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Champ Sportsman Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-27-2021, 08:45 PM

Champ Sportsman was NOT in a good mood. In addition to losing the love of his life to a below average Quarterback, Champ was being ignored by both his Battle Royal opponents AND the Elite 8, respectively. They treated him like his cousin Chump Sportsman, rather than the Ultra Bowl Champion he was.

As if all that weren't bad enough, Champ managed to catch the latest issue of Sports Illustrated at a local magazine vendor one night on his way home from practice.

TOP 50 ATHLETES IN EVERY SPORT: FROM FOOTBALL TO PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING, the cover read, prompting Champ's ego to get the better of him and purchase it. Considering how bad his last couple of days had been, he figured it'd be a nice pick-me-up to see himself ranked among the current greats.

The Triathlete flipped through the plethora of Top 50 lists until he reached the Football one. He eagerly ran his finger down each name as he read them aloud, each one a player he was more than familiar with. There were legendary Quarterbacks, Wide Receivers he'd been compared to since being Drafted, Corners who covered him, and even a few teammates............... but the one name Champ DIDN'T see was his own.

"Is this some kind of mistake?!" Sportsman wondered, scanning over the list more thoroughly, this time. When he got back to #50, Champ not only realized he WASN'T on it, but Enrique Gonzalez was. "Son of a bitch."

Champ wasn't an idiot, he knew crackin' the Top 10, maybe even 20, was a long shot, but to not even make the list at all was downright insulting. Sure his rookie year wasn't great, Ultra Bowl aside, but he followed it up with back to back 1,000 yard seasons with a MINIMUM 8 TDs in each of them. Was it #1 material? No, not yet at least. Good enough to break 50? Absolutely.

The Triathlete turned the page almost as quickly as he got to it, wanting nothing more to do with Bob White and his bogus list. He would've been convinced Mr. White had never even seen a Carolina Rockets game if it weren't for his teammates being on there. Regardless, it was one person's opinion(a wrong one, at that!) and Champ wasn't gonna let it stop him from enjoying his position on Baseball's Top 50.

Champ passed by a bunch of random ass sports, if you could even call them that, before eventually landing on the page he was looking for. Confident he at least made this list, Champ began at the top and slowly worked his way down, checking each name twice like he was Santa Claus. Despite winning Rookie of the Year in 2016 and having his best season before the cancellation last year, Champ Sportsman was nowhere to be found.

None of it made sense. Champ was THE Triathlete, and a damn good one, too. You didn't see too many pitchers taking their own at bats, let alone ones that could actually hit homers! He caught the deciding Touchdown in the biggest game of the year(a moment that would be played over and over again until the end of time), AND followed it up with two, not only consistent seasons, but PRODUCTIVE ones, as well. Champ Sportsman doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk; and has a Championship ring, along with a Rookie of the Year trophy to prove it!

It wouldn't have bothered Champ so much if he didn't KNOW he was better than some of the names on either list. He didn't want to say it out loud but, deep down, it was hard for him to deny that fact................ or Cold Big D Truth, as his trainer would say. Champ may have had a coke problem(keyword: HAD), but everyone has theirs demons, and he NEVER let it get in the way of his job; not ONCE! You don't hear people talking shit about Mark Bonds or Barry McGuire for their use of performance enhancers; or Ricardo Martinez's addiction to prostitutes! As far as Champ knew, his secrets were safe, and there should be no reason for people like Bob White or Megan Reno to judge him for i...................

"Megan Reno?!?" Sportsman whispered, coming to the realization it was none other than his ex-girlfriend who made the second list. "That bitch!"

Champ felt betrayed.

This wasn't a fair, unbiased opinion of a football player, it was vengeance from a scornful ex who couldn't go without breaking the Triathlete's heart one more time. It sucked, but it also confirmed Champ's doubt in the legitimacy of the list. The deck was stacked against him from the very beginning. Not only did Miss Reno intentionally leave Champ off the Baseball List, she somehow convinced her coworker to drag him through the mud in Football, as well.

"Probably with her mouth," a sour Sportsman thought.

He knew he messed things up, but considering SHE was the one who left HIM, Champ thought they'd be able to move on with their lives without any sort of hate or animosity, but apparently he was wrong! It wasn't enough for her to leave the Triathlete a broken man, and it STILL wasn't enough when she started fucking a man Champ absolutely despised. No, Megan Reno had to rub salt into the rotting wound of Champ's soul and trip his feet out from under him as he was trying to get back up. SHE may have been guilty of putting the Triathlete on a pedestal before they got to know each other better, but the same could be said about HER. Champ thought she was some sweet, innocent sports journalist who genuinely cared about him when, in actuality, she was just a whore for the athletes.

An upset Sportsman ripped up the magazine and tossed it in a nearby trash can. The Persian owner of the stand hr was at saw this and approached the Triathlete. "Hey! You must'a pay for that!!!" he shouted, furiously pointing to the trash can as he berated Champ.

"I'm terribly sorry," the Triathlete apologized, reaching into his wallet and pulling out a Benjamin Franklin to hand to the local businessman. "It was something I read."

The man reached for the money, but stopped himself upon realizing who was standing before him. "You're Champ Sportsman!"

"In the flesh," the Triathlete awkwardly replied, trying to get the man to take the money so he could leave.

"Hey, everyone, it's Champ Sportsman!!!!!"

Pedestrians stopped dead in their tracks and turned to get a glimpse of their hometown hero. None of the cars moved, despite some of them having green lights, because they were all too busy pointing and waving at Champ. People surrounded him and the Persian business owner, all of them giving the Triathlete their praise and support. Eventually, the entire city was roaring with excitement, and even had a chant going for the man they loved more than Megan Reno ever did.


The Triathlete was overwhelmed with emotion. He didn't NEED a list to prove how great he was, everybody already KNEW it! The fire fighters, policemen, mail carriers, and hair stylists. Gay people, straight people, the rich, the poor, black, white, red, and blue............ NOONE could deny Champ's greatness. Even Miss Reno herself told him how amazing she thought he was before they started dating. So, either she was lying then or she was lying NOW.

Champ wiped a tear from his eye and addressed the crowd with a smile so wide, it almost made it impossible to talk. "I appreciate that, truly, I do," the Triathlete began, clearing his throat in order to keep the waterworks from flowing. "It's been a rough couple of months.............. I've had struggles with loathing and self doubt, wondering if I was any better of an athlete than I was a person. But you guys have opened my eyes and shown me what it means to be a TRUE fan; someone who'll stick by your side through thick AND thin, rooting for you even when the score's 35-0."

Champ grabbed a fresh copy of the same Sports Illustrated he threw away moments before, with no objection from the stand's owner. "They don't think I'm good enough to make the Top 50 in ANY sport!" the Triathlete spouted to an angry roar from the crowd. "Not football, not baseball, and certainly not wrestling! But you know what I say?! Fuck 'em! We don't NEED hot shots like the suits at Sports Illustrated telling us who is, and isn't, worthy of making some imaginary list................ we can judge THAT for ourselves!"

"We love you, Champ!" a random woman blurted out.

"You're #1 to us!" another shouted.

Before Champ could say anything, the Persian vendor reached for his entire stack of Sports Illustrated and knocked them onto the sidewalk. "Fuck'a Sports Illustrated!!!" he screamed, spitting on the pile as the entire city jumped for joy.

Champ Sportsman felt validated for the first time since losing at High Stakes. It wasn't up to Megan Reno or Bob White to determine the Triathlete's worth, that was between him and his actual fans. As long as they were happy, so was Champ.

"'ey, Champ!" a taxi driver called out for his car. "I'll give ya a ride home if you sign my cab!"

The man held a Sharpie out his window, which Champ walked over and signed the roof of his car with. "I appreciate it," he said, handing the marker back. "But Champ Sportsman's gonna get a good jog in before heading home."

"Hey, what if we join you?" someone suggested.

"Yeah! It can be a run of solidarity!" another agreed.

Normally Champ would've said 'no' but, given the circumstances, he was more than happy to welcome some company.

"You know what?" Sportsman said, his spirits soaring higher than any eagle ever could. "I'd like that alot."

And with that, Champ took off on his run, flanked closely by the entire community of Raleigh, North Carolina. Business owners closed up shop and drivers abandoned their cars in traffic just for the chance to say they got to run with Champ Sportsman. They may not have realized it, but the experience almost meant more to Champ than it did any of them. No list could ever take that feeling away from him.

"I hope you're ready, XWF Universe, because this is gonna be the promo you'll remember me for; the one they'll play for future generations to show the exact MOMENT Champ Sportsman became a staaaaaaar!"

"You know, it was bad enough having people underestimate my abilities in the ring, but now I've got critics who don't even think I'm good enough to do the job they've been paying me to do for the last 4+ years! Do you know how many Draft picks end up becoming a bust before they can even make it to Year #4?! Too many to count!!! The fact Champ Sportsman is still around AND having success whilst doing so is the ultimate testament to THAT!"

"Theo Pryce thinks I'm just a body thrown into this match for the mere sake of getting thrown back out. I stick with my contract, Theo, and if you're gonna make me show up, I'm GOING TO show up! Champ Sportsman doesn't do half a job, he does the whole damn thing and, come March Madness, everyone's gonna be jobbin' to HIM! I don't care if you're Captain Future and already know your fate or Andre Dixon betting on yourself, the Triathlete's striking you OUT!!! And if you don't like it, you should've called Mingermind or Hang Kill to do your dirty work, instead! Pretty sure Hang volunteered to make an appearance, what the hell happened to THAT?!? You didn't even HAVE to ask me to show up in the first place!............... but you did, and now I'm gonna make you regret it. Next time, ask one of those kiss asses from YOUR Top 50 to do it, we all know that's how people make those lists."

"I should be offended by Doc's assumption he'll be meeting Charlie Nickles in the Finals, but I'm not. By my diagnosis, he suffers from the same kinds of delusions as the man he thinks will be laying down for him Sunday night. Throw in a side of arrogance, with a hint of bullshit, and you've got Doctor D'Ville in a NUTshell. He may be right about seeing Shawn later in the show, but it doesn't take a PhD to know THAT! The two of them are Legends, for Pete's Dragon, it'd be foolish NOT to expect either of them to be there at the end. Unfortunately for them, Champ Sportsman's gonna be right there too, and he's gonna use their blinders to his advantage. It's harder to block a shot you don't see comin', and the more they deny the Triathlete's existence, the stronger those shots become! They aren't gonna know what hit 'em."

"But I've gotta MAKE it to the Finals first, and in order to do that I'm gonna have to get through Doc's favorite, Charlie Nickles. And why wouldn't he be? Not only did Doc send him packing to the 2nd Chance Battle Royal, he stuffed him down a chimney, too! No wonder D'Ville's pullin' for Demos!!! Speaking of which, there's ANOTHER Savage match Charlie didn't defend his Title in.......................... ironically enough, if he DID, he would've LOST IT. So much for that 'longest reign', huh? It's one thing to hold off defending the belt in a Tag Team Match, even though my mentor did it, but it's a little questionable to do so in a Singles one............... you might even call it cowardly. Do you know what an asterisk is, Charlie? It's what they gave the Texas Rednecks' Championship Season after it came to light their Quarterback paid off the opposing team's corners in order to, not only win the Ultra Bowl, but the MVP trophy, as well. That's you, Charlie............. a man who's only Champion due to his own, rigged circumstances. If you weren't making the rules, you wouldn't be winning the game. Marf, PLEASE do us all a favor and end this pathetic reign of Charlie's............... it'll be the greatest thing the Left Hand's EVER done! Which isn't saying much, but still! Charlie's gonna be no better than Ned once March Madness is through!"

"They call you the Notorious One, but what exactly are you notorious for? Nearly killing someone because he made fun of your dead fiance? Wasting a 24/7 briefcase? A lonely Title run? You're awfully high on that Top 50 for a man of little achievements. Lucky for you, March Madness has the potential to change all of that. 2nd Chance Battle Royal. Another reign with the Hart Championship. King Kaye. If there's ANYONE with the most to gain Sunday night, it's you. It's not often you get the chance to change your entire career in the span of a single night, but that's EXACTLY the opportunity that's been laid before you................. it's just a shame Theo had to call the Champster in to ruin it! Don't worry, though, I won't get in your way of the Hart Championship.............. Lord knows you'll do a good enough job of THAT yourself!"

"There's other guys like Dean Rose and Andre Dixon, but are they REALLY worth mementioning? Rose thinks he's the shit because he won the lowest belt on ANARCHY, and Dixon exerts a false sense confidence all because he placed a little money on himself. Andre, I'd HOPE you'd bet on yourself, anybody who wouldn't has no business being here! If you don't believe in yourself, nobody else is going to, either. It's why you call yourself a King before you've even earned your crown. Boy, you're gonna look foolish once Champ Sportsman's sitting on that throne you've already bestowed upon yourself! As for my mother............... I wish she would've been a stripper, at least then she would've actually had a JOB!"

"I may not be the favorite, whether it be in the eyes of the fans, management, or even my peers, but that's not gonna stop me from working my ass off and doing everything in my power to walk out of March Madness with the victory. It doesn't matter WHO the Elite 8 are, because the true King of XWF is in the 2nd Chance Battle Royal, and his name is Champ Sportsman!"
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ALIAS (03-28-2021), Charlie Nickles (03-27-2021), R.L. Edgar (03-27-2021), Theo Pryce (03-28-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (03-27-2021)

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