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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 7/2
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-03-2014, 11:18 AM

Reykjavík, Iceland

Percy Gains
- vs -
Victor (of the Mafia Men)
Standard, One Fall

Jeff Smith
- vs -
- vs -
Cosmic Charlie
Standard Triple Threat

- vs -
Richard Weston
Last Man Standing

- vs -
Eddie Sheehan
- vs -
Paolo Mancini

Clean Lucena and Sid Feder
- vs -
Barney Green and Peter Gilmour
Standard Tag

- vs -
Olive Pendershore
Special Guest Ref - Scorpio
X-treme Rules

Wednesday Night Warfare opens to a huge bang, and the crowd erupts into cheers... until all of the celebrations are interupted by...

Archie Lawson emurges from behind the curtains, suited and booted. He is jeered heavily by the crowd, unsurprisingly.

He walks down the ramp slowly, as he tries to orchestrate the crowd into singing along with his music but the Icelandic crowd just jeer and boo over the music instead.

Archie walks up the steel steps, climbs between the middle and top rope with a huge grin on his face. He is handed a microphone by the ring assistant and then he waves his hands sideways and the music cuts.

“Good evening, Iceland. I am sure all of you are so happy to see the face of Britain standing before you. Now I thought, because I am such a nice guy... I would give all of you lovely people the opportunity to decide what happens on MY show tonight. So what do you say? Who wants to see Richard Weston make his debut?”

The crowd erupt into jeers.

“Ah, that's such a shame. Because he will be competing tonight, against Yaoi, and I have a good feeling about this young man...”

Archie is interrupted all of a sudden.

“Archie, please shut the fuck up you useless English cunt. How dare you call it your show, we all know that I am the one in charge here not you or that pretentious buffoon backstage.”

Miranda Tigris emerges from backstage, shaking her head with a fierce scowl on her face.

“I knew that you just wouldn't be able to help yourself. You love running that gullet of yours don't you?”

“You wait until I come down there and shove my fist down YOUR gullet in a minute.”

The crowd cheers.

“Keep those dirty hands of yours away from me, we all know what you do when your office is locked you know.”

“That's it!”

Miranda begins storming to the ring, but is stopped half way down...

Giovanni Ferrari appears at the top of the stage.

“Oh you two, you just simply cannot help yourselves can you? If any of you honestly think that you are in charge then you are both dumber than I thought. I've been controlling Warfare since I arrived, you two are merely cogs in my system.”

“And what happens when one of those cogs is as stubborn as Miranda?”

“Nothing a bit of oil can't fix.”

“Yeah, I don't want to know what you two get up to with oil.”

“How mature Archie, it's good to see you actually crack a smile on that robotic face of yours. Maybe you can start showing some passion for your job as well?”

“Oh Gio, how foolish you are. I LOVE this job. I may not show it as flamboyantly as you do by shoving your 'passion' down our throats every week but I love this job all the same.”

“Less of the talk. Let's settle this!”

“Oh we will.”

“What are you smiling at Archie?”

“We'll settle this in August, at the pay-per-view. Find yourselves a representative, we're having a bragging rights triple threat match. Unless you two are scared?”

Giovanni simply nods. Miranda though, climbs up the steps and doesn't say a word. She merely plants Lawson with the microphone, knocking him to the ground.

Ferrari heads to the back as Miranda smiles. Archie also has a grin on his face though as he holds his wounded head.

It seems that his challenge has been accepted!

We fade to a commercial break.

Percy Gains
- vs -
Victor (of the Mafia Men)
Standard, One Fall

Victor of the Mafia Men and Percy Gains, stand opposite each other in the the squared circle. Tension is in the air as they glare at one another. The bell sounds and both are immediately at each others throats! Victor catching Gains with a mean left hook followed by some quick right jabs and Percy retaliating with some Chest Chops and a couple knees to Victor's ribs. Victor recoils and buckles from the impact to his ribs and Gains uses that to his advantage with a Double Axe Handle to Victor's spine! Victor goes down and Percy sends his boot into Victor's ribs several times before wrenching the man from the canvas. Delivering an immediate Headbutt followed by a knee to the stomach and a Powerbomb!

Victor is down and feeling the pain as Gains covers.




Victor kicks out and pushes Percy off him. Both men rising to their feet at similar times and diving for one another, Victor manages to hit Percy with a Running Clothesline that sends Gains right to the mat! From there Victor mounts Gains and starts executing some Mounted Punches. However, Percy prevails when he powers through those blows and catches Victor with another Headbutt! This time busting Victor's nose wide open! Blood shoots everywhere and Victor falls back as Gains rises to his feet. Sending a couple stomps to Victor's chest before tearing him from the canvas only to deliver a Gorilla Press into a Backbreaker!

Victor crumples and flops to the canvas but Gains isn't finished. Reaching down, Percy grabs onto Victor's head and delivers a few well delivered punches to his face. Busting open Victor's nose even more before Percy lifts Victor up to his feet. Victor wobbles back and forth on shaky legs and attempts to swing at Gains but to no avail. His fate is sealed when Percy executes the E.S.B! (Snap Inverted DDT)

Percy Gains then goes for the pin on Victor!




Winner: Percy Gains

Suddenly the two other Mafia Men; Rudolf and Gregor (pronounced Gruger) jump into the ring and start beating the shit out of Percy Gains! Kicking and stomping on him their onslaught is quite brutal!

But wait!

Frodo Smackins rushes down to the ring and begins to pull the Mafia Men off of Percy.

"Get off my partner, Graygore."

As Frodo pulls each one off he hits a DDT on them, leaving them on the ground. He pulls Percy up to his feet, and the pair begin to lay waste to the Mafia men with a series of blows that can best be described as painful.

As Percy and Frodo, stand tall and triumphant in the ring....we fade to commercial.

Jeff Smith
- vs -
- vs -
Cosmic Charlie
Standard Triple Threat

The match begins and Mastermind immediately takes Cosmic Charlie down with a clothesline. Then he takes Jeff Smith down with another one. He continues to run left to right taking both of them down over and over again.

They continue to run at him, this time he hits several arm drags before pushing Jeff Smith against the ropes, and on the return lifting him in the air and nailing him with a spinning flapjack.

Cosmic Charlie tries to take Mastermind down from behind but he's aware and hits him with an elbow to the jaw and then whips him into the corner. Runs at him and hits a lariat in the corner before following it up with a belly to belly suplex, launching Charlie across the ring.

Mastermind roars and the fans cheer as a “Mastermind” chant branches out into the crowd and the fans are on their feet for the man who is fully in control of this match!

Jeff Smith sprints at him once again but Mastermind ducks an oncoming forearm and grabs him from behind and locks in that sleeper hold that he calls “Mind Sleeper”.

Charlie tries to break it up but Mastermind slings Smith to the ground and ducks a clothesline from Charlie and locks in the Mind Sleeper on him instead. He flings him to the floor.

Charlie and Smith get to their feet though. Mastermind ducks a clothesline and the two of them meet in the centre of the ring. Smith tries to get a thumb to Cosmic Charlie's eye. The referee is breaking the two of them up when suddenly...

As the referee focuses on Jeff Smith and Cosmic Charlie.


Ashe Dawson runs to the ring and pulls Mastermind to the outside!

And what's this!?

He's got a chair!


Mastermind squeels in pain!

He grabs the chair and shoves it on the arm of Mastermind and stomps on it multiple times. He slings the chair to the outside and begins walking backwards up the ramp.

Mastermind slowly gets to his feet as Cosmic Charlie and Jeff Smith continue to battle it out, exchanging slow forearms one after the other.

He climbs into the ring, and plants Cosmic Charlie with a Fisherman's Suplex, and then plants Jeff Smith with a side-walk-slam!

He then grabs Smith by his left leg, and Cosmic Charlie with his right leg.

He locks it in!

The Mind Controller!(Boston Crab)

But he's got both of them in single legged versions of the move!!

He stares up at Dawson who has a sadistic smile on his face as both Cosmic Charlie and Jeff Smith tap out!

Winner: Mastermind

Mastermind stares at Dawson and points up to him as Dawson just nods his head.

“YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS” Mastermind roars as we fade to a commercial break!

- vs -
Richard Weston
Last Man Standing[/event]

We return from the break where Yaoi is doing stretches in his interestingly provocative wrestling attire... Then suddenly...

Silversun Pickups- Dots and Dashes (Enough Already) plays, and nothing. No pyro, no motion, no random appearances. That is until the thirty second mark, wherein the first lyric of the song hits:

"So, you wanna mess with me?"

And finally, Richard Weston Kielich emerges from the back, his manager and partner in crime Indigo Ana Thorne beside him. With a triumphant smirk, like he'd already won the match, he walks down to the ring closely followed by his manager. Upon arrival at the ringside area, he climbs up the steel steps and walks across the top of the apron before stepping between the middle and top rope and into the ring.

The referee calls for the bell and Richard Weston offers Yaoi a hand shake before the match gets under way.

Yaoi fools for the trick as Weston kicks him in the mid-section and holds his head between his arm and chest with a smile on his face. Indigo smiles as Weston lifts Yaoi high up into the air and falls backwards, planting him with a suplex.

He pulls Yaoi up to his feet and plants him with a left jab, and then another. Yaoi fights back with a few forearms and then runs off the ropes and goes for a fameasser but Richard Weston ducks under the leg and then slaps Yaoi across the face which leads to a flurry of jeers from the crowd.

Kielich grins though and then plants Yaoi with a left hook, sending him flying into the turn buckle. He runs and hits him with a shoulder to the mid-section against the turn buckle. He then wraps his arms around Yaoi and looks back into the ring before launching him across it with a belly to belly suplex.

Yaoi struggles to get his feet as Weston just uses his foot to push his opponents head back to the ground. He raises his arms in the air with a huge grin on his face and receives a lot of hate from the packed arena.

He grabs Yaoi by the head and throws him head first over the top rope. He follows him out of the ring and whips Yaoi into the steel steps!

That must have hurt!!

He then picks him up once again and throws him head first into the barricade before rolling him into the ring. He offers a high five to a member of the crowd who goes to high five him back but Weston strokes his hair instead and laughs.

He slides into the ring, and Yaoi takes him down with an enziguri!

He tries to fight back, he launches an assault of punches on Weston!

They climb to their feet, Yaoi goes for a spear but Richard Weston shows his speed by rolling over Yaoi's back. And as Yaoi turns...

THE OFFER! (Powerful spinning left handed punch!)

Yaoi has no idea where he is...

THE ACCEPTANCE (Tiger Driver '91)

Weston smurks and arrogantly leaves Yaoi in the centre of the ring.




Weston climbs up the top turn buckle and sits there, miming a yawn.








Winner: Richard Weston Kielich

His manager climbs into the ring as he forces the referee to hold his arm high into the air for longer than usual. Him and his manager, Indigo, simply nod at each other because business is well and truly done.

- vs -
Eddie Sheehan
- vs -
Paolo Mancini

Both Cain and Mancini are in the ring already.

The lights go out as the intantly recognizable bass and fiddle kick in. Green lights begin to flash. The lead kicks in. The drummmer goes for a walk. Eddie walks out as they scream "I'm a sailor peg!", his face hidden by his hood. The crowd cheers as he raises his right fist in the air, massive and wrapped in athletic tape, decorated with a large, bold "B".

He drops the hand and walks down to the ring, ready for combat, rolling his shoulders and stretching his neck. He slides into the ring and ascends the turnbuckle to his right, raising his right arm in the air again. He removes his hoodie and throws it on the ground, then stretches out using the ropes, ready for the match.

Ding ding ding!

Sheehan takes a long look across the ring at his two opponents. His eyes shift back and forth from Mancini and Cain before ultimately he decides to just go after the bigger man and presumably the bigger threat in Cain. He lunges forward with a straight punch right to the nose of Cain, who stumbles back and catches himself on the ropes. Instead of bouncing off them however, he hooks his arms around them. Meanwhile, the unattended Mancini tries to spin Sheehan around and give him a stiff punch to the jaw. Eddie ducks the strike and returns the favor with a kick to the lower knee. Mancini feels the full impact of the strike and hops away on one foot, clutching his ailed knee in his hands and bringing it up to his chest. Cain, after cracking his neck and shooting a frightful glare at Sheehan, goes for a running knee but catches a dropkick for his troubles. Once more Cain falls into the ropes but this time he doesn't have the wherewithal to hook them. Instead he bounces off them.

WORLD STAR! (Superman Punch)!

Cain looks to be out, folks! He drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring, leaving at the moment only Sheehan and Mancini. Mancini seems to be a little concerned about engaging Sheehan, especially after that wicked kick he caught. Shaking the rest of the pain out of his leg, he puts it back down on the canvas before stepping ever closer to the Irishman who's definitely on a roll as of now. Mancini throws a punch but Sheehan beats him to it with another kick to the same leg! And another! And yet another! Sheehan isn't letting up, throwing kicks aplenty to the wounded knee of Paolo Mancini.

Scissor sweep takedown!

Boston Cloverleaf! (Heel Hook)!

Mancini taps immediately!

Winner: Irish Eddie Sheehan

Clean Lucena and Sid Feder
- vs -
Barney Green and Peter Gilmour
Standard Tag

"The Lone Horseman" blares over the speakers as Sid Feder walks out steadily, wearing a pair of sunglasses and holding up his trademark 3 fingers. He smiles and nods to fans, shaking some of their hands but declining politely when it's a black person he's passing.

Raphael - Mi Grande Noche plays and the proud man walk to the ring, delighting his theme song, smiling and pointing to everyone like "hey yo".

"Turn The Page" by Metallica starts to play throughout the arena as the fans start to go crazy. Barney Green walks out with a green mudjug and poses with it for a second as the fans cheer him. He spits in the mudjug and proceeds to walk down to the ring and he high fives a few fans on his way down to the ring. He enters the ring and leans in the corner as the music fades.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of IMPLODE by SLAYER begins as a white beam of light comes from the top of the arena and shines on the middle of the ramp. We then see a hand go into the light as a man kneels in front of the light. It is Peter Gilmour! The music picks up as Peter gets up and screams to the heavens as he and his valet Maria Brink #2 come down to the ring. They get into the ring and Peter goes to the nearest turnbuckle and puts out his hand as the same beam of light comes down into his hand as he gives us a very scary look into the camera. He then laughs wickedly then screams to the heavens again as the lights come back on and he awaits his next opponent.

Ding ding ding!

Cheat Clean Lucena starts it off for his team and Barney Green does the same for his. Gilmour's reluctant to let it go down that way but ultimately relents and steps between the ropes into the apron, his eyes meeting with Feder's for a brief moment before he shoots them down to the ground. Meanwhile, Lucena and Barney circle each other, before Barney reels his fist back and lurches forward with a huge right hand that Lucena barely avoids! Lucena, looking slightly afraid for his life looks around frantically before spinning around and hitting a rolling elbow that connects flush with the back of Barney's head! Barney wavers, but doesn't fall to the mat. Instead he turns around and throws a punch of his own that does connect with Lucena's jaw. Lucena recoils, stumbling back and clutching at his jaw. On the outside of the ring, the Biographer cheers him on and tries to get the crowd riled up with a "Let's go Clean" chant but right now the fans aren't biting. Clean shakes his head and slaps himself a couple times in the cheeks to amp himself up before coming right back into Green's striking range and attempting a dropkick! And man does it connect! Right on the dot and now Barney's sent stumbling. Stumbling right into the side of the ring where Feder is, which is pretty dangerous territory as the creep cracks an off kilter, crooked grin right at the oncoming semi.

A grin so powerful, it manages to stop Green dead in his tracks. He obviously wants nothing to do with Feder, but Clean seems hellbent on that possibility becoming reality! He charges right in with a running elbow smash! Green, though having a solid foundation on account of his size is nonetheless taken aback by the blow as Lucena put all of his force behind the blow! Inches closer he comes to being stuck in the corner. He fights back a bit, throwing another massive punch to Lucena, but Clean's a man on a mission! Fighting through the pain that second blow had to have given him, he comes back with a flurry of three elbow smashes, sending Barney right into the corner and immediately thereafter he slaps Sid's outstretched palm. Feder comes into the ring slowly through the middle rope and tries to get Lucena to join him in a double team maneuver. Which of course, as any good non cheating man would do, Clean respectfully declines.

Feder doesn't take too long to register that though, as he goes right on the attack! Chops to the chest of Barney green! Chop after chop after chop as the referee starts his count. Feder doesn't even think of letting up until the ref hits four wherein he stops and backs up, shaking the ref's hands for his dutiful officiating. Confused, the ref accepts and no sooner than when Sid pulls his hand away does he turn right around and throw a knee right into the big ol' gut of Barney Green!

This of course proves to be a problem as Sid's legs aren't in the best of shape and the layer of blubber Green has provides some pretty solid natural shielding. Feder backs away, kicking the pain out of his leg before shakily putting his foot back on the mat and attempting walking. The attempt is a success and he goes right back on the attack. Not before catching a headbutt from Barney though! Their heads clonk together and Barney follows it up with a Scoop Slam that drops Sid onto his back. Barney jogs the ropes and comes in with a huge splash but Feder gets out of the way at the last moment and Barney splats himself on the canvas. Sid pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes and lays in a couple of stomps to the grounded Barney before attempting to drag him up to his feet. When that proves fruitless, he instead shifts position and locks in a headlock. He stares menacingly at the crowd while applying the pressure and something about the hold seems to have woken the big man up!

He pushes himself up off the mat, onto his knees before shoving Feder off him and into the ropes. Feder hits those ropes and bounces back right into a running shot from Barney's elbow right to the head! Feder goes down and Barney looks over to Gilmour, reluctantly going over to tag him. As their hands clap together and the ref acknowledges the tag Gilmour looks to have a few doubts about getting into the ring with this version of Feder. Ultimately he does, approaching the fallen Feder's body cautiously. The first thing he does is stomp on the fallen man's arm before pulling him up to his feet. Gilmour tries to lift Feder up for a Samoan Drop but Feder clocks him in the mouth and shoves him off. Feder looks to be laughing now as he kicks Gilmour's knee out from under him and drops him hard to the mat with a Snap DDT!

Feder then dusts himself off and strolls over to his corner and tags in Lucena.

Lucena hops over the ropes and comes in like a house of fire! Immediately he pulls Peter up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and cracks him with a standing dropkick! Gilmour goes down and goes down hard! Lucena takes advantage of that by locking in an armbar submission hold! He wrenches back and back and back but Gimour refuses to tap! Gilmour reaches out, and his fingers grab onto the rope!

Clean breaks the hold before the ref has a chance to count.

He then walks back over to his side of the ring and tags in Feder. These frequent tags are allowing both men to always be on the top of their game. Gilmour, back to his feet throws a wild punch that clocks Sid in the shoulder before hoisting Feder up and dropping him back down on his knee with a gutbuster. Gilmour then hits a leg drop! Holy shit Gilmour's going nuts! He runs over and forearm smashes Clean right off the apron! He yells up to the heavens before charging forward and hitting a somersault leg drop right on Feder! The cover!




Feder laughs and shoves Gilmour off of him. Slowly getting back to his feet while Gilmour gets speedily up to his, Feder throws a punch that doubles Gilly over long enough for him to get all the way up to a vertical base unopposed. From there he starts wrenching on Gilmour's neck, harder and harder as he starts to snarl and damn near foam at the mouth. Gilly tries to fight back, throwing elbows to Feder's midsection but he's looking like a man possessed! Nothing is fazing Feder as he continues to wrench and crank on this hold until he drags Gilmour down to the mat with him. Then, almost as if this fit of psychosis was controlled by an on/off switch, Feder's back to "normal" and sports the eerie smile once more. He loosens his grip but pulls Gilmour up to his feet again.

Wait a second...

ENDGAME! (Package Piledriver)!

Feder just used Gilmour's finishing move against him!

He covers!




Gilmour kicked out! Feder looks shocked by that but then gets his head back in the game. He yanks Peter violently up to his feet and whips him into the ropes where Barney slaps him on the back! It's a legal tag and Gilmour disgruntledly gets out of the ring.

Feder yawns in Green's direction as the big man approaches. He backpedals as Green approaches and tags in Lucena! Lucena charges in and goes for his same formula as last time: running elbows all day. Green's caught onto that however, and shoves Lucena away before he can connect with one! Then he gears back and unleashes a wicked right hand that collides with Clean's nose! Lucena falls back, grabbing his nose and checking for blood. Sure enough, small droplets appear on his hand. Clean snarls and charges in again but gets a punch to the stomach by Green! Then a knee to the face for good measure. He pulls Clean up and puts him on his shoulders! He starts to spin around but Clean's struggling! He finds a way to free himself...

SPANISH F! (Leaping Reverse STO)!

He tags in Feder, who then applies a sleeper hold on the fallen big man! Gilmour doesn't even look concerned for his partner's well being. Barney, not wanting to find himself unconscious at the hands of Sid Feder, taps!

Winners: Sid Feder and Clean Lucena

- vs -
Olive Pendershore
Special Guest Ref - Scorpio
X-treme Rules

The lights in the arena go go black except for a spotlight that shines down in the middle of the ring with a scorpion in the center of it. Rock You Like A Hurricane by The Scorpions now blasts over the pa system and different color strobe lights flash at the top of the ramp. Next Scorpio emerges from the backstage area wearing a white and black referee shirt with a Wendy's logo across the chest of it. He also has a Wendy's to go bag and vanilla frosty in each hand. He tries beating on his chest like he usually does but can't go full force because he doesn't want to smash his food or spill his drinks. He still lets out his trademark battle cry...


Now different color pyro begins to explode all around him. The lights in the arena now come back on as Scorpio makes his way down to the ring. He climbs into the ring and sits on one of the turnbuckles where he pulls a triple stack out of one of the bags the Wendy's bags he brought before devouring it.

Olive exits the entrance (oh the irony!) and walks to the ring. Eyes straight forward and ignoring any and all fan contact almost as if she's oblivious to their presence or just really doesn't care they exist. Once she gets to the ring she slides under the ropes and awaits her opponent still just focused on what's about to happen rather than making a spectacle of herself or doing any obnoxious gestures for attention.

The lights go out and purple fireworks explode along the edge of the entry way. Enigma will come out from the back and stand at the top of the entry way for a minute before methodically making his way down to the ring.

With Olive Pendershore and Enigma both in the ring, Scorpio gives a greasy fingered thumbs up in order to signal for the bell, which is immediately rung and this X-treme Rules, main event begins!

Enigma dives right into action and sends a hard right straight across Olive's face! The impact is so brutal, it sends the girl right to the canvas! Olive attempts to react but Enigma comes in, instantly with several kicks to Olive's ribs. She grimaces and doubles up on the canvas from the blows but Enigma doesn't let up. Choosing to grasp onto Olive's hair, before he yanks her from the canvas, only to deliver a DDT!

Olive slams into the canvas and Enigma goes for a quick cover!

This could be it folks!




Olive Pendershore kicks out! She shoves Enigma off her and gradually rises to her feet. Regaining her footing for no more than a few seconds, before she has to dive out of the way in order to avoid an oncoming Spear from Enigma!

Enigma slams into the turnbuckle and Olive is right after him. Grabbing him by the back of the head, Olive turns Enigma around before greeting his masked face with a couple punches, followed by a chop to his chest and a well placed knee to the gut! Enigma lurches forward and Olive hits him with a Roundhouse Kick that levels Enigma to the canvas!

Olive climbs atop Enigma and begins sending several punches to his head! However, Enigma manages to surge through these blows and catches Olive with a headbutt! Olive drops but is quick to her feet. Rising almost at a similar time as Enigma, Olive then plants her foot right into Enigma's crotch! And not in the way that Enigma would like! All of those Asian foot-job videos? Yeah, the complete opposite of that, think more along the lines of the femdom ballbusting videos that Shelby Cobra stars in. Olive then fires off two more well placed kicks to the groin before following it up with a quick small package. Something that would usually result in the referee springing into action however the roll up happens right as Scorpio is chugging his Frosty so it takes Scorpio a moment to get into position as he gently places his Frosty out of harms way. Once finally in position he makes the count....



After the kickout, Olive jumps up slapping her hands together telling Scorpio to count faster but he just shrugs. Olive momentarily turning her attention to Scorpio allows Enigma to collect himself and catch her with a throat thrust as she turns her attention back to him, he then Irish whips her and OH MY GOD! Enigma Irish whips Olive right into Scorpios Frosty and she ends up kicking it into the first row, the people in the front row look like they just came from Eroticon! Olive grabs the ropes stopping her momentum and completely obliterates Enigma with a side kick to the side of the head while Enigma turns his attention to Scorpio who yelled out "what the fuck brah?" right after Enigma sent Olive into his precious Frosty. Scorpio goes over and grabs his other Frosty protecting it like a small child as he starts to drink it. Olive climbs on top of Enigma and starts raining down right hands.

Enigma combats this by grabbing Olive by either shoulder before promptly catching her with another Headbutt! Olive grabs her head and drops back as Enigma gets up. Grabbing Olive up by her hair and Hip Tossing her towards one of the corners of the ring opposite to him. Olive slams into the corner and Enigma charges after! Hitting Olive with a Spear that crushes Olive into the corner even more! From there Enigma follows that up with a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker which leaves Olive a motionless heap on the canvas!

Enigma doesn't let that stop him though. He fetches the ring bell and begins using that to work over Olive. Smashing the bell repeatedly into her head and back! Over and over again, Enigma continuously strikes that bell into Olive's body. Grabbing her face at one point, just to get a better shot when sending that bell into her face! That's when Olive's nose is busted wide open! She begins to choke on her own blood but Enigma doesn't stop! He's crazed with fury and damn near possessed in a moment of sheer rage! It completely overtakes him and dives him to keeps pounding that bell into Olive's face and skull, until the bell is nothing more than a useless lump of steel!

Enigma tosses the lump of steel; that once was a bell, off to the side. It soars from the ring and connects with a member of the audience in the front row's head and the fan drops. Warfare staff does absolutely nothing as the savages nearby the unfortunate audience member pillage his body for valuables and violate him. Luckily, the cameras swerve away and reconnect with the action in the ring before too much is seen. However, enough was revealed in order to prove that being unconscious and in the audience at a Warfare event, can equal unimaginable horror! Horror and destruction, almost similar to what's happening in the ring as we see Olive laying on the canvas! Her face and body, appear to be covered in bruises and wounds! Coupled with that, her nose is bleeding profusely! From the looks of things, it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume that her nose is probably shattered in several places. Yes...things sure look grim for Olive as she remains motionless on the canvas with her eyes completely closed.

Enigma towers over the broken and beaten girl as he tilts his head back, allowing a booming laugh to erupt from behind his mask.

Enigma: "Guess you should have shown more effort bitch!"

Following those cruel words Enigma walks to the edge of the ring and slides out. Reaching under the ring after that, Enigma produces a steel chair. Enigma holds up the chair and the fans go wild! They want more blood!

While this goes down, Scorpio is seen biting a triple stack as he shakes his head.

Scorpio: "Not cool brah. Not cool."

Enigma laughs again and climbs up onto the side of the ring. Continuing to climb up the ropes, he mounts the top rope and stands up with the steel chair held high! From there Enigma dives. Soaring into the air along with that chair, with supreme precision and accuracy as he maneuvers the chair under his body. Adding more brutality and damage, when he comes crashing down onto Olive with that Moonsault he delivers!

Enigma rises and brings the chair with him. Slamming it into Olive's back a few times, Enigma then saunters over to Scorpio and slaps the triple stack from his hand.

Enigma: "How about that brah? Is that not cool either?"

Enigma laughs.

Enigma: "Do your job you disgusting, gluttonous, sloth. This match is just about over."

Scorpio just glares at Enigma as he pulls out.....ANOTHER FRESH, PIPING HOT TRIPLE STACK! This causes Enigma to laugh and shake his head as turns around. Slowly and methodically, walking over to Olive as he waves the chair around in the air. The fans, a living sea of turmoil and excitement. These sick fucks would probably love it, if every match ended with someone's death!

Approaching Olive's body, Enigma raises the chair high above his head and the fans; those who don't immediately jump to their feet, are definitely perched on the edge of their seats! Gasps and shrieks are heard from every corner of the arena as Enigma brings that chair down!


As in....all the lights in the whole arena, suddenly shut off all at once.

The whole place is pitch black!

When the lights go back on several awe filled, jaw dropping things are happening all at the same time!

There's a pack of wild llamas galloping around the ring!

The fans in all of sections J through L in the seating area of the arena, have gotten naked and appear to be having an orgy! Yeah, that's three whole sections of people in one giant sex heap! What the fuck!

Scorpio is taking a bite out of a piece of celery!

Oh, that's just another triple stack, our mistake. He didn't finish the other one he started a moment ago either. He's actually eating two triple stacks at once! How this man stays trim and sexy is beyond us! We just confused a single piece of celery with two burgers though, so there's a lot of things that are beyond us. Or wrong with us? One of the two.

And to top it all off!

Griffin MacAlister is laying Enigma out with a Reality Check!


Scorpio doesn't seem to notice it either since he's currently devouring two triple stacks at once. Making sweet love to them would be more accurate but regardless of the terminology, his attention is fully placed on those burgers. He fails to see Enigma slam onto the canvas! And doesn't notice who's responsible!

Griffin MacAlister smirks as he wrenches Enigma up and delivers yet another Reality Check!

And then other!

Popping up to his feet and checking on Olive after that last one, he sees she is barely conscious but alive.

Then as Griffin lays Olive on top of Enigma, Scorpio turns around.


Both burgers have been finished and there's a big smile on Scorpio's face as he removes yet another triple stack from.......uh, who really knows at this point? There was a bag of them at one point but that's long gone now. Scorpio ate all the burgers in that bag and now, they're just reappearing. Like Scorpio has some amazing, triple stack manifesting power! Totally besides the point of things that matter right now though, because Scorpio sees Griffin in the ring! However, since he didn't actually see Griffin interfere, he has no idea what happened!

Blissfully unaware, Scorpio just shrugs as Griffin exits the ring. Following that, Scorpio pops the entire triple stack into his mouth. Yeah, it was like his jaw unhinged and he just slid that whole thing in there. A feat that was both; kind of cool and really - really - really freaky, at the same time. After that, Scorpio proceeds to drop down to the canvas, in order to make the count.




Winner: Olive Pendershore

Olive sits up with a slight confused look in her eyes as the fans go nuts! Scorpio grabs her by the hand and pulls her up to her feet, raising her hand in victory as he chomps on still another triple stack!

However as this happens...

Sebastian Duke, John Madison and NAZI finally appear at ringside, but it's too late! The match is over! Olive won!

This doesn't stop them from kicking the shit out of Griffin MacAlister!

Griffin does his best to fend them off but there is three of them, so eventually he's bested and beaten down as Olive dives from the ring and attempts to help The Mechanic but to no avail! Olive manages to catch Duke with a shot to the knee that brings him down but she's soon taken out after that. Both MacAlister and Pendershore, have been brutally attacked by The Black Circle!

When the destruction ceases, all three men slip into the ring and Duke picks up his his brother. Cradling a motionless but breathing Enigma as Warfare staff rush out and proceed to check on Griffin and Olive.

A devastating final image seen as Warfare comes to a close.

What repercussions will come from tonight's events?

Only time will tell!
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[-] The following 7 users Like Giovanni Ferrari's post:
Archie Lawson (07-03-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-03-2014), Mason Prince (07-03-2014), Mastermind (07-03-2014), Ozymandias (07-03-2014), Percy Gains (07-04-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-03-2014)
Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-03-2014, 12:53 PM

Man you certainly want that rematch don't you Ashe Dawson.

Overall - 60 Wins 102 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 10 Wins 24 Losses 1 Draw
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Television Champion - 129 Days (Just the 4th TV Champion to break 100 days, and now 4th on the all time list)
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-03-2014, 01:24 PM

glad i didnt get pinned by feder.. i knew that waste of space barney green would let me down... just wish i could bury him alive next week

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Mafia Men Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-03-2014, 02:03 PM

[Image: tQxJLU3.png]

You've crossed a line Frodo, you will pay.
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-03-2014, 02:40 PM

"In the immortal words of Beyoncé, you must not know bout me."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
Percy Gains (07-04-2014)
Mason Prince Offline
Mom's Spaghetti

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-03-2014, 05:55 PM

OOC: Great show, lads. Congratulations to everyone who won. Really liked the Olive v. Enigma match w/ Scorpio.

[Image: 4cDcn2D.jpg]


1x X-Treme Champion
1x Federweight Champion
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Percy Gains Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

07-04-2014, 08:22 AM

Sneak attack on me!! I got a suprise for you three clowns!!
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