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Monday Night Madness - 10/14/2013
Author Message
Morgan Eldred Offline
Co-GM of Madness

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-15-2013, 04:17 PM

[Image: madness3.png]

Date: October 7, 2013
Arena: Staples Center
City: Los Angeles, California

The fireworks launch into the air as Madness blasts its way into view from black! The crowd is going insane tonight! Some might even feel the rafter rocking from the stomping, shouting, and cheering!

JOEY STYLES: “We are LIVE! We are in Los Angeles, California! The city of lost angels! And this…is…Madness!
Hello, everyone! I am Joey Styles, your voice of Madness! Tonight, we not only see Mr. Supernova defend his Television Title against The Twisted Angel Christine Nash; we also get to see the next contender to the title named in a Triple Threat match as John Austin, Tri Bute, and Shawn Steele tangle in the squared circle!
But right now, we’re about to witness our opening match!”

“This is War” plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Liz Hathaway came out on top last week when she managed to eliminate Minxs in a tag-team tables match! Let’s see if she can handle a feisty new female competitor!”

“Unbreakable” by Fireflight plays.

JOEY STYLES: “And that new female competitor is Katie Davidson! Tonight is her in-ring debut! She’ll have to pull out the stops if she wants to take down Hathaway!”

Liz Hathaway
- vs -
Katie Davidson
Standard Rules

The women lock up in the center of the ring, ending when Davidson throws Liz violently backwards. Liz rolls back onto her feet, just in time to receive a running high knee from Davidson! Liz stumbles into the ropes, holding her jaw. Davidson follows up with a bulldog, driving Liz’s face into the canvas! Davidson then begins to tear into the fallen Liz with a series of stomps as she circles Hathaway. But when Davidson goes to pull Liz to her feet, Liz suddenly locks in a small package for the pin!



Kick-out! Smooth move by Liz Hathaway. But Davidson seems more annoyed than anything, as she locks in a headlock from behind. Liz steadily makes her way to her feet, with Davidson refusing to release the hold. Liz begins to power out of it, lifting Davidson’s arms up over her head, before giving Katie a roundhouse kick to the head!

As Davidson stands, stunned, Liz leaps onto the ropes and slams back into Katie with a springboard crossbody! She lands in a pin!



Davidson kicks out! Liz uses this moment to spin Davidson onto her back and pull her leg. A Boston Crab!

Katie is a little distance from the ropes. As Liz pulls back on her leg, she squirms steadily toward the ropes! Her hand reaches…


Could she…?

YES! Rope break! The ref forces Liz to release Davidson! Begrudgingly, Liz tosses Davidson’s leg away. Liz bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Davidson in the gut, sending her falling away to the outside! Liz quickly leaps to the outside as well, hoping to keep the fight going! But when she goes to grab Katie, Liz gets a stern kick to the abdomen! Katie than grabs Liz by the beltline, spins her around once, and throws Liz shoulder-first into the steel steps!

With Liz sprawled out on the outside, Davidson rolls back into the ring, hoping the ref will manage to hit ten before Liz can get back in!





Liz rolls into the ring just in time! Oh, but she’s met by a series of stomps from Katie, who looks to accentuate Liz’s now-damaged shoulder. Davidson allows Liz to get to her feet, and tosses her across the ring with an arm drag! But Liz is quick to her feet, and returns with an arm drag of her own, tossing Katie aside! Davidson looks to complete the circle of threes with another arm drag…when she is met with a superkick from Liz! A kick right in the face! Katie goes down to the mat, and Liz covers!



2 and a half! Katie Davidson kicks out! Liz seems tired and frustrated. This is clearly going to require some desperate measures.

JOEY STYLES: “Liz Hathaway, going to the top rope!”

With Davidson still downed, Liz climbs the turnbuckle. But Davidson stirs, and begins rising to her feet! Liz gazes out over her opponent before leaping anyway! She lands awkwardly on Katie’s shoulders, which allows Davidson some leverage!

But it is not nearly enough! Liz flips backwards, sending Davidson flying with a headscissor takedown! As Katie rises to her feet, Liz gives her a punch to the small of her back, before hitting Davidson with the Thank Me Later (Reverse Twist of Fate)! Davidson is out! Liz pins her!




WINNER: Liz Hathaway
+3 Points

JOEY STYLES: “An amazing show of athletic prowess from these two women! But ultimately, there is no difference. One must win, and the other must lose! Madness will return after this commercial break!

Madness fades in from the break with an external view of Paul Heyman’s office. Sly, with a thick folder in hand, knocks briefly on the door before swinging the door inward. But much to her surprise, it is not Paul Heyman sitting behind the desk. It is Morgan Eldred, the new co-GM.

[Image: hGqpYq0.gif]

MORGAN ELDRED: “Hello, Sly. Like the new look?”

He gestures widely with his hands, beckoning Sly to examine the new appearance of Heyman’s office. Almost all of Heyman’s personal effects have been replaced with Eldred’s own, much more foppish decoration. Behind Eldred hangs a massive union jack; on the edge of the desk sits a marble bust of Socrates, and the very walls have been painted a horrific, dystopian shade of grey. Eldred gives Sly a wicked grin.

SLY: “Oh…I apologize, Mr. Eldred. I was looking for Mr. Heyman. I have some things that require his attention.”

MORGAN ELDRED: “I bet you do. I’m afraid Mr. Heyman is on vacation. I’ve taken to ensuring he has a nice, long break from Madness this week. That’s right. This ship is now under my control. Set sail for greatness.”

As Eldred finishes his metaphor, there comes a voice from Sly’s pocket.

PAUL HEYMAN: “I thought you might have had some ulterior motives.”

Sly sighs. The jig is up. She pulls the phone from her pocket, so as to hear Heyman more clearly.

MORGAN ELDRED: “Ah, Mr. Heyman. I thought you might have taken measures to keep tabs on me. I’ve removed the camera you had installed in the ceiling tiles and had it incinerated in the building’s boiler room.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “God dammit! That camera cost an arm and a leg!”

MORGAN ELDRED: “More frivolous spending of company capital. Really, Mr. Heyman, you’ve run this show right into the ground, haven’t you?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Don’t you dare insinuate I did anything but good for the show I birthed! This is my child, Eldred! You’re just the adoptee!”

Eldred sits back in his chair and tents his fingers over his mouth in thought, clearly amused by the situation. The very light blinking on Sly’s phone seems to radiate tension from Heyman, who is thousands of miles away.

MORGAN ELDRED: “But really, Mr. Heyman. Just the other night, I was informed two of our employees had to back out of tonight’s event. And they go unpunished. Why is this?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Sorry, our employees?”

MORGAN ELDRED: “I’ll tell you why. Stupidity. Their contracts state they have the option of opting out of work. Opting out of their jobs?! Are you mad, man? You’re letting inmates run the asylum! No wonder they call this Madness!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I’ve had about enough of the wisecracks, Eldred. Remember, I hired you onto this show, and I can take you off! You’re not the Administration Network’s personal inspector anymore. You have no power over me! One false move, and you are done!”

Eldred can only smile at this notion.

MORGAN ELDRED: “Tell me, Mr. Heyman…are you enjoying Costa Rica?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “If you must ask, I’m having a blast! Relaxing out by the pool right now! Gorgeous view!”

MORGAN ELDRED: “I had hoped so.”

From the other line of the phone, there can be heard an extremely loud BANG! Heyman swears aloud, and a load of shuffling is heard from Heyman’s side.

PAUL HEYMAN “Jesus Christ! What the hell was that?!”

MORGAN ELDRED: “That, Mr. Heyman, was a .338 Lapua Magnum round just missing your head. Fired from a Barrett Model 98B bolt-action sniper rifle. I recommend you enjoy your vacation. A personal assassin hired through connections with the Admin Network has been dispatched to follow you and ensure you are having a…good time. Keep this in mind, Mr. Heyman.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “What the fuck?! You’re insane!”

Eldred shakes his head, watching the look of horror grow over Sly’s face as she, with phone in hand, slowly backs out through the doorway, grabbing blindly for the knob, as she does not wish to look away or break eye contact with Eldred. He gives a slight chuckle.

MORGAN ELDRED: “No, Mr. Heyman. I am efficient.”

JOEY STYLES: “Oh, man! Looks like Eldred is taking some control tonight! Madness might be in questionable hands. But no time to worry! We’re onto our next match! The first of two Triple Threats tonight!

“Who Says” by Selena Gomez & the Scene plays.

JOEY STYLES: “I’m glad to see for myself that Kimmy-K is still alive, all things considered…”

“Nice Guys Finish Last” by Green Day plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Joe Tuesday making a triumphant return at the…whim…of Paul Heyman.”

“What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Steve Davids is also undergoing a return. In the last week of XWF programming, we saw him join forces with The Brotherhood, essentially ousting Hunter Payne from the group!”

- vs -
Joe Tuesday
- vs -
Steve Davids
Triple Threat

The match begins with Steve Davids tearing out of his corner and leveling both Tuesday and Kimmy with a double clothesline! Kimmy is almost forced into an entire backflip from the impact, but instead lands square on her head, folding in half! Davids decides that Tuesday is a bigger threat, and begins to kick Tuesday in the head, driving Joe’s face into the mat!

With Tuesday out of the way for now, Davids moves onto Kimmy, dragging her to her feet by her hair. He stiff-arms a punch into her jaw, and shoves her backwards into the corner! With her back to the turnbuckle and her jaw smarting, she breaks into tears. Davids rolls his eyes, unfazed by Kimmy’s display of woe. He instead chooses to grab her hair again and slam her forehead into the turnbuckle! Kimmy bounces off violently, landing on her back. Davids seems to be enjoying this.

He approaches, and grabs her by the hair a third time, trying to drag her to her feet for more violence when…

Joe Tuesday nails him in the back of the head with a roundhouse kick! Davids goes down, and Tuesday scoops the leg for a pin!


Kick-out just before 2! Tuesday rolls off of Davids, only to receive a battering of open-handed punches from Kimmy-K! Her assault continues, but Tuesday seems to be shrugging off her feminine blows. He finally has enough, and shoves her away. As he approaches, Kimmy falls to her knees and lets the tears roll once again. Tuesday sighs and turns back to Davids, just in time to walk into a big boot from Davids!

With Tuesday down, Davids eyes Kimmy, now backing away into the opposite corner, hands outstretched as pre-emptive protection. But Kimmy should know by now that Davids is unswayed by her meek demeanor. He charges into the corner, and gives Kimmy a big boot, slamming her head into the middle turnbuckle! She falls limp onto the mat, and Davids gives a wicked laugh!

He turns back to Tuesday, disregarding Kimmy for now. As Tuesday reaches his feet, Davids Irish Whips him into the ropes. On the return, Davids powers up to deliver a spinning forearm, but Tuesday ducks it, springboards off the ropes, and dropkicks Davids in the mouth!

JOEY STYLES: “Tuesday with an amazing counter-offensive! Got some momentum now!”

With time, Tuesday pulls himself up with the ropes, taking a second to recover before he charges at Davids, who attempts to back body-drop Tuesday over the ropes! Tuesday lands on the outside! Davids turns to face him, unaware, and gets a throat full of ropes for his trouble, as Tuesday grabs his head and drops, throttling Davids onto the ropes!

He stumbles backwards, into a roll-up pin from Kimmy!



Kick-out! A nice try from Kimmy-K!

Davids is more annoyed than surprised, and quickly rises to his feet, only for Kimmy to give him a superkick to the jaw! Payback! Tuesday slides into the ring, but Kimmy is on him almost immediately, smacking him in the gut with a running kick! Tuesday is propelled up, and somehow lands on his feet, although clearly dazed from the kick, which took the wind right out of him! Kimmy follows up with a hurricanrana, launching Tuesday across the ring! He lands beside Davids, and Kimmy lets a hopeful smile spread across her lips.

JOEY STYLES: “She’s going to the top rope!”

Kimmy stands on the turnbuckle, looking a bit unsure. But she throws caution to the wind, and turns around before she leaps off and lands a devastating moonsault on both Tuesday and Davids! She decides to pin Tuesday!



Last minute kick-out from Tuesday! Kimmy can’t believe it! Choking back tears, she stands and falls back into the corner to catch her breath. Davids finally makes it onto two feet, and Kimmy charges! But Davids can sense her coming, and elbows her in the face before rocking her with a sidewalk slam! Davids then turns his attention to the gravely battered Tuesday, who has risen in the corner. Davids gets a running start, and lifts his leg for a big boot! Tuesday rolls out of danger, causing Davids to stub his leg on the turnbuckle! He pulls his leg off of the top rope, and turns right into Tuesday’s spear! Tuesday goes for a desperate pin!



Davids stays alive with a kick-out! Tuesday rolls away and pulls himself to his feet with the ropes. Kimmy moves in to attack, but Tuesday knocks her away with a European uppercut! He follows up with a kick to the gut, followed by a DDT! Injured, Kimmy rolls to the outside for a breather, as Davids charges toward Tuesday! Tuesday sees him coming, and hits Davids with the It’s Been a Long Day (Winds of Change)! Tuesday covers!



3! Tuesday picks up the return victory!

WINNER: Joe Tuesday
+4 Points

JOEY STYLES: “Amazing win for Joe Tuesday! Welcome back, Mr. Monday Night…er, Tuesday Night? Anyway, Madness will return after this word from our moneybags sponsors!”

Madness returns from commercial to find Andrew Morrison lounging backstage, clearly there in support of Christine as she is prepared to go up against Mr. Supernova for the Television Title. We see him standing around with some workers backstage, shooting the shit, when suddenly he is attacked from behind by three masked men.

They triple team Morrison as he tries to fight back. He is able to get a couple shots on two of the men and tries to focus his attack on the other when…


Morrison goes down hard to the concrete floor, grabbing at his knee in pain. The camera turns around revealing Christine Nash holding a lead pipe. She smiles with a huge grin, pleased by the experience of whacking her now-ex teammate in the back of the knee.


Sarah Parsons walks up into the picture and motions for the three men to hold up Andrew. They hold him up and Sarah kicks Andrew right between the legs with a hard kick. He goes down hard to the concrete floor.

The masked men take off their masks to reveal Matt Ward, Jim Ward and John Austin. Sarah plants a huge kiss on Jim's lips and hugs Matt.

The five walk off camera view as stage crew checks on Morrison.

What does this mean for Andrew Morrison?

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell was that all about? The Family has turned on Andrew Morrison! Guess we’ll have to find out later, because right now, one of The Family has the chance of a lifetime!”

“Circus for a Psycho” by Skillet plays.

Christine Nash appears on the stage, lead pipe still in hand. She cackles and kisses the pipe before tossing it aside and marching down the ramp into the ring.

“Supernova” by Oomph! plays.

The Television Champion drops in from the ceiling, landing at the top of the ramp, where he holds his title belt over one shoulder. He smiles and shakes his head upon looking down the ramp at his opponent before striding off to the ring.

XWF Television Title
Mr. Supernova
- vs -
Christine Nash
Standard Rules

As Supernova and Nash prepare to lock up, Christine suddenly steps back and smirks at the champion. Nova looks confused, until…

“Welcome to the Family” by Avenged Sevenfold plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Oh, no. It’s John Austin and Sarah Parsons!”

The Family arrives on the ramp to taunt Nova as he looks on. With the champion’s back turned, Nash spins and goes for a kick, but Nova turns and ducks it just in time, countering with a springboard DDT! Nova leaps to his feet, just as Austin slides into the ring. Nova quickly tosses a punch and lauches Austin over the top rope. Austin slams his shoulder into the hard floor.

With his back turned once more, Nash rolls Nova into a schoolboy pin!



Mr. Supernova kicks out! Undeterred, Nash pulls Nova to his feet and hits him with the spin kick she missed earlier. Nova rolls backwards, and lands back-first in the corner. Nash moves in and chokes him with the heel of her boot. She’s forced to release the choke when the ref nearly counts her out. Nova stumbles out of the corner, and rolls under another spin kick, which he counters with a dropkick to Nash’s abdomen.

Doubled over, Nash doesn’t see Nova’s leaping leg drop coming! Nova’s leg smashes her face into the mat! He rolls her over and goes for the pin!



Nash kicks out! Nova doesn’t let up, as he locks Nash’s left arm in an armbar, pulling back on her limb until she seems properly worn out. He releases the hold, signals to the crowd, and climbs up to the top rope!

Suddenly, Sarah Parsons appears on the opposite side’s apron, and the ref moves to force her back down to the floor. With the ref’s back turned, John Austin leaps onto the apron next to Nova and shoves the champion off the turnbuckle and into the middle of the ring! Nova slams back-first into the mat!

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell? The Family is using a numbers advantage here!”

Christine Nash crawls over and drapes an arm over Nova’s chest!



The champion kicks out! Unbelievable! Christine Nash sighs and slowly climbs to her feet. As Nova reaches his knees, Nash hooks both of his arms, prepping for the Angel’s Wings! But Nova reverses, tossing Nash over himself for a back body drop!

For a moment, it looks as if both competitors are down…then…

Nova kip-ups to his feet! The champ is up! He begins stomping at the mat and urging Nash to get up! The crowd is going wild as Nash finally stumbles onto her legs, and Nova delivers the Seeing Stars (RKO)! But there’s Sarah Parsons on the apron again! John Austin sneaks onto the opposite apron! But before either of them can get the attention of the ref, Nova superkicks Austin right under the chin, sending him flying backwards, landing back-first on the apron!

Nova then looks to Sarah Parsons, who quickly retreats from the apron. Finally able to turn his attention back to Nash, Nova smiles to the crowd. He nods, acknowledging what he knows they want to see! As Nash makes it to her knees, Nova tugs her head under his arm. He’s about to deliver the Darkest Light!

Parsons tugs on his leg, tripping him just enough so that Nash can wriggle out of the hold! The ref must be blind! Nash quickly takes the opportunity to lock Nova in a head scissors and heel kick him right in the temple! Nova clutches his head in agony, but Nash flips Nova as he’s still in the headscissors! He goes tumbling across the mat, accidentally smacking the ref upside the head with his foot as he rolls! The ref goes down!

JOEY STYLES: “We’ve got a man down! Anything goes until he gets back up!”

John Austin is already in the ring, having retrieved one of the fans’ steel folding chairs. He smacks it against the mat, yelling at Nova to get up and take what’s coming to him. Ever so slowly, Nova rises with his back turned to Austin.

He reaches his knees…

His feet…

He rises…


“Paper Planes” by MIA blasts through the speakers.

JOEY STYLES: “Luca Arzegotti! The European Champion is in the house!”

John Austin and Christine Nash turn to the ramp in utter disbelief. But Luca isn’t there.

He’s emerged from the crowd, and slips into the ring behind their backs! He charges, and Austin is nailed in the back of the head with the European Championship belt! Before she can even react, Nash is also smacked in the face with the belt! Luca signals to Mr. Supernova to end it!

Nova steps over to Nash, picks her up, and puts her down with the Darkest Light (Cross Rhodes)! Luca shakes the ref into semi-consciousness and slips out of the ring before the official can notice him there. The ref crawls over and counts Nova’ pin on Nash!




WINNER: Mr. Supernova
+5 Points

JOEY STYLES: “Those frenemies just pulled their own numbers game on The Family!”

Luca Arzegotti and Mr. Supernova head up the ramp, holding their titles aloft and laughing as Sarah Parsons crawls into the ring to check on her fallen brethren. Madness slowly fades into commercial.

Out comes Matt Lennox with Joy Giovanni.

JOEY STYLES: “The newest couple in the XWF. Matt Lennox and Joy Giovanni promised a match tonight against Hunter Payne, where Hunter will lay down and let Matt Lennox pin him… but they weren't serious...were they?”

Matt and Joy enter the ring and Joy grabs a mic.

JOY: “Hey, how is everybody? Yes Los Angeles, your hometown queen has returned! With a different King! Ladies and gentlemen, Baltimore native, Matt Lennox!”

Matt poses for Joy's introduction and the LA crowd boos

JOY: “Now for the other Los Angeles native, Hunter Payne...”

Loud and positive reaction for the Hunter Payne mention.

JOY: “Yes I know, when he was being managed by me we all loved him, but now he has become the biggest joke of the XWF. I mean… I broke him. He has been so entangled in this non-existent love triangle, it got him kicked out of the one thing he had going for him, The Brotherhood. Now the once great Mexican star gets to watch as his beautiful ex takes his archrival to the top of the company, as well as watching his former 'brothers' reach heights he could have reached with them, but instead, he chooses to pander to the lowest common denominator: the fans.”

-The Los Angeles fans cheer for themselves-

JOY: "I bet you think it can't get any worse for you right Hunter? Well your wrong! We are here in our hometown! The stars are out! And all of your adoring Latin followers are about to see you take a dive. As you all know me and Hunter have a joint contract, where if one of us breaches the said contrct both of us will be released from the XWF. Now I can leave no problem, you think I like you people? But Hunter loves this place. So Hunter I hold your kryptonite. You must do whatever I tell you, so I demand you march down here. Say hello to all your fans. Then lay down and get pinned by Matt Lennox. Then get a microphone and say your still my bitch. Then become our chauffeur and drive us around while we fuck in the backseat."

STYLES: "Wow!"

JOY: But first, come down here and show everybody here why Matt Lennox is better than you!

After a few moments

Use Somebody by Kings of Leon hits

Hunter Payne comes out to a big hometown reception. Wasting no time he runs to the ring, only to have Matt Lennox roll out of the ring on the other side. The music stops as Joy begins to speak.

JOY: “Hey, easy now! Remember joint contract Hunter! Come on, Matt, get back in here. Hunter isn't stupid enough to attack his superiors.”

Matt Lennox re-enters the ring and Hunter looks like he wants to kill somebody, but he can't.

JOY: “Hey LA? You want to know a fun fact? In the span of their time in the XWF together, Hunter Payne has never beaten Matt Lennox.”

JOEY STYLES: “Now she’s adding insult to injury.”

JOY: “What are you waiting for? Ring the bell! Let's go!”


JOEY STYLES: “Is this match actually going to happen?”

Just as Joey styles says that, a referee sprints to the ring, so it is official. Joy gets out of the ring, but keeps the mic in her hand.

JOY: “Great. Now, lay down, Hunter.”

Hunter doesn't lay down, but in fact challenges Matt Lennox to a test of strength.

Hands tangled with each other. Payne overpowers Lennox to the ground, but Lennox bridges, but Payne breaks the bridge with his knee, So Lennox kips up. Payne arm wrenches then relases his hands from Lennox's. Lennox holds his arm for second then turns back towards Payne.


JOEY STYLES: “Big time slap across the face! Disrespected intended by Hunter Payne!”

Lennox falls back from the slap impact into Joy's corner. Joy gets on the apron and speaks.

JOY: “NO! NO! NO! You're supposed to lay down! “

Hunter Payne with an angry gaze towards Joy... but eventually he complies and goes down to one knee.

JOY: “That's it, now lie down!”

Hunter unwillingly falls to the mat. Matt Lennox still holding his face, puts his boot on Hunter Payne's chest.




Hunter Payne gets back on one knee, as Matt looks at joy.

JOY: “Damn it! That's it! Paul Heyman! I q—“

Before Joy can finish that sentence Hunter goes lays back down on the mat.

Matt kicks Hunter's face with a few light boots, not to inflict damage, just to add insult to injury. Lennox with a second cover.




Winner: Matt Lennox

JOY: “Here is your winner, Matt Lennox!”

Joy raises Matt Lennox's hand.

JOY: Hey hometown loser! Get over here and raise the winner's hand!”

Just as Hunter is about to shamefully do it...

MORGAN ELDRED: “Wait just one moment!”

All attention is turned to Morgan Eldred who is on the entrance stage, a microphone in hand. He gives a roll of the eyes and holds the microphone up to speak.

MORGAN ELDRED “Now, I’ve heard of this joint contract predicament from the security cams I’ve had installed throughout the building, and the fact is… it wasn't made to be exploited like it is. Yes, Joy you found a legal loophole. I, however, found that, despite Hunter's constant push to get this problem fixed, an actual retraction was never given to the Administrative Network…Until today. So I have been advised to temporarily suspend the joint contract and have both of you sign temporary contracts until the we can have this whole thing sorted out. By which I mean a full match between Hunter Payne and Matt Lennox!”

JOEY STYLES: “Finally, things are looking up for Hunter Payne!”

MORGAN ELDRED: “The stipulations will be as follows: If Hunter Payne wins, he gets his own individual contract. But if Matt Lennox wins, the joint contract will be reinstated and Joy will still be able to manipulate Hunter all she wants. And lastly, Hunter's freedom papers will be in a briefcase, 20 some feet above the ring. That's right, Payne vs Lennox…in a ladder match!”

JOEY STYLES: “A ladder match! This is huge!”

MORGAN ELDRED: “Oh, and one more thing. Since Hunter is as of now officially on his own temporary contract, he no longer has to worry about following Joy's orders... for now at least. You all have a good night, then.”

Just as Eldred leaves, the camera turns back to the ring where Matt and Joy don't want to turn around to see a free Hunter Payne. Lennox slowly turns around.

Spear take down by Hunter Payne followed by mounted punches!


Lennox is out. Hunter now turns his attention to that cheating bitch Joy.

As Joy backs into the corner and pleads with Hunter not to hurt her. Hunter sees Matt Lennox is stirring, so he goes back and starts stomping a mudhole into Lennox, but giving Joy the opportunity to escape up the entrance ramp.

Payne eventually notices and runs after her until about halfway up the ramp. Instead of following her backstage, he goes back towards the ring and looks under it... he's looking... and looking... and finds... A Ladder!

JOEY STYLES: “Even with Paul Heyman on vacation, Madness always finds a way to be Extreme!”

Hunter Payne takes the ladder into the ring and smashes the top of it into Matt Lennox's ribs. Then throws it onto the back of a fallen Lennox... then picks the ladder up and does it again! Once... Twice... Thrice... Four times! Hunter then puts the ladder on his shoulder and waits for Lennox to get up. Exactly the opposite of what happened last week with the steel steps.

JOEY STYLES: “This is anger and frustration. Hunter is taking everything out on Matt Lennox right now... Lennox, Joy, and, in his head, probably The Brotherhood as well!”

Lennox reaches his feet and...


JOEY STYLES: “Lennox just ate the top of the ladder! And I can't say he didn't deserve it!”

Hunter Payne goes into his embracing hometown crowd to celebrate with his fans this small victory in the bigger war.

JOEY STYLES: Well, Hunter Payne may have the worst luck in the XWF right now, but if tonight is any indication, things are looking up. Madness will be right back with a number one contender’s match!”

“Hunt You Down” by Saliva plays

The lights in the arena fall dark for just a moment before the sounds of Saliva's "Hunt You Down" begin to play, the lights above the ring flashing white and blue before sparks rain down around the ring at the first vocals. The lights continue flashing in time with the powerful drum beat as a bright white spotlight shines down on the imposing form of Shawn Steele as he emerges from the back, stopping for a moment to stand at the top of the stage before making his way out to the ring.

“Part of Your World” by Darren Criss plays.

JOEY STYLES: And here comes Tri Bute! This damn skilled competitor just won a third of the Trios Titles last Wednesday on Warfare alongside Egyptian Snow Pharaoh and Jessie Diaz! Maybe tonight he can add another title shot to his new gold!”

“Per Aspera Ad Inferi” by Ghost plays.

JOEY STYLES: “I guess John Austin’s been cleared to compete after that gnarly blow to the head he took from Luca Arzegotti earlier tonight.”

#1 Contender to the Television Title
Shawn Steele
- vs -
Tri Bute
- vs -
John Austin
Triple Threat

The three men start of at the sound of the bell by carefully circling each other, each looking for an opportunity to strike. Tri Bute leaps off the gun, rolling toward Shawn Steele and clotheslining him over the top rope! Steele lands hard on the floor outside. John Austin creeps up behind Tri Bute and rocks the man of the future with a German suplex, which causes Tri Bute to land awkwardly on his neck. Austin stomps on Tri Bute’s upper shoulders a few times before letting off.

Shawn Steele slides back into the ring, only for Austin to deck him across the face and slam Steele’s face into the corner turnbuckle! Steele leans over the turnbuckle for support, only to receive a stiff kick to the kidneys from Austin! Steele crumples to the mat in pain. But behind Austin, Tri Bute has made it to his feet, and gets a little vengeance on Austin with a German suplex of his own! Following this, Tri Bute rolls into the corner, flattening Steele with a big boot to the head! Steele goes tumbling out of the ring and onto the outside once more.

Tri Bute turns his attention back to Austin, picking him up into a fireman’s carry slam! Tri Bute pins!



Kick out from Austin! Tri Bute wastes no time, however, and mounts Austin to give him a series of rough punches to the head! Austin manages to shove Tri Bute off of him, but Tri Bute puts Austin back down with a rolling big boot. He picks up Austin and slams him back into the mat with a simple body slam. He bounces off the ropes, rolls, and executes a leg drop onto Austin’s neck! Another pin!



Broken up by Shawn Steele! He clobbers Tri Bute upside the head with an axe-handle punch, causing the future athlete to roll off of Austin. Tri Bute climbs to his feet, only to be clotheslined to the outside by Steele! Now in control, Steele sets his sights on the worn-out John Austin, who pulls on the ropes to make it to his feet. Steele charges, raising his leg for a big boot to Austin’s skull!

…but Sutin ducks, pulling the rope down with him! Steele’s groin smashes into the top rope, and he’s left hanging, the rope still between his legs! Austin then violently kicks the rope from beneath, essentially hitting Steele with a legal low-blow! Steele screams in agony, and falls backwards off the top rope and back into the ring.

Austin forces Steele onto his feet, and pulls him into a suplex. He allows Steele to hang in the air for a moment, before bringing him down with a brain buster! The top of Steele’s head is slammed into the mat! Austin with the cover!



Broken up by Tri Bute as he kicks Austin in the side of the head! But Tri Bute is relentless, as he locks Austin up from behind, and hits him with three consecutive German suplexes! Tri Bute rolls onto his feet and pulls Austin up as well. His hand wraps around Austin’s throat!

JOEY STYLES: “He’s going for the Torrential Tri Bute!”

Suddenly, Shawn Steele rushes at Tri Bute, but the man of the future sees the Brotherhood member coming! He tosses Austin aside and instead grabs Steele by the throat! Chokeslam! The Torrential Tri Bute on Steele!

Tri Bute turns around just in time for Austin to kick him in the gut and deliver the High Times (Inverted Death Valley Driver)! Austin stands above the two competitors, completely out of breath. Steele begins to stir and climb to his feet, and Austin prepares to do the same to him, when…

Rebel emerges from the crowd, wielding a steel chair! He slides under the bottom rope, shoving the ref aside. Austin steps back, amused, as Rebel glares at Shawn Steele. Just as Rebel seems primed to smack Steele upside the head…


Rebel turns and nails Austin with the chair! The ref signals for the bell! This is a DQ victory for Austin!

WINNER: John Austin
#1 Contender to Television Title
+4 Points

Before Shawn Steele can even react, Rebel slips out of the ring. Steele looks furious as Rebel makes his way up the ramp, snickering.

JOEY STYLES: “Oh, my god! This wasn’t an attack on John Austin! Rebel wanted to cost Steele the match!”

Steele rises to his feet, stomping mad. He glares up the ramp at Austin, who sheepishly shrugs and grins as the fans go wild! Unable to contain his rage any further, Steele notices Tri Bute finally getting up after taking a High Times from Austin. Steele grabs the steel chair Rebel left behind and smashes it into Tri Bute’s skull! He goes down! In a fit of rage, Steele lobs the chair into the audience next to the ramp and points threateningly up at Rebel, who is still cackling away as Madness fades out.


Make Me Laugh: Tri Bute +2

Blue Collar: Mr. Supernova +2

Best Roleplay: Mr. Supernova +2

The Cliffhanger: N/A

Best Supporting Cast: Steve Davids +2

Hot Mic: Liz Hathaway +2

The Morgan Eldred Guy(s): John Austin +2, Liz Hathaway +2

The Administration Network's Monday Madness Representative

[Image: ETplk8L.png]
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[-] The following 11 users Like Morgan Eldred's post:
AlexandraCallaway (10-15-2013), Andrew Morrison (10-15-2013), CharlotteDyson (10-15-2013), Christine Nash (10-15-2013), Hunter Payne (10-15-2013), John Austin (10-15-2013), Liz Hathaway (10-15-2013), MattWard (10-16-2013), Mr. Radio (10-15-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-15-2013), Tri Bute (10-15-2013)
Liz Hathaway Offline
Do you have the power to let power go?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-15-2013, 04:59 PM

Finally won my first singles match!

[Image: 246195bf6992c5da7d09ff840f1abc76.jpg]

XWF Record

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Liz Hathaway's post:
Hunter Payne (10-15-2013)
Jenna Silver Offline
A part of Twerk Team U.S.A 2013/2014

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Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-15-2013, 05:05 PM

Yay! Lizzy!!!

[Image: lPLDvvG.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Jenna Silver's post:
Liz Hathaway (10-15-2013)
Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-15-2013, 06:33 PM

Congrates to you Nova... good fight! Congrates to you Austin as well... And all the winners.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

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Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-15-2013, 09:43 PM

good stuff guys

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-15-2013, 09:52 PM

OOC: I'm interested in what you guys think of the Payne/Joy/Lennox storyline so far? Are y'all bein' entertained?

[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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Mr. Radio Offline
Best in the Multiverse!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-15-2013, 10:01 PM

OOC:"Are you not entertained?!" I think its pretty enjoyable hunter.

[Image: tumblr_mo8afmAXfD1rregw1o1_500.gif]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Mr. Radio's post:
AlexandraCallaway (10-15-2013), Hunter Payne (10-15-2013)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-15-2013, 10:58 PM

(10-15-2013, 10:01 PM)Mr. Radio Said: OOC:"Are you not entertained?!" I think its pretty enjoyable hunter.

Gladiator... nice one Radio

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

10-15-2013, 11:07 PM

OOC: Really?

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Kimmy-K Offline
You are beautiful! I'll always love you!

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-15-2013, 11:26 PM

Ouch. Not how I wanted my first match to go....

OOC: Kimmy should probably have been pinned, TBH... Just opinion.

[Image: DDWnd.jpg]
Who says, who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's hurtin'?
Trust me, that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
Who says?
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