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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Angry Ghosts Pt. 4
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Corey Smith Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-18-2020, 07:13 PM

The Engineer's eyes opened slowly into a morass of pain. The bridge of his nose throbbed terribly, possibly broken. The metallic tang of his own blood was on his lips. The onslaught of light caused a fresh spike of hurt to wedge itself into his forehead, and his eyelids fluttered a few times before finally acclimating to the brightness.

The first thing he saw was a brilliant multicolored reflection on the floor, colors swimming and congealing together like a magician's brew. Following this bridge of radiance to its source, he found himself looking at a stained glass window.

[Image: il_570xN.1452554625_7kc5.jpg]

Blinking back against more pain, The Engineer is soon able to take stock of the entirety of his surroundings. Naturally, he was in a church, but based on the condition one that was in an advanced state of disuse. Many of the pews were broken and upended, and the more expensive fineries such as the altar had been stripped away. In fact, he guessed he was probably sitting about where the altar would have been.

The young man tested his bindings. Zip ties affixed him to a simple metal chair. He could easily tip himself over, but the ties held fast and it would be for naught. Parting his lips, he inadvertently created a bubble out of his blood before speaking. Can we talk about this?

The words bounced about in the cavernous building. He was going for a bit of sarcastic levity, but the depth of his echo infused the words with a bit more foreboding. The response was almost immediate. The woman appeared at the door of the confessional off to his right. An interesting choice. Are you forgiven then?

Her only response is to purposefully walk towards him, features taut with barely repressed rage. She reaches into the dirt caked long coat she's wearing, deep into an innermost pocket, and pulls out a handful of grayish dirt. Then, extending her hand over his head, she proceeds to sprinkle it into his hair. With an irritated grunt, he tosses his head a bit, but she continues sprinkling it on him. May I ask WHY?

With the deed done, the lunatic bends low to bring her gaze even with his. Do you know what that is?

The Engineer continues to shake it free from his hair. No, but I imagine you're going to tell me.

REMAINS! REMAINS! REMAINS! The remains of my children! She speaks so forcefully a spatter of her saliva lands on his cheek. I've saved it for so long. To share with you! Her face seems like it's trying to take on an approximation of impoverished joy, but instead it just makes her look even more manic.

“The remains of your children?” Well clearly they didn't get them all. Corey's here in body if not in spirit, right? “Lux” blinks a couple times, betraying some surprise. Yeah, I know who you are.

I'm “Lux”.

No, you're not. Lux is dead. You're Corey Smith's mother.

“Lux” suddenly looks confused. Her lip curls up into a bemused half smile. You idiot. You little fucking idiot. I'm Lux. I was sent here, to the year 2019, to destroy you.

It's The Engineer's turn to look confused at her insistence on maintaining the inane story. can drop the act. Like, you can't even keep your own story straight, lady. Lux never had children. She....

The woman suddenly takes hold of both sides of the young man's head, as though trying to collapse his skull. The Engineer grunts as she brings her face within an inch of his. STRIP THE FLESH, STRIP THE FLESH, STRIP THE FLESH! She howls before pushing away from him, turning in a circle and muttering to herself. Her face tics with a lunatic candor as she speaks hushed, harsh sounding entreaties that The Engineer can't quite make out.

Your name is Vinette Smith. You're Corey Smith's mother. You....

Vinette's only response is a feral scream. The Engineer's eyes go saucered with surprise and then he laughs grimly. Jesus, somebody really did do a number on you! You're crazier than....

She wheels back around on him again, this time with something else in her hand. She produced it so fast he didn't even see where it came from. Vinette brings it closer to him, and as The Engineer scrutinizes it his confusion quickly dips into fear. No.... he breathes right before her thumb depresses the button on the mini Electro Magnetic Pulse grenade.

The Engineer's body starts to seize and go rigid. A gurgle escapes his throat as every muscle in his body screams and goes taut. And then, just as quickly, he slumps back prone. Vinette draws her face in closer to his, peering deep into his eye where she, for a brief moment, can see the reflection of a twisted tower falling apart, imploding in on itself like a controlled demolition. A prison decimated, permitting its inmate to escape.

Vinette watches expectantly, though she only vaguely understands what's happening. Nonetheless, she finds herself afflicted with a nervous excitement for reasons that remain an uncompleted puzzle in her mind. And slowly, The Engineer's body comes back to life. His eyes flutter open once more, but the animating force is different. The boy flinches, and then gasps in shock. He looks around in a panic, trying to process the abruptness of his circumstances, his mind struggling to catch up to the physical stimuli of his body once more becoming HIS.

Corey, it's me Lux. Are you there?

Corey Smith beholds his mother through eyes familiar once more. His eyes fill with tears and his bottom lip trembles. Mom.....?

Vinette shoots him a blank look. No,'s me. It's Lux.

What? look older....

Vinette cants her head, with a slowly dawning sense of recognition. Bringing her hand up, she splays her finger tips on Corey's cheek. A single tear escapes from her eye unbidden. I'm Lux?

Corey, heartbroken and reeling, doesn't even begin to know how to answer that question. Cannot even begin to process the sheer insanity and impossibility of any of this. He feels unmoored, tripping an insane rift and feeling like he's losing his own grip on sanity. But then, a cold hard reality resets his bearings. His features drop and he looks at his mother with a renewed purpose. The Engineer is reactivating, I can feel it! We don't have long! Mom, what's going on?! Why are you like this?!

Another tear empties from her eye. I....I don't know.... she croaks.

Mom! The boy's voice is plaintive, begging. Desperately wanting this to make sense, more tears come unbidden. What did you do? Why did you do this? Please talk to me! stammers. My head hurts! My head hurts! It's crazy in there! She reaches up to her hairline and pushes it back, revealing the start of a vicious scar that bisects her scalp.

Corey's heart breaks. Somebody did this to you?! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!

I don't know! Vinette wails. I can't remember, Corey! I can't remember!

But you know I'm your son! You know that! Mom....PLEASE! Corey's right arm goes taught and starts to burn as The Engineer's nano machines start to awaken from their slumber. Corey hisses in pain and looks back at his mother. He's getting himself back online! We don't have long!

Vinette sputters out a choked sob. A lady! A lady gave me that thing and told me to step into a machine! She told me what to do, I think! I think! She pounds her palm against her head in frustration.

ENOUGH! A bone chilling, booming voice breaks through the already mounting chaos and suddenly the beast is there! Aiwass, enraged, appears behind Vinette and spins her around, taking her up by her throat.


What did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DO?! Aiwass roars. TALK!

Please stop! Corey begs. She doesn't even know who she is, she doesn't understand! Corey lurches in his seat as more of the nanomachines reawaken, spreading a cold, unforgiving darkness through his veins. Corey cries out in frustration, trying to fight back against the wave of malevolence.

Vinette gasps and scrabbles at Aiwass' hand, but the beast is unrelenting. Who sent you here?! WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THIS?!

I don't remember...I don't remember.....

TALK! The thunderous boom of his voice causes the stained glass windows to shatter, and a violent rainbow rain cascades into the aisles of the church. WHAT WERE YOU PUT HERE TO DO?!

Vinette smiles improbably, and then descends into a wheezing bitter laugh. I already did it....

Now thoroughly eclipsed with fury, Aiwass' face sets into a perverse satisfied glower as he breaks Vinette's neck. The crack of her vertebrae shattering splits the air in the church. Corey's face slackens with horror just as the Engineer finishes resuming control of the body.

Aiwass dumps Vinette's body unceremoniously to the floor, and then turns his attention back to The Engineer. The Engineer looks at the body for a moment, trying to get his breathing under control but finding himself in a state of dismay at Aiwass' own lack of control. The characteristic poise he had always displayed was gone. Something had gone terribly wrong. Something he wasn't expecting. And the Engineer struggled to understand how that was possible.

What the fuck just happened?

Aiwass doesn't answer. He licks his lips with a blackened tongue as a thin spittle of blackened ichor crests over his lip and stains his chin. With a wave of Aiwass' hand The Engineer finds his bindings dissolved. Then, opening a door of pure shadow, he steps into it without sparing a word for his acolyte and is gone.

The Engineer simply sits in silence for a series of moments before starting to work some feeling back into his wrists, rubbing them gingerly and massaging away the cutting embrace of the zip ties. Vinette's head was turned towards him, glassy dead eyes staring at him accusingly.

And then, Corey Smith was there too. Standing above his mother's cooling body, face iced over with the white hot rage of a thousand dying suns. And it was then that The Engineer understood.

Vinette HAD accomplished her mission. And Corey Smith would never again be completely controlled.

Later. At a DRW Facility.

The screen on the wall goes black as the exam is completed. The doctor, looking satisfied, turns towards his “patient”. Well, the good news is that the EMP pulse you encountered doesn't seem to have caused any lasting damage.

Uh huh. The Engineer grunts non-noncommittally as he watches Corey Smith's psychic ghost pace along the periphery of the lab, the boy's eyes never once departing from The Engineer's face.

The doctor, sensing the Engineer's reticence, presses on. You don't seem convinced. Are you experiencing anything unusual?


Oh! Well, then I guess we're all set.

I guess so. The doctor stays put, giving The Engineer another visual once over before the other catches his eyes impetuously. You can go.

Yes! Yes, I'm sorry. The doctor fumbles, turning about crisply and leaving the lab. But, just as he exits, Madison Dyson enters looking flustered.

You want to tell me what that shit parade at the church was all about?

The Engineer's attention lingers on Corey, but he responds to Madison. Something happened that should not have.

Yeah, no shit! Madison scoffs. You got EMP'ed by that crazy bitch?! Madison takes note of the fact that her client seems distracted, and she places herself in his line of sight. Ummm...hello? Did it scramble your brain?

Corey's out.

Madison, taken aback, laughs nervously. So put his ass back in!

I can't. A snarling undercurrent underscores the statement.

Madison's jaw works, but she doesn't speak at first. Then, when she puts it together, That was her plan all along, wasn't it?



Corey snickers maliciously in the corner of the lab, clearly reveling in Madison's reaction. I'll be back later. He mouths disdainfully as he disappears into the wall.

So two questions. What do we do and how fucked are we?

The Engineer shakes his head. I don't know on either count.

Madison huffs in frustration. Well that's great! WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT BITCH ANYWAY?!

I DON'T KNOW! The Engineer roars back, taking Madison by surprise. You know what? Just leave me alone, okay?



Madison shuts her mouth and just gives a nod of understanding, making her exit. The Engineer watches her go. He pulls in a deep breath to collect himself before hopping down off the exam table he had been seated on. Pacing the room a bit, he finally turns back around towards the camera.

Angry ghosts.... he spits the words bitterly. Fuck my entire life.

He claps his hands together and leans in towards the camera radiating spite.

Azrael, in case you couldn't tell, I'm not in the fucking mood. I'm not in the fucking mood for YOU, or your abject MEDIOCRITY, or your navel gazing promotional self-love sessions, or your complete inability to give two shits about this match. So, here's what I'm fixing to do.

I'm going to expunge you.

That's EXPUNGE. E-X-P-U-N-G-E. Now, I'm sure you know what that word means, you just so dearly love letting that insecurity flag fly and using $10 words unnecessarily. But here's what it means for YOU.

I am going to lose my characteristic cool in our match. The fact that it's premeditated will not make it any less embarrassing or painful for you, I promise. But I am going to go prime-evil on your overhyped, oblivious ass and make you thoroughly regret every second of your commitment to forego the use of your special abilities. Any reticence that I had previously about doing an extreme match has been totally engulfed by the sheer anger I am experiencing at the one two punch of having to deal with THIS bullshit and YOUR bullshit back to back.


I am going to remind the XWF how completely unnecessary you are to its ongoing existence. I'm going to beat you so utterly, decimate you so completely, that any remaining vestiges of clout or good will that you amassed from your previous title reigns is going to curl up and die. In fact, I'm going to bend you over so hard that people are going to retroactively forget you were ever a TV Champion for almost a year because that's how shit-tier I'm going to make you look.

Do you understand? I'm going to beat you so badly that people are going to question and reject their memories of you as champion of ANYTHING. Because just as they start to get a passing, niggling notion...just as the faintest recollection of you holding a title in those slimy, greasy hands enters their minds it will be IMMEDIATELY cast aside by the reality of how bumbling and ineffective you were against me this Warfare.

No one will ever be able to accept that you were a champion for the remaining thousand odd years of your life. And I'm assuming you'll live for a thousand more years because of fucking course you will (insert dick jacking motion here), and because I just like the idea of you having to live with this shame over the course of MULTIPLE standard human lifetimes. That sounds real great to me. Real, real great.

You're gonna sing for me, bitch. Your whole body. All those neurons are gonna scream for me. I'm gonna cut you up. Flay you alive. Remind you forevermore what real pain feels like. Real deep down SUFFERING. The kind that nets you a PTSD diagnosis and a lifetime of happy pills. Oh, I'm sure you'll snap your fingers post match and wish all those scars into the cornfield, just like I said you would. But up here?
He points to his head. Up here's going to be a different story.

So go ahead and get on with it, sunshine. Survive that stabbing. Round out that yawn inducing next chapter in the life of everybody's favorite bleating idiot alien. But know this. All of the havoc that Maximus served up is going to pale in comparison to the confidence shattering butchery I'm going to inflict on you tomorrow.

And if Rebel has a problem with that, or any of the vapid plot devices you call children, send 'em my way too. I'll take all of them. Make you watch as I erase all vestiges of their tenuous grasp on credibility too.

You reap what you sew, fucker. And I'm gonna turn you into all kinds of chaff.

By the way, Corey says “hi”.

The Engineer flips the camera one hell of a bird as he walks out of the lab. Or tries to. Boy this really felt like the end, right? But it's not. Because what is the true end without one last surprise up it's sleeve?

The Engineer, just as he was attempting to make his exit, finds himself inexplicably losing his balance and dropping down to one knee. He looks aghast, fearful even. And then, he rights himself and turns back around to the camera.

I'll say "hello" myself.

Corey's playful, youthful smirk returns.

I told him I'd be back later. Heh.

Az, it's me. Corey. Yes, this is real. And I'd waste time proving it to you by telling you something only you could know, but we don't have a lot of time so you just gotta take this on faith. And I really, REALLY hope you're still alive and kicking to hear this. Because I'd appreciate it if you kicked The Engineer's ass without making me have to shit into a bag the rest of my life. But that's not what I'm here to focus on.

As much as I hate to say it, The Engineer was right about one thing. Lux and I needed you and you weren't there. I know....I know. It's not what you want to hear, but come on, man.'s the truth.
Corey looks truly pained to say it. And yeah, maybe you couldn't have been here in time to save Lux. But after that? Azrael, I NEED YOU. Okay? I NEED YOU. The XWF needs you. Hell, the world needs you. You want to save the world again? Unfortunately, you're looking at Threat Numero Uno. He points to his own face.

Maybe you just needed a pep talk to light a fire under your ass. Well, here it is. Azrael...DO. THIS. THING. Be Lux's friend.

Be MY friend.


Corey drops to his hands and knees as The Engineer once again wrenches control back again. Breathing raggedly, the champion turns around and lays back on his haunches, contemplating the ramifications of this new complication with a haunted look in his eyes.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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Angry Ghosts Pt. 4 - by Corey Smith - 02-18-2020, 07:13 PM

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