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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » March Madness 2021 PPV Board
HEART - The March of Madness IV
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-27-2021, 08:09 PM

Take a step back and look around. We are less than twenty-four hours from one of the biggest events of the year and you know what's funny? I feel like it's already behind us, my friends. The attitudes, the emotions... Everything going into this feels like I've already been crowned your glorious KING and everyone around already swallowed the pill. I will say, for an Elite 8, as in, the best of the best, you all conceded pretty easily.

You all basically sat there for an entire week and told the world how much you respect the good old Doc and how much of a bummer it is that things ended up the way it did. Betsy would have loved to face and eliminate me in an earlier round. Join the club, darling. I'm sure there's a line as long as Warstein's ego of people with the same wish as you. Solace Tatum gives me the same vibes. It's like being at party and not recognizing anyone and feeling real out of place. Neither Betsy OR Tatum belong here. But I'll give credit where credit is due. Solace Tatum is a solid member of Anarchy. You can catch that show on the internet or usually between the hours of 2am and 3am on weekends on one of the Turner networks. I heard it ain't bad. Betsy's had a good run. I think she came into this situation with a little too high of hopes though. No one told her about me. I don't believe it took very long for her to learn though.

Now, speaking of those that don't belong, the Second Chance Battle Royal! XWF's super secret special way to punish those with enough heart to come back for more! How many times do I have to punish Demos before the guy is a good little nothing and just goes away? I'll give the guy credit, too, he doesn't know or just refuses to quit. Good for him, he'll get familiarized again with that brick wall soon enough. Whether he meets it again when he's eliminated from the Royale or he actually makes it all the way to the final boss, he's walking away with what he hopes JUST his worthless Television Title. If he was smart, which he's proving to us more and more that he's not, he would've placed his focus on the only scrap of worthiness he has left around here.

We had some late bloomers, too! Andre Dixon, brought in by one of these legends that I've personally never heard of, to build onto a family legacy that was left behind for them. Well, that's pretty neat. See, here's the thing about legacies around here. Did you see the Elite 8? Yeah. That's one legacy, that if it doesn't tear itself apart, I will once whatever remanence of it pulls themselves from the ashes. Or tears. However they're going to do it. Bottom line is, sir, I watched one of my fellows from Continuum mop the floor with you the other day, and the kid looks up to me like I'm his mentor. So, what you're walking into is nothing like your unfortunate debut, but something far worse. If you care anything for that legacy of yours or continuing your career here in this FINE federation, I suggest you let Demos take the fall on this one and just walk away before you get hurt.

Doc rests against a wall on the ledge of a cliff nearing the peak of the mountain. Through the wind and snow, the forest and swamp below can barely be seen, but Doc’s entire journey laid before him like a dirty, snowy picture. What a view it would be if the weather was more cooperative. Doc is battered and bruised from his battle earlier, moreso his beating, and gimps along the now narrow path towards another small entrance to a cave. His footing slips and he nearly falls from the edge, but he catches himself. Taking a couple deep breaths he creeps inside and finds shelter from the violent weather.

Rubbing his hands together Doc manages to create a small flame within the palm of his hand. Upon noticing a path within the small space he decides to follow it, using his little guiding light to barely see while his free hand feels the wall as he goes. Doc’s head throbs and his bones ache, making the tiny, careful steps far more difficult.

He follows the path to its end and finds himself deep within the mountain now. It opens up and the walls are actually lined with torches every so often to light the way. Doc turns a corner and finds himself at another fork in his road. One path leading left and one leading right. He sighs and pulls his cigar pack from his pocket, but he’s fresh out of cigars. Poor Doc sighs and tosses the empty pack down onto the ground.

Litter bug.

Doc jumps as he walks right by Vinnie the Goat without even realizing it. The beast rises up, grabs the empty pack, and gives it a sniff.

Tsk, tsk, Dawk. Don’t be trashin’ my mountain.

Doc, a bit stifled now, crosses his eyes and looks down at the creature.

My apologies, sir.

This is my home.

Yes, I understand.

Do I come into your place of residence and throw garbage around?

I wouldn’t know if you did.

All I’m saying is---


Vinnie freezes and his goat ears perk up.



Vinnie stands there as Doc looks back and forth between the two paths. The goat boy hops over and looks back and forth between them too.

I like the lef---

Doc grabs Vinnie by the throat and picks him up into the air.

I said be quiet!

The little beast gulps through Doc’s grip and nods in surrender. Doc releases him and pats him on the head before studying the two paths again. Vinnie gimps over like he’s a maimed puppy dog and watches Doc pace back and forth. He watches and watches until Doc finally stops and looks down at him.

Alright what is it?

You tell me, Dawk. It looks like you’re having trouble deciding which way to go. You know who knows which way to go?

Doc sighs and lets his head hang down from his shoulders.

The last time you gave me directions it ended up hurting very much

That was a misunderstanding! Look, we’re facing the same way now!

Vinnie takes a spin and stands next to Doc.

Okay? Right!

Doc hesitantly turns towards the path to the right and allows Vinnie to take a few crazy hops ahead where he steps on a pressure point in the floor. Several arrows shoot across the one side of the hall to the other and stick in the wall. Lucky for Doc, he was tying his shoe at the time.

Woah, sorry! Forgot about that.

What Doc has come to realize is that he’s in some kind of labyrinth within the mountain. He’s followed the goat thus far, it seems confident in its path, but can he trust it? Relying on this beast before nearly cost him his entire journey. What was waste this would have been.

The beast never hesitates with each turn and acts as if it has solved this puzzle a million times. Doc struggles to keep up now; every turn he makes he sees just a glimpse of the goat before it cuts another corner.

Slow down!

Doc comes around a corner and finds himself facing five.

Goat?! Where are you?!

Doc stands alone with another difficult decision ahead of him. It’s already been proven that certain paths aren’t the best and you apparently even have to watch your step in some areas. A heavy breeze pushes him forward and the cave begins to shake around him.

Oh NOW what….

He loses his footing and falls to the ground losing the contents of his pockets. The little golden compass falls from his pocket and a bell rings in his head.

Okay, girl… Let’s see if your gift is as useful as you claim it could be.

Doc picks it up, closes his eyes, and opens it. When he opened them back up, the goat-looking nuisance was face to face with him eyeing up the compass.

Whatcha got there, Dawk?

Doc is startled once again by the beast and pulls the compass and himself away. He looks down at it and sees the arrow pointing down one of the paths; supposedly leading Doc to the peak where he desires to be.

What’s that, huh? It’s nice! Can I see it?

Back off, critter.

Doc walks past the little beast and follows the arrow towards the path, but stops when he hears a deep growl behind him. He turns around to see that the little annoying beast has changed, morphed, mutated into a giant goat monster! Kind of like a minotaur, but a goat head! IT’S HIDEOUS!! It roars at Doc like t-rex and charges him with his horns! Doc leaps out of the way at the last second and the beast goes head first into the entrance of the path Doc was heading for and caves it in!

Awe!! Look what you did!!

Give me the compass, DAWK!


The beast charges and again Doc dodges! Monster Vinnie screeches to a halt and turns around! Doc holds the compass and feels his heart grow five sizes! He pulls a rock through the air and smashes it into the beast's face! It staggers, but shakes it off and continues the charge! Doc throws several other rocks, but the beast meets each one with a fist, shattering them! Doc is unable to move and is gored by the monster and hits hard against the rubble from the cave-in!

Monster Vinnie grabs Doc by his collar and lifts him up. Doc can feel his hand holding the compass begin to swell up like a balloon. He looks down and its as big as the beast's head! Doc swings and knocks it silly! It lets him go and Doc hits a straight shot in the gut causing it to wheeze and stumble back! Doc continues to beat the thing's face in until he climbs up on it, grabs it by the horns, and rips his head clean off!! Doc roars out through the cave with his own war cry and lets the blood of his kill pour down over his body. He screams and screams until he realizes he’s the only one there and throws the head down onto the ground. He looks himself over, fixes his collar, and steps away from the beast.

Looking over the blocked path, Doc pulls the compass back out from his pocket and sees the direction it pointed before has changed. His eyes light up and he follows it to the first one on the far left. His left, not yours.

Doc follows it for a while, but nothing is what it seems in this place. The path is dark and as he goes he feels less leery and more just wanting to get out of there. His pace quickened, which made him less cautious and led him to find another one of those pressure points on the floor. Like stepping into a pile of dog doo, he knew immediately. There’s a loud thud above him then like in a bowling alley he hears a loud rumble until a giant boulder falls from the ceiling and begins rolling towards him. Doc, no better than he was before getting thrown around by a giant goat monster, does his best running impression away from his new attacker. A miracle happens and a shimmer of light can be seen in the distance. Doc hobbles his way towards it, slowly losing ground to the giant rock. He reaches the end and jumps without looking, but luckily grabs a tree root hanging down which swings him around away from the hole and smacking into the face of the cliff. The boulder rolls out of the hole and falls into a foggy, bottomless, abyss.

Hanging from the root, Doc observes the side of the cliff and sees five different holes including the one he emerged from. Each path led to this exact spot. How clever.

Doc manages to slowly pull himself up and claws onto the ledge. He looks and sees that he’s just a few steps away now from the place that he’s ventured so very far for… The air is thin and calm now, as if any storm or nasty weather is below him. The path in front of him is clear and leads up to the very peak where there is a large door. Doc limps up the path and pushes on the door with all of his might, barely moving it. Through the crack he made, he steps through it and slams the door behind him. He stands within the mountain now with the silence. The wind doesn’t howl and the mountain does not speak. He steps forward within a long hallway which leads to another door which Doc approaches and pushes open.

Behind the door is a bright light that pushes out into the hallway and lures Doc in. Without hesitation and a feeling of warmness in his heart… He steps forward.

Doc steps through the light and into the same vision he had within the Cavern of Fear. He remembers this place. It's a delivery room. Within his pocket, the compass pulsates like a heart beat. He pulls it out and its the glowing pink orb from before. He stares deeply into it, admiring its little galaxies swirling about inside.

Doc's focus is broken when cries of terror flood the room. Blurry faces scream at each other over a table where a tiny, lifeless little human is wrapped in a blanket. Doc looks at the orb then pushes it into the lifeless body and with a look of shock she opens her eyes and takes a deep breath. The blurry faces stop fighting and rush over with new found joy. Doc takes several steps back and the world around him slowly blows away like dust. The last piece to blow away is the chart at the edge of the bed which read something at the top like:

“Frankfort Hospital”

After the world drifts away, Doc finds himself alone in the void. He feels the cold dark presence lurking behind him and welcomes it. It slithers up his leg, around his body, and wraps tightly around his neck.

What a journey you’ve had…

Doc throws a hand over his mouth. Did those words just come from him? He removes his hand.

What a journey… And for what?

Doc speaks again to himself through the void. Confused, he answers himself back.

I deserve this…

You deserve nothing.

Doc snaps back to himself.

Do you not see what you’ve become? You are a shell of the monster we created. No one takes you seriously now. You’ve come all this way to fail.

Lies… I know fear when I see it. I know the torment I deliver. I know the pain I bring! I watch as so many THINK they do not fear me. I listen to them mock me and play it off as if I cannot remove my head as simple as snapping my fingers.

The stranglehold loosens around Doc’s neck and he takes a gasp of air. His long windedness didn’t help the fact he was being nearly choked to death.

The void around him begins to form into something and Doc floats around until he’s sitting on a couch facing a large desk. Thick cigar smoke drifts behind the leather chair and creates a large circle as it spins around. Doc’s mouth drops through the floor as he sits across staring at himself.

Hello, my friend.

Says Void Doc. Doc stares back at him, saying nothing.

There’s just nothing left for you, is there?

Void Doc blasts Doc off the couch and the two are squared off back in the void. Void Doc creates a flame with his hand and whips it at Doc, but Doc deflects it and it soars off into the nothingness. Both of Void Doc’s hands burst into flames now and he charges after Doc and the two fight fist for explosive fist, blocking and matching each other perfectly!

You don’t have what it takes anymore!

Void Doc screams in Doc’s face before pushing off and creating a huge blast that would’ve blown a tank apart, but it’s Doc so it just hurt him a whole lot. Void Doc sends a couple more blasts his way that bounce off his chest and head sending him down to his knees, defeated. Doc huffs and puffs as Void Doc approaches him and grabs him by the back of the head.

You’re wrong.

Void Doc’s eyes narrow before he laughs.

Am I?

Doc feels a piece of flesh fall from the side of his face.

I have something now…. Something different… I’m different…

You’re nothing!

Void Doc brews up another blast in his hand and gets ready to end Doc’s journey for him before a beacon of light appears above them like a sun in the sky. Void Doc drops Doc and steps forward.

What… is that?

Says Void Doc as an image forms in the sky. Doc remains on his knees, half dead, with a smile.

[Image: X2qnlV6.png?1]

My heart.

A beam of light shoots down and pierces Void Doc through the chest and quickly vaporizes him into the nothingness that is the void. The figure in the light floats down and lands next to Doc, placing their hand on his shoulder. Doc feels light as a feather as the beacon grows and he embraces it.


[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 9 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
(04-03-2021), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-28-2021), Atara Raven (03-28-2021), HeavensToBetsy (03-27-2021), Lycana (03-28-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (03-28-2021), R.L. Edgar (03-27-2021), Theo Pryce (03-28-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (03-27-2021)

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