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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Decision
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"Lucky No. 7" Carson Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-20-2015, 06:08 PM

The scene opens up to an inner-city YMCA. Cement walls surround the basketball court, making everything seem dreary. In the center of the court, there are three stools. Two on one side and one on the other. Seated on the two adjacent stools are Carson Waters and Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson. On the other, a nameless interviewer. Several impoverished African-American bros circle around the three as the interviewer taps on his microphone.

“Hello and welcome, I’m here live with Carson Waters and Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson.”

The interviewer motions to his guests.

What’s good, bro?

Thanks for having us.

“Thank you two for letting me a part of your historic announcement. Which, I might add you haven’t run by me yet.”

Hey man, don’t worry about it, we’ll get there. But before we do, I gotta stress how big a decision this is. It ain’t like we woke up this morning and just decided to do this, no. We’ve been thinking about this, how we’re going to do it, what we’re going to do when it becomes a reality. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I’m sure both Flynn and I can tell you, we’re both very excited to be announcing it.

“Flynn, what is he on about?”

Well bro, what my boy Carson here is saying is that we didn't come to this decision lightly. We talked to our friends, our family, those most important to us. We weighed all of the pros and the cons bro but at the end of the day, with everything that is currently going on in our lives we felt that now, here and now, it was time for us to make this announcement. And it's a big one bro I promise you. You won't be disappointed.

“You’re coming out of the closet?”

Cue record scratch sound effect. The crowd gathered around to hear the announcement start laughing and so do the guests.

You’re a funny guy, but no. We aren’t gay bro. Not that there’s anything wrong that, but it just ain’t us. Nah nah, our announcement is huge and will probably have a huge impact on the whole country, not just the XWF and not just LA. Like, huge man. Like, make your career seeing as you have the exclusive rights to this announcement, at least until every other news source picks up on it too. That’s how exclusivity works, right?

Yeah bro as far as I know that's how it works. He'll get his moment in the sun and if he's smart he can parlay that into some interviews of his own. Caron's right bro. You have no idea what you have in front of you. We aren't just two guys from the XWF, adored by millions. No way bro. We are the future. Ain't that right bro?

You’re goddamned right bro. Most people would be content just being the future of the XWF, to be the future of a whole industry at such a young age but Brick Squad as a whole isn’t about just being the best at one thing. No, we expand our horizons further than most people dare to dream. Past wrestling. Past sports as a whole. Past endorsements and movie deals and music though those aren’t completely off the table.

“Are you guys going to say it or just talk about how great it is?”

No need to be snippy.

Yeah bro. Don't forget, our people picked you to do this interview. Now granted the first 5 guys were busy but ultimately we settled on you. And once you hear what we have to say you are going to thank us for it bro. Try and remember that man. It's bad form to be rude to your guests.

“You’re right, you’re right. I apologize.”

It’s cool man, just chill. We’ll get there soon enough, it’s just that neither of us are quite sure everyone, not just you and our people gathered all around us, but everyone watching this worldwide is quite ready for the bombshell of an announcement we’re going to make. So, just to be sure no one snaps their necks from whiplash or something, we have to talk about how we didn’t make a rash decision and how it’s the best thing for us at this point in our lives.

Yeah. Bro. This isn't something to be taken lightly. We are very blessed to be in this situation and so we didn't want to do anything rash. Like Carson said, this is bigger than just the XWF or Brick Squad, this announcement is going to affect billions bro. Billions.

Yeah, from you and these fine folk around us, to the drunk homeless guy who hangs out in the alley near my apartment, to the people in the midwest and in Canada and all across the world. Hell, it affects everyone just what we’re going to announce here. And what we’re announcing is definitely going to catch a lot of people off guard so we want to make sure everyone knows just how big a deal this is. It’s like that movie A Few Good Men. Yeah that’s the one, right? You can’t handle the truth? That one. It’s like that. Some people just won’t be able to handle it no matter how much of a warning we put on it but we’re trying to minimize that as much as possible.

“Uh huh.”

So, it’s with great pleasure I say that we will be taking our talents past 3900 West Manchester Boulevard, and all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

That's right bro. Brick Squad is going to be taking up residence at the White House. And not just as unwanted guests. No sir. Brick Squad in collaboration with the Green Party has announced it's candidacy for President.

"All of you?"

No, not all of us bro. Carson here is running for President.

And Flynn here is my running mate, my Vice President. The Lyndon B. Johnson to my JFK, only hopefully with a different outcome there.

“And the others?”

Cabinet jobs bro. We got Bruce lined up for Secretary of Agriculture. Henry’s gonna be the Secretary of Defense and of course Dick Powers is gonna be the Secretary of the Interior.

"I suppose it would do me no good to mention that none of you are old enough to run for any form of higher office?"

What are you saying bro?

"I thought it was pretty clear there but I guess I can repeat it..."

Bro let’s get that outta the way right now. Those are like suggestions, those aren’t rules.

“Yeah, they are rules. You have to be 35 to run for President and Vice President.”

Alright bro, you know politics better than two people running for office.

Seriously bro, who does this guy think he is? Look bro, if there is one thing, and I mean that very literally, one thing that this President here taught us it's that anything is possible. Wasn't long ago no one thought a minority would ever be President of this great country and now you are saying that just because we aren't 35 that we can't run for the two highest positions in the country? No way bro. That's not how it works. This is America bro. Land of opportunity and stuff.

Also bro, there are two mentally challenged guys in the XWF who are currently the tag team champions. So clearly, anything can happen here in America.

You know what? It’s cool. You don’t want this story, that’s fine. But, we’re done here. Cut the cameras.

The crowd of African-Americans start chanting Brick Squad as the scene fades to black.


Running for president? When were you going to tell me this?

The scene opens up to right outside the YMCA where a crowd of people has already lined up around the building. A bonafide mixing pot of whites, blacks, browns, etc. that’s normally unknown in this part of town. Carson’s standing in front of his manager, chuckling awkwardly while The Mysterious and Handsome Stranger stares blankly at him.

You say it like it’s a bad thing. Yeah I’m running for president and yeah I told you when I told America.

You’re unbelievable. First the mixtape fiasco, now this.

That mixtape fiasco got me hella downloads so I think it worked out the way I wanted it to. And I’m pretty sure this is gonna have the same effect. It ain’t rocket science.

So, I’m gonna be your campaign manager, right?

Yeah, and you might wanna step your game up. It ain’t like we’re just wrestling anymore. I’m gonna be leader of the free world, in 2016.

2017. You wouldn’t take office until 2017.

Same diff. Serious though, we need to get on TV as much as possible. The XWF will be a pretty good launchpad but we gotta do more than that. Like commercial spots. Ads on websites. The works.

Kylie sighs.

Yeah sure, on it boss.

Good, but tonight, we celebrate. There’s gonna be a huge party at Dick’s compound.

There is?

Yeah, I’m pretty sure. There normally is anyway.


The three make their way through the crowd, Carson shaking hands with people he walks past. Meanwhile, off to the side Flynn is signing some autographs for a few of the young children when an attractive woman with a padfolio and two cell phones walks over. She waits for a moment so as to not interrupt Flynn. Once he's done he hands a sharpie to one of the kids and the turns to face the woman.‏

Hi Vanessa, what did you think of our announcement?

"It was great. I really liked it. Your phones have been blowing up since the announcement aired."

That's awesome. Anyone important?

"Yes as a matter of fact the President is on this phone and your agent is this phone." She says as she holds up two identical phones.

Tell the President I'll call him back. Flynn says as he reaches for the phone with his agent on it.

Fade to black.

[Image: RyBK7ka.png?2]

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