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Mine to Win.
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-14-2021, 04:43 PM

My road to Redemption is in full swing as I have bided my time for this one chance, this one opportunity to show the world; but more importantly show Alias exactly why I am now just like I have always been the goddamn man around the land of Xtreme. It’s now personal to me while we are no doubt headed towards the biggest Relentless of all time that will see ME defending the Universal Championship on Night Three, or perhaps across all three nights if what I have planned comes to fruition. Unlike my counterpart for this formality, I haven’t been sitting on the sidelines since missing out on War Games, or did I? From where I am sitting I left a very lasting profession if you ask me.

Showing up at the opportune time to do unto Robert that he did unto me was nothing short of poetic.

But the time of watching the division I redefined slipped back into obscurity has officially come and gone.

The time and place have been set for my impending rise back to the top of the mountain as I reclaim what I never should have lost, the Universal Championship, and in the process, it will not only cement MY spot at Relentless but it will shift that power back in BOB’s direction after a few rough outings- but it only takes one major triumph to overcome the many tragedies that have befallen us dating back to Leap of Faith with Apex and Legacy single-handedly setting the table for Alias to War Games where we all know Team BOB got fucked.

The stance I took with Miss Fury is the stance I take now. It’s not if you win or lose it’s what you do to bounce back. For me, it’s time to go back to the basics, to what brought me to the dance in the first place; taking no prisoners and leaving bodies in my wake. There’s no doubt that Alias is trembling, those knees are knocking so loud he almost answered them for now there is no smoke and mirrors to save him from the thrashing that he is long, long overdue for. It’s time to rewrite the terrible wrong that was fallen upon me for no other reason than because I was too good to contend with, but where everyone is wrong hinges on the word “was”... I still am too good to contend with.

We are still in the era of Chris Page for the handcuffs are off and everything is fair game.

The scene opens in a private training facility, parts unknown. It’s there we see a ring is set up in the center of the gym with various training equipment surrounding it. In the ring we see Chris Page taking some flat back bumps repeatedly; falling back flat on his back before popping back up to his feet, back down to the mat, back up to his feet, and so on and so forth before finally taking a break as he walks across the ring to a set of turnbuckles where on the apron is a bottle of water as well as a white towel.

Chris reaches down picking up the towel in one hand and the bottle of water in the other. He wipes the sweat from his brow before slinging the towel over his left shoulder. He cracks open the bottle of water where he takes several gulps before twisting the top back on the bottle. He stands in the corner in silence before closing his eyes. Upon closing his eyes visions from Leap of Faith dance through his head.

Page shoves away from Betsy as he squares off with her not realizing that he is now surrounded. Betsy giggles at Chris, and now Chris starts to slowly turn around to see Shawn Warstein, James Raven, Drew Archyle, Jim Caedus… and Robert Main!

Main immediately decks Page with a right hand sending him spinning towards Drew who decks Page sending him spinning towards Betsy who decks him sending him towards Raven who decks him sending him towards Caedus who levels Page sending him back towards Main who drops Page with a huge right hand to the roar from the crowd!

HHL: Talk about getting served a dose of your own medicine! You might not like it Pip, but I am loving this!

Page starts to push himself up off the mat as we see Warstein back up into a neutral corner before charging forward blasting Page with a running knee strike to the face! Caedus reaches down picking Page up off the mat where he sets up Page and delivers the NAIL DRIVER!

Pip: This is not right on so many levels!

The crowd is on fire for Main who reaches down picking Page up off the mat where he takes him up in a Torture Rack position! He stares towards the hard camera before letting out a massive primal scream before FINALLY delivering the DEAD MANS HAND to a roar from the crowd!

HHL: Apex and Legacy have left BOB laying! Chris Page might be leaving with the Universal Championship but at what ultimate cost?!

Main, Caedus, Archyle, Granger, Warstein, and Raven look at the destruction in and around the ring as we see them all start to exit the ring. Main and company backtrack up the ramp as Page is laid out in the center of the ring.

Chris opens his eyes where he gazes into the camera where he states.

” The moment that leads to the Universal Championship being taken away from me still haunts me to this very day. Most people might take solace knowing that six people had to do the work for the seventh to get the job done, but not I.”

Chris snatches the towel off his left shoulder before laying it over the top rope.

” Alias and others might suggest that a true Champion is always prepared, it’s kind of hard to prepare when you are pretty much unconscious... Alias, you picked up the scraps, you used your briefcase to get you to where you are and for that I commend you.”

I do commend you for being a gutless fucking prick that saw fit to steal something out from under me because you weren’t capable of calling your shot like a TRUE champion would. It exposed you to the world for being a punk that was forced to strike when I was at my weakest. Congratulations on defeating a broken CCP, it did wonders for you didn’t it? You took my ball and elevated it, didn’t you? The FUCK you did?! You’ve made all of three appearances since winning that strap; defended it against two goddamn doormats, and now the roster seems to think that you are the second coming of Christ.

There’s only one Jesus Christ, he built my dining room table.

It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach that you have fluked your way through the XWF for the last nine months with only serving ONE real threat to your reigns, and the one that beat you wasn’t the one in question. You made waves by slaying my king... but you never slew the First Knight, or not in a way worth bragging about.

” You did it once, not let us all see you do it again. Only this time the playing field is leveled and your advantages are non-existent which all but means you are fucked. What you did when you cashed that briefcase in was take away the validation that I worked so hard to attain. All the careful planning, the elaborate plot to take out Robert Main to get me to Thaddeus Duke was all for nothing because YOU beat ONE guy to get a briefcase? Doesn’t seem like a fair trade to me, and while you are the first to cash in a case on Chris Page it’s not the first time I have seen Champions take the throne using that very tactic.”

Chris leans back into the ropes stretching his back out in the process.

” The one thing that makes you skid your shorts more than anything else revolves around just how the hell you are going to defeat me one on one, man to man. No Apex, No BOB, it’s just me and you in a match in which YOU are the one with everything to lose with absolutely nothing to gain. While you have been sitting on the sidelines since War Games you have had ample time to formulate some sort of strategy, you have had adequate time to come up with whatever excuses you want to come up with in order to save some sort of face for the impending failure that is on your horizons.”

Words can’t describe the level of importance that comes with me winning the Universal Championship for a second time. Many people have done it once, very few have done it twice. I am looking to make that list of exclusive companies which will only further add to my Hall of Legends wing that has my name firmly etched. I already know what I am capable of, I already know what it takes to get to the top and stay at the top. People can talk all the shit they want about having Robert Main taken out to get me there but it was MY talent and MY ability that defeated Thaddeus Duke, and it was my talent that took down R.L. Edgar who was the hungriest he had ever been. It will be that talent and ability that is going to snatch you up by the ankles and mop the mat with your fucking hair.

You haven’t done shit that leads me to believe that you are a threat to me.

” I have gone back to the basics in order to prepare for you. Back to the ring where everything is won or lost, removing all other distractions from my head so that I can be coming into this clearer headed than I have for any other match that I have ever been involved in. You are getting my undivided attention after I dispose of your former friend Betsy Granger on Warfare. I hope you are paying very close attention to what I do to her for her sacrifice does not need to go unseen. She, much like yourself, has put herself in harm’s way and shall pay the price for sins against Chris Page.”

I have always been a guy that exercises a sense of patience when it comes to getting what I want. Calculated, malicious. Do you think for one minute that I didn’t plan to knock off Betsy and then you within two weeks of each other? Killing RMI within one fail swoop; I mean if that’s even still a thing because it died well before the Left Hand did. My logic behind it all is to further pad my resume at your expense.

” In this ring, you are my prey while I am in the apex-predator that smells your blood a mile away. This moment is the one that I have been waiting for, Alias. Coming off War Games where your momentum should be at an all-time high the unstoppable Champion shall finally fall victim to the one guy that is just simply better than him, Chris Page. Now I know that this isn’t going to be the easiest feat to accomplish, yet when you have been watching, observing, and isolating the kinks in the armor that is Alias you start to see the MANY flaws in his game. Over the next two weeks, I am going to take you all on a ride while I show you have you systematically take apart someone that claims to be a Universal Champion.”

Chris gazes intently into the camera.

” Georgia is on my mind.”

... to be continued.

Words from the Stoned One:

Goddamn I have been waiting for this right here! Not only have I been waiting for it, fucking Universe has because never in the sport of Professional Wrestling has there ever been such a miscarriage of justice that has been needing to be avenged MORE than Alias cashing in a briefcase to take away MY Universal Championship- and yes I said MY, because in the eyes of many not including my own that Championship is still around my waist after I redefined the division and actually made the title more than just a fucking prop. I will be the first to admit that a single “defeat” was nothing more than a wake-up call, and one I listened to as I have sat back and watched a division that had such promise fall to the waist side not only on performance but title defenses as well. I was appearing on any and all shows taking on any and all comers that bothered to put pen to paper as opposed to sitting on the sidelines secretly whispering sweet nothings into my challenger’s ears in a feeble attempt to try and play some sort of role within my downfall OR resort to a briefcase to carry you to the Championship.

What were you expecting when, and let us all be fair here, I called that briefcase shot a mile away by stating numerous times that was EXACTLY what it was going to take in order to lift the Universal Championship from my shoulder; why? Because I am un-FUCKING-stoppable when I can play to my strengths which equate to ninety-nine percent of all of your weaknesses. Back to my original question- what was everyone expecting when the Universal Title was robbed from me? BOB to suddenly go on some sort of downward spiral? Perhaps when Andre lost the TV Title you all thought your dreams were coming true- nope. BOB does nothing but gets stronger while the rest of you desperately try to catch up. We have added more titles to our collection from other companies and continue to take the world by fucking storm. Mission failed if you and or anyone else assumed that Leap of Faith was the beginning of the end because it was only the beginning. Over the last several months I have taken my time, I have sat back and watched as BOB has maintained its footing as the upper echelon of the XWF just as I knew they would while the rest of you started your #fuckbob movement, and for what exactly? Because you are not man or woman enough to DO anything about it! With Relentless right around the corner surely none of you are dumb enough to think that the ONE man that carried this federation throughout 2021 wasn’t going to be anywhere BUT the Main Event where I will be defending MY Universal Championship? Get the fuck out of here, OF COURSE, I am going to Main Event the show of shows, but in order to do that there’s this little formality that we must contend with. The question of when would I exercise my rematch has been answered, and while I should be a complete prick and exercise it AT Relentless, I want to be wearing MY strap on the road to it as well; ya know, ego thing. I digress.

Saturday Night Savage is going to be the show that houses such a historic confrontation, for there have been a lot of Universal Champions within the realm of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation; very rarely has someone managed to attain it… twice. I will be etching my name onto that list by plowing through the second most overrated piece of talent on the roster… Alias. Now, before we get too deep into this party I assure you that I do have A LOT to say regarding this subject matter of this individual, I want you to pace yourself for in order to gather the full perspective on where we are now we must start at the beginning for there’s more to this story than a mere briefcase paving his way to MY Championship, oh no. We have to discuss this from when he made his return to wrestling back at High Stakes last year.

You remember that, don’t you?

It was the High Stakes Battle Royale in which you were one of nineteen people looking to be the last man standing to stake claim to the Universal Championship. You were only of ten pieces of garbage that saw an opportunity to walk in and jump to the top of the mountain without paying any of those dues or EARNING it; unlike myself who immediately before that goddamn battle royale was involved in a war with Duke and Doc for the Tag Straps; and while my reign as Tag Champion came to an end, that didn’t stop me from outlasting you now did it? More importantly, since you made this return to the ring, and this was your first big opportunity to make an impact. Losses are very few and far between when it comes to you. We both know how much it stings to take an “L” to Lycana in recent memory, but you know what it means to have something you worked so hard for taken away from you by me.

Evans picks Thad up off the mat where he looks to send him over the top rope, Thaddeus reverses at the last second sending Evans over the top rope where he lands on the ring apron on his feet and is immediately nailed with BETTER THAN YOU from Thaddeus knocking Evans off the ring apron and down to the floor!


” Evens is gone!”

[white]” Speaking of gone! Corey Smith is teetering upon elimination!”

Thaddeus turns to see Corey hanging on by a thread before running across the ring blasting Witness causing him to lose his grasp on Corey dumping Corey onto the ring apron. Doc fights as he has Alias up on the ropes when suddenly Chris Page slides back into the ring coming up behind Doc and dumping both Doc and Alias over the top rope!


Ever since that moment you have had a chip on your shoulder, and rightfully so considering I stole your opportunity much like you stole mine which is exactly why I am not mad, upset, or even remotely pissed off that you did what you did at Leap of Faith; but I have questions, and we shall get to them in good time for this part of the story doesn’t revolve around them- it revolves around you and your path to get to me because it wasn’t even two months later I attained my goal of becoming the Universal Champion when I defeated Thad in what is clearly still Match of the Year while you took a different route with the Xtreme Title. I might have been the driving force at the top of the card but I always had my eye on you while your title defenses grew and grew until that magical night at May Day. You are legit the only person to win a twenty-four-seven contract with ONE legitimate defense, and that came opposite Doc so let us not kid ourselves Up until that point you hadn’t been validated, and I won’t deny that defeating Doc with or without the Xtreme Title would have put you in contention due to it being a far cry from Ash Quinn or Morbid Angel, am I right?

In your possession was that Golden Ticket you worked oh so “hard” for.

You could have been a man about it- you could have come out and openly challenged me yet you elected to be a chump about it; why? Why did you elect to pick your spot after I ate half the finishers of Ape-Leg? I was more vulnerable, and here you come; which side note, how the fuck did you shoot across the universe to the moon when this was on a sound stage? I’ve always been curious about that, nonetheless, you show up and cash in that case showing the world just how much of a bitch you are when it comes to dealing with “Chronic” Chris Page. It took six people to do the job for you, and there’s no denying that as video evidence clearly shows. The million-dollar question for you sir rests with CAN you do it on your own? My magic Eight Ball suggests not so much. You do not have the luxury of calling your shot, you do not have the talent nor the ability to step to me when that glass ceiling isn’t in play as a safety net for you are about to find that out the hard way while I steam roll over your ass and make it look fucking easy.

I am a different beast all the way around when we play this game to my strengths; ask Thad, Drew Archyle, Demos, Edgar, John Black, Robert Main… on second thought don’t ask anyone… allow me to show you just like I have shown them. People might suggest that I am rolling into this exuding confidence, and they might be right but in my eyes, I see this from the perception of all of your advantages have sailed out the window and now you have to rely on nothing but yourself versus a Chris Page who remains at the top of his game. There’s a reason why I have been at the forefront of this federation, there’s a reason why I am CLEARLY superstar of the year and there’s a reason why I am one of the greatest of all time while you have floundered in obscurity when it comes to being the Universal Champion.

All of the fanfare surrounding your cash-in has come and gone.

The only thing that is left is for me to back my play by simply taking it back on national television for the world to witness. Nothing is going to make me feel better than snuffing out this pipe dream that you are better than me or that you deserve to be in the position that you have found yourself in as the Universal Champion. When it comes to being tested, you haven’t been… until now. Go ahead and make whatever retort you need to in order to save face over taking months to build yourself up as a credible opponent only to destroy it by bitching out in the bottom of the ninth when it mattered. Yes, we all know you don’t care, blah, blah, blah, and that’s cool and all but now the pressure is fully on your shoulders because the advantage is gone, the roles are reversed and now you are playing this game my way. You are going to be taken to the deepest waters that you have ever been taken to within your meaningless career that will make your affairs versus Doc look like a goddamn walk in the park. Before you try to throw me sneaking up from behind at High Stakes in my face as some sort of tit for tat bullshit- save it, I never condemned you for the actions; pointing out the circumstances around them is a completely different thing, and acknowledging those elements that got you to the promised land are no longer in the equation is a horse of a different color.

I am coming to Saturday Night Savage to play the biggest spoiler as our road to Relentless is within full swing. I will be headlining the biggest Pay-Per-View of the year because I am EARNED it and for no other reason than because I know it will piss damn near all of you off in the process; that in itself is the biggest win of them all. Alias, you have an uphill battle to climb now that the riff-raff is out of the way and it becomes you versus me. I have been salivating over this opportunity ever since you stuffed that burnt hand down my throat. You get one of those grasshopper… and you’ve already used it. I know that your boy Corey is taking a good long look at how this plays out; let it serve as a lesson to those that try to screw me; I screw you back. Your position is dire as we get started my dear friend because I am putting you behind the proverbial eight-ball early as we kick start this marathon of what will surely be informative to the masses that look on feverishly wishing they had half of the fucking talent that I have and a quarter of the charisma I exude just by showing up. You are entering my world my little lamb, and you have been led to fucking slaughter. There is no turning back or escape for the damnation that is going to fall upon you on this hot August night in Athens, Georgia.

There are superstars.

There are Main Eventers

There are Legends.

There are Icons.

There are Gods.

,,, and then there is Chris Page.

You’re about to find out my I am next fucking level.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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