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Jeff Hardy in "Staggering towards a better tomorrow.... Pt2"
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Jeff Hardy

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08-10-2014, 09:45 PM

Continued from

In the midst of me trying to figure out if I had perished and woke up in hell, the staff of the hospital.... doctors and nurses alike, were trying their damnedest to figure out who I was.

See... ever since the world went to shit I didn't feel the need to carry any sorta id on me. There wasn't a point to that shit. I wasn't the only person who felt that way either. Most people didn't keep their own personal effects. It made them remember and held them down and shackled 'em to something that was taken away from them. It made people feel powerless and weak... when they needed to be strong. Hindered them from moving forward and the last thing you wanted watching your ass and fighting by your side was an emotional wreck who can't push past what they lost in order to focus on the future and survival.

It made sense to me and I ditched my things the day I got fitted with my new leg. Kinda made it hard when people wanted to see my identification now but there wasn't any way I could have seen this coming. So all the information I gave them they had to take on face value and that seemed to be a problem with these folks. They wanted documentation or contact information for a relative that could verify who I was and where I came from. Luckily around this time a nurse clocked in for work that was an avid wrestling fan and on top of that... an enormous Jeff Hardy fan. In more ways then one but that's all I'm gonna say about that. This nurse's adoration for all things Jeff Hardy silenced the doubters and hushed the persistent questions geared towards needing the proof of who I was... at least for a little while. That woman did me a solid... so pointing out and making fun of the fact that she was as tall as she was wide isn't a priority of mine. And yet that's exactly what I just did. Oh well... fuck it. Contradictions aside... I knew it was only a matter of time before those questions and doubts started up again. That meant my ass had to get going and quick. Maybe once I got outta this hospital things would start to make more sense. I'd see the river of fire and really know I was in hell... instead of just assuming it. When nightfall hit and most of the staff went on home... I unattached myself from the network of machines that were in change of keeping track of my vitals, threw my clothes on and prepared to make a dash for it.

The whole time I couldn't stop wondering about the Jeff Hardy that nurse seemed to know. The way she talked about him and went on... it made me sorta jealous. When the world went to shit I lost the ability to perform in the ring. The thing I was most passionate about and loved was ripped away. It almost made sense that in my hell there'd be a man claiming to be me that got to continue doing the thing I loved most. Made me eat my heart out just thinking about it. It also pushed me to get away from that hospital as fast as possible. I couldn't take another day of hearing about the accolades that I never actually accomplished. Torture is what it was. Then again... that is the point of hell... isn't it?

Getting the fuck outta the hospital proved to be easy. It's not like I had guards restricting me and forcing my ass to stay put. So when I got down to the reception area I knew it was smooth sailing from there. No such luck I'm afraid in the terms of what did happen though. And no... there wasn't an army of guards after me. No one was on a mission to subdue me and take me back inside the hospital. Nah. Nothing like that went down. It woulda been too normal. Instead... what happened next was more like something outta a weird science fiction novel. See... after I got about halfway down the road and started contemplating where to go and what to do now that I was out of the hospital. A black sedan seeming to come outta nowhere, pulled up sharply next to me and a man looking the epitome of a door to door insurance salesman called for my attention. He told me to get into the car and I'm not sure if it was his tone or the serious look in his eyes but I complied. That's when my life forever changed. Even more so.

The man introduced himself as Dr. Max Tegmark and informed me that he was the Professor of Physics at MIT. That his study was in precision cosmology and that he was on a quest to explore the ultimate nature of reality. He even wrote a book... Our Mathematical Universe and in it he explored the idea that if something was possible, it happened. That every choice and every fork in the road not only existed but spawned different universes or multiverses as he called them. It was a radical concept that got him both praise and ridicule alike. Dr. Tegmark explained that he wanted to put the doubt to bed and so he built a machine. A machine that would send a frequency out and attach itself to something... anything and rip that object from its reality and bring it to his. Thus giving him and his theory the solid proof needed in order to back it all up. That object he wound up collecting was me.

At first I thought this guy was a nut. A real grade A lunatic but after awhile his words started to make sense. Dr. Tegmark said that he wanted the proof that other realities existed but he never expected the process to cause a person to be yanked through the folds of reality. Especially not someone from ten years prior. He had hoped for a street sign, a book or at the most... a small animal since it was his first time using the machine but he ended up with me. A fact that he became aware of since he had his proverbial ear to the ground, listening for upset or confusion that might be aroused when a strange artifact appeared outta nowhere. When he heard about my hospitalization from a random lightening attack while there weren't any storms in the area... he figured it might be something to check out. He was pleased to see that he was correct in his assumptions.

The only thing he wasn't prepared for... was dealing with what might happen when two Jeff Hardys existed in one reality. Sure he wanted his proof but this was too big... too soon. He couldn't reveal me to the world and not expect fear as the first reaction. So he asked me to lay low and keep quite. He suggested I adapt and attempt to live a normal life here. Yeah... like that was possible. He also suggested that I could take up the career that I lost and do it in a way that was discreet but also could be had in one of the most controversial wrestling companies... ever to exist in the field of that sport. It was both underground and worldwide at the same time. Mocked for its far fetched and over the top nature... a lot of people didn't take it seriously. Max said it was the perfect place for me to hide in plain sight... until the time was right. Till he was ready to unleash my existence onto the world and prove that reality was beyond anything preconceived. There was no way to send me back anyway and even if there was... I'm not sure I'd take that ride. That being said I decided to follow Dr. Max Tegmark's advice.

Hooking up with this wrestling company... this XWF. Would prove to be even easier than I thought it would be cause apparently this reality's Jeff Hardy had a run there over a year ago. A reign that proved to be fruitful but ended with his sudden disappearance. I'd be assuming his position there and remain under the guise that I was him coming back to wrestle for the XWF. Rejoining the ranks on Madness and falling in line under the rule of Paul Heyman. It was a plan that was actually carried out pretty swiftly and I was even granted a match along with the reinstatement.

A scheduled fight against someone called The Za. Never heard of him but a person calling himself the worst slang term for pizza had to be shit in the ring. Brains never usually mattered with brawn but in the squared circle and when I was standing across from you... you needed both those things in order to attempt a win over me. And even then the chances were slim. At least back when I was a wrestler. Since then I picked up a new determination and focus to stay alive and I assume that would only benefit me even more in combat.

Truth be told anything could happen and the future of that match is anyone's guess. I just know I'm gonna do my best to be the man that's still standing. Still the future is unwritten and ya never know what might happen. Bringing me back to the gas station and myself. Tegmark got me situated in a hotel and aided in acquiring my ass a set of wheels. A car placed in my possession that I drove till it was almost on empty. What can I say? Driving was one of the ways that I cleared my head. Little did I know... the requirement of gas would lead to me... coming face to face with myself. What were the fuckin' chances of that happening? And this soon?

And as I stood there... locking eyes with my glassy eyed self. I couldn't help but think how messed up I was. Higher than a motherfuckin' kite but still in enough of the right mindset to look at me... puzzled. He scratched his head and blinked while his brain tried ever so hard to come up with the words that he needed to relay his confusion. Needless to say it was taking him awhile. A struggle that I chose to end by saying...

"Don't sweat it man. You're seein' shit. I ain't even real."

Now most folks probably would need more convincing than that but this Jeff Hardy just nodded and walked passed me. It was both mind boggling and a relief. A jolt of reality that really proved I was in another reality and left me wondering... what the fuck did I do to myself in order to end up like that? Like I said from the start... I was filled with deep... deep regret and I wasn't even looking in the mirror and witnessing a product that my actions had an effect on. Just another mindfuck on top of a mindfuck on top of the mountains of what the fucks... that I call life. Anyways... there you have it... how I came to be here and who I really am. Doubt me or deny my story all you want. Ain't gonna change the fact that I'm here and I'm ready for whatever comes my way. No matter how fucked up it is.

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