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A Pest and his date
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02-15-2015, 10:38 PM

Pest:Hello. I want to address some of you more in depth before our match on Monday. I will of course, respond to anything you say between now and then, do not fret. The Monster will acknowledge you before we fight, you can rest assured of that. I believe I should start at the least impressive and make my way to the top of the list. The only real threat in the ring.

Xavier Swann, hello. How is it going? Can I ask you a question, Xavier? Why do you deserve to be in this ring with me? Because you are the newest member of the Heyman Alliance? Interesting. How many members of the Heyman Alliance have I faced and beaten? One. And one. I took Kendall Sawyer's title from her. And I will ensure you do not walk out of the ring with the title. You are not worth being in here. You did nothing in either of your last matches, and you will do nothing in this match. Unless you decide to be the one I pin for the title.

Ghost Tank. Hello, you new breed of monster. How are you doing? Are you feeling monstrous today? What have you done to be considered a monster? What have you ever done besides hurt yourself? I do not recall Mary Shelly ever writing of Frankenstein's Monster hurting himself. I do not recall Dracula hurting himself. No, I do not hold the belief that monsters are only found in stories, but Vlad Dracula was not out to hurt himself, no, Monsters put fear in others. Ghost Tank I do not fear you. Not a soul fears you. You have never been worth a thing in this federation, and you never will be. Will you even show up in the ring, and if you do will you do anything more than lay there waiting to be pinned? What kind of monster goes by the name Cupid? Disgusting. No, you are no Monster, Oswald. I am a Monster. I AM THE MONSTER UNDER THE BED. I AM THAT FEAR YOU HAVE WHEN YOU ARE ALONE. I AM THE GOD OF EMPTINESS.

Herod. Hello. It's so interesting to speak to you. Rumors abound oh how impressive you are not. Rumors of you being of the mindset that we get impressed with threats of disembowelment. The type to be impressed because you speak about murdering your mother. Do you know the difference between you and I, Herod? You pretend to be some sort of murderous beast. You fail to live up to your standards, and it is saddening. You are nothing more than a foolish child hiding behind ignorant bravado. Do not attempt to pretend otherwise. Perhaps you should admit the truth. You are nothing. Now, say my name repeatedly as if will frighten me.

Hysteria, I believe I have spoken of you quite a bit as of late. I do not feel there needs to be some threats made from either of us. You and I both know that this match will not be a match to see which of us will pin each other; no, we will be competing to see who can pin Cupid, or Oswald, first. Not Herod, and not Swann. No, we will fight over the right to pin your Phoenix. I will make no physical threats to you. They hold no merit in this ring. I just want you to remember something. The last match I was involved in. It ended how? With Thomas Gunn coming down and firing rounds into my opponents. How did my match before that end? Doctor D'Ville was missing his eye at the end. And this match? Shall we see who is nursing injuries and who is holding the title? I do have a name for that title already prepared. It will no longer be your prophecy title. No, it will become the NAMGLA title. The North American Man Girl Love Association Title.

Now, opponents. I have addressed you in the order I find you to be the most threatening. Xavier, I refuse to find a man who is obsessed with his hair threatening. Nor a man who requires private security. Do not take it personal, it is just a fact. You make one bad decision after another. Ghost Tank at least has the advantage of being a large man. If not a simple one. I do hope you understand. I will see you all in the ring, unless one of you decides to speak to me in the mean time.

The Pest walks up to the kitchen, and removes the phone from the wall. He examines the phone and dials a few numbers. It rings. Answer. The Pest speaks to girl on the other line, and they establish a date. The Pest showers and gets dressed before heading out there. He sees the receptionist standing on her front porch waiting for him. She is in a short dress, and knee high boots. The straps of the dress accentuates her shoulders. Her hair is back in a pony tail. She makes her way to the car where The Pest is sitting. She opens to door and gets into the car with him.

Christine:Hey, I'm glad you decided to call me.

Pest:Yes, I decided I could use some relaxation.

Christine:What's the plan for the night?

Pest:I am going to hurt you. I am going to make you scream, and I am going to enjoy every second of it.

Christine:Oh. Like Fifty Shades of Gray.

Pest:No, not like that. Much worse.

The Pest and the girl drive off to a restaurant. The Pest and the Girl sat at a booth in the corner, and dined. He tried to get her whine, but she rejected it, due to her youth. The Pest did not partake in the drinking, as he never does. The girl enjoyed her meal and laughed. Rejoice. They finished their meal, and she laughed as they made their way to The Pest's car. She laughed and giggled as the Pest drove her to his house. The boy and the other girl were out. He had set them up at an empty house for the night. The car parked in the driveway, and the Pest got out. The girl followed, and he entered the house. She followed, again. They made their way into the basement, where Pest has placed some handcuffs attached to a chain hanging from the ceiling.

She walked over to them, and caressed the steel frame of them. Cold. Inviting. He walks behind her, and places a hand on her shoulder. Shudder. A shudder runs down her spine. She questions if it is for pleasure or fear. His hand gently moves and slides the strap from her shoulder. She does not fix it. His other hand moves to the shoulder, and mimics the movements of the other. His hand moves and lowers the zipper on her back . The dress falls to the floor. She steps out of it, and turns to face the Pest.

Christine:Do you like what you see?

She does a spin. Her black knee high boots matching perfectly with her black panties and bra. The Pest reaches, and grabs her hand. She tries to tangle it in his, but he lifts her hand and cuffs it in place.

Christine:Am I going to be punished?

Pest:Yes. Will you like it?

Christine:Maybe. I've never done this. Want me to get naked?


He grabs her other hand, and she strokes his hand as he cuffs it in place. The chain is sitting comfortably, with her not straining her arms. The Pest walks over to the wall, and begins to pull on a rusty winch, which tightens the chain around the axle on the roof, pulling her arms higher. She lets out a little groan, a mixture of pleasure, excitement, and fear. The arms are straight in the air. The Pest walks behind her and undoes the pony tail. Her hair falls down to her shoulders and brushes against her flesh. The Pest strokes her cheek. Fear. She shudders in fear. The girls speaks, but barely audible.

Pest:Speak louder, Christine. I cannot hear you.

Christine:What are you going to do to me?

Pest:First, I am going to whip you lightly to moderately. Then, I will slowly increase the ferocity in which I hit you. When you appear unable to take that anymore, I shall drip some melted wax upon your flesh. Perhaps I shall also use my hands to physically hurt you. All the while, I shall lower the cease using the heater. Allow the cold to flow in. Is this agreeable to you?

The girl bites her lip and nods. The Pest walks to a tool bench along the side of the wall. The single hanging light bulb does not allow her to view what it is Pest is retrieving. She believes he is fetching a leather whip, or belt, and crosses her legs under her. The Pest arrives back into view, and he is holding two wire clothes hangers with black leather gloves donning his fists. He untwists them, and straightens them out before twisting them into a braided piece of wire. The girl lowers her head to face the ground. The Pest uses the wire to lift her head up to meet his gaze. There is fear in her eyes, but she does not attempt to stop him. He pulls the wire back, and brings it to meet the flesh of her side. No reaction. And another. This process repeats until the flesh on her abdomen and stomach are red and swollen. Still no reaction. He moves to her back, and begins to repeat the process. When the wire hits her spine she does react. A groan escapes her lips. The Pest whips her legs, and thighs. He begins to whip harder. Blood escapes her flesh, and begins to drip down her legs. He moves back to her abdomen and whips her until she screams.

Christine:Please, stop with the wire.

Pest:As you wish.

He reaches back, and backhands her across the face. The flesh meets the leather. Her head twists in reaction. He walks back to his bench, and places the wire on the bench. She crosses her legs, and waits for the Pest to come back. He walks into sight holding a crate and candle. He sets the candle on the crate, and walks back to the bench. She stares at the candle as he comes back, carrying a grated metal shelf, and a metal cup. He sets the shelf above the Candle, and the cup on the shelf. The Pest lights the candle. The girl is staring intently at the candle.

Christine:What are you going to do next?

Pest:I am going to melt the wax that is in the cup. Then, I am going to pour the wax on your flesh. Do you take issue with this?

Christine:No. But, I have to pee.

The Pest gets to his feet, while the wax melts, and he disappears out of sight again. He comes back holding a dirty bucket, and walks to where the girl is. He places the bucket under her legs, and removes her panties. She is now hanging from the ceiling in just her bra and boots. Pubic hair shaved into a neat little blonde strip.

Pest:Then go.

The urine trickles down her legs, and then begins to stream into the bucket. It keeps the stream for forty-five seconds before trickling again. The Pest looks at the cup. The wax is melted. He lifts it, and places another cup of wax on the shelf. The Pest pours a small amount on her chest. On the right breast, before the cleavage. She lets out a moan. He moves over and pours more wax on the other breast. She repeats the moan. He pours some down her stomach. It trickles down as it is beginning to dry, it reaches her belly button. Some of the wax stays and dries in there. He pours the remaining wax down her spine. She screams as it runs down, passing each vertebrae. The Pest grabs the back of her hair and pulls her hair back to meet his face. There is a mixture of pain and longing in her eyes.

Christine:Kiss me.

The Pest moves his mouth to hers, and their tongues meet in her mouth. She bites gently on his tongue. The Pest pulls away from the kiss, and punches her in the eye. It is now sore and painful. She lets out a moan, and a chuckle.

Christine:Are you going to fuck me?

Pest:Do you believe I will?

Christine:I hope you do.

The pest walks to the shelf and sees another batch of melted wax is ready. She looks at the Pest, urine drying on her legs. He pours the entire cup of walks on her chest. She shakes her head. The Pest uncuffs her, and she wraps her legs around the Pest. He supports her as she begins to kiss his neck. The Pest begins to walk to the steps and slowly makes his way up the steps with her wrapped around him. The Pest makes his way to his bedroom, and drops her on his bed.

The Pest wakes up the next morning to see Christine looking at herself in the mirror. The marks from last night have begun to bruise, and there is a rather larger bruise forming on the inside of her thighs. She notices the Pest is awake, and bounds back into the Pest's bed.

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