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Centurion Offline
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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

07-18-2020, 05:21 PM

"I know you've touted me as one of the greatest of all time, but I also think you are one day destined to hold that Universal Championship. This may be the time, it may not, but it's going to happen, mark my words. And I hope to encounter an Andy Cortinovis that is ready to take that title and enter the annals of history." - Steve Jason, 2010

(In life, you can find yourself in really difficult situations. You could be surrounded by sharks in the middle of the ocean. You could be tossed into a lions den with steaks taped to your back. You could be hiking the Artic with nothing more than a poncho and a can of baked beans.

Or, you could be a former billionaire capitalist sitting a dark basement with a group of armed militant communists lead by your former mistress.

That’s the situation Centurion finds himself in now. We open up in a meeting room in the basement of the Salem Public Library in Salem, Oregon. There, we see Centurion and Allison sitting at a table. There is no one else in the room yet, but outside the windows of room, several armed guards can be seen either pacing back and forth or standing in front of the door. The room is lit up, and neither Centurion nor Allison are handcuffed or tied – it’s almost as if this group wants them to try and make a scene.)

Centurion: What do you think this room is used for? You know, when it isn’t the staging area for an Antifa paramilitary group.

Allison: They’re going to be used to store our bodies if you do anything stupid.

Centurion: Relax. I won’t do anything stupid. It’s not like I took advantage of a young woman trying to break into the wrestling business and completely ruined her life because of it.

Allison: We’re so fucked.

(No sooner does Allison say this that the door opens, and in walks former WGWF World Champion Isabelle Desjardins. The French communist was always involved in causes that some would call “controversial”, and now appears to be no different. As she speaks, she does so with a thick, French accent.)

Isabelle: I must say, it takes a lot of guts to come here. Hello, Allison. Do not be nervous. I always liked you. It is your brother who should be worried.

Allison: Good to see you again, Isabelle. If you end up shooting him, can you make sure the splatter goes straight back? I just got these pants dry cleaned.

(Isabelle laughs.)

Isabelle: I shall keep that in mind. So, Monsieur Cortinovis, to what do I owe the pleasure? Is there some reason I should not have you sliced into a hundred pieces?

Centurion: Straight to it, eh? No “how’s it going”? It’s been a few years…

Isabelle: Tais-toi! I am in no mood for a chat! I should kill you twice – once for me, and once for Nikita!

(Centurion’s naturally calm demeanor turns into one of fear as Isabelle brings up the name of his now departed ex-wife. Centurion takes a deep breath before reaching down to the floor and picking up the file folder he walked in with. He tosses it onto the table, and it slides over toward Isabelle. She does not flinch – she only nods down to it.)

Isabelle: What is this?

Centurion: That’s the Greek National Intelligence Service’s file on the Golden Dawn. It has everything – names, financial records, known addresses – everything an organization like yours would want on a group of Neo Nazis.

(Isabelle’s face turns to one of surprise and confusion as she quickly reaches down and grabs the folder. She begins to turn pages and pull out pictures, and is shocked by what she sees.)

Isabelle: Oh mon Dieu! These are all unredacted. This is…this is everything!

(Isabelle’s eyes widen as she continues to look through the file, but after a few seconds, she quickly tosses the folder back down.)

Isabelle: I can not take this! I will not be responsible for the death of whatever mole you have on the inside. If we are caught with this, someone will be hanged for treason.

Centurion: I got it myself. Don’t ask me how – I just did. If you get caught with this, the person who will be killed is me.

(Isabelle looks at Centurion with a side eye before slowly picking up the folder again. She opens it back up, but questions Centurion as she does.)

Isabelle: Why give this to me?

Centurion: Because I found out our biological father was a major financial backer of the organization. He was heavily involved until he sold out his partner and fled to Laos. It’s eventually what lead to him being tossed into Yangtze River.

Isabelle: He’s dead?

Centurion: Yeah. Someone finally got to him. I’m just sad I wasn’t able to do it myself.

Isabelle: The Golden Dawn has been financially unstable for the past six years. It can not be a coincidence. With this information, we can finally put an end to this group by cutting off the last of their financial supplies.

(Isabelle closes the folder and nods toward the twins.)

Isabelle: You did good. Thanks for coming, Allison. Have a safe trip home.

(Isabelle turns and walks towards the door, but as she grabs the handle, Centurion calls out to her.)

Centurion: Izzy…I’m sorry.

(Isabelle closes her eyes and angrily grips the door handle. Everything in her body tells her to walk out of the room, but she remains frozen. After a few seconds of silence, she turns back toward Centurion.)

Isabelle: No. You do not get to do that. You don’t get to come here and apologize and expect everything to be fine. You don’t get to make me look like a bitch when I refuse to accept your apology.

Centurion: I don’t expect you to accept my apology.

(Isabelle takes a deep breath before she tosses the folder back down on the table. She pulls a chair out from the other side of the table from Centurion and Allison and stares daggers directly into Centurion.)

Isabelle: You took everything from me, you know that? When everyone found out I was sleeping with Andy Cortinovis, I nearly lost my entire reputation within the movement. When WGWF shut down, not a single federation wanted to come near me. All of my friends in the Party of Liberation and Socialism saw me as a gold-digging whore, and not as a foot soldier in the fight for justice. And to think, all of this was happening behind your wife’s back. I was young and naïve. I assumed you had my best interest at heart. Mais tu m'as joué pour un fou. You are not a good person, Andy Cortinovis, and all the confidential files in the world will not make up for what you have done.

(Centurion says nothing. He continues to look at Isabelle, whose face goes from anger to pain. Her eyes get misty, but she shakes it off. Finally, it is Allison who breaks the silence.)

Allison: What Andy did was horrible. You have every right to hate him for the rest of your life. So did Jocelyn. So did Nellie. So did I. He hurt so many of us, especially you and especially Nikita. Unfortunately, Andy can’t make it up to Nikita anymore. And he may never be able to truly make it up to you. But don’t go on living with hate in your heart. Not for someone you know, deep down, is a kind man. You’ve seen evil in this world. You’ve come face to face with the most worthless scum on the planet. Look Andy in the eyes…do you think he belongs in that same category?

(Isabelle stares Centurion in the eyes, and Centurion stares back. Isabelle leans in for a closer look, then quickly sits back in her chair.)

Isabelle: It’s not just about you, Andy. It’s about an entire system that allows someone like you to do the things you did with very little blowback. You, a rich white man in America, got away with things that other folks would be killed for. And do I think it is all your fault? No. You were taught this behavior by your society. You were given all the opportunity in the world. And are you the worst offender? Of course not. Out there, there are more Andy Cortinovis’ and more Isabelle Desjardins’, but that Andy is far more manipulative and far more violent, and that Isabelle has so fewer support structures around her. But that does not mean you are forgiven. If you want my forgiveness, you will have to prove you learned something.

Centurion: Every day, I work to better myself. Every day, I try to learn something and to give something back to the world. It may be too late for me to ever repair the damage I have done, but all I can promise to you is this – I will never stop trying. I’ll go to my grave trying to improve. And I don’t need you to forgive me. Honestly, I don’t know if I want you to, mainly because I’ll never forgive myself. I just don’t want you to carry around hate in your heart. Trust me – it’s not good for you.

Isabelle: There are people in this life I am willing to take advice from. You are not one of them. Keep learning and keep improving, but NEVER tell me how I should think or feel again.

(Isabelle stands up from the table and grabs the folder.)

Isabelle: Excusez-moi, all of this talking has left me rather parched. I could go for a glass of wine. Allison, it would be my pleasure for you to accompany me. I would love to hear what you and Jocelyn have been up to these past few years.

(Allison, confused, looks over at Centurion. She thinks for a few seconds before responding.)

Allison: Eh, fuck it, I’m in.

(Allison stands up, causing Centurion to put his arms up in frustration. Allison and Isabelle walk out of the room, leaving Centurion sitting by himself at the table.)

Centurion: Alright, I guess I’ll just stay here forever then.

------Scribbled Out The Truths With Your Lies------

White privilege.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the term a lot recently. Since the death of George Floyd and the subsequent racial movement that has taken place around the world, the phrase “white privilege” has been uttered a lot.

Problem is, people always get it confused. They think that, by having white privilege, it means you don’t sustain any hardships at all. This, obviously, is not the case. You can still struggle, even if you’re white. But there are certain barriers that are not in your way that you aren’t even aware of. If you’re white, you just approach the world different.

And it’s not just white privilege that exists, either. There’s straight privilege, there’s male privilege…hell, there’s Western privilege, which is the privilege that exists by living in a developed country with easy access to things like water and shelter. We don’t have to worry about being invaded, or that a brand new political system will rise up and uproot our lives.

I’m about to introduce you to a brand new term – “championship privilege”. You may have never heard it before, but you’ve definitely seen. It’s the way folks in this industry act when they’ve already reached the promise land. It’s that attitude they get when they no longer have to chase. They’re still competitive. They still want to win at all costs, and they still want to achieve glory…but the gold itself doesn’t mean as much anymore. It’s just…different.

That’s what you have, Shawn. Championship privilege. Don’t get me wrong, you LOVE the spotlight. You love to be the top guy, the one that everyone has to chase down…but the belt doesn’t mean anything to you. Not really. It’s just a prop to you. And hell, why should it mean anything else? After all, you’ve already held that belt before. You’ve already been crowned champion in this business. What’s another reign to you?

That’s why you’re able to lay the belt down in the middle of the ring without even a second thought. It’s why you’re able to spend all of your time subtweeting and talking about tacos with Atara. Because, win or lose, it’s already set in stone for you. Your legacy is intact. You’re just having fun now, and that “fun” doesn’t include going on talk shows and hyping up pay per views as the top belt holder in the company.

That’s not the case with me, Shawn. I’ve never won the Universal Title before. 19 years of scratching and clawing and I have not been able to get my hands on the most prestigious title in professional wrestling. So when I see you laying that belt down and acting all lackadaisical with it, I get pissed off. There are people who DREAM of being in the position you’re in, and you see it as just another Wednesday.

Yes, you can take that to mean you’re so good, it’s effortless.

That’s why I decided to take this match, Shawn. I know you’re obsessed with the fact that I said I would take some time off, only to turn around and accept this match, but yes, I changed my mind. Just like you did when you were walking out of this company, only to say “oh no, I meant I’m retiring the name Fuzz, not that I’M retiring!” Please, I know you, Shawn. You had one foot out the door and the other was almost over the line. You changed your mind. You’ll say it was a part of some “master plan”, but it really wasn’t, was it? And fair play to you. People are allowed to change their minds. You had the ability to change your mind when you saw Sarah Lacklan walk out of the company, thus forfeiting the title shot that should have been hers, and you knew The Engineer would have a long reign of being jobbers if you didn’t do something about it. And I had the ability to change my mind when I saw you throwing out challenge after challenge, and no one stepped up.

If I didn’t decide to take this match, Shawn, you know what would have happened? You would be facing Mastermind at the pay per view. Mastermind! No buys. You’re a good wrestler, but even you couldn’t get a good match out of that freak. I HAD to step up. I had no choice.

So yes, if you want to continue to say I’m some wishy-washy flip flopper because I decided to cut my vacation short, then fine. After all, you need something since you’ve declared you won’t call me boring, or bring up the fact I’ve never won the belt.

I need to beat you, Shawn. I need it more than anything I’ve ever done in my career. That’s the difference between you and I. This is about pride for you. This is about being able to go to a bar with Noah and Atara and have a few drinks and say “see, told you Centurion isn’t as good as me.” And you’ll laugh and Noah will call me a cunt and you and Atara will fight about something stupid – you’ll basically go on with your everyday life.

I need to win in order to shed a burden and a stigma that has been on my shoulders for 19 years. It’s not about bars and parties for me anymore, Shawn. It’s about where I stand in the Pantheon of the XWF. Am I just the “king of the midcard”? Will I forever be known as someone who could not deliver when the spotlight was shined brightest on him? Or, will I be in the conversation as one of the greatest of all time? Will I get rid of that one asterisk that has prevented me from being in the conversation of the truly elite?

You’re already there, Shawn. No matter what happens to you from here on out, you will always be considered among the best. Vinnie and Theo and whoever else can take their potshots on Twitter all they want, but you won a championship belt in this company in FOUR different decades. The only way that will ever be matched is if James Raven decides to wrestle until 2030. You’re a multiple time Universal Champion. Been on top for most of your career. You’ve done it ALL, Shawn. Bravo. Congratulations. If you’re looking for someone to hype you up to this new generation of no names and weak ass flakes who think a two week win streak is Hall of Fame worthy, you won’t find anyone as good as me.

Just don’t come at me with any nonsense, Shawn. After all these years, I would hope you would know better.

I’m not here to “save” anyone. I honestly don’t care who in the back wants to see you lose your title. To be honest, the last person they’re going to want to see hold the belt up is me. If they don’t like you being champion, what are they going to do when “the most boring man in pro wrestling” is the champ? I’m sure all the fans of the Shane Era will blow their fucking heads off.

I’m not doing it for them. I’m doing it for me. If they wanted to see you lose, they could have stepped up and done it themselves. Your reign and your demeanor annoy me…but they don’t offend me. Honestly, seeing the whiny pissbabies who think we should be in a retirement home lose their shit every time you walk out with the belt is kind of refreshing. But you know what this is about. There doesn’t have to be another single wrestler on the roster. There doesn’t have to be any fans, or management, or even a building.

Just you. And me. And the belt.

You think I wanted you to lose to Mastermind? In what world would that be a positive for anyone? Mastermind anywhere near the title is a death sentence for this federation, and if I’m going to ever win the belt, I want to TAKE it, not get it handed to me because some talentless hack stumbled their way into a title. Maybe that doesn’t mean anything to you anymore, Shawn. Maybe you’ve gotten so jaded by this business that that “warrior spirit” we all had when we first showed up here is now dead and gone, replaced by an ego that is larger than your resume.

You want to talk about Leap of Faith last year, Shawn? Alright, let’s talk about it. You’re right, it was a blown call. Who knows what would have happened if the referee saw you get your shoulder up? Maybe you would have gone on to beat me. And then, maybe you would have spent the past year fuming about it. Maybe it wouldn’t have given you the motivation to work hard, be stronger, be BETTER. Maybe you wouldn’t have won the 24/7 briefcase, met Noah Jackson, won the tag belts, started flirting with Atara, completely cleaned up your life, and won the Universal Title. Maybe that one fateful match was the butterfly effect you needed to prolong your career another 10 years, and your life by another 30.

All of this, Shawn? This new life you’re living? You have me to thank for it. You could have beat me clean, or you could have lost to literally anyone else, and you would have just continued to be a part time wrestler with your personal struggles at home. You likely would have relapsed, and vanished again, and who knows where you would have woken up. Instead, you’re an upstanding member of society.

You say I can’t beat Shawn Warstein? That you’re better than Fuzz ever was? I honestly hope you’re right. If this ends with me looking up at the lights, and ten years down the road, I see you’re still dominating while continuing to be a decent human being? That will be fine by me. I just get this feeling, though, that you’re wrong. Sure, you may not be on the junk anymore, and you’re clear headed, but you’re also not as ruthless as you once were. You don’t want to inflict pain on people like you did in the past. There’s an actual human being in Shawn Warstein, when there was very little humanity in Fuzz.

And I don’t think you understood me the first time – that’s exactly what you’re going to need to put me down for good. You don’t get it – I made my peace with this world. I have sought and been given reconciliation by those closest to me. It’s not that I can walk away from this business happy – it’s that I can DIE happy. And that may be the step you have to take in order to keep me on the mat. If I have ANYTHING left in the tank, it will be used. There will be no “aw shucks, he got me” speech after this is over. There will only be a “I think my arm is broken and I’m about to die” speech.

If this is truly my final Universal Title shot, then there is no one more fitting to kill my hopes and dreams than you, Shawn. It couldn’t be one of these young kids. It couldn’t be some outside force who has only been here for a month. No, it had to be you. You want to end me?

Come and get me.

[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-97-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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