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Monday Night Madness - 3/25/2013
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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03-25-2013, 11:50 PM

[Image: madness3.png]

Date: March 25, 2013
Event: Monday Night Madness
Arena: American Airlines Center
City: Dallas, Texas

The opening credits and video package roll as Monday Night Madness hit’s the air to its theme song, “Long Way to the Top” by AC/DC plays throughout the arena.

Pyro explodes throughout the American Airlines Center as the camera pans the roaring crowd in Big D. The pyro stops as the cameras continue to give live shots of the crowd before settling in on the new commentary team that debuted last week.

CHAD LEWIS: "Welcome ladies and gentleman to another edition of Monday Night Madness! I'm Chad Lewis joined alongside my partner, Xavier Reigns!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Thanks, Chad. I can't tell if that smell of sweaty redneck is coming from you or this arena."

CHAD LEWIS: "I'm from Ohio, so good guess, buddy. Anyway, folks, we have one hell of a show in store for you tonight. You're not going to want to miss a thing. Don't forget tonight's show is brought to you by Mountain Maze, the official soft drink of Monday Madness."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Stuff tastes like deer piss if you ask me, but then again, I'm from the hood. All we got is purple drank."

CHAD LEWIS: "How do you know what deer piss... never rmind."

As the announcers finish welcoming the television audience to tonights broadcast, the cameras head outside of the American Airlines Center to catch a glimpse of the arrival of Martin O’Connors Lex Express.

[Image: Express.jpg]

CHAD LEWIS: "That's the Lex Express!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "What gave that away? The logo on the side or...?"

CHAD LEWIS: "What's it doing here is my question."

Immediately following the bus arriving, the camera show the backstage area where Paul Heyman is entering the locker room of the XWF’s European Champion, Jeff Hardy.

As Paul walks in, Jeff looks up from the chair he’s sitting in as he laces up his boots.

JEFF HARDY: “Christ! What do you want, Paul?”

PH: “Have you already forgot? It’s time for your drug test!”

JEFF HARDY: “Nope. Didn’t forget. You’ll see me in about an hour.”

PH: “Just so you know, this IS going to happen. If you fail this drug test, and I’m sure you will, no only will you be forfeiting the match and the title, I might just fire you.”

JEFF HARDY: “Anything else, Paul?”

PH: “No, that’s all.”

Paul begins to exit and stops at the door.

PH: “Oh, I almost forgot!

“By some chance, even if you do pass this test, your days are over as European Champion. You see, Jeff, I’ve refused to directly interfere in order to advance my own agenda.

“Tonight, I don’t have to interfere. No, see, I’ll be smack dab in the middle of it anyhow. I’ll be the one to count your shoulders to the mat! I’ll be the one handing over MY European title, to J.P. CORRRRINOOO!”

Heyman gives Hardy an evil grin just before exiting the door.

JEFF HARDY: “Fuckin’ asshole!”

CHAD LEWIS: "Things are heating up in the ongoing Jeff Hardy saga and we'll have more of that as soon as we get back from break."

XAVIER REIGNS: "You think Jeff Hardy even knows he's in Dallas? Anyway, when we get back we got this new cat in the building, a politician! My favorite type of people. If you can't tell, Chad. I'm being sarcastic."

CHAD LEWIS: "I'm sure you are, X. We'll be right back folks!"

Madness fades to a commercial break.

CHAD LEWIS: "Welcome back to Madness, we're just about to set things off here live with our opening match!"

[Image: JBL_display_image.jpg?1307887364?dateline=1363474864]
Senator John Samuels
- vs -
J.C. Styles
[Image: 405707_100966753420056_446078562_n_zpsb8c0b0cf.jpg]
Standard Rules

A red carpet is rolled out from the entrance way all the way to the ring. Old Glory banners line the aisle way.

Paul Heymans ECW theme hit’s the air waves. The Madness GM comes to the top of the ramp with a mic in hand.

PH: “Ladies and gentlemen, my name… is Paul Heyman… As General Manager of Monday Night Madness, it is an honor and a…”

At that moment, main unseen to the XWF audience, Paul gets distracted by something. But what?

CHAD LEWIS: "Say, what is Heyman looking at?"

XAVIER REIGNS: "How the hell should I know? Maybe he's trying to think of some smaller words to use for all these Texans in here tonight."

Pauls attention stares at the center of the ramp as he watches a small, almost perfectly round brown ball, maybe about a half inch in diameter, roll UP the ramp. This small ball comes to a stop as it touches the tip of Heymans shoe.

CHAD LEWIS: "What in the HECK is that thing?"

He bends down and lifts the ball up and holds it to his face. Then sniffs it before finally placing it in his jacket pocket.

PH: “As I was saying, it is a true honor, and a privilege, to present to you, the United States Senator representing the great state of Texas… JOHN! SAMUELLLLS!”

Stars and Stripes Forever plays throughout the arena. Samuels makes his entrance and Heyman gives him a huge handshake before walking backstage.

JASON DANIELS: “The opening contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first at this time, being accompanied to the ring by Representative Fairchild, residing in Washington, D.C…. weighing in at 2 hundred 75 pounds… Representing the state of Texas…. Senator… John… SAAMMMMUELLLLLSSS!”

XAVIER REIGNS: "Samuels making his debut tonight and just what we need to our cast of mental misfits, a right wing wackjob."

CHAD LEWIS: "Like him or hate him, I've been very impressed with his comments as of yet. I think we're looking at a future main event star possibly."

XAVIER REIGNS: "That's what you said about Martin O'Connor and his damn coach bus is circling the block like a rolling meth lab."

”Champion” by Chris Brown plays.

JASON DANIELS: “His opponent… from Milwaukee, Wisconsin… weighing in at 1 hundred 89 pounds… JAYYY SEEEEE STYYYLESS!!!!”

CHAD LEWIS: "Samuels is one of bigger competitors on Madness and I gotta level with you X, I think he's got the size advantage."

XAVIER REIGNS: "He's a big MFer, I'll give you that, but JC Style is no small dog either. This oughta feel like a heavyweight bout"

The bell rings and Samuels confers with his manager, Representative Fairchild before she drops to the floor to cheer him on.

Senator Samuels takes his cowboy hate off and places it across his chest with his left hand. In a show of sportsmanship, Samuels extends his right hand. Styles looks around at the crowd, hesitating to extend his hand.

Samuels pleads with Styles, saying he means no harm, just good old fashioned, Texas sportsmanship. Styles gives up and extends his hand…

Samuels make him pay with a short arm clothesline dropping the smaller Styles to the mat.

CHAD LEWIS: "Well, not a lot of sportsmanlike conduct being shown out the gate by Samuels."

XAVIER REIGNS: "I might not be a fan of politicians, but that's classic strategy right there, Chad."

Samuels stomps away on Styles making it abundantly clear just who the aggressor is.

He tosses his Stetson like a Frisbee into the crowd. Then lifts Styles to his feet and tosses him toward the corner. Samuels charges in and delivers a hard lariat in the corner. Styles staggers out and falls to the mat.

Samuels is quick with the cover:

CHAD LEWIS: "This could be over quick!!"



Styles kicks out at 2.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Big boy is pissed at that call. He thought he had this one wrapped up."

Samuels looking at the referee with contempt. Fairchild beats on the mat with her gavel and starts bitching at the referee.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Samuels better get his chick on a leash over there."

CHAD LEWIS: "She is a rather... homely looking woman..."

XAVIER REIGNS: "I'd hit it... from behind... probably with the lights off."

CHAD LEWIS: "Can you just focus please?"

Samuel lifts Styles to his feet again. Samuels proceeds to lift Styles up into a hanging vertical suplex. 10, 20, 30 seconds go by…

CHAD LEWIS: "Styles has got to be getting lightheaded up there."

XAVIER REIGNS: "We should get Jeff Hardy out here, I'm sure he could paint us a picture of what that's like."

SLAMMED to the mat with authority!

CHAD LEWIS: "The Senator has looked nothing short of impressive here tonight."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Normally I don't like to agree with you, Chad. But Styles looks like his brain is in neutral out there.

Samuels rolls over and places his wrist bone against the jaw of Styles for the pin attempt, adding injury to insult as it’s the most painful pin combination.



Styles kicks out much to the dismay of Samuels and Fairchild.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Damn! Another near fall. I just want to wrap this up so I can't hear this siren squawking anymore."

Samuels again lifting Styles to his feet. Toss toward the ropes. On the rebound, Samuels bends and lifts Styles for what looks to be a side slam.


CHAD LEWIS: "We might see some offense out of Styles!"

Styles reaches his legs up and delivers a head scissor takeover sending the much larger Samuels to the mat. Samuels is back up quickly, reeling from the sudden move. Styles moves in…

Kick to the thigh…

Kick to the midsection…

Kick to the back of the knee…

Samuels drops to his knees…

Kick to the side of the head and Samuels is down. Styles with a quick cover.


The count doesn’t even get to 2.

Styles back to his feet quickly. Samuels is back to his as well. Styles charges…



Samuels catches the much smaller Styles in mid air. Samuels delivers a fall away slam tossing Styles over the top rope and crashing hard into the floor! The referee begins his 10 count.


No movement.


Still no movement.


XAVIER REIGNS: "Homeboy better get his head back in this game if he wants to get a win here tonight."

Styles is beginning to stir while the arrogant Senator taunts the crowd.


Styles is to one knee.


To his feet and leaning on the apron.


Samuels ducks through the ropes and grabs Styles by the back of his neck.


Styles caught Samuels with a stiff uppercut!

Samuels staggers backward and drops to one knee momentarily before coming back to his feet. Styles hops to the apron then using the top rope, he delivers a crisp springboard dropkick to the Texas Senator. Styles quickly rolls Samuels up for the win.



Samuels powers out at 2!

CHAD LEWIS: "Wow! I almost thought we had an upset on our hands."

Styles lifts Samuels to his feet and delivers a step up enzuigeri. Styles goes for the cover but Representative Fairchild steps onto the apron distracting the referee.

Styles takes exception to this and he joins the argument between the referee and Fairchild. The referee turns his back to Fairchild and tries to urge Styles to let him handle her.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Back away, kid. Let the ref do his job."

As the referees back is turned, Fairchild tosses her gavel into the ring toward Samuels just as he gets to his feet. He notices the gavel laying there and picks it up. Holding it behind his back, he waits for the drama to unfold.

CHAD LEWIS: "C'mon ref turn around!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "The ref is doing his job, he's trying to contain miss junk-in-the-trunk on the apron over there."

Styles gives up his argument and turns his attention toward Samuels. The referee resumes arguing with Fairchild.


Samuels wallops Styles with the gavel and tosses it out of the ring. He hooks the leg for the win and Fairchild concedes the fight and drops to the floor.

The referee turns and hurries to make the count.

CHAD LEWIS: "Now the ref turns around, dammit!"




WINNER: Senator John Samuels

CHAD LEWIS: "Certainly not a clean win, but Samuels picks up the victory here in his debut."

XAVIER REIGNS: "A win is a win, Chad. The Senator looked like he came to fight and Styles just didn't have enough hustle to get the job done. Case closed."

CHAD LEWIS: "We'll be right back folks. Don't go away! More Madness is coming at you."

CHAD LEWIS: "Welcome back to Madness folks! We've had an interesting night here so far."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Will you shut up for a second, Chad. I'm trying to watch this."

The cameras are in the parking garage as a long black strectch limo pulls up. On the license plate: -1

No one steps out just yet.

CHAD LEWIS: “Oh christ, the Black Circle is BACK!!”

XAVIER REIGNS: "This spells trouble for all parties concerned. They caused a ruckus here last week."

[Image: march22nd.png?dateline=1362873252]

“The Deevil” Ann Thraxx
- vs -
Evan Hayes

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQHNKPvQ-IX-ChpEAb-m3B...50iX0vJxpr]
First Blood Match

Before any introductions can be given, Ann Thraxx emerges from the back with a handful of Evan Hayes’ hair. Lucky for him, he went with it. In her other hand is a cheese grater.

XAVIER REIGNS: "I knew this bitch was crazy!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Yeah, I don't think she's out here to show off her culinary skills."

She whips him into the ring and slides in. Reluctantly the referee rings the bell. She kneels down beside him and goes to town, grating his forehead until it bleeds. The referee signals for the bell.

CHAD LEWIS: "C'mon! These people paid for a match. Is this really necessary?"

She continues to grate away until security rushes the ring trying to pull her away.

WINNER: Ann Thraxx

XAVIER REIGNS: "I told you, Chad. We got some real mental misfits on this program. This looney tune just came out here and did Evan Hayes with a goddamn cheese grater."

CHAD LEWIS: "I won't argue with you there, X. Looks like we have a development unfolding backstage."

We head back to the garage area where Shane Carvers limo sits idle. The door opens and out steps…

Nathaniel Adolph Zachary Idenhaus. NAZI looks around before shutting the door and heading into the arena.

CHAD LEWIS: "What's he doing here?!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "No idea. But I can tell you one thing when El Capital Hate-Tank rolls into town it's best be gone. He's the type of cat who'd do you dirty for looking at him wrong."

CHAD LEWIS: "We gotta cut to a commercial, folks! Back in a moment here on Madness."

Madness cuts to commercial.

CHAD LEWIS: "Welcome back from the break, everybody. I've been informed that our cameras backstage our tracking a new development with the man who calls himself NAZI."

XWF cameras make it backstage just in time to see NAZI walk into the office of Paul Heyman. Paulie is stunned by the sudden appearance of Idenhaus. He’s not quite sure whether to call for help, run and hide, or pull on his big boy pants. He pulls on the big boy pants.

PH: “What can I do for you, Mr. Idenhaus.”

NAZI: “Please, Paul, call me NAZI.”

PH: “Yeah, I’d rather not.”[lime]

NAZI: “Did you get Shane's message?”

[lime]PH: “Message? I didn’t receive a message.”

NAZI: “No? Oh, well he must’ve got busy and forgot. Anyhow, I have a list of names that are to board that bus out there. I’ve been instructed to take them to…. Camp… yeah, camp… that’s it.”

PH: “Camp? I don’t understand. What kind of camp?”

NAZI: “They have to learn how to work XWF style. Don’t worry, I’ll have them back in one pieces.”

Paul pulls out his cell phone.

PH: “Wait. Shane’s message just came through.”

NAZI: “What he say?”

PH: “Give NAZI……… whatever he wants…. Just got another one….. Dil…… Dildos? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

NAZI: “He must still be suffering the effects of getting stabbed in the eye.”

PH: “I’m not sure what hell you’re up to… but I’ve been given orders… They’re all yours.”

NAZI grins as he leaves Pauls office. Paul has no idea whats about to happen.

NAZI runs into Jeff Hardy as he exits, Hardy enters.

PH: “Welcome former champ!”

JEFF HARDY: “You know what? Let’s just get this over with!”

Heyman gets up and walks across the hall to the restroom with Hardy. Heyman checks all around and inside the urinal for any sign of tampering or foul play then hands Jeff the cup.

Heyman leans against the restroom wall as Hardy takes a leak in the cup. Jeff goes to hand the cup to Paul. Paul holds his hand out and Hardy tosses the contents of the cup in Heymans face.

Heyman stands there in total shock as Hardy's urine runs down his face.



Hardy does as instructed and this time, he just screws the cap on and hands it to Paul. Hardy walks out smiling. Heyman looks in the urinal and flushes.

A few seconds later, he looks back in the urinal and theres a red candy wrapper inside.

[Image: malteser.jpg]

Just a second ago, that urinal was empty. He looks closer at the wrapper and pulls the ball from earlier out of his pocket. It looks similar to the malt balls on the package. He places the ball back in his pocket and begins to wash his face.

CHAD LEWIS: "What do you make of all that, X?

XAVIER REIGNS: "I don't know, man. I feel like we're under a full moon or something. We got NAZI's and politicians and crazy bitches with cheese graters running amok. Now we find out this hate tank MFer is taking some unfortunate saps off to Sleepaway Camp."

CHAD LEWIS: "I'm being told we have to cut outside to the Lex Express."

NAZI stands at the door of Martin O’Connors Lex Express. He watches as a busted up Evan Hayes, Sandman, Homeless Jimmy and Bobby Dean enter the bus. Martin O’Connor stands near the door staring down NAZI before entering.

With all 5 men safely inside the bus, NAZI climbs into the driver seat and gets the wheels moving. The Lex Express rolls down the street outside the arena in Dallas. Behind the bus, is The Black Circles limousines.

Madness fades to commercial.

CHAD LEWIS: "We're back here on Madness and we're set to get this Triple Threat match underway as we kick it over to Jason Daniels."

[Image: 50panr.jpg?dateline=1362712652]

- vs -
“The Next Big Thing” Ursula Areano

[Image: 495883-bigthumbnail.jpg]

- vs -
Neil Capra

[Image: Sick_Nick_Mondo1.jpg?dateline=1357855388]

Triple Threat Elimination Match

“The Red” by Chevelle begins to play as Agony makes his way out.

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest… is a triple threat elimination match… introducing first, weighing in at 2 hundred 30 pounds… AAAGONNYYYY!”

XAVIER REIGNS: "I was kinda ragging on Agony last week -- I still think he looks like a fool in that mask -- but he showed he could go toe to toe with Corino and right now I believe he's got more wins than losses in the early start of his career here in the XWF."

“Weight of the World” by Evanescence plays as Usula Areano makes her way out.

JASON DANIELS: “His opponent, from Buenos Aires, Argentina… the next biiiig thiiiing…. Ursula… ARRREAAAANOOOO!”

CHAD LEWIS: "Ursula, a Madness staple since way back is hopefully looking to change her fortune here tonight."

“Welcome Home (Sanitarium)” by Metallica plays as Neil Capra makes his way to the ring.

JASON DANIELS: “Making his way to the ring, the final competitor, from Detroit Michigan, weighing 2 hundred 1 pounds… Neil… CAAAAAAPRAAAAA!”

XAVIER REIGNS: "You know this cat means business. He from Detroit and 'dem fools don't play around."

The bell rings and the three combatants stare each other down, each waiting for someone else to make the first move. Both Ursula and Agony go after Capra. Capra tries to cover himself from the onslaught, but its no use. Ursula and Agony back Capra into the corner pummeling him with shot after shot.

XAVIER REIGNS: "This is good strategy, work as a team, wear one guy down and then capitalize."

CHAD LEWIS: "The only danger of that though X is you have to choose your alliances carefully."

Together, they bring him out of the corner and land a big double suplex on Capra. Ursula goes for a quick cover.



Agony boots her in the head to break up the count. Agony pulls Ursula up to her feet by her hair and begins to slap Ursula multiple times in the face.

She delivers a huge kick to the groin and Agony falls immediately to his knees and then face first to the mat. Ursula goes for the pin on Agony now.

CHAD LEWIS: "Ursula looking like she's got something to prove out here tonight."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Look, Chad. This bitch is crazy on a whole 'nother level. You won't see her out here with no cheese grater or nothing, but she's got a pitbulls spirit."



Agony kicks out!

Ursula turns her attention to Capra and ducks a quick lariat attempt! Capra spins around and…


Capra goes down! Ursula nailed the roundhouse kick to the skull to perfection!

XAVIER REIGNS: "That was one fierce roundhouse kick. She been hanging out with Angelus?"

CHAD LEWIS: "Ursula goes for a cover on Neil."



CHAD LEWIS: "Agony makes the save! It’s elimination, so no ones sure why."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Someone go check to make sure this poor sap's mask isn't on too tight. Damn!"

Agony lifts Ursula by the hair and tosses her over the top rope while maintaining a grip on her hair.

She hangs there suspended in the air by her hair and screams in agony. From behind, Capra nails Agony with a dropkick between the shoulder blades. The moves causes Agony to fall over the top rope and lose his grip on Ursula.

Ursula crashes to the floor and Agony lands on the apron. Capra grabs Agony by his head and slams him face first into the top turnbuckle leaving him dazed and confused. Neil climbs to the top rope, from inside out, he front flips over Agony and power bombs him to the floor below in the process. Agony lands with a sickening thud!

Capra gets to his feet and lifts the dazed Agony to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Capra slides in and hooks the leg.

CHAD LEWIS: "This could be it!"



CHAD LEWIS: "SPRINGBOARD GUILLOTINE LEGROP from Ursula onto Capra! Ursula tries to make the cover on Agony!!!"



3.……………… unfortunately for Ursula, Agony got his leg on the rope just in time and the count is waved off.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Smart move, man. Boy's finally using that big head of his for once."

Ursula is up now in the referees face. He defends his count.

CHAD LEWIS: "Capra from behind! Rollup!"



CHAD LEWIS: "Ursula kicks out!"

Agony struggles to get to his feet.

Ursula and Capra are back up. A slugfest ensues. Capra, then Ursula, Capra again, then back and forth causing each other to get a little dazed.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Oh I love me a good old fashioned slugfest. Pass me that can of Mountain Maze, Chad."

CHAD LEWIS: "I thought you hated this stuff?"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I do, but I don't hate what I have in my flask."

Ursula runs bounces off the ropes. Capra with a lariat.

She ducks. Off the far side.


Capra tosses her high in the air ending her face first toward the mat…


XAVIER REIGNS: " what you're causing me when you yell into the headset like that."



XAVIER REIGNS: "Can we try to keep this slightly appropriate there, Chad? My mom watches this show when I remind her to pay her cable bill."

Agony with the cover on Ursula.




CHAD LEWIS: "Ursula Areano has been eliminated!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Chick fought hard, Chad. Don't get discouraged sweetheart. I got you."

Capra eyes up his remaining opponent. Agony to his feet. He turns. Capra charges toward him…

CHAD LEWIS: "BIG SPINEBUSTER from Agony! He makes the cover."



Capra kicks out! Agony to his feet. He lifts the legs of Capra and drags him toward the center of the ring. He’s got Neil trapped! Could it be the cloverleaf?


XAVIER REIGNS: "I think you're more engaged in this match than these fans are. Look at that broad over there eating a tub of fried chicken she's not paying attention... actually... she might be... hey can we send someone over there to check on that sad looking house of a woman?"

Capra rolls through sending Agony into the corner hard. Capra is too his feet. He charges after Agony… He leaps…

Agony ducks him just in time to send Capra crashing face first into the top turnbuckle. Capra falls to the mat and Agony makes the cover.



CHAD LEWIS: "CAPRA kicks out!!"

Agony pleads his case with the referee and the ref defends his count.

Back to Capra. Agony lifts Capra to his feet…


Enzeguiri from Capra out of nowhere! Agony falls to one knee. Capra towards the ropes…


Agony counters Capra into a Crippler Crossface! Capra is screaming! The pain is just too much. Will he tap out!?

Capra reaches for the ropes…

Too far away…

Trying to inch closer…

And closer….


And reaching…

Just inches away now…


Fingertips away….

CHAD LEWIS: "Using his free hand, Capra rolls Agony into a pinning predicament!"



Agony kicks out!

Agony lays in some stomps on Capra as he lays on the mat, using the top rope as leverage! The referee pulls Agony away.

CHAD LEWIS: "Capra, slow to get to his feet, eats a boot to the ribs from Agony, then another, and another before Agony place Neils head between his legs."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Again man with the poor choice of words."

CHAD LEWIS: "Would you be quiet and do your job?"

Agony lifts him up.


He sits on Agonys shoulders nailing him with rights and lefts until finally, Agonys feet come out from under him and they both crash to the mat!

Agony flat on his back with Capra sitting on his chest! Capra reaches back and grabs a leg.


Capra hangs on to the rope with his free hand!


3! Neil Capra steals it!

WINNER: Neil Capra

CHAD LEWIS: "What a match we've just seen here tonight and we still got more to come."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Like I said, homeboy was a man on a mission and he came out here and put another mark in the win column. Let's see if he can keep the momentum going to the pay-per-view."

CHAD LEWIS: "Don't go away, folks! We're back in a few!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "We're back here on Madness my good people watching at home. Chad is off taking a piss break. Homeboy has been guzzling this motor oil called Mountain Maze that I'm supposed to tell you sponsored the show tonight."

We are back in the arena as the camera pans the crowd in Dallas before settling on the X-Tron.


XAVIER REIGNS: "Holy shit!!!"

CHAD LEWIS: "What? What did I miss?!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Look at the X-tron you fool!"

Living Colour~ Cult of Personality plays, and Punk comes out to a huge pop. Looking around before slowly sliding down to one knee and cupping his hands around his mouth, Punk approaches the ring and carefully but surely goes up the steps and enters it. He asks for a microphone, pops his neck, and looks as though he is about to speak but stops himself. He makes a V with his hands, and the crowd goes into utter silence wondering what this means. Punk, realizing he needs to draw the crowd in again, begins to speak.

“Days come and go, months pass you by, and to be corny, the years sure do fly. I was WWE Champion for 434 days, well over a year. Was. During that time, I aligned myself with whoever I could to maintain my status as the best in the world!”

The crowd cheers a bit. “Now, do I regret it? Hell no! A true champion does whatever It takes to win, whether you pathetic imbeciles grasp this concept or not, or whether the boys in the back get it, which is doubtful, considering they barely grasp technical wrestling or putting your opposition over in order to make yourself look good. But I get all those things, and for it I am a god! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.”

*Punk pauses and moves around a bit, bites his lip and begins to continue.* “Now..I forgot something. Many of you wondered why I made that little V symbol when I came out here…see, in my stint as WWE Champion, they stripped me of the reason I ever became champion. My voice. I have something no one else has, balls, courage, integrity. I’ve been in this federation for three days and ninety percent of the boys in the back lack those things, no matter how damn good wrestlers they may be.”

“That being said, I want to use my voice right now. For any of you thinking I’ll get special treatment due to any ties I may have to a certain person running the show, you’re right. I won’t bullshit with you. And if you don’t like it, well that’s too damn bad, because I’ve earned everything I’ve got, and you’re just another stepping stone. Jeff, I’ve beat your ass before and I’ll do it again, and while you act like something big where you are now, we all know what you truly are. A once great wrestler who is now turned into a has been, relegated to TNA and XWF. You’re good, but age is catching up. The pride of Europe, the European Championship may firmly be on your shoulders as of late, but I will come and take it off of you by any means necessary. Two great wrestlers, but a man vs. a legend, and Jeff Hardy falters.

Note that there, I said any means necessary. Jeff, I think you are a delusional piece of trash, and I can't understand that level without having experienced it. So, in order to "experience" it, I will be going into your mindset. My manager, to be announced at a later date, has advised me to take some medicines..powerful ones, to say the least, and hallucinate, and see things only you have been known to see until now.

We will be operating at levels. Low, sick, filthy levels, Jeff. And I will beat you at your own game, then re-join the straight edge society. The voice is back.”
*Punk holds up a V with his hands.*

CHAD LEWIS: "I cannot believe what we're witnessing! Former WWE Superstar CM Punk has joined the Madness roster here tonight in Dallas!!

XAVIER REIGNS: "This is a game changer, Chad. He's sending a message loud and clear to everyone in the back. This is the bigs. Small ball is over!"

The XWF cameras are back in that deserted area just off the Texas highway. The black limo with the license plated reading: -1 enters the cameras field of vision from the left. A far distance from the Lex Express.

NAZI can be seen entering the camera view from the right. He casually leans against the hood of the limo and pulls out his cell phone. He dials a number and puts the phone to his ear.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Holy shit! Damn, son!"


XAVIER REIGNS: "Hot damn, did you see how the windows blew outta that MFer?"

After the Lex Express explodes, NAZI casually tosses the cell phone to the dirt and gets into the limo as Madness fades to commercial.

CHAD LEWIS: "We’re back on Madness and I am completely shocked at what I just witnessed.”

XAVIER REIGNS: "Shock and awe baby!"

CHAD LEWIS: “NAZI just blew up the Lex Express with 5 souls aboard, X! How can you condone that!?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Easy. I wasn’t on it!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I guess the show goes on, its time anyhow, for the big main event!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “My money is on J.P. Corino! The odds are STACKED, in his favor tonight!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I have to disagree! Jeff Hardy has overcome each and every obstacle that Paul Heyman has put in his way. Tonight, will be no different!”

XWF European Championship
[Image: avatar_164.jpg?dateline=1359711947]

“The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy
- vs -
“The Messiah of Muscle” J.P. Corino

[Image: tom_hardy_tattoos_by_amandabomination_d4gtp6e.jpg]
Jeff Hardy Must Follow Standard Rules - If He Is Counted Out or DQ’ed He Loses Title
J.P. Corino Has No Holds Barred

“Diamonds Aren’t Forever” by Bring Me The Horizon plays.

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest is set for one fall. It is for the XWF European Championship! Introducing first, coming down the aisle from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 2 hundred 60 pounds…. JAY… PEEE… CORRRRINOOOOOO!”

Heyman rips the mic from Jason Daniels’ hands.

PH: “Alright Hardy! It’s your moment of truth! Get your ass down here! Your results are in!

“Don’t wait for the music! Scumbag drug addicts like yourself don’t deserve grand entrances!”

Jeff Hardy starts making his way to the ring carrying the European title.

PH: “Let’s go! We don’t have all night!”

Hardy enters the ring slowly. He hands the title to Heyman. Heyman reaches for it and Hardy drops it to the mat.

PH: “Funny! Real fuckin’ funny, Jeff!

“It speaks to my point! You disrespecting the coveted European title like that proves to me, to J.P., to the fans here in Dallas, and the fans watching all over the world that you are NOT fit to fold that title!

“I have in my hands, the results of Jeff Hardys drug test administered by me earlier tonight!”

JEFF HARDY: “What about him? He’s obviously juicing!”

PH: “J.P. Corino is clean. Of course he’s clean! Why would anyone think different!?”

Heyman opens the envelop. He reads it aloud.

PH: “Sample yada yada yada, administered by Monday Night Madness General Manager, Paul Heyman… Jeff Hardy is 99.7%… nega…

“That’s impossible!”

JEFF HARDY: “Read it and weep, Paulie! I’m CLEAN!”

CHAD LEWIS: “He beat the rap! He pissed clean!”


Without warning, Corino clubs Hardy from behind and the bell rings signaling the start of the match. Corino goes to town on Hardy nailing him with stomp after stomp after stomp. Corino pulls Hardy to his feet and sends him down with a huge scoop slam that shakes the ring. Corino goes for the cover.



Hardy barely escapes the unbelievably fast count. Corino picks Hardy up to his feet again and tosses him hard into the corner. So hard in fact, Hardy rebounds out. Corino picks him up and slams him down hard with spine buster. Corino again makes a quick cover.



Again, Hardy is able to escape the pin before Heyman can count the three. Corino rolls out of the ring and digs underneath in search of the first weapon of the night. What he finds is a nice looking kendo stick. Corino holds it straight up, admiring it, then slams it into the mat before climbing back into the ring.

Hardy has begun getting to his feet after the onslaught of offense from the powerhouse. Corino aims for Hardy with the kendo stick. Hardy turns…



Hardy nails Corino with right after right and left after left to the jaw of Corino, rocking him back into the corner. Hardy continues to nail Corino in the corner. Heyman interferes…


Hardy backs off. Corino comes charging out of the corner with an exploder lariat but Hardy ducks it. Corino turns right into a kick o the midesection from Hardy.

DDT from Hardy plants Corino on the mat. Hardy goes for the pin, but unfortunately, it looks like Heyman is too busy filing his nails to make the count.

Hardy, obviously furious, gets right in Heymans face. Heyman has a smug smile on his face and begs for Jeff to hit him. Jeff clenches his fist, but cooler heads prevail as he backs down.

He returns his attention to Corino.


Hardy gets smacked in the head with the kendo stick! Hardy falls to the mat instantly, clutching his head in pain. Corino goes to work. He brings the kendo stick down crashing into Hardy time after time after time.

Heyman looks on laughing at the destruction.

Corino goes for a cover.



Hardy wills himself to kickout! Corino lifts Hardy to his feet. He tosses him toward the ropes. On the rebound, Corino lifts Hardy into a military press…

Then slams him on his back on the mat.

Corino strikes a pose showing off his muscular physique. Corino returns his attention to Hardy. Pulling him to his feet by his hair, he tosses him to the ropes again, and again lifts him up in a military press. This time, Corino bench presses Hardy a few times before dropping him face first behind his back…

Hardy sticks the landing! Heyman points in an effort to warn Corino, but its too late. Hardy is able to land a dropkick right to the face of Corino. Corino drops to the mat, flat on his back.

Heyman has no choice but to start a ten count.


Neither man moving as of yet.


Still no movement.


Corino is moving first.


Now Hardy…


Corino to his feet.




CHAD LEWIS: “Nope! He definitely didn’t speed up that count, did he?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “No idea what match you’re watching.”

Hardy to his feet stopping Heymans progress. Corino charges after Hardy…

Drop toe hold…

Face first into the bottom turnbuckle goes J.P. Corino. Hardy back to his feet quickly, feeding on the adrenaline. He walks to the corner and using the middle rope as a springboard, delivers a dropkick to the back of Corinos head, sandwiching it against the turnbuckle.

Hardy begins stomping away and Heyman runs over to interfere. Heyman is successful in separating Hardy from Corino without incident. Corino uses the turnbuckles to get to his feet. Hardy steps between the ropes to the outside. He grabs Corino by the head and drops to his ass on the apron delivering a snap neck breaker to Corino! The rope acts like a slingshot and rebound Corino face first into the mat.

Hardy goes for the top rope. Heyman pleads with Hardy not to perform the swanton. Hardy gets ready to leap and Heyman throws himself on top of corino shielding him from Hardy. Hardy jumps down and pulls Heyman to his feet. Again, Heyman begs for Hardy to hit him. Hardy clenches his fist and Heyman begins to cower toward the corner. From behind, Corino come up and clutches Hardy throwing him up over his head and face first to the mat with a reverse power slam! Corino goes for the cover.



AGAIN! Hardy kicks out just in time. Corino is getting impatient and starts bitching at Heyman. Corino shoves Heyman on his ass and exits the ring. He digs around under the ring and pulls out a couple steel chairs followed by a table. Corino takes his time setting up the table. He turns to enter the ring and sees Hardy charging full speed toward him….


Heyman got in Hardys way stopping him from going aerial. Hardy is livid! He’s really in Heymans face now! Corino advances toward the ring and Hardy shoves Heyman out of the way. Hardy flips over the top rope onto Corinos shoulders…

Corino is much too strong though as catches him, turns and power bombs him through the table! Heyman yells for Corino to get in the ring. Corino barks back something inaudible. He goes to lift Hardy up and Heyman steps through the ropes and grabs him by the shoulder.

Corino flips out and tosses Heyman into the barricade. Corino grabs Hardy and tosses him into the ring. Corino tosses the chairs in the ring also. Corino slides in and right away delivers a running knee drop to Hardys head. He hooks the leg momentarily before remembering he just took out Paul Heyman. He releases the pin and picks Hardy up to his feet. He tosses him hard into the corner and charges in and delivers…

DOUBLE BOOT TO THE FACE from Hardy in the corner! Hardy hops to the middle rope as Corino staggers out of the corner. He leaps…

He nails a huge bulldog taking Corino to the mat face first. Hardy back to his feet slowly. Feeling the effects of the beating he’s suffered so far. Hardy looks around for Heyman and spots him. Still down. He grabs one of the chairs and gets ready to smack Corino with it when…

Another referee storms the ring! He gets in Hardys path begging him not to hit Corino.


Hardy just took out the referee with the chair! Here comes another ref!


He gets taken out with the chair!


Hardy finally hits his intended target.


Another chair shot to Corino!

Hardy disposes of the destroyed chair. He grabs the other one and sets it upright in the middle of the ring. He grabs Corino, lifting him to his feet….


Hardy just brought Corino down throat first on the chair! Hardy goes for a cover.

There is no referee!

Hardy still trying to pin Corino….

Here comes a fourth referee! He sprints down the aisle and slides into the ring…



What the fuck happened to the referee!?

It’s Heyman! He yanked the referee out of the ring!

He decked him! Heyman just punched the referee in the face! Hardy still has no idea whats going on! Heyman slides his fat ass in the ring and grabs the chair and folds it up. He lifts it high over his head intending to strike Hardy. Hardy stands and faces Heyman….

Heyman drops the chair immediately and instantly starts backing down from Hardy. Heyman drops to his knees, begging Hardy NOT to hit him this time….

CHAD LEWIS: “What the hell?”





Neonero emerges from under the ring with a duffle bag in hand. He walks over to the timekeepers table and grabs the European title and slides into the ring. Neonero drops the duffle bag as he moves in behind Hardy and…


Neonero just laid out Hardy with the title!

Heyman looks on in utter shock! Neonero slowly makes his way over to J.P. Corino who still lays in the ring barely conscious. Nero kneels down and slaps Corino a few times bringing him to. Nero helps Corino to his feet and….


CHAD LEWIS: “Who’s side is he ON!?”

Nero slides Hardy over and lays him across Corino…

Then sets his sights on Paul Heyman…

Heyman begs and pleads…

Neonero grabs Heyman by the collar and tosses him to he mat near Corino and Hardy.


Nero begins slapping and punching Heyman. Heyman reluctantly makes the count.



Nero grabs Heyman by the hair…



WINNER: Jeff Hardy, STILL XWF European Champion

Neonero grabs Heyman by the throat and without saying a word just shoves the title hard into Heymans face and point at a sign in the rafters for GAUNTLET CITY.


Nero starts brutally manhandling and beating on Paul Heyman.


Nero shoves Heyman to the mat and picks up the European title. He walks over to the duffle bag and pulls out…

CHAD LEWIS: “A second European Championship?”

He drops the duffle bag near Paul. Nero holds both European titles and walks out of the ring and starts up the ramp, never looking back.

Heyman lays a beaten mess in the ring as he calls for a mic.

PH: “Neonero! STOP!”

Neonero stops dead in his tracks but never turns around.

PH: “Ahhh! You got your match. Next Sunday…. Gauntlet City… Jeff Hardy one on one with Neonero… European title….”

Neonero resumes walking up the ramp.

PH: “STOP! Don’t you walk away when I’m talking to you!”

Nero stops just prior to exiting the stage.

PH: “It’s not just any match. Oh no…. Ahhhhh! It’s gonna be Heymans Chamber of Horrors!”

Nero exits the stage showing no emotion and never uttering a single word. His lack of reaction sets off Heyman.



CHAD LEWIS: “Neonero… Jeff Hardy… Heymans Chamber of Horrors!… We’ll see you in 6 days at Gauntlet City!”

Heyman looks in the bag and his eyes open wide as Madness fades out...

[Image: madness1.png?dateline=1364081029]
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(03-26-2013), CM Punk (03-26-2013), Crimson Cobra (03-26-2013), Shocker (03-26-2013)

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