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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap of Faith 2020 PPV
Answering The Call
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-17-2020, 04:21 PM

"Are you serious?" Bri Pryce asks as she approaches the great room.

Standing in the far end of the room looking out the window at his vast acreage that seemingly goes on forever is one of the XWF's 3 owners and allegedly retired wrestler Theo Pryce.

"Yes I am." Theo responds as he turns around to face his wife who by the tone of her question is none to pleased with his recent revelation.

For those unaware the Pryce estate is located in the quiet part of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Jackson Hole if you didn't already know is is one of the leading destinations for skiing in all of the United States.

"You promised me the last time that it was in fact the last time. Do you remember saying those words to me?" Bri asks as she closes the gap between her and her husband.

"Yes I do remember and at the time I meant it but I am quickly coming to the realization that retirement is kind of a fluid state. Am I retired from being a full time professional wrestler? Yes. Absolutely. 100%. But will I be asked or feel compelled to take part in matches from time to time for a myriad of reasons? It is becoming increasingly clearer to me that yes I will." Theo says as he reaches out with both hands to pull his wife in closer only to be rebuffed by her.

"But why? You own the place, or at least you are one of the owners. You can do whatever you want, including not wrestle."

"To an extent that is correct yes." Theo says as he walks over to the dry bar situated in the corner of the room and pours himself a stiff amber colored drink.

"So then you want to do this. That's essentially what this comes down to. You can say you are retired and maybe part of you believes that but deep down inside you are who you are. You can't walk away from a challenge. It's just not in you. It's what has allowed you to become who you are. It is both your biggest strength and your greatest weakness. Because one day it's going to cost you. I can feel it in my heart and when it does I, why, are going to be left here to pick up the pieces." Bri says emotionally as she approaches Theo, both of her hands situated on her stomach signifying the presence of a third party in the conversation.

When Bri reaches her husband Theo places one of his hands atop hers and looks down at his wife.

"Maybe you're right. But it isn't going to be a wrestling match that brings me down. That I can promise you."

"Why you though? Why do you have to be the one to wrestle this match? Why not someone else on the roster?"

"Because everyone else is booked up. Sure I could find some enhancement talent or someone at a local gym who might want to make some money and get to be on a professional wrestling Pay Per View to do the job but that doesn't sell tickets. No one is going to pay to see one of the sports all time greats take on some local. Besides, James Raven, as great as he is will still walk into that match 0-1 against me."

Bri pulls away from her husband and slowly walks out of the room towards the kitchen leaving Theo to stand in the great room by himself.

A few moments of silence pass before they are interrupted by the repeated chuffing sounds of an approaching airborne vehicle.

"He's here." Theo declares as he looks out the window again to see his private helicopter landing in a flattened area about 200 yards from the house.

"Good. Maybe he can talk some sense into you." Bri responds as she walks out of the kitchen, a damp wash cloth in her hands.

Theo walks out of the great room just as their guest takes his first step out of the helicopter and begins his march towards the house. It takes a few minutes for the guest to reach the house at which point Theo opens the two large wooden doors at the front of the house revealing the guest's identity to the camera for the first time.

Standing there in all his dark chocolaty glory is Theo's closest advisor, best friend and fellow King™ John Samuels.

"Theo! You son of bitch, bring it in." John says as he reaches out to hug his friend.

"John. Welcome. I take it the trip was an uneventful one?"

"Uneventful is just my style. Also, sending along a bottle of Dom P on the PJ? Class act." John says as he unbuttons his three piece suit.

"it's the least I could do seeing as how you were willing to come out here on such short notice." Theo remarks as he pats John on the back and begins walking down the hallway, motioning for John to follow him.

"No bullshit, your timing was perfect. Been kicking around an idea, could use your sage counsel to be honest."

"Interesting. Tell me all about while I get you a drink. The usual?"

"You fucking know it."

As the two approach the great room Bri pops out from around the corner to greet their guest as Theo continues towards the dry bar.

"Hi John! It's so great to see you again!" Bri says with a smile on her face.

"Bri! Stockholm syndrome still got ya, eh? Tell you what, I'll distract him and you run for the hills. He chuckles."How've you been?" John asks as he looks at her stomach which is just now starting to show the faintest signs of pregnancy.

"I'm doing well actually. Some morning nausea but nothing really beyond that."

"Craving anything wild yet?"

"Barbecue Potato Chips."

"I don't think I've ever seen you eat a chip the entire time I've known you."

"That's because I don't. I hate chips. Too greasy but for some reason all I want is Barbecue Potato Chips."

"Shit, you should have told me. I'd have brought you a few bags."

Theo approaches the pair and hands John a glass with two fingers worth of a dark brown liquid. John accepts the drink and then gentle swirls his glass before placing it against his lips and taking a sip.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"You first, you asked me to come." John responds as the two Kings make their way into the great room and then each sitting down in one of the cushioned seats opposite each other.

"No, you're the guest. I insist you go first."

"Such a gentleman, fair enough. I'm thinking about getting back into politics. Specifically, taking back my old Senate seat."

Theo's face betrays a look of surprise as he takes a sip of his drink and then leans forward in his seat.

"Running on the GOP ticket? It is Texas after all."

"Nah. The Republican party that I once proudly belonged to is filled with a bunch of whining pissbabies these days. I thought about running Independent but realistically that's a long shot."

"You're gonna run as a Democrat? In Texas. Interesting strategy."

"Well pardon me for stating the obvious but the last time I was a Senator I was white. Now thanks to that asshole Madison I'm not. The only thing less likely in Texas than a Native American is a Black Republican. The Democratic ticket is really my only option. Even though those snowflakes are all softer than babyshit." John says as he takes another sip of his drink.

"What do you need from me? Money? Air time? Connections. Just name it. It's yours."

"I appreciate that but I didn't come here for a hand out. I came here for your counsel. Should I do this? Does it make any sense for me to do this?"

"Honestly that's not for me to answer. I can't tell you what to do. I can tell you that I think doing this despite your name recognition will be an uphill battle but not an impossible one. Race relations are at a tipping point in this country. You offer a unique and frankly unparalleled ability to very literally speak as someone who lived as both a white and black man in America, as completely ridiculous as that sounds. I think you have an opportunity to unite people in a way that very few others can. This country needs a unifying voice right now. It sure as shit isn't coming from the top."

"Yeah your buddy Don has fucked this place six ways from Sunday."

"He was never my buddy, simply a means to an end."

"I know. I just like to troll you when I can. So I guess I'm going to do this. What have I really got to lose?"

"Other than the actual election, nothing really. You'll still be John Samuels. Wrestling legend who can live comfortably for the rest of his life. Now as I said before, you need anything let me know. At the very least let me put you in contact with someone that I think would be an excellent Campaign Manager for you. But i have to warn you. She's extremely attractive so try not to sleep with her. At least not until after the election."

John let's out a belly laugh before reaching out with his glass. Theo sees this and does the same. Their glasses clinking to signify the end of that topic of conversation and the beginning of a new one.

"Now it's your turn. What did you want to see me about?" John asks as he tilts his head back and gulps down the end of his drink before getting up and walking to the dry bar for a refill.

"You doing anything next Sunday?"

"Not that I'm aware of why?"

"Yeah Theo. Why?" an unseen Bri shouts from another part of the house somewhat surprising both Theo and John.

"Next Sunday is the XWF's next Pay Per View Leap of Faith. I have a match. I'd like you to be there."

"Wait..." Samuels pauses the refilling of his drink so that he can turn and face Theo. "You have a match? Why? Against who?"[/theo]

"Because I was asked."

"You've been asked before why is this time different?"

"Because of the who. It's James Raven."

"Oh. Alright. I get it. That's a tough one to turn down." Samuels says as he turns back around to continue pouring his drink.

"And here I was hoping you'd talk him out of it." Bri says as she walks into the room.

"Bri, I love ya girl but I get where Theo's head is at. Raven is big time, he's one of the best to ever do it. A guy like that you don't just shrug off and say 'some other time,' especially for a guy in Theo's position."

"Exactly. Subscriptions for the event tripled within two hours of the match being announced."

"So this is about money? You, who has more money than some countries, you are doing this for money." Bri asks with a look of disgust across her face.

"Of course it's about money but it's not just about that. It's about what this means for the business. The name Theo Pryce is synonymous with the XWF but James Raven is synonymous with the sport of wrestling. There are very few people in this business whose names ring out more than James Raven. I can probably count them on one hand."

"So then it's about money andpride?"

"Should I take this drink out onto the veranda? I assume you have a veranda. I also don't really know what a veranda is." Samuels asks half jokingly.

"That's just it Bri." Theo responds, completely ignoring Samuel's question. "It's not about any one thing. Not really. It's about money. It's about pride. It's about what's best for business. It's about answering the call. It's about doing a solid for someone I have a mutual respect for. The guy wants to get back into the ring. He wants a match. I guess he's had other plans and they've fallen through. Or so his various twitter posts would lead you to believe. He's struggling with the fact that he's half in and half out. He's going through an existential crisis and for me to get in the ring with him is really not that big of an inconvenience. Is it something I really want to do? No. But it's something I can do. And as I've already said, the business is a buzz with the news. This is good for wrestling and it's GREAT for the XWF. If I win I'm 2-0 against one of the greatest names to ever lace up the boots. If not, I'm batting .500. It's a win win."

"Yeah but you know James is going to try and make the argument that you never beat him. You pinned Lane in that match."

"No he won't. James is smarter than trying to go the "technical loss" route with me. James knows that if you didn't win the match you lost. Whether you were responsible for taking the fall, tapping out whatever it is, is irrelevant. You either have your hand raised at the end of the match or you don't. There are few things as black and white as winning and losing. At the end of the day the simple fact is this. James needs this match. I don't. I have nothing to lose and he has everything to gain. He wants to show everyone, especially himself that he still has it. That he can wrestle at the highest level. The pressure is all on him. James said it himself, he's tired of sitting at the table alone waiting for his number to be called. His friends have basically abandoned him. The people he thought he could count on have either moved on to other places of employment or other goals in the XWF. Meanwhile James has sat there like the nerdy guy at the school dance waiting for someone to take pity on him and ask him to dance. And so here I am, hand out ready to Do-Si-Do. And you know what, I get it. I get where he is coming from. We've all been there at one point, wondering if you are ever going to come out the other side and often times it's your friends that help you through it. By no means are he and I friends but I believe there is a mutual respect there."

"I can see that."

"It's all gravy for me John. I've done everything I ever set out to do. Won all the titles I could. Some of them more than once. Even retired some of them. Helped create arguably the greatest faction the XWF has ever seen, and we never lost a single match as a unit. Not in tags, trios or 4 on 4 competition. The Kings™ will forever be perfect. My legacy is secure. This match or any that may come after that are simply a bonus. One day I'll hang them up for good. Walk away from the XWF completely and enjoy the spoils of my various victories in business and in life."

"You don't actually believe that do you?"

"Which part?"

"The part about you enjoying the spoils of your victories. You aren't the stay at home type. Look at where you are right now. Look at all that you have around you. A big estate. More acres than some counties, a beautiful wife, a kid on the way that I assume is yours. You could retire tomorrow from all of it, maybe you'd enjoy that retirement for a day or two, maybe a week. A month at most and then you'd be right back to doing what you do best. Building. That's who you are. An architect. Whether it's building Pryce Industries into the billion dollar enterprise that it is, or Decima Technologies, or The Kings™. You don't know what it means to idle. And that's not a bad thing but it doesn't leave time for much else. I think that's what Bri is really trying to say here. For some reason I have yet to figure out she wants you. She wants you here, spending time with her, and your kid once it arrives. She sees you stepping into the ring again not as a one off match but as you going back to something you loved. Something you were great at. She is afraid you're going to get sucked back in and spend even less time here than you already do."

"Are you my friend or my shrink?"


"Fine but I'm not paying you by the hour."

"I would never dream of it. So...what's for dinner?"

"Excellent question. I was thinking of grilling up some fillets. You still like yours medium rare?"

"Is there any other way?"

"To folks who have no problem disrespecting meat, yes. To the rest of us, no. You need any sauce or anything? I thought you people eat it with ketchup?"

"Medium rare, no sauce. It's a hold over from my Caucasian days."

"Well alright then. Let's do this. You fix us some drinks while I go grab the meat from the kitchen."

Samuels walks over to the dry bar and pours himself and Theo another drink while Theo disappears into the kitchen and out of the camera's view as the scene fades to black.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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(07-18-2020), Atara Raven (07-17-2020), Chris Page (07-18-2020), James Raven (07-17-2020), Michael McBride (07-17-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-17-2020), thewizard (07-17-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-17-2020), Unknown Soldier (07-17-2020)

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Answering The Call - by Theo Pryce - 07-17-2020, 04:21 PM

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