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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » March Madness 2021 PPV Board
My Interview
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Charlie Nickles Offline
The Nickleman

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-20-2021, 10:34 PM

Steve: We’re so glad to have you here with us today! There has been lots of speculation and gossip surrounding you these last couple of weeks.

The interview begins with a shot of Demos and Steve Sayors seated a table’s length across from each other. Both men sit comfortably inside of plush velvet chairs. The long black table between them comes up only to their knees. The heavymetalweight and television championships are perched up next to each other on top of the table. The golden belt shines just a bit brighter underneath the stage lighting.

Steve: There are lots of different rumors and ideas about where all of this…

Steve gestures towards the mask Demos wears before gesturing generally towards the man himself.

Steve: came from. So tonight we’re going to sit down one on one with Demos, peel back the curtain, and ask the real questions on everyone's mind. We’ve asked fans all across the globe to send in their questions for you.

Demos nods silently as he sits up in his chair. He leans forward as if he wants to set his elbows on the table. Instead, he places his elbows on the arms of the chair as the heel of his right boot leans against the side of the table.

Steve: So tell me...who is Demos?

Demos: I am the vengeful spear of the forgotten. I am the living ghost that haunts the wicked among us. I am history incarnate with a score to settle as long as time itself. In the ancient world the Demos watched over the people of the mediteranean, but no-

Steve: What do you say to those who think all this is an act? Some vocal critics have floated the idea that you’re just Charlie Nickles in a mask, putting on a dramatic show to draw attention. Do those rumors have any merit? You have in fact drawn quite a substantial amount of attention ever since this, uh, shift.

Demos slowly turns his head to the left. He seems to stare into space, his attention drawn to nothing in particular as the question lingers in the air for an uncomfortable minute. Steve watches the masked man curiously, giving him all the time he needs to answer.

Demos: I have been thinking about this very question myself. I would stay up late into the dusk, pointing that very same accusation at myself….

Demos turned his neck to make eye contact with Steve Sayors.

Demos: But even if the rumors were true…..what would it change? Still the deviants and the sycophants backstage would have to live in fear of the man beneath the mask. Still the Left Hand would be shattered and broken. Still these championship belts would be mine and mine alone. I have become Demos. The Demos lives inside of me, and I carry out its mission with no remorse. How others wish to consider me is none of my concern. All I care about is how they react to my just cause.

The Demos is the shepherd who walks among the flock, guiding the sheep and expelling the wolves. The sheep can think of the shepherd what they wish. Perhaps they think he’s one of them, just a little taller. Perhaps they think he is a homeless beggar, forced to wander in the woods. Perhaps they think the shepherd is an inanimate object, swaying in the breeze like a rootless tree. At the end of the day all that matters is that the sheep are kept safe. That’s how a shepherd knows he has done his job.

The shepherd does not concern himself anymore with the thoughts and concerns of the wolves circling his flock. The wolves can think what they wish: that the shepherd is cruel, that he is a vicious bastard, that he is a demented tormenter hellbent on their destruction. As long as the sheep are kept safe, the shepard has done his job.

I will keep the Xtreme Wrestling Federation safe no matter the cost. C'est ma raison d'être. It is my divine calling.

The Left Hand…..The Brotherhood…..have been kept in check. Will continue to be held in check. Will never be allowed to roam free again. Is it Charlie that is stopping them from carrying out their manic machinations, or is it Demos? Is it Charlie beating them senseless, or is it Demos? At the end of the day, it does not matter. You are all free to believe what you wish. It will not change the reality. I will function the same regardless of what sound you associate my body with inside of your feeble minds.

Steve nodded thoughtfully as he placed his fingers against his lips. A few quiet moments passed before Steve asked his follow up question.

Steve: Where did you get the name Demos from?

Demos: Athens created the Demos. For the Athenians Demos was the categorical expression of the people. The ultimate guarantor of the people’s free existence.

Steve: Is that where you now claim to be from?

Demos smiled as he shook his head from side to side.

Demos: I sprung from the wholesome seeds inside of Charlie’s soul that never got the chance to grow. Unreaped potential lays dormant in the souls of so many. The downtrodden, the weak, the exploited. Inside their souls there are seeds just waiting to be watered. Even the most destitute and foul among us can be repurposed. I am the living proof. If I can harness Charlie’s wretched mind and body for the greater good, just imagine what one million self-conscious demoses can achieve.

Steve: Self-conscious Demoses? What are you talking about?

Demos: The Demos is the self-realizing masses. The seeds of the Demo lays dormant inside all of us, just waiting to sprout. The Demos rests silently, just waiting to rise to the occasion and bring the soul to a higher level of consciousness. The Demos is not just one being or one body. The Demos is through us, between us, and within us all. Whenever we make the ethical choice, the hard choice, whenever we lay our bodies on the line in the fight for truth and justice…..we are embodying the spirit of the Demos. Whenever we turn our backs on the colonialist values instilled into us…..we embody the spirit of the Demos. When three Palestinian children are throwing rocks at Israeli tanks, when three black activists are occupying the town square, when the workers take up arms and begin to execute the corporate charlatans…..they are embodying the spirt of the Demos. The revolutionary spirit is inside all of us. All we must do to reach nirvana is activate our own demos and cultivate it to its full potential.

Steve: Huh, ok….speaking of potential, a lot of folks have penciled you in to make the final match. You’re a hefty favorite going into this battle royale and it isn’t hard to see why. You’re a nine time XWF champion whose resume is highlighted by your current record setting reign as television champion. You have a cumulative nine and zero record against the other battle royale contestants. You have three wins against the elite eight. You’ve already beaten Ned Kaye, Miss Fury, Betsy Granger, Ethos, and a whole host of others.

While we don’t have time to address every single sign up with you, and frankly it would be a waste of time to address them all, the fans DID want me to ask you about some of the marquee matchups and rematches that we might be seeing in that crazy opening match, …….

Demos sits silently as he waits for Steve to ask a question. A few seconds of uncomfortable silence go by before Steve adjusts his tie and speaks again.

Steve: *AHEM* ok, so let’s go ahead and get started. What do you think…...of Terry Borden?

Demos: A nationalist…..

Demos sticks his tongue out as he opens his mouth slightly.

Demos: Blegh.

Demos smacks his lips together as the sour taste resonates in his mouth.

Demos: Terry Borden has had the wool pulled over his eyes all his life.

Terry has done a lot for America. He’s entertained hundreds of thousands through the years. He’s uplifted spirit and morale during all the wars, the economic recessions, the riots in the streets. His performances across the country would bring smiles and joy to all the families in attendance.

It is said that bread and circuses are the best tools for social control. Terry Borden provides all of the circus, yet he himself was allocated almost none of the bread. He’s pimping himself out for one last payday, fighting through all the aches and pains because he needs to. Retirement isn’t cheap. Terry Borden knows this better than anyone.

He was never paid his worth back in his prime. He was stiffed, shorted, and fucked over on every paycheck. But his current predicament can not all be laid at the feet of unsavory promoters. He didn’t spend his money well. Exotic dancers, fancy alcohol, lamborghini rental cars...he pissed his money away on his stupid vanity. A true American, Terry Borden couldn’t stop himself from consuming all of his wealth. Now his savings are depleted and the social security checks only pay for the light bill.

In those circumstances, what else is a fella to do besides go out and get crushed by the Demos for middling pay?

Steve: It seems that there is no love lost for the aging veteran. But on the flip side of things, what are your thoughts on the young, multifaceted triathlete, Champ Sportsman?

Demos: He has a name that works harder than he ever could.

Steve: If you could tell him one thing, what would it be?

Demos: Wrestling ain’t like those other sports you play, champ. You don’t play wrestling. At least, I don’t. We don’t shake each other's hands after the match and say ‘great job, sport’. We don’t play around and smack each other on the ass with a towel after getting out of the shower. You try any of that okey pokey play around here and you’ll wind up with a few missing teeth and a broken spine.

I know you only said if I could tell him one thing, Steve, but if I could tell him another….

Steve: Go ahead…..

I’d say that he’s lucky the Demos doesn’t believe in capitalist copyright laws. His name is infringing upon my earned rights and may only make people confused. You see Steve, there are only two champs entered in the battle royale, and the sports boy isn’t one of them! Demos and Dean are the only champs hopping into the ring that night. Anyone else claiming the mantle is a phoney, a liar, and a deceiver.

Steve chuckles softly before sliding in his next question.

Steve: Now, what’s going on between you and Ned Kaye? You’ve beaten him once before and you’ve tagged with him twice. You scored the pinfall for your team each time, but still it seems there is some beef, or at least mistrust, between the two of you. Why?

Demos: There is a fire raging inside of his soul. I could sense it that day in the gym last week….

His innocence is slowly burning away as the flames of life char his soft heart. What that man has had to go through is unimaginable. The love of his life was ripped away from him so early. His mother was kidnapped and brutalized by a gang of ruffians. He has been on the receiving end of dozens of ass whoopings and televised embarrassments. He could not take the constant pain. The ridicule. The mockery. The traumas of the world took their toll on the irreproachable Ned Kaye’s frail self image.

I am ashamed that the Demos was not around to protect him earlier. To shield the young boy from the horrors of reality. To lift him to his feet after every failed outing and pay per view loss. I would have saved his mother from the clutches of Chaotic Inc. I would have done everything for Ned and his family that he did not have the ability to do himself. I would have kept them safe.

It’s not too late for Ned Kaye. The Demos can still help the former champion pick up the pieces of his shattered life. We could reconstruct them with a firmer foundation, together, for it is the calling of the Demos to serve the meek and the innocent.

But I fear that he does not wish to be saved from himself. I fear he has fallen far too deep into a pit of existential anguish. Despair and self loathing lingers with him always, hiding behind every word he says.

He can not trust the Demos….because he can not trust himself. He knows he would never be able to change, that he would never be able to grow or improve. So how could someone else?

Ned has been a good man, an honest man, throughout his whole tenure here in the XWF. But he’s been left out in the heat so long that he’s come dangerously close to his boiling point. His moral fiber is bending. The spine that never was seems to be slowly growing to match the size of his ego.

It still has some growing to do.

I have endless sympathy for Ned Kaye. These last few months have been especially harsh on him. The Hart Championship meant so much to him. He was living his lifelong dream. Him and I won our belts on the same night. Everyone was asking ‘who’s going to have a longer reign’....I guess that debate has been settled. Settled for quite some time now, in fact. Ned lost the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him at his first pay per view defense. A better man, a stronger wrestler, simply took his dream away from him.

It must have hurt so much. It must have hurt even worse to partner with the man who stole his dream from him. He hid the pain well. He put on a friendly smile and played the part. Edgar truly thought it was all in the past, everyone did. It was a classic Ned Kaye story:

Have something you love taken away by force. Do nothing to change the situation. Rinse, wash, repeat.

Even I thought Ned was reading from his all too familiar script….until the blows started to fly.

Demos smacked his lips against each other as he shook his head from side to side. The masked man glanced down at the ground for a few moments before making eye contact with Steve Sayors once more.

Demos: If Ned Kaye can not accept my open hand when it is offered, I will have no choice but to reach out to him with a closed fist.

Steve: Everyone’s going to be watching you and Ned Kaye inside that battle royale, that’s for sure. But there is one other name that people have their eyes on…..Andre Dixon. Do you think the Williamz prodigy could make a Cinderella run in the tournament?

Demos: I can’t wait to punch that silver spoon down the back of his throat. He said it himself: the XWF is the highest level of wrestling in the world. It’s the pinnacle of the industry. The body of the Demos had to scratch and claw through hell to get here. Years were taken off my life from the grueling journey to the top. But Andre Dixon? He takes a ten year vacation living off his uncle’s money before coming back and losing his debut, but still management can’t help but roll out the red carpet for this legacy admission to the battle royale.

Andre’s just the son of the unnamed and equally unremarkable brother or sister of Jayson Williamz. Charlie used to watch that man on television endlessly. He was impressive….for what he was. A complimentary character. A foil to the true legends of his time. A long forgotten rival of blokes like James Raven and Centurion, wrestlers who were actually able to make it into the hall of legends.

I’m sure Andre Dixon will take offense to these words. I mean, truly, he can’t seem to get his uncle’s name out of his mouth. Uncle Willy drips out from Andre’s mouth so much you’d swear Jayson was an uncle bad touch. If this is true, Andre Dixon, you must only tell the Demos. I am here to protect all who can not protect themselves. I would end your uncle to protect you, Andre. It would take not more than one fell swoop of the sledgehammer to send Jayson’s brains flying into the stands. I could do it for you, Andre.

Steve nodded thoughtfully as Demos theorized that Andre was being molested by his uncle.

Steve: Well if that’s true….that’d be the biggest story of the year! Maybe you can ask Andre about it when you meet next week!

Demos nods as Steve forces a chuckle.

Steve: Well folks, that’s all the time we have for this one! I would like to thank our guest, Demos, for coming on today! Be sure to tune in next week when we interview MOTHERFUCKIN’ GHOST TANK!


I hope he doesn’t no show me…..

The camera zooms in on the two championship belts on the table as the scene fades to black.

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[-] The following 8 users Like Charlie Nickles's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-28-2021), Andre Dixon (03-21-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (03-21-2021), Miss Fury (03-21-2021), Ned Kaye (03-20-2021), R.L. Edgar (03-21-2021), Sil (03-22-2021), Theo Pryce (03-21-2021)

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My Interview - by Charlie Nickles - 03-20-2021, 10:34 PM

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