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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Relentless Day 2 RP Boards 2022
Nightmare On Gravy Lane
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-13-2022, 12:46 PM

We start with a series of shots. All close up and teasing.

A man's feet, in tattered brown work boots, stride by a wall of large metal pipes in a dark place, lit by fire, and strewn with ash.

[Image: boilerroom.jpg]

We can only guess; but a boiler room is where this seems to be.

"My life: A constant living nightmare."

"Parents dead before I could even remember what their faces looked like."

"Seperated from my twin brother. A relationship that was never repaired."

"Struggling to find my footing in a business that was done with guys like me before I even started."

"And all of the screw jobs, betrayals, attempted murders that lead me from then to now."

"The worst part, you ask? Having the Universe stolen from me by a floor! Yeah, you heard me! A FLOOR! Raion Kido proved that he's a tough son of a bitch when he defended the Uni against me, but he didn't fucking beat me, the floor did!"

"I don't give a good Goddamn how many liver punches Kido woulda hit! If I didn't lose my footing and crack my skull on the concrete, we'd be looking at a much different story right now!"

"Still, after I recovered from my head injury later that night..."

[Image: Gravy-s-back.jpg]

"I made a vow to never let the fucking floor, or Mark Flynn's excessive use of baby oil fuck me so hard again! From that point on, Gravy would be doing ALL OF THE FUCKING!"

"And come the very next day, I scooped what I could find of my brains back into my fucking head, like a boss, and I marched down to the ring with my hardcore brother Barney Green, and NOT that lame, fat, pussy, Darren Dangle-less and we served those dipshits an "L" that would give Centurion all the ammo he needs to drag their names in the mud, cept for the fact that ole' Gravy punked his ass just a few weeks ago as well!"

"Now, I look to cross paths with LSM for... Uh, honestly... I don't have a clue. Maybe she's mad about the fap leak, but that's stupid. She ain't that pretty, even for a butterface. I haven't busted a nut to any of that shit in weeks, and I lost that phone anyway, so eh... Problem solved?"

"Don't fret chicka, Gravy ain't gonna leave you all alone on such a Relentless night. There is still the fact that Gravy has a Television title shot coming up against either Bobby Bourbon, which means I need to sharpen my blades to cut that keto dieting fuck so far down to size that he looks fat again; OR I gotta out fuck Dick Powers without getting fucked by Dick Powers."

"Either way, the slippery former Xtreme Champion whose minimum effort of kickout, run away, rinse, wash, and repeat; did no favors to the newly established Gravy brand! So, what better way to regain some of that momentum than to corner a bitch in a fight where she can't just run, she can't just hide, but she has to stand face to face with a living XTREME nightmare, and tackle the impossible task of preventing him from carving out his future in her flesh!"

We see a dirty, nail-biting hand, reaching into the frame and picking up a piece of metal.

Another angle where his hand grabs a dirty work glove and hacks at the fingertips with a razor until they rip.

We close in on the same hands dumping four fishing knives out of a filthy bag. Their blades are thin, curved, gleaming sharp.

"Do you know why I don't like you, LSM? Because I don't like you, and I'm not just talking about your ugly as fuck bitch face either. I mean you, mind, body, fucking spirit. I do not like YOU, and the reason that is, is quite simple: Because you're weak. Pathetic. A blubbering child. For all of the talk over the years of my apparent lack of talent, drive, spirit, or whatever the fuck else I've been accused of lacking, the one thing that ain't nobody ever gonna accuse me of is being a fucking bitch!"

"I used to paint my face up with a skull to look scary. You fucking do it to look approachable! Now, while I'm blurring the lines of the context of the word, let's talk about your bitch ass reaction to Big Preesh forwarding your sexy time pics to me."

"OHH-EMM-GEEEE! I'm so violated! BOO-HOO! WAH-WAH! How will I ever recover!?"

"FUCK YOU! You took those pictures for the very same reason every other bitch takes those fucking things. You want men to fucking drool over you and worship the ground you scuff with those ashy as fuck feet! Act like you're mad they got out! You probably only mad because you intended that shit to go to Only Fans or some shit, and ole Gravy beat you to the punch and robbed you of a payday."

"Well, get used to it!"

"They say that we're going back in time to 1985 in this Hill Valley Brawl. Good year, Gravy was 13! Instinct told me that I should tie that into a Friday The 13th reference, but one thing to remember about Gravy is that he rarely follows the rules!"

"So I'M going back to 1984 and saying fuck Valley Falls. We may have to fight there, but I'm training in Springwood, baby!"

We can hear the man wheeze, but we still don't see his face. We're just seeing more metallics being shaped and combined together with the use of crude tools; into some sort of linkage: It's a sprawling spider-like contraption against the backlighting of fire, the deep whoosh of steam, and a heavy dark energy.

Then we see that metal linkage attached to the glove.

And finally, the blades attached to all of it.

A hand slips into the gauntlet-like gadget, fills it, and transforms into a destructive and deadly weapon with four glowing blades on the blackened fingertips. 

[Image: glove.gif]

Suddenly, the hand burned and waved forward through a painted canvas, ripping it to shreds.

[Image: LSMshreds.jpg]

As Gravy laughed deep from within!

"That's right LSM, nudie pics are the least of your concern! You find yourself now in a most dire situation! Saturday, September the 24th! Currently listed as the second match on the card because my opponent doesn't have shit going on after that disgraceful as fuck Xtreme Title loss, so Gravy: The Number One Contender to the XWF Television Championship is made to suffer, but that's okay because Gravy is going to filiet your fucking flesh and kiss the Goddamned meat from your fucking bones until every mother fucker sitting in those stands is on their feet cheering the most GOREGASMINGLY fucking OBSCENE acts of fucking ULTRAVIOLENCE that they've ever seen!"

"In other words, bitch! Gravy's gonna carve his future out of your hide and with the way I'm feeling here lately, there ain't shit that even a first generation Nickles could do about it, much less a genetically polluted second rate second gender loser like you, puta!"

Gravy sneers as he flicks his wrist and spawls his fingers to expose the blades of his Gravy glove. 

"You're not ready for me, chicka! You can't handle the Gravy! Couldn't hold it all in if you tried! I'd advise you to give up now, but that would rob me of all of the fun that we get to have together. A gang bang with a literal gang. I'm very much looking forward to it! Maybe I can stick ya!"

Gravy flicks his finger blades into the camera with a wild glee!

"Maybe I'll LET ya stick me!"

Micheal claws at his own face, breaking the skin, but only slightly and enough to see the faintest of red peak through.

[Image: GravyLn.jpg]

How did we get here?

A few nights back.

In the Gravy cave!

Which is the code name for Gravy's newest temporary shanty.

[Image: tv.jpg]

It's also where this story begins!

"So, you ate shit in the two that mattered, but you're giddy as hell over beating Team Maga?" The younger envisioned Graves questioned the source of his life.

"Shut up, will ya? I'm tryin' to watch this shit!"

The younger Graves face twisted with disdain, but he remained quiet and watched along for a moment.

A bloody Tina rakes a long furrow in the ceiling with her fingernails, but her eyes are glazing, and then they fall closed.

Her body suddenly flops against the ceiling, hanging for an awful moment over the bed. Blood burst with the final killing blow and her body falls limp to the bed!

Rod is staring like a terrified child. All he can muster is; "Tina"?

"Maybe if you did more shit like that and spent less time sitting on your ass, you wouldn't always be crying over how you shit the bed with our career!"

Graves sits up in his chair and leers back at the imagined him that doesn't even seem to care for him. Life's a bitch, but Gravy ain't!

"Who in the fuck you think you're talking to? I ain't no pussy, and only pussies gush when they get emotional!"

Young Micheal taps Gravy's phone screen awake, revealing one of the revealing pictures of LSM that Gravy will later lie about not having anymore. 

"Then why don't you get off of your fat ass and show me how much of a bad ass motherfucker you are by making this pussy gush all over Hill Valley Town Square!?"

Gravy's eyes widen, his teeth bare, and he breathes in deep through his mouth.

"Why?" Gravy's eyebrow raises in query as all signs of excitement quickly fade. 

"Uh!?! Because she's the next match!"

Gravy waves himself off and turns back towards the TV.

"Meh, I have nothing to prove against her. Maybe if she didn't get flattened by Big Preesh we coulda had a fight, but now? Meh!"

Gravy's lack of interest deflates Young Micheal. What's truly interesting is how these two are the same person spawned from the same mind, and yet they're constantly at odds. 


"Why's it have to be about proving something anyway?"

"Why does it have to be? Are you kidding me right now!? You know exactly why! Because I'm the fucking joke! I'm the class clown! They throw me into these matches with hacks like this in order to keep me buried! Second match on the fucking card... NIGHT TWO NO LESS! Midcard of the Midcard! King of the Midcards!"

"That's Mark Flynn."

"Shut up!"

"And he beat you, so you can't even steal it!"


Gravy jumps to his feet! He grabs the TV with one hand and hurls it towards the younger him! It passes right though him and smashes into the wall with an explosion of plastic and glass!


"Me!?! I didn't make you do anything!"

Graves huffs and puffs as he paces a line.


Graves stomps his foot into the dirt!


He stomps it again!


And again!


This time with an evil glare to the cold Earth below him!


"Still mad at the floor?"

Gravy jerks his head in Young Graves direction with a wild look in his eyes.

"You're Goddamned right I am! I should be champion right now! Living the high life! Fancy hotels and all that shit! Instead I'm still rotting away in Nowheresville staring down the barrel of a meaningless waste of time with LSM! Fuck me and fuck you floor!"

Gravy stomps the ground once more for good measure!

"Why don't you just make the match mean something then?"

"Like what? It's not like I can just go win a title for the bitch! That's the only way she's worth a fuck, sure ain't her face, damn sure not her feet, tits seem okay at best. Ass is pretty nice, but I have reservations after seeing the full package. She's also not worth wrestling either."

Oh man, even Young Graves seems taken aback by that. 

"Uh, yeah... I don't think she's that bad man. Definitely a solid 7, but I was speaking less on her and more on you bro. You keep talking all that shit about being XTREME! You're making us look like complete clowns by hanging out with The Dipshit Daddies to try and prove it. Well, that's obviously not working because it's fucking Barney Green and Darren Dangerous, so why not take a different approach and use the XWF's biggest show of the year to paint for fucking masterpiece of violence and mayhem?" 

That TV from earlier?

It now lays on its side. Glass cracked; how it isn't completely shattered is a mystery. The extension cord is stretched a mile, but somehow still holds firm. Micheal's attention darts to the screen. Freddy is chasing Nancy. She fears for her life. Stupid Johnny Depp was supposed to be watching her, but he fell asleep. Likely from booze. Mark this is the first time Johnny allegedly got drunk and put a woman's safety at risk. The chase scene does seem to inspire Gravy as a sinister grin stretches onto his face.

"Maybe I can have some fun with this match up after all!"

Just a little while later, deeper underground in a nearby building, Micheal and Micheal walk into a dark room that's only lit by the dim screen of Micheal's cheap flashlight free cell phone.

Micheal flips a big heavy breaker and the room comes to life with lights, monitors, and various flashing buttons and dials.

It's the BOB lab that housed the machine that Gravy used to inadvertently Groundhog Day himself!

"I don't get it, what are you supposed to do with that thing? I think Hobotown is played out bro."

Gravy sneered as he ripped away the control panel and began randomly crossing wires!

"If my calculations are correct, reversing the polarity of the solenoid capacitors and regulating the voltage to 1.21 Gigawatts should allow me to charge the reminet potato powers in my bloodstream."

Gravy sits himself in the chair and places the heavy metal helmet over his head.

"And if I'm right, I'll become a real life Freddy Krueger and kill that bitch in her dreams before I even have to suffer the fucking embarrassment of match two night two with a titleless slut that isn't worth a hair off of the worthless sack that created her!"

"Wow, I guess I didn't realize how much you hated LSM..."

"I don't hate LSM, but I do hate her wasting my time and not even responding to my messages about meeting up prematch to blow off steam before we get bloody. That shit's just rude. Seriously! Anyone that sits on a text for more than 12 hours can get fucked, and in LSM's case it's the easy way or the hard way, and the easy way just pulled out of the fucking station!"

Graves slams his palm onto the control board to start the simulation.




[Image: Foolish.jpg]

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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[-] The following 7 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-13-2022), Chris Page (09-13-2022), Dolly Waters (09-13-2022), Marf (09-17-2022), Raion Kido (09-17-2022), Theo Pryce (09-24-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (09-13-2022)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post!
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