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Shove It Weekend 3/20 pt 3
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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03-21-2016, 08:31 PM

Welcome back to Shove It Weekend!

Gaylord Cockchafer: Mike, are you ready for our main events or what, buddy?

Mike Stump: Yeah, I gotta say, it's been quite an eventful evening. Let's not drag our feet, though. Let's roll on with the show.

Gaylord Cockchafer: Mike, before we go any further, I have to ask, if you don't mind... How did you lose your arms and legs? I mean, you make a lot of puns about it so I take it that you wouldn't mind me asking...

Mike Stump: Sure, Gaylord. It was back in 95' when I had a match down in Mexico against two luchadors. One of them put me in a Boston crab and the other took to my arms with armbars. Let's just say, they did not heed the referee's 5 count and it cost me everything. That's why i'm out here sticking up for our ref's.

Gaylord Cockchafer: Wow, are you serious? That's awful.

Mike Stump: Nah, dude. I was just kidding. It's rude to ask a man about his disability; don't do it.

Rebel Star
Tommy Gunn

KotXWF Semi-Finals: X-Treme Rules

Summary: Gunn charges after Star at the sound of the bell and misses a lariat. Instead, Star pops him in the nose with a roundhouse kick causing him to stumble. Star bounces off the ropes and puts Gunn down with a spear. She pins him for a near fall. Star puts Gunn into the corner and crashes into him with a running drop kick. She pulls Gunn out of the corner and puts him into a roll up pin following a hurricanrana. It earns her another near fall. Star goes to the top rope and misses with the flying leg drop. Gunn goes behind Star and attempts a reverse suplex but Star counters it into a back stabber. Star pins Gunn for another near fall. Star locks in a seated Fujiwara armbar but Gunn catches a rope break moments later. Star rushes Gunn on his way up with a knee to the rib cage. She attempts another hurricanrana but Gunn blocks it and tries for a powerbomb. Star squirms out of that and catches Gunn in the chin with an elbow strike. She then props Gunn onto her shoulders and hits the GTS! Star pins Gunn... and she gets the 3 count! Star wins in a decisive contest. After the bell, Star gives Gunn an ass kicking for the road by powerbombing him through the Spanish announce table!

Gaylord Cockchafer: Well, that didn't take long at all. I thought that we would get a more competitive contest than that!

Mike Stump: Gunn tried to mail it in tonight, he thought he'd get off easy.

Gaylord Cockchafer: Hopefully Lane doesn't make the same mistake. He'll be in action next as he takes on Luca Arzegotti to move onto the finals.

We go to John Madison's office where we catch him wrapping up a video conference with... an emoji?


Yes, it's a winking emoji that John is talking to...

Balaque Negar runs in to get the scoop.

Balaque Negar: John, were you just talking to an emoji?! Have you officially lost it?

King 2 Madz: What?! ...No, I was talking to my new business partner!

Balaque Negar: John, your business partner cannot be an emoji.

King 2 Madz: Yes they can! And in two weeks that emoji is going to be your boss. That's right! You and the locker room better get your shit straightened out because the Emoji Man doesn't fuck around.

Balaque Negar: Oh my God, he just appeared on the screen...

John turns around to face the screen which turns blank before he can catch the emoji.

King 2 Madz: He can't appear unless I make him, Negar! Quit making shit up. You'll see him soon enough. Now get out! OUT! OUT!

John chases off Balaque as the emoji appears two more times behind John's back.

Gaylord Cockchafer: Wow, I'm not sure what to make of that, Mike. I guess our first show in April with be run by... an emoji? How is a digital face going to run a show?

Mike Stump: Well, I'm practically a head and I manage to announce Shove It just fine.

Gaylord Cockchafer: Mike... I'm never sure how I'm supposed to respond whenever you make those kinds of remarks.

Mike Stump: I'll tell you but it's going to cost an arm and a leg. Oooh, I'm going to have to use that line more often. Ask me another question that you don't know the answer to!

Gaylord Cockchafer: *Sigh* I'll pass. And moving on...

Luca Arzegotti
Vinnie Lane

KotXWF Semi-Finals: X-Treme Rules

The bell rings and Lane starts us off with some chops to the chest of Luca. Lane manages to back Luca into the corner while utilizing those stinging chops and knocks him silly with a bionic elbow. Luca stumbles out of the corner and into a high knee from Lane. Lane picks Luca onto his shoulders for a Samoan drop but instead, he releases him over the top rope. Luca smacks into the floor as Lane follows him out of the ring. Lane goes under the ring and pulls out a table, setting it up at an angle on the guard rail. Lane takes Luca and tries a death valley driver but Luca rakes his eyes. Luca then DDTs Lane onto the slanted table!

But the table hasn't broken. Luca takes Lane and gives him a German suplex, this time breaking the table in half!

Luca throws Lane in the ring and pins him.



Kick out!

Luca keeps Lane's nose to the mat with a side headlock. He then throws Lane into the ropes and catches him with a clothesline to the throat. Luca goes to the top rope for a moonsault but Lane moves out of the way and spins around with him to the mat with a spine buster! Lane presses his hand down into Luca's chest for the pin.



Kick out!

Lane goes under the ring and recovers a light tube that was left over from an earlier match.

Lane swings and misses with the light tube, and Luca takes Lane down with a round house kick. Luca has the light tube and breaks it over Lane's head as he stands up. Lane retreats to the outside but doesn't make it far as Luca crashes into him with a suicide dive!

Luca pulls Lane to the steps and sets him up for a piledriver, but Lane punches Luca in the nuts and DDTs him on the steps. Lane quickly picks up Luca and Irish whips him into the steel guardrail. Lane takes Luca off of the guardrail and tries to throw him into the ring post but Luca blocks it with his foot and chops Lane in the throat! Luca then picks up Lane from behind and rams him nuts-first into the ring post!

Luca now brings in the singapore cane that he and Fernando used earlier on Nico. Luca stalks Lane around the ring, and hits him every few steps that the take. After the third shot, Lane rolls into the ring and lays into Luca with some stomps as he tries to follow. Lane steals the cane and smacks Luca over the back with it, giving him a taste of his own medicine!

Lane puts Luca into an arm wrench and centers him in the ring, bent at the waist. Lane then jumps high into the air and drives Luca's face into the mat with his knee. Lane flips Luca over and pins him with the cane pressed against chest.



Kick out!

Lane takes Luca to his feet and goes for the Black Label Driver (vertebreaker) but Luca spins out of it before Lane can even take him off of his feet. Luca uses another roundhouse kick on Lane which has been effective for him tonight. He then clotheslines Lane over the top rope! Luca goes to the top rope and and lands on Lane on the outside with a flying moonsault!

Luca pulls Lane up and gives him the Get Away Driver (kneeling Omega driver) outside of the ring. Luca then drags Lane up to his feet and forces him into the ring. Luca pins Lane.



Lane slides his foot under the bottom rope, barely in time!

Luca punches the mat out of frustration and drags Lane to the center of the ring for another pin attempt.



That time Lane kicked out!

Luca's ready to put an end to this...

Luca delivers a HARD Irish Whip to Vinnie, who gasps out in pain, allowing Luca to hit Vinnie with the Get Away Driver! Vinnie gets laid out like a sack of potatoes as Luca is about to slump over for the cover.

It's Maverick's theme music!

Luca goes down and pins Lane while keeping his gaze directly at the entryway.



But Maverick hops into the ring from the barricade! Luca never saw him! Maverick is currently wielding a steel chair, and uses it to BASH it into Luca's ribs!

Luca falls to his knees as the fans cheer for Maverick. WHAM! Maverick whacks the chair into Luca's back as he's on his hands and knees. Maverick raises the chair...

WHAM! He slams the chair into Luca's back!

WHAM! He does it again!




Maverick continues his merciless assault until the chair begins to dent. Maverick sighs, and throws away the chair, before the crowd grasps his attention. They're chanting--


Maverick is about to promptly respond via flipping off the crowd, but he notices... they're clapping! The fans are clapping for Maverick now that he's going after Luca!

Maverick takes a deep breath, looking out at the fans. He lets the cheers, the Iceman chants, everything, soak in. Then, he turns to Luca as the referee pleads with Maverick to leave Luca alone. Maverick kicks the referee and dives him a double arm DDT! He then picks up Luca, and performs an Irish Whip! As Luca bounces off the ropes, Maverick LEVELS Luca with a Perfect Wrath! The superkick hits right on the button as Luca falls over in a heap.

The fans are on their feet as Maverick turns his attention to Vinnie Lane now. Mav picks up Lane by his golden locks as he mutters to Lane, "Now it's your turn."

Maverick isn't letting Lane off the hook as Maverick takes down Lane with an Age of Perfection!

Maverick then takes a steel chair and hammers it into the back of Lane! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and SIX chair shots to the spine of Lane! Maverick then scoops up Lane and drops him head first on the chair with a tombstone!

Maverick begins to leave the ring but stops himself...

He turns back to Luca!

Maverick picks up the chair and drives it down into the chest and throat of Luca repeatedly! Luca is now coughing up blood as Maverick walks away. He forces Lane up and leans him against the ropes. Maverick starts from the opposite side of the ring and then runs with the chair and bashes it into the face of Lane which sends Lane flying over the top rope with a nasty gash across his forehead!

More referees storm the ring to try to take control of the match but Maverick wipes them all out with more chair shots!

Maverick tosses them all out of the ring.

He places the chair under Luca's face and then curb stomps him into it!

Everyone is down!

Suddenly, "Only" by Nine Inch Nails plays and out walks John "King 2 Madz" Madison.

King 2 Madz: Turn that shit off! MAVERICK! God DAMN IT, Iceman!

Maverick begins to make his way up the ramp to meet with John face to face.

King 2 Madz: You ruined it, you fucking... DIP SHHHHIT! I'm not happy with you right now, can you see that? I have no referees and my two semi finalist are friggin' dead. Someone get Fern out here!Fern! FERN!

Austin Fernando runs out from the back.

King 2 Madz: I need you to go help our fallen #Memequeen and kick Lane in the balls while you're down there. But first, SEIZE HIM!

John points to Maverick as he issues his command. Fernando goes after Maverick, but Maverick pulls a brass knuckles out of his pocket and decks Fernando with them!

King 2 Madz: JESUS! What the fuck! You just knocked Fern the fuck out... What the fuck is your problem, Iceberg? HE WAS GOING TO SEIZE YOU! You think that you can just go around murking people, is that it? Are you the new murker in town? Sheriff #Murkinheimer? Supermutant Murkerlord? I suppose you think that this tournament is over, do ya? Guess again, because Luca Arzegotti and that skinny bitch Vinnie Lane BOTH advance to the finals! HAH! How do you like that shit, Icebox? Do you even have a fucking brain up there, Shitbox?

Madison begins to poke Maverick on the head, nudging him back.

King 2 Madz: Now, if you ever try to ruin one of my shows again, I'll take this here Glock...

Madison pulls out his Glock and goes to point it at Maverick but MAVERICK TAKES THE GLOCK AWAY! He's now pointing it at John who drops down to his knees and shields his face with his hands

King 2 Madz: What the fuck, dawg! You can't just wave that shit around in a closed room full of people! Real lives are at stake here, you don't respawn like in Call of Duty, kid.

Maverick: Shut up before I shoot each of your limbs and turn you into that freak that you hired for commentary.

Mike Stump: (on commentary)Hey! Don't talk about Gaylord that way!

King 2 Madz: Alright, give me my gun back and I won't let Ferngotti hurt or bully you any more. We don't need our first fed shooting.

Maverick: I'll give you your gun back as soon as you make me the special guest referee for the triple threat match between Luca, Lane, and Star!


Maverick doesn't even hesitate. He puts a round in John's knee cap which causes him to scream like a woman.

King 2 Madz: Ahh! Fuck that shit! Luca, you better murk this little asshole next chance you get! FINE, MAVERICK! YOU WILL BE THE REFEREE FOR THE DAMN MATCH SINCE YOU ALREADY BODIED THE ENTIRE OFFICIATING CREW, ANYWAY! Now get your shitty hands off of my boy!

Maverick: Sure, boss.

Maverick pistol whips John and places the pistol on his chest before walking away.

Gaylord Cockchafer: I can't believe that! He just took what he wanted at gun point from our VP! That has to be a serious crime, or something. Someone break out the rule book.

Mike Stump: Maverick better enjoy this while it lasts because this might have landed Shitboy into deep shit! You don't just shoot the boss in his knee like that! And with his own piece! Maverick should not be allowed within ten feet of a firearm! John's going to need surgery now. Do you know how serious that is, Gaylord?

Gaylord Cockchafer: Regardless of whether you think it's right or not, one thing is for certain; Maverick will be the special guest referee for the finals of the King of the XWF tournament where it will be a triple threat match between Rebel Star, Luca Arzegotti, and Vinnie Lane. What a match that will be. We leave you with so many questions for our April show. How will Maverick call the match? Will Lane and Luca be at 100% by that time? What does Star think of having the game changed without her consent? And why the hell is John putting a Goddamn emoji in charge of next month's show? We'll see you on April 2nd!
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[-] The following 3 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (03-21-2016), Maverick (03-22-2016), Shade (03-22-2016)
The Judge Offline
Saturday Night Robot

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-21-2016, 09:45 PM

[Image: d8QZs9y.png][Image: eXbalJ3.png]
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