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Monday Night Madness - 7.7.14: Part 1
Author Message
Paul Heyman

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07-08-2014, 05:50 PM

[Image: J4ZYCXe.jpg]

July 7, 2014
Madison Square Garden
New York City

The show opens to a darkened arena. No greeting from Joey Styles. Just 17,000 fans eagerly awaiting a Paul Heyman Madness like only he can give them. Suddenly, lime green pyro explodes all throughout the arena and lime laser lighting lights up the dark arena as “Sound of Madness” plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Do not adjust your sets! That is the Sound of Madness! We're live in the House that McMahon built! But this isn't some shitty RAW! No fucking way! Ladies and gentlemen, WELCOME TO THE HOUSE THAT HEYMAN BUILT!”

“We are sold out and live, from the Worlds' Most Famous Arena! MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!

“And this! THIS IS MADNESS!”


The fans start to boo as Vickie Guerrero emerges from backstage.


The fans start to boo even louder.

JOEY STYLES: “Vickie Guerrero can turn an excited crowd into a drooling cesspool of pure hatred in a second!”

Vickie enters the ring, and stands at the center with 17,000 plus booing louder and louder. So, she does what she does best.


JOEY STYLES: “Beer sales at MSG just skyrocketed!”

”Ladies and Gentlemen, it is an honor, and a pleasure, to announce to all of you the new General Manager of Monday Night Madness.... PAUL HEYMAN!”

The boos quickly turn to cheers as Paul Heyman emerges from backstage.

JOEY STYLES: “The triumphant return of Paul Heyman to his rightful place as General Manager of HIS show!”

”Ladies and gentlemen... My name.... is Paul.... Heyman...”

Paul stands in the center of the ring as New York City gives him a warm welcome.

”Philadelphia might be the land of extreme, but what you may not know, is that is was created in meetings at my home, just north of this great and proud city!

“The birth place of extreme is right here in New York fucking City!”

JOEY STYLES: “He's not lying!

“For once.”

”Tonight, I return to once again take the House that Heyman built to new levels. Levels not reached by Cross. Levels not reached by Morgan Eldred. Levels not reached by Ozymandias. Levels not reached by any other general manager, whether here in the House of Xtreme, or any other wrestling promotion that exists.

“Do you know why? Do you know how I'm going to achieve these new heights? These new levels?”

JOEY STYLES: “He's got them eating out of the palm of his hand! Which, of course, means...”

”I'm going to take my show to new levels because I am the Emperor of Extreme! I am the Mad Man of Madness! And in the universe as a whole, I am the Galactic Governor of Greatness!”

JOEY STYLES: “He takes that palm and slaps them across the face! Only Paul Heyman, folks!”

Paul Heyman pulls out his cell phone.

”Looks like I've received a text message from the former General Manager, Ozymandias.”

Heyman reads, then smiles.

”Ozy says I sit on a throne of lies.

“No Ozy, I sit on the throne of Madness which was molded to my fat ass! It is my show now, Ozy. I'm glad you're watching at home. Lining my pockets with just a little more cash.

“I find it interesting, that even know I manipulated you into signing over your ownership of Madness, you still find it necessary to tune in.

“You tune in, Ozy, because I'm a god damned genius. A genius you could never match.

“It's not your fault, Ozy...

“No one matches my genius...

“I'm glad you tuned in, Ozy...

“To the House that Heyman built!”

JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman is back on the bridge of the Madness ship! When we return, we're headed to the ring!”

Madness fades to commercial.

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back, Maniacs! As promised, we're headed right to the ring!

“Red Ninja is already in the ring awaiting the arrival of Khalif Compton.”

”Compton” by Kendrick Lamar & Dr. Dre plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Khalif Compton! He's ready to make his mark right here tonight in New York fuckin City!”

Red Ninja
- vs -
Khalif Compton
Standard Rules

The bell rings and the two competitors tie it up in the center of the ring. Ninja applies a side head lock to Khalif, but Compton slips out and has Ninja trapped in a hammer lock. Ninja ducks under then flips on his back. He then kips up and delivers an arm twist to Compton.

Ninja goes for a short arm clothesline, but Compton ducks it. Ninja turns around and eats a quick, yet perfectly executed uppercut. Ninja staggers back...


Compton lands the 540 kick, nailing Red Ninja in the skull. Both men fall to the mat and Khalif Compton hooks the leg.




WINNER: Khalif Compton

JOEY STYLES: “So its Compton that takes the quick, but deserved win here on Madness!

“Maniacs, we'll be right back after this!”

Madness fades to comercial.

JOEY STYLES: “The Madness is back and Maniacs, we're not wasting any time here! We're headed right back to the action!”

”Fly From the Inside” by Shinedown plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Trevor Hawk! An XWF newcomer, makes his way to the ring and is itching to really make a name for himself!”

”Dots and Dashes” by Silversun Pickups plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Richard Weston Kielich! Madness and the XWF in general is just full of new blood! Two young stars ready to have it out here on Madness!”

Trevor Hawk
- vs -
Richard Weston Kielich
Standard Rules

The bell sounds and the pair rush at each other, which was exactly what Richard planned, and lands him the opportunity to draw first blood with a dropkick to the face of Hawk. Hawk goes down, but quickly springboards up and grabs Weston for a massive powerbomb.

Hawk takes this chance to showcase his MMA training, and grabs Weston for a Triangle Arm Bar, and he holds it tight. Kielich is struggling to get free from this, and clawing his way towards the ropes when Trevor decides to release the grip. As Kielich starts getting to his feet when Hawk picks him up by the head and drops him again with a Dragon Suplex, which sends Kiliech right back to the ground.

Trevor runs to mount his foe for an assault. As Trevor gets on Richard he prepare to deliver a series of punches to the face of his opponent, which is cut short by Richard bringing his knee up to meet Trevor's genitals with a low knee, which the ref doesn't notice. With Trevor distracted Richard throws his left fist into Hawk's face, repeatedly, and once to the right eye of his foe. Kiliech then rolls Hawk off of him and begins his series of mounted punches.












Trevor catches the fist in mid air before it can strike him. He twists his opponent's arm before throwing an elbow to the chest of Richard. He shoves the Brit off of him and gets up, where he is met with a knee to the groin, from Richard. He drops to his knees, and Richard goes to hit a back to back suplex, but Trevor reverses it for a Backbreaker. With his foe down he gets him with a double leg drop right on the face and throat of the downed Richard.

Trevor gets up, and feins a standing Moonsault on his opponent, only to actually drop one when Richard thinks he's safe. He goes for the pin.




Richard not only kicks out, but does so with a springboard that lands him on his feet with Trevor in his arms. He proceeds to deliver a Back Suplex on Hawk. Hawk struggles to his feet, but is hit with a Tribute to False Idols (Cravate Hold, held while striking the opponent with endless knees to the face). He goes to deliver a knee, but Hawk manages to get an Arm free and catches the knee with a punch, followed by a 2 inch punch to the side of his captor, which causes Richard to let go.

Both men get to their feet slowly and Hawk decides to go for the Fake Out (Coming up from behind, Trevor grabs the opponent's head with one hand, runs forward, and leap through the ropes near the turnbuckle, slamming the opponent's head into the second turnbuckle as he does so), which collapses Weston in a heap on the mat. This gives Hawk the chance to climb the ropes to deliver The Tribute (a top rope elbow drop), but as he flies Richard rolls out of the way.

JOEY STYLES: “Nobody home! Trevor Hawk comes up empty!”

Both men stagger to their feet...

JOEY STYLES: “The Offer!”

The spinning left handed punch from RWK connects with Trevor Hawk's jaw!

JOEY STYLES: “This could do it!”

Hawk hits the mat. RWK slaps on the double under hook submission.

JOEY STYLES: “The Acceptance! Trevor Hawk has no choice but to accept defeat here!”

Which is exactly what he does as Trevor Hawk finally taps out.

WINNER: Richard Weston Kielich

JOEY STYLES: “Kielich goes on to victory here on Madness! Trevor Ward was game tonight and I fully expect to see more of him in the weeks and months to come!

“We'll be right back, Maniacs!”

The arena goes dark static replaces the current image on the XWF Tron and then a voice begins speaking, the words appearing on the tron in unison...

Who is in charge?

Who will be left standing...

...when Anarchy arrives.

The words disappear and are replaced with the a man's face...

[Image: the_joker_heath_ledger_batman_dark_knigh...m45645.jpg]

Everything burns!


JOEY STYLES: “I'm not sure what or who that was referencing, but in any event, the Madness resumes right now!”

”Dreadnaught” by Machine Supremacy plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Ashe Dawson! Set to take on John Austin and Aaron Andrews!”

”Unsettling Differences” by Blue Smock Nancy plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the impressive looking Aaron Andrews!”


JOEY STYLES: “Oh God, not again.”


Vickie Guerrero emerges from backstage.

Mr. Heyman has requested that I inform you, that John Austin has not yet arrived at the building. Therefore, the match will continue as planned with Ashe Dawson competing against Aaron Andrews in an Xtreme Rules match!

Mr. Heyman would also like it to be known, that should John Austin arrive before the end of the match, he may still enter.

JOEY STYLES: “How unfair would that be for these two if Austin enters this thing late!?

“Sounds like something Paul would allow.”

Ashe Dawson
- vs -
“Anarchist” Aaron Andrews
- vs -
??? John Austin ???
Xtreme Rules

The bell rings and the two competitors circle the perimeter of the ring, staring each other down. The two tie it up in the center of the ring and its Andrews who strikes first, taking Dawson down with an arm drag. Both men get back to their feet quickly.

JOEY STYLES: “These two competitors are just feeling each other out, I think!”

The two lock it up one more time and this time, its Dawson that strikes. He grabs Andrews and places him within a side head lock then takes him to the mat, the head lock still applied. Andrews, the quicker and more slick of the two, kips up out of the head lock leaving Dawson alone on the mat.

Dawson sits up, but receives a drop kick to the chin from Andrews. Andrews is quick on the cover.



JOEY STYLES: “Dawson kicks out with plenty of time to spare.”

Andrews gets back to his feet and lifts Dawson to his. Andrews tosses Dawson toward the ropes. On the rebound, Dawson hangs on to the ropes, stopping his momentum. Andrews notices Dawson hang on for dear life and immediately runs toward the far side ropes. He rebounds toward Dawson, but Dawson ducks down. Andrews speed and momentum carry him up and over the top and crashing down to the hard arena floor.

Dawson takes a short breather before heading to the outside. Once on the floor, he grabs a chair from ringside and begins to close in on Andrews who remains on the floor, but is slowly making his way toward his feet. Dawson swings the chair, directing it against Andrews spine. He arches his back, then falls back down to the floor.

Dawson holds the chair in his hand and waits for Andrews to make his way back to his feet. As he does so, Dawson swings again. This time, Andrews rolls out of the way, catching Dawson off his guard. Andrews pops back to his feet and Dawson turns just in time for Andrews to deliver a crisp drop kick to the chair, causing it to collide with his head.

Dawson hits the floor and drops the chair. Andrews grabs Dawson by his hair and lifts him back to his feet then drives him back first into the side of the French announcers table. Dawson yells out in pain. Andrews then lifts Dawson onto the table then quickly rolls into the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “What's he planning here?”

Andrews runs to the far side ropes and bounces off. On the rebound he leaps into the air and uses the top rope as a springboard, ricocheting him off as he delivers a senton-like splash on Dawson, sending them both down through the French announcers table.

JOEY STYLES: “Because fuck the French! Oh look! The announcer is already waving the white flag!”

Andrews slowly gets to his feet, bringing Dawson with him. Andrews rolls Dawson into the ring then follows him in. Andrews hooks the leg.



JOEY STYLES: “And Dawson kicks out with just a split second to spare!”

Andrews gets to his feet and lifts Dawson to his. Andrews flies towards the ropes. On the rebound, Dawson gives charge and takes Andrews down with a lariat.

JOEY STYLES: “He damn near took his head off!”

Suddenly, the lights go out.

JOEY STYLES: “Damn! This is the XWF, and it literally could be just about anybody!”

The lights come back on and Mastermind is sitting on the top rope with a chair in hand. Mastermind leaps as Dawson turns to face him. Mastermind lands on his feet on the mat, bringing the steel chair down across Ashe Dawsons head.

The lights go out again, then come back on. Mastermind is nowhere to be seen. Aaron Andrews though, is just about to lay his arm across Dawsons chest.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes John Austin!”


JOEY STYLES: “He's climbing the ropes!”


JOEY STYLES: “He's soaring through the air!”

Andrews rolls off Dawson and John Austin sends a flying elbow drop into Ashe Dawsons sternum! Austin gets back to his feet. Andrews grabs the chair and drives it side first into Austins ribs. Andrews slams the chair into the mat then grabs Austin and drives him headfirst into the chair with a DDT then quickly rolls him over for the cover.




WINNER: Aaron Andrews

JOEY STYLES: “The Anarchist rules on Madness!”

Madness fades to commercial.

Madness returns with a stationary camera directed toward the entrance way...

The XWF feed is suddenly interrupted by several bursts of static, distorting the picture until only the static fills the screen.

[Image: giphy.gif]

“Where have I been?”

Through the interference, several quick flashes – almost subliminal – splash across the screen. A pale, dark-haired girl, glaring into the camera. A dark-skinned man with heavy bags under his eyes smoking a cigarette. A young woman with almond eyes that seem to stare into eternity. A freckled, redheaded girl flicking a lighter.

“Where haven’t I been?”

[Image: landmark.gif]

“That one was a miscalculation.”

[Image: Natural-Disasters.gif]

“This…was a misunderstanding.”

[Image: rglogo1.gif&LogoXPos=0&LogoYPos=290&maxw=630&maxh=350]

“And this one…was purposeful. Which would you prefer? A tsunami, or the end of your Earth as you know it? Thank me later.

“But…it’s less important about where I have been…

“It’s more important about where I am now.”

The screen’s static grows violent and erratic. There is almost no discernable shape or sound for a moment as the distortion rises to its apex, dissolving into a cacophony of sight and sound. But then, it finally settles into a final image: the smiling visage of a ragged-looking, yet oddly familiar man.

[Image: 7GqTAAe.jpg]

“I’m baaaa-aaack.”


“That was MYSTICA!”

Madness fades to commercial.

OOC: My deepest apologies to all of my Madness role players for this late start. I want bore you with reasons, but I do appreciate your continued patience.

Due to the late start/results posting, the conclusion and the next card will be up tomorrow and the next deadline will be pushed back one day.

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(07-08-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-08-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (07-08-2014), Khalif Compton (07-08-2014), Morbid Angel (07-08-2014), Mystica (07-09-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-08-2014), Rain (07-08-2014), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (07-09-2014)

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