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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap of Faith (July 13th) PPV RP Archive
Red Letters to Madison & PPV Tag Team Match
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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07-08-2013, 01:58 PM

Late in the day as the sun begins to set.. people on Eli's land starts wrapping up their normal jobs to end the long day of labor. Everyone puts away their warn out dirty clothes, prepare to clean up, and get ready for dinner before bed time. Eli arrives back home after everyone is down and strolls around to make sure all is well. Eli notices how tired everyone is and warn out they are after the long work day... he smiles to see they work hard without him being around.

After the long stroll around.. he heads up to his home and is greeted by his two sisters, Rachel and Sarah, and a meal on a silver platter served by Emma-Lee. After the quick greeting, he walks into a room that's full of books on shelves.. several Bibles.. commentaries.. theology.. and so forth. He lights a candle that's on what looks to be a study desk he uses, and turns out the light. Emma-Lee stands there with the candle light flickering.. lighting up her face in the dark as she watches Eli sit at the desk..

Eli James IV "Before I eat, darlin'. Would ya mind gettin some paper and something to write with? I have a few things I wanna say and send them letters to certain people.

Emma gives a proper respectful bow to him.. she places his food on a table in the room and locates something to write on and write with. Eli leans forward at his desk close to the candle as the light hits his serious looking face. Emma sits down a few feet away from him with a pad and pencil to write with..

Eli James IV "To Mr. John Madison. You seem like a real straight shooter. A man that doesn't beat around the bush and just says what he wants. That, sir, I can admire. In return, I give you the same thing. I preach what I preach without any fear or watering it down. It is what it is. You came out this past Wednesday and said some things that were on your mind. Some things to make me think. Before I get into an invitation you gave, let me just shoot straight with ya, boy.

I have some pretty strong convictions and have a pretty strong message. I do believe that when the King goes, so does his people.. meanin' the people will follow their King. They may not like 'em sometimes, but obedience is sometimes needed in a persons life.. discipline is a lost art. That's another story. I do think your sin will catch up with you.. quicker than you probably realize. Soon you'll meet the only just Judge and King of Kings.. but right now, you're the king in the XWF because you earned it. Just because I don't like ya all that much doesn't mean I don't give respect. I respect authority. I respect those who work hard. I respect those in high position.. I may not like 'em.. I may not like what they represent or how they handle things.. but they'll face the truth sooner or later. You will too, man.

I don't appreciate you causing me to lose at the Wild Card match, but it is what it is and I've moved on. The Almighty allows things to happen, and while we may not see it, the plan will be revealed in its true glorious form and we'll realize it was the right path. That path, though a hard pill to swallow at the time, was just a delay.. and in time we'll know why it was delayed.

Ya see, the Almighty appoints Kings and Rulers.. the Scripture even goes as far to say obey them unless it conflicts with His final word. I consider you King James.

I'm not ashamed to be thankful to another person. So, I'll tell ya, thank ya for getting me and Eric a title shot at the pay per view. Now.. before I answer your invitation to join the Black Circle.. I think you need to make sure you understand a few things. Like I said earlier, I respect ya.. you're the king of the XWF.. but I don't approve of all the sin you allow or have in your own life. I can't and won't bow to any man. If you need me to bow to ya and give you some hail-mary's and kiss your pinky.. it just ain't gonna work between us. With that said, my answer to join you.. you'll get my answer... face to face.. at Leap of Faith.

I look forward to hearing back from ya... In Him, Eli James IV.

Emma finished writing the letter and begins to fold it up.. places it in an envelope. She starts moving her tired hand around to get ready for the other letter. Eli leans back away from the candle light and leans back in his chair..

Eli James IV "Saturday.. July 13th.. Leap of Faith.. myself and Elisha.. Eric Rex.. will be going for the tag team championship against the Crimson Knights and Jack Killborn & Matt Lennox. Ever since I came here, people didn't give me much thought, but I warned.. I never stopped spreading the message of judgment that is still to come. The XWF gave me opponent after opponent, then even a few obstacles that seemed impossible to overcome.. and here I am. I sense in the depth of my soul some of ya'll are starting to come around. Belief is in the air. The Good Lord is letting the rain of mercy fall upon some of you. You're not out runnin' for cover, or grabbing an umbrella.. nah, man.. you guys are loving the rain hit ya... dropping all over ya.. for the first time you are startin' to feel the truth. It's beginning to grow in your hearts. I'm glad, man. The world is about to change, man.

I don't know how long you fellas, Crimson and Knight, have held those tag team titles but unfortunately for you it's gonna come to an end at Leap of Faith. The world you've chosen to be a part of and claim as your own home will only be revealed as a cheap imitation as the truth in which the world I live in. Ya see, though there are things I see as plain as day and do not like them.. I accept them as truth. I accept the fact evil exists, unlike some idiots. I accept the fact that good exists. I believe there is a possibility of you doin' evil or harm to someone, just like there's a possibility to do good. Here's a big difference in what I believe verses someone who may believe in somethin similar... I believe there is an eternal consequence. I believe your life is will be lived out well beyond the years on this Earth.

Jack and Matt.. Crimson and Knightmask.. ya'll need to get some things clear in your mind before you face me and Elisha Rex.

Emma-Lee "Don't ya mean Eric?

Eli James IV "Sorry, Emma. Yea, Eric.

When you boys get in the ring with me and Eric, your lives are gonna change forever. The belts will leave Crimson and Knightmask, and come home to a place they'll be handled with care.. dignity.. and integrity. Something apparently that is lacking in the current champs. I've heard some of the terrible things Knightmask has done to kids and the constant evil that stirs within his heart. Eric has informed me a lot about ya, boy. He finally will get his hands on ya and right some wrongs.

Hehe. Funny how Mr. Jack Killborn says nobody has heard of me or Elisha Rex. Been here for a short time and I was in an Elimination Chamber match to see who would fight Mr. Madison for the King of the XWF title.. didn't see yer name there, did I boy? Mr. Madison, the King of the XWF, took time out on Wednesday and offer me and Elisha Rex a spot on his team.. and ya never heard of me, huh? This is the type of people I've been talkin about! Idiots. Ignorance. If he even knows what them words mean. You turn your eyes to see only what you wanna see and completely are blind to the truth that lies in front of you. Let me be straight with ya, man.. I've never heard of you. Even more, man.. your last name makes me see some red. Heh. That's anger in case your oblivious to that one too.

Killborn.. do ya know what I hate and what the Almighty hates? When a man and woman get together to enjoy sexual intercourse and become one together in a beautiful.. mysterious.. connection with pleasure and the lady becomes pregnant with a baby.. and they forgot to use protection.. or maybe they were sinning and doing it out of wedlock.. so to keep things quiet or do a quick fix.. they treat the miracle of life like they ordered it from a drive-through.. don't like it.. let's take it back or go somewhere else.. and they kill the baby. I see your last name and it puts a dark hole in my heart for all them babies who died when they didn't have to because of selfish reasons.. because of sinful reasons.. and even more than hurt me.. it hurts the Almighty for destroying somethin' nobody has a right to destroy. I dunno how you got your name or if you thought about abortion and decided why not.. but it's not a name I like seeing and I promise it'll be a name you'll regret having when you face me.

While I'm talkin about ya Killborn.. you make fun of my name on top of all that? Like I've said.. education has gone downhill. People care more about sinning that learning. Taking on the name of your father.. grandfather.. great grandfather is called lineage.. respect.. integrity.. keepin' the good name. Now, I know people like you may not understand that kinda thing, but let me explain. When my great grandfather, Eli James, was born.. he earned his way to buy all this land. He worked with his hands every minute of every day. He did everything to keep the Almighty in the center of our family and did everything to display hard work pays off. Loyalty.. Respect.. Honesty.. Integrity.. Hard Work.. things you probably don't understand. Things Crimson, Knightmask and your partner Matt probably don't understand either. He wanted his first-born to carry on that tradition and what better way to name the boy after himself. There's a risk involved that he'll screw up the name he worked so hard to make, but there's also a chance he'll continue on the good name.

Ya see, the Scripture says, "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." My great grandfather took that to heart and as a eternal truth that has proven to be true. People associate your character with your name. Back in the old.. ancient days.. you were sometimes named because of a trait.. or something that happened. Your name defined who you were. When you say certain names.. your mind takes you to who that person was.. good or bad. If you're named after a serial killer, then you probably have a while to try and make a 'new' name after that one. Me? Eli James is already grounded in truth.. integrity.. and all down the line we all just happen to continue the legacy of that great name. So go on and try to hurt my name. All you'll be doin is making of a fool of your own self.

Speaking of names.. I look at these other boys me and Elisha Rex are fighting.. Knightmask.. Crimson Cobra.. and Jack's partner.. Matt Lennox. I'm not too sure where or how they got their name. Crimson Cobra means nothing but a reddish snake. Hehe. Oh, the snake. Ya' know, in my world.. snakes have some meaning. The serpent was cursed. The serpent in the beginning.. the devil.. came to tempt Adam and Eve.. told them they'd be like god if they would just disobey his one command.. and then enters the sin in this world. The Scripture says, "And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” We all know that the Messiah was able to defeat the snake.. Satan.. and in the end he'll be finally finished up. But I assure everyone that Cobra is far from being an evil snake like that. He is yet but a small pet inside a cage to be fed by the owners of him. When the owners refuse to feed him, then he starves and dies. Poison doesn't mean much when it's not being used. Unfortunately for Cobra, there's somethin much worse than a snakes poison inside him that will kill him and he'll be lost forever.. sin. That is, unless he is one to repent and turn from his ways. I'm beginning to think there's less of them around.

Knightmask.. I hear he has some sort of faith in God. Good for him. Even the devil and his demons believe in God.. and tremble. Belief in the Almighty doesn't mean a whole lot. There's people all around who believe.. and talk about it.. but even-so the good Lord will tell them in their sinful lives to depart in the end. Elisha Rex also tells me you're a good ole fashion boy.. a grappler in the ring... a man fixed on submission style. Just some news for ya.. I don't quit. So you better put them submissions away.. all it'll do is make you look even weaker than you already are within that soul of yours. Just tryin' to help ya, man. The right kinda faith with some good guidance and skill could do some good around here. How about you come into my home and join me? Think about it, man.

And Matt.. I'm not too sure why you're with a group called the Incredible people, man. The only incredible one I see is the Almighty. And anyone a part of his team I would consider pretty incredible. You, and your boys? Not so much, man. You're nothin' more than full of death while we're full of life.

Consider this a nice warning to everyone. The second coming is getting close, and unfortunately for all you boys.. you're in the way of me accomplishing my purpose in spreading the message. See ya boys real soon.

In Him, Eli James the Fourth.

Emma-Lee "Got it. Um, Eli. Can I talk to you personally about somethin?

Eli James IV "Sure, darlin. What's on your mind?

Emma-Lee "Eric.

Eli James IV "Eric Rex?

Emma-Lee "Yes. I know he's your partner in this championship match 'n all, and yer with his team.. the Academi..

Eli James IV "Heh. You wanna marry ole bald-headed Elisha huh? Hehehe.

Emma-Lee "Not.. exactly.

Eli James IV "Hehehe. You want 'em gone?

Emma-Lee "He's nice lookin', but.. he.. did.. somethin you won't like.

Eli stops laughing and his smile slowly fades away to a serious look. He makes a sound with his mouth as if a piece of meat was stuck between his teeth.

Eli James IV "Which is?

Emma-Lee "I.. I just don't wanna get in trouble.

Eli James IV "Be honest, Emma-Lee.

Emma-Lee "Well, I didn't do anything but I don't wanna gossip neither.

Eli James IV "If this will protect the camp.. you better tell me.

Emma-Lee "He.. tried to sleep with me. He kept makin' passes at me.. flirtin' with me.. trying to touch my .. lady parts.. and old lustful feelings were coming back and I .. I finally just had to tell ya. I'm sorry, Eli!

Eli James IV "Baby girl.. you did the right thing. I'll talk to ole Eric about his feelings towards ya. See if he'll end up doing the right thing and confessing his sin. If he doesn't, then I'll deal it. But you, Emma-Lee.. did the right thing by telling me. Understand? Anyone tries somethin' like that.. you tell me. I wanna protect ya, understand? I love all of you. Sin doesn't belong around here and all it has to do is creep up and it'll snag you up. Stay clear of its path and on the path of righteousness.

Emma starts wiping away tears from her eyes and is trying not to shake in fear. Eli stands up from his desk and walks towards her.. she starts shaking even more.

Eli James IV "You don't have to be afraid. You confessed. You did right. It's all I ask.

Eli leans and kisses her on the lips. She looks confused and nervous.

Eli James IV "Now, how about you mail them letters so they get 'em?

Emma nods and stands up to leave. Eli gives a little smile at her as she leaves. Eli talks to himself..

Eli James IV "Baldy. Heh. It was a matter of time that the purpose would be fulfilled.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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