after a comic from my homeland.

But unlike him, I didn’t need to latch on to anyone to get where I was - rather, they’ve been flocking to me. Where was the SAGA when I won the Leap of Faith match? Where were they before I became Universal Champion?

And where were they after I lost my title and went all the way down to March Madness without a single title opportunity, despite having won victory after victory?”

Raion now lets silence be his only answer - if not for the accursed techno-pop track still blaring behind him and Cashe’s dancing to it.

If the Blue Tango would dare to question his road up until this point, then it was the Golden Lion’s charge to disabuse him of his wrong notions - with extreme prejudice.

“I’ll tell you where they were - doing their own thing, just like I do mine, because Trilogy or not, SAGA or not,  I’ve always been able to stand on my own two feet, and my road in the XWF proves that. And you? Where were you, Mr. Blue Tango? Where was your former self? I’ll also tell you where - nothing other than oblivion, because in the end, that’s truly where you belong.

You’re not even capable of doing anything without someone else, either by your side, or as your man to beat. Or did you think I would not know that your alter ego lost to Peter Vaughn time and again? At least when he cheated to beat me, I made sure to win the title opportunity that was put in front of me thereafter, and before I cashed my title, I beat the one from whom Sidney Grey took his title, out of his own foolishness - as great as it was, still not bigger than yours.

All of that I did, but it seems it isn’t enough for the Blue Tango - but I suppose I should not be surprised. After all, this is a man that wants to complain about all the success that I have had while having nothing of his own. At least I only lost to Peter Vaughn only once - and given where I am now, I think it’s a small price to pay. At least I’ve held gold three times in two years - while the Blue Tango’s alter ego has only held the Television Title once, and that was in 2018!

And if you want to bring attention to the circumstances in which I’ve cashed in the briefcase, then allow me to remind you, Mr. Cape Crusader - before I beat Sidney Grey, I had beaten Bobby Bourbon. That’s two Kings I’ve beat in two shows in a row. Before that, Cashe and I captured these Tag Team Titles we now wear. And until Peter Vaughn beat me, I had been undefeated for six months! And you want to speak to me about not doing well? When was the last time either you or your alter ego ever did something of note, again?

You want to attack me for doing what I do, because I became a double Champion - something someone like the mighty Blue Tango can only dream of doing! And here I am, doing my part like I am meant to do, because I, at least, believe in everything for which I stand! You use the Blue Tango as a gimmick to draw attention and to hide your mediocrity behind a mask, I wear my armor as a symbol! It’s because of this sacred Golden Cloth I wear that the people see Raion Kido, and they believe in the power of the universe - because they’ve seen it work before their very eyes! They’ve seen it at Leap of Faith, they’ve seen it at the Cannabis Cup, they’ve seen it at March Madness, and they’ve seen it at Weekend Warfare! And see it again they shall one more time - here at MayDay 2, when Raion Kido walks out holding both his half of the Tag Team Titles, and the Universal Championship!”

This time the Lion raises a fist to the sky. Who were these interlopers to cast doubt on everything he had done - especially when nothing they ever did could ever hope to match his own deeds? Even after all of this, Raion Kido still felt he had things to prove - and prove them he would, even if it would take him to the very edge of his spirit and his life.

For that, after all, was a Saint of Athena’s charge.

“So here is another lesson to you, Mr. Hero wannabe. Next time you want to talk about honor, at least make sure you’re telling a full story, because all you’ve shown here is your own spandex-clad backside, and it’s not even a pretty sight. Underneath this inane act of flippancy that you and your partner continue to perpetrate, the only thing you’ve proven is that you’re bitter, and resentful. At least when I lose, I make the effort to grit my teeth and come back once more, and I do it honestly, and openly. Because unlike you, that’s the work ethic, and the drive I have - and that’s the true lesson of this Saint of Athena.”

An exasperated sigh follows these words. Always, regardless of what happened, the Lion had made it a point to show, not tell, but if the former Television Champion was obtuse - or disingenuous - enough to ignore this, then it was time he came with Raion Kido’s example face to face - delivered to him with the force of the Lightning Bolt.

“I keep saying it every single damnable time, and it always goes past the empty little heads of the rest of the roster, especially the likes of you - because you’re literally incapable of doing any different. You want the attention without putting in the work - without even bothering to drive yourself to the very limit just to see how far you could go, and that’s going to end as predictably as it should at MayDay 2. Here I am double-booked and here I am giving it my best effort as I did with the Universal Title - because Cashe and I did not win these titles to lose them without a fight, and I did not become a double champion just for show.

That’s something you should take into account now, Ms. Atomic. You speak of honor, and commitment, and of fair play. Show me a single damnable time Raion Kido has not played fair. Show me a single miserable time Raion Kido has not committed to giving the XWF Universe exactly what they come to see and on which they choose to spend their hard-earned money. Show me the tiniest instance of Raion Kido not adhering to rules, and the only thing you’ll receive for your troubles is the emptiness that comes after the Lightning Bolt strikes you or your partner down.

And that, of course, provided that Jason Cashe doesn’t get you first. Because you see, as incomprehensible, and as bizarre, as our partnership is to you, he too has proven he can get the job done - for while I pinned Cadryn Tiberius, he held off Sarah Lacklan, Angie Vaughn, and Micheal Graves all of his own. The DioGEE may look an idiot on the outside, but he is as savage as the initials to which his name can be reduced from within - and that’s why not even a well-oiled fighting force like Team HSU could stand against us - and neither shall two clueless wannabes in a campy show reprisal.

Come MayDay 2, the SAGA teaches you both how bad a fight truly gets, and the Lion shall personally show you the meaning of your own words - what honor really means, what commitment really entails, and what fair play truly is.

Because at MayDay 2, the SAGA shall prevail…”

Teeth ground, and fists clenched, the Lion’s final roar drowns out even the monstrous Aqua song, startling even his partner in the Virgo Cloth.

“... and the Gold Saints of Leo and Virgo shall rip a pair of bats apart.”

Fade to black.

3000 words (

[Image: yfesfA4.jpg]

Signature courtesy of Atara Themis!
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-06-2023), Jason Cashe (05-05-2023), The Blue Tango (05-07-2023), Theo Pryce (05-06-2023)

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The Virgo Saint - by Raion Kido - 05-05-2023, 07:07 PM

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