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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 5/21
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-21-2014, 09:23 PM

Joe Louis Arena
Detroit, Michigan

Clyde Baker
- vs -
Standard Match, One Fall

Vellore Brommer
- vs -
Sterling Steal
- vs -
Paolo Mancini
Standard Triple Threat, One Fall

Arryn Connolly and Avery Kain
- vs -
Brodie Tyler and "The Xtreme Franchise" Mike Steele
Standard Tag

Alexandra Callaway
- vs -
Ace Eagles
- vs -
Devil Dog Jeff Taylor

Romulus Heinrich Winters
- vs -
Joey Hawkins
First Blood

Tommy Gunn
- vs -
Luca Arzegotti
With Special Guest Referee - Tony "15 Packs" Santos!
X-treme Rules/Last Man Standing!

The camera cuts to the backstage area that is catering. Sitting alone at the long dining table is new XWF wrestler, Brodie Tyler. He is wearing his normal ring attire, black vest and all. Brodie is playing with his half eaten slice of pound cake. Twirling his plastic fork around the cake causing it to crumble. He takes a broken piece with the fork and puts it up to his face. He extends his jaw and looks to take a bite before noticing the camera. Brodie smiles widely and proceeds to throw the fork at the cameraman. He stands abruptly causing his chair to fall behind him. Brodie grabs the plate of crumbled cake and throws it as if it were a Frisbee to the cameraman.

"You get that all on camera? You got it? GOOD! Let them see their monkey in it's cage trying to enjoy a decent meal. Poke and prod at me. Go ahead, pick that fork up. Poke me with it.

He waits for a response but gets known. The cameraman doesn't want to get involved, things don't seem to end peacefully for camera men in the XWF. Brodie laughs at the complete silence and runs his fingers through his greasy, black hair. He cracks his neck and takes a deep breathe. His body starts to shake and he yells loudly.


He jumps the table and launches himself at the cameraman. The cameraman drops his camera as he gets pummeled by Brodie. The camera has a clear focus on Brodie beating down the cameraman. Brodie stands over him and delivers blow after blow until personnel come and pull him off. He struggles with them, hitting a few in the process. Brodie stops and raises his hands.

"I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. No more hitting. I'm a good boy, see."

They let him go and he walks over to the downed camera.

"See, I'm gonna pick this camera up and give it back to him."

He picks the camera up and directs it to his face. He smiles into the camera.

"My name is Brodie Tyler and tonight I make my official XWF in ring debut! To Arryn Connolly, don't fret dear, but to Avery Kain I I give you a word of warning. Don't disrespect me like this idiot. Give me the respect I deserve. I may be new to you, but I've been doing this all my life. Don't consider me to be your future, I am your present. Speaking of presents...."

He lowers the camera and walks over to the cameraman. The camera is low enough for us to see the cameraman's bloodied face. He has a black eye and a possible broken nose. As Brodie approaches he winces and rightly so as Brodie slams the camera down onto his chest. Yelling is heard from the personnel who jump Brodie and try to pull him out of the room. The last image of the camera is that of Brodie Tyler being pulled out of catering with a smile on his face.


Clyde Baker
- vs -
Standard Match, One Fall

“You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring” hits the ring as Clyde Baker ascends from the X-Tron, he makes his way to the ring. He grabs the middle rope and he pulls himself onto the ring apron before climbing into the centre of the ring. He backs into the turnbuckle and awaits for Mastermind to enter the ring.

“The Monster” hits the ring. The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

The two men both receive good ovations from the crowd. They circle each other for a moment before shaking hands and then they seperate and then the match begins. Hip toss by Baker, then they get to their feet and Mastermind hip tosses Baker instead.

They look each other in the eye, and then square up once more, Mastermind pushes Baker into the ropes and then whips him across the ring. Mastermind drops to the floor and rolls under Baker who continues running.

On the return Mastermind ducks and then Baker rolls on his back and flips over to his feet. Baker then leaps onto the middle rope and springboards back and hits Mastermind with an elbow to the chest. Clyde then looks towards the top turnbuckle and he sprints towards it and leaps onto the top.

He turns to face Mastermind who is slowly getting to his feet.


But Mastermind rolls it through into his own pin!



Kick out!

Baker looks shocked and then hits Mastermind with a crossbody chop. He continues chopping and then pushes him into the turnbuckle. He whips Mastermind across the ring to the other turnbuckle. Baker lines him up but that moment may be costly as he waits a little bit too long. Mastermind grabs the top rope and then flips around the outside and hits Baker with the a boot to the temple. He grabs the top rope and leaps onto it and then flies at Baker with a flying clothesline.

Mastermind runs off the ropes and leaps into the air with a single knee to the temple. He then grabs Clyde by the head and picks him up to his feet. He grabs him by the head with one arm over his shoulder and lifts him into the air for a moment. He holds him there and then falls back and lands a powerful suplex.

He holds on and then lifts it up again... Another one!

And another! Three in a row!!

Mastermind covers him.



Kick out.

Then Mastermind seems frustrated. He heads to the top turnbuckle and looks for a big splash but Clyde rolls out of the way. Clyde picks up Mastermind and then hits a brutal spinning neck breaker.

Baker lifts Mastermind up once more and hits him with an elbow. Then grabs him by the arm and drags him towards the turnbuckle and hits him with an elbow again on the forehead. Then a load of forearms to the temple.

Clyde Baker grabs him by the leg and locks in a single legged boston crab.

Mastermind struggles towards the bottom rope...



He makes it!

Mastermind uses the momentum to fling Baker to the outside.

Mastermind runs off the opposite ropes and he flies between the middle and top rope and hits a flying forearm to Clyde Baker.

The referee begins to count them out as the two begin to scrap on the outside. They exchange punch after punch.





They both roll back into the ring and continue to brawl. Mastermind hits a german suplex out of no where!

Then he tries to go for another but Baker lands on his feet....


Your Irreversible Fate (Roundhouse kick into twist of fate)





Winner: Clyde Baker

A huge win for Baker!!!

Vellore Brommer
- vs -
Sterling Steal
- vs -
Paolo Mancini
Standard Triple Threat, One Fall

"Power" by Kanye West plays over the speakers and Paolo Mancini comes down to the ring smoking a cigar with white pyro going off from the post when says "Say Hello" when he enters the ring.

The silence of the crowd is broken up with the pa system blasting "Rap God" by artist Eminem. Some cheers can be heard from the rather silent audience, and some signs are seen for the superstar who is about to enter the arena. Panning up to the tritontron we see a leg bending the opposite way that it normally would with a silhouette of a man cranking on it. With the actual start of the song Vellore enters through the black curtain that was separating him from all of the people in the arena. Along to the beat of the song he is bouncing around rolling out his neck and loosening his arms by rolling them out.

The song continues and Vellore makes his way down the ramp towards the ring, at a quick pace almost a sprint but more of a jog Vellore slaps hands with the audience members who have their arms outstretched. Reaching the end of the entrance ramp the pace of Vellore isn't stopped and he slides into the ring under the bottom rope. But he doesn't stay on the floor of the ring for long as his powerful arms push his body up and he explodes to his feet but underestimates his own power and launches himself a good inch off the ground over his feet and then lands. With the landing pyro explodes out of the four corners of the ring. Vellore is pumped up for the match (fight in his mind) and he takes off the top of his gi to reveal his hoodie that was keeping his sweat going and he pulls the hoodie off as well tossing both items to the outside of the ring and awaits his opponent's entrance.

"Ace of Spades" by Motorhead plays and Sterling comes out in a silk robe looking disgusted with all the fans he sees. he always has the ref open up the ropes for him. He throws off his robe in the middle of the ring and makes a few quick poses before usually insulting the ring side fans.

Ding ding ding!

The match begins with Sterling Steal rushing in with a huge lariat aimed for both men! He connects; sending Brommer and Mancini to the mat! The two, looking almost stunned, both try to get back to their feet. Mancini makes it up to his feet but Steal lays the boots into Brommer before he can get back to his feet. However, this looks to work in Brommer's favor as he catches Steal's boot and slides his legs around, effectively sweeping Sterling off his feet! He lands on his back and Vellore springs into action! He floats over and cinches in an armbar, really pulling back as Sterling yells in pain! He could go for the ropes, but it doesn't look like he's about that life. No, instead he pulls his left arm, the one not caught in the hold over to his right side, grabs his left hand and pulls himself up to his feet! Brommer is holding onto the grip and Sterling finally breaks it by delivering a snap powerslam!

Steal spends a little too much time on his knees making sure his arm's still attached to his shoulder and pays the price. Mancini, who had been watching the scene unfold rushes in and hits a quick dropkick to the kneeling man, knocking him to the ground. He then pulls Vellore up to his feet by force and throws a stiff left hook to the jaw that knocks Brommer back. Steal gets back to his feet and charges in from the side of Mancini, connecting with a European Uppercut that sends Mancini stumbling back now. Brommer shakes the cobwebs loose and goes for a Guard Pull, but before he even gets his wrapped, Sterling, paranoid after the last maneuver decides to remedy this possible issue the good old fashioned way: with a punch to the face.

Vellore falls into the turnbuckle and Steal turns around, coming face to face with Mancini.

Steal throws a punch, but Paolo beats him to the blow with a kick to the gut, doubling him over. Mancini tries to take advantage and go for the Paying Tribute (Fisherman Suplex w/ Bridging Pin) but Sterling throws a punch to his side, causing him to loosen his hold and allows Steal to get out of his opponent's clutches. He shoves Mancini off and gets completely taken off guard as Brommer comes from behind and leaps onto Steal's back, locking in a back Ezekiel Choke! Once more, he wrenches the hold in tightly and it looks like Steal doesn't have a counter for this! His oxygen supply is quickly depleting but he still refuses to give up!

Kick to the face from Mancini! The hold's broken! Brommer, looking positively infuriated sets his sights on Mancini. Stepping over Steal, who's currently trying to get some air, he runs and slides into Mancini's feet and locks in a legscissors! Typically a Sambo move there, but it seems to be doing the trick just fine. He gets Mancini on his back and locks in a Heel Hook! Mancini screams at the top of his lungs and Steal rushes in, dropping an elbow across Brommer's face! Steal and Mancini look at each other, silently conspiring something. Steal pulls Brommer up to his feet and hooks his arms. Mancini then hits a series of punches that connect with Brommer's face! Brommer looks to be out on his feet here, held up only by Sterling Steal. Steal, smirking, pushes Brommer into Mancini who sets him up for a powerbomb!

As he drops Brommer to the mat, Steal catches Vellore with a neckbreker! He immediately goes for the cover!



Mancini with the save!

Sterling and Mancini stare each other down as Brommer lies on his back. Steal knees Mancini in the gut and then sets him up for The Silver Backbreaker (Powerbomb dropped into a Double Knee Backbreaker), but Mancini struggles out of it. Back body drop! Steal lands back first on the mat, momentum forcing him into a sitting position. Mancini hits the ropes and comes back with a wild soccerball kick that connects square with Steal's spine! Steal falls over to one side on the mat, laid out in a curled position.

Brommer's starting to stir, it seems. The window for that move's effectiveness is long gone. Mancini, furious turns his attention once more to Steal lying on the mat in his ball. He rolls Steal over onto his back and mounts him, throwing a series of punches similar to the ones that dazed Brommer to his grounded opponent. The first few land without much opposition but after that, Steal gets his guard up! He blocks one of the punches with his forearm and throws the opposite elbow right to the side of Mancini's head! Mancini falls over to the opposite side of the site of impact, freeing Steal of the hold. He gets back to his feet and pulls Mancini up to his.

Though he's not out, Vellore still isn't to his feet. Either that, or he's taking his sweet time so whoever's left standing doesn't think of him as a threat yet.

Steal lifts Mancini up and drops him quick with a tilt a whirl back breaker, looking back to see Brommer on his knees. He walks over to the kneeling man, hitting an enzuigiri that sends him right back to the ground. Returning to Mancini, he goes for the pin.




Steal looks beside himself! He pulls Mancini up to his feet and throws a few punches to the stomach, backing him up against the ropes. Mancini with the knee up! He hooks Steal! The Hit (Double Underhook Driver)! But wait!

Brommer's up to his feet, rushing into the fray and tossing Mancini over the ropes! Seeing as his opponent's already on the ground, he cinches in the Joelho Bar without the preparation. It takes a little longer to get everything set up right, but once the pressure's applied, it doesn't take long for Steal to tap out!

Winner: Vellore Brommer

Arryn Connolly and Avery Kain
- vs -
Brodie Tyler and "The Xtreme Franchise" Mike Steele
Standard Tag

Bad Religion - Los Angeles is Burning hits the ring. Arryn Connolly steps out onto the entrance way, pushing hair out of her face before taking off towards the ring and sliding in under the ropes once she gets there.

As the opening guitar line of "Go With the Flow" by Queens of the Stone Age starts up in the PA system as the lights turn shades of green and purple. As the singer kicks in, Avery Kain walks out to a chorus of boos. Nodding his head to the drum beat of the song and rubbing his hands together in menacing fashion, Kain begins to walks down the aisle. As he reaches the apron, he gets a running start before sliding underneath the bottom rope. As he is getting up, he walks toward his designated corner turnbuckle. Instead of climbing on top, he simply sits on the top turnbuckle/rope and looks towards the entrance ramp for his opponent.

The words "I hate everybody" flash on the screen in sync with the music. As the gunshot in the song goes off, pyrotechnic sparks explode up from the stage and from the sides of the big screen as a blood effect runs down over the screen then flashing random highlights from his past. He tends to run out through the sparks onto the top of the stage walking back and forth in an intense manner amping up the crowd before quickly making his way to the ring. In rivalry matches he tends to run out through the sparks pointing and taunting his opponent as he runs to the ring similar to Ultimate Warrior (RIP) in days gone by.

Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz hits on the pa system and out walks Brodie Tyler with a disgusted look on his face. He walks to the ring thrashing his body and head about almost like he is moshing. He stops right before the ring and head bangs. He lifts his head up violently and flails about from being so dizzy. He slides in the ring. Brodie marches around the ring and turns towards a cameraman and grabs the front of the camera. His face takes up the screen and a shit eating grin comes across his face. Wow.

The match begins...

But as the match is about to get underway it seems as though both teams can't decide who is going to start this match!!

They both begin to fight each other!!

What is going on here!!!


“Britannia Rules The Waves” hits the ring and Archie Lawson emerges at the top of the stage....

Oh I see, so you guys can't get a long? Well fine then....

Arryn Connolly's new partner will be Brodie Tyler against you two fucking muppets! Now switch sides and ring the damn bell.”

The match restarts now, with Tyler starting up against Avery Kain.

But Steele from behind attacks Tyler!!!!

Connolly leaps onto the top turnbuckle and flies at him with a missile drop kick. She then picks up Steele and sends him to the outside. She plants him on the outside!


Tyler on the inside ducks a clothesline from Kain... then turns....

SUNSHINE DRIVER (Electric Chair Driver)

The cover.





Winners: Arryn Connolly & Brodie Tyler

Brodie Tyler slides out of the ring and looks underneath it. He pulls out a bouquet of roses!! He slides back into the ring with flowers and walks up to Arryn Connolly. He puts the flowers behind is back in an attempt to be cute. He blushes and smiles. Brodie hands the flowers to Arryn. She doesn't react and Brodie doesn't give her a chance to as he bashes her in the head with the flowers repeatedly. He throws the flowers down and grabs Arryn. He hits the Sunshine Drive on her!! He stands up and screams at Arryn.

Brodie: I LOVE YOU!!!! SMILE, BABY!!!

He sits down next to her and grabs her head. He starts to stroke her hair while her head is in his lap.

Brodie: Shhhh. Shhh. It's alright now. Sleep, baby.

He kisses her right on the lips and drops her head on the mat. Brodie slides out of the ring as "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz hits. The fans don't know what to think of this newcomer. That was...unsettling.

Cameras open up backstage where there is some commotion going on and we find Alexandra Callaway tipping over a water cooler onto a fallen Ace Eagles! The cooler breaks and water gets all over Age Eagles. He lays on the floor, soaked, almost looking like he's a goldfish out of water as he lays there panting.

Not too far away, Devil Dog Jeff Taylor was walking through the hall in preparation for his match and sees both of his opponents, Callaway and Eagles. As soon as the officials see Taylor is nearby, one of them yells toward him...

XWF official: "Taylor, get over here and let's get this match started! I'm calling for it to start RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE! The only rule is that in order to win you must make one of your opponents submit!"

Alexandra Callaway
- vs -
Ace Eagles
- vs -
Devil Dog Jeff Taylor

Cameras stay on the action as Taylor wastes no time rushing toward the action. Callaway has already pulled Eagles back up and is smashing his head into a wall when Jeff Taylor runs full blast into the back of Callaway with a stiff forearm to the back of her head, crushing her into Ace Eagles who in turn gets flattened against the wall. Taylor backs up and lets Eagles fall to the ground while Callaway falls right into Taylor's arms! Oh my god! Taylor with the overhead belly to belly throw! Callaway just got sent flying upside down into a stack of metal chests! The chests fall all over Callaway and bury her alive along with some other odds and ends that were next to them. It looks like some lighting fixtures and camera equipment is also falling on top of her to add to the pile.

Taylor examines the pile and starts toward it but then stops, realizing he can just use this time to focus on Ace Eagles...

CRASH! Eagles came running toward Taylor when Taylor rolled out of the way, allowing Eagles to smash into the pile of equipment and metal chests! Taylor immediately grabs Eagles, yanking him back up to his feet and driving him straight down into the floor with a huge spinebuster. Taylor stomps away on Eagles a few times before looking to the pile of debris and seeing some of it fall to the side as Callaway starts to crawl out from under it. Taylor backs up a few steps and waits for Callaway to get to her feet and he runs toward her! SIX-SIX KICK! He just nailed that leaping super kick to Callaway just as she was stepping over one of the metal chests! She crashes back down into the mountain of equipment.

Taylor quickly looks over to Ace Eagles who is starting to stir... Taylor rushes in and kicks him in the jaw as he starts to stand, instantly springing Ace's body upright into the vertical position so Taylor can hit THE DEVIL'S DUE! (i.e. Three quarter face lock, (Stunner position). Taylor drops to his chest and drives Ace's head down, forehead first.)

Taylor glances over toward the mountain of equipment to make sure Callaway isn't about to emerge. He then turns back to Eagles and slides his right arm under Eagles' throat to trap his right arm. Taylor grabs his left bicep with his right hand and bends his left arm reaching towards Ace Eagles' back. After it is fully applied, Taylor clinches his bicep causing a blood choke... That's THE BEAUTIFUL DEATH! He's got it locked in tight!!!

The official leans in to check on the situation as Taylor keeps that choke clenched. Eagles is completely helpless and after just a few seconds, he taps!!!

Winner: Devil Dog Jeff Taylor

Jeff Taylor lets Ace Eagles slump to the floor as the referee raises Taylor's hand in victory. Taylor looks around the area, surveying the damage that has been caused and nodding affirmatively before heading back toward his dressing room. What a performance by the XWF's very own Devil Dog!

Romulus Heinrich Winters
- vs -
Joey Hawkins
First Blood

Joey Hawkins is already in the ring, waiting for the match to begin.

The lights strobe white for a moment as the intro to "Seek and Destroy" by Primal Fear hits. Then everything goes black as the camera pans around the arena, searching for The Beast. A set of glowing red eyes is spotted and the camera focuses on him. The red strobe lights fill the arena, Romulus standing there with fangs bared and flanked by Miako. He quickly makes his way through the crowd with agility unbefitting a man his size. He steps over the guard rail and grabs Miako by the waist, hoisting her over effortlessly. He slides under the bottom rope and storms the corners, climbing each one in turn and throwing his arm in the air in a sign of power. He hops down and throws his arms out to the sides as flames go off behind him.

The match hasn't even started yet, and Romulus/Cain decides to go after Hawkins with a huge lariat that sends Hawkins to the ground with a hard thud! Cain pulls him off the mat and hits a big Vertical Suplex. He floats over and delivers a series of three punches to the face of Hawkins before getting off and pulling the fallen man up with him. With Hawkins' arm still in his hands, he does a quick arm wringer. He leaps in the air a few inches and pulls down on Hawkins' arm, releasing his grasp almost immediately. Hawkins backs up, holding his arm. He rushes in after a few seconds, only to get caught with a kick to the gut for his trouble. Hawkins doubles over, and Cain lifts him up and drops him on the back of his neck with a huge Gutwrench powerbomb! Somewhere along the lines, the bell must have sounded, as the ref is checking Hawkins for the slightest sign of blood, which he finds none of.

Cain shakes his head backs away from the fallen body of Joey Hawkins, using Hawkins' state as an excuse to take a bit of a breather. He rests against the ropes, calling out for Hawkins to get back to his feet. Hawkins does, dazed and confused, stumbling around on spaghetti legs before finally snapping out of it.

Just in time to get lifted up by Cain. He looks like he's going to go for a Fallaway Slam but instead he drops Hawkins' ribs across his knee! He lifts him up again and does it again! And again! Finally, he lets go and Hawkins rolls off his knee and hits the canvas. This is has just been one sided since the opening seconds! Cain hits the ropes and hits a double stomp on the fallen Hawkins' chest, before kicking his legs out and landing in a senton on the same area his feet landed!


Cain screams, pulling Hawkins back up to his feet and whips him into the ropes.

Survival of the Fittest! (DA POUNCE!)

But wait, his claws slice along Hawkins' shoulder as the move connects! Blood begins to pour out of the wounds, and the ref grabs Cain's not bloodstained hand and raises it in victory!

Winner: Cain

Romulus stands in the ring, holding his RTX title high in the air after his victory when suddenly, the lights go out. Moments later, The Xtron bursts into flames. Emerging from beneath the stage, like rising from the depth of hell, is the new XWF Universal Champion, Sebastian Duke. He continues to wear the face of his sons killer as a grotesque mask. The Shane eye patch stitched into the skin over the right eye hole.

[Image: RAW_1032_Photo_006.jpg]

The flames continue to burn. The lights remain out. Romulus stares at Duke from inside the ring. Duke stares back. Neither man moves until Duke points toward the Xtron, while maintaining his stare at Romulus.

Upon the Xtron and amid the flames, a message:

[Image: Rom.jpg]

Duke still points, still stares at Romulus through the disgusting mask. Yet never says a word.

[Image: YCBF.jpg]

Romulus looks on, undeterred.

[Image: BYCBN.jpg]

Suddenly, the flames go out and the lights come on. Sebastian Duke is nowhere to be seen.

Tommy Gunn
- vs -
Luca Arzegotti
With Special Guest Referee - Tony "15 Packs" Santos!
X-treme Rules/Last Man Standing!

Tommy Gunn comes out. He makes a shooting gesture with his thumb, fore and middle fingers to various people in the crowd before getting in the ring and then sitting on the top turnbuckle awaiting his opponent.

Luca steps out, onto the entrance ramp. He takes a good, long look down the ramp before walking down it, towards the ring. Once there, he climbs onto the apron and steps between the middle rope and walks over to the nearest turnbuckle, climbing up it and raising one fist in the air before dropping back down to the mat.

Both Luca Arzegotti and Tommy Gunn stand on opposing sides of the ring as Tony Santos emerges from the back. Smoking a cigarette as he strolls down to the ring. Taking his time while he struts along, Tony stops momentarily to ash his cigarette into a fan's nachos before he swallows down their cup of beer. A smile appearing on his face as he tosses the now empty cup over his shoulder. We watch Tony continue his causal walk down to the ring. Slipping under the ropes and bounding up with an unfaltered grin, Tony then signals for the bell, which is promptly rung and this X-Treme Rules/Last Man Standing match....begins!

Tommy Gunn and Luca Arzegotti, circle the ring with their eyes locked on one another. Gunn quickly breaking this cycle by charging in with a Spear! However, Arzegotti jumps straight up into the air and completely avoids the impact. Gunn crashes into the ropes and Luca is right after, sending Gunn flying out of the ring with a Roundhouse Kick to the back of Gunn's head! Tommy slams onto the mat outside the ring and Luca leaps over the top rope, with an immediate Suicide Dive! Luca collides with Gunn just as Tommy was attempting to rise. Barely lifting himself up an inch off that outside mat before Luca smashed into him.

Luca is quick to his feet and as he rises up, he grabs a tuft of Gunn's hair and uses it to toss Gunn head first into the steel steps! Sauntering after and grabbing Tommy by the head as he sends Gunn face first into the steps. Once. Twice. Thrice! Gunn's nose shatters on that third strike and blood gushes everywhere! It's at this time, Gunn reaches into a side pocket on his camouflage pants and pulls out a spring loaded baton. Tommy recoils his arm and right as Luca prepares to smash Gunn's face into those steps, Gunn takes out Luca's knee with that spring loaded baton! Luca howls out in pain as he falls, clutching his knee on the way down to the mat.

Spitting a glob of snot, blood and saliva off to the side Tommy straightens up and goes for Luca. Walking up to a downed Luca with his spring loaded baton in hand. Gunn rears it back and prepares to strike.


Crack is in the audience!

Can you belive it?

What an amazing sighting!

Oh and Tony Santos catches Gunn with shot to the back of the head with an empty liquor bottle. Tony had someone go fetch him a bottle of liquor while Luca and Tommy battled it out and his finishing it, coincided with Tommy walking towards Luca. Inspired by whatever thoughts fuel good old 15 Packs, he took it upon himself to chuck the empty bottle straight at Tommy's head! Cheering loudly with both hands raised up in the air like he scored some sort of winning goal when it impacted with Gunn's head! Gunn falls forward, dropping the baton and raising an instinctive hand to the back of his head. Blood trickles from a large gash decorated with pieces of shattered glass, curtsy of that bottle to the head from Santos.

Slowly climbing to his feet, Gunn shakes his head in order to regain a bit of his bearings and then turns an angry eye to Santos, who simply smiles and shrugs. Using the butt of a cigarette to light a fresh one, Tony pays little attention to Gunn as he casts a hand out and points to the outside of the ring. Specifically, in the direction right behind Tommy Gunn. Confused, Gunn spins around just in time to avoid a chair shot from Arzegotti! The chair smashes into the ring apron and Gunn catches Luca with Short Arm Clothesline! Luca gets taken down and Gunn pulls him up by the throat just to render a Blatant Choke!

Both of Gunn's hands are soon wrapped around Arzegotti's neck as he chokes the life out of Luca! Smashing Luca's head down onto the steel steps as he squeezes with all his might. Luca's face turning several shades of red and then slowly shifting towards blue as Luca tries to pry Gunn's hands from his throat. Digging his fingers into Gunn's hands, while futilely attempting to yank them away, it's clear Gunn won't let go of Luca's throat until Luca's dead!

Low Blow!

Arzegotti catches Gunn with a Low Blow!

Tommy releases Luca's neck as he drops to his knees and Arzegotti rolls off the steps and lands in a heap on the mat gagging. Choking as the color gradually returns to his face, Arzegotti gets to his feet and staggers forward. Feeling the fatigue and full effects of almost being choked to death, Luca seems to be having issues regaining his composure. By the time Luca gathers his bearings, Tommy is standing.

Both men meeting each other's gaze and staring one another down for a moment before they charge. Arzegotti delivering a stiff right jab to Tommy's jaw, followed by a left hook and a Headbutt! The Headbutt busts Tommy's nose open even more and fuels Tommy to go ballistic! Serving up rapid punches to Luca's ribs and kidneys, Gunn caps off this frenzy with a Powerbomb!

Luca is down but not for long before Tommy grabs Luca up by his head and tosses him face first, back into the ring! Luca slides across the canvas and stops right at Tony's feet, who ashes his cigarette on the back of Luca's head. Gunn then grabs the steel steps and yanks them up with both hands. Tossing them into the ring, they barely miss Luca's body!

The steel steps crash onto the canvas near Luca's body as Gunn slides into the ring. From there Tommy lifts the steel steps again. Raising them high above his head, it's clear Gunn is preparing to send those steel steps right down into Luca Arzegotti's head.

Gunn swings the steel steps down at Luca's head!

Running Dropkick to the steps from Santos!

The steps slam into Gunn's already severely damaged head!

Gunn goes down!

Slowly Luca lifts himself up and gingerly rises to his feet, looking slightly dazed. With Luca Arzegotti standing and Tommy laid out, Santos begins the count.




No movement from Tommy Gunn.




Still nothing.



The steps remain on Tommy's motionless body as he continues to be unresponsive.



Winner: Luca Arzegotti

Santos raises Luca's hand in victory! The fans are on their feet and screaming! Arzegotti looks like hell but at least he's still standing. Something that can't be said for Tommy Gunn! Tony Santos beams with approval as he shakes Luca's hand and even pulls Luca in for a hug! It's a touching moment! The fans love it!

Get Away Driver! Out of nowhere! And executed by SANTOS! Tony Santos has put Luca Arzegotti down with the Get Away Driver! Luca's own finisher! Luca lays sprawled out in the ring as Santos towers over him laughing. Truly an epic sight to finish on as Warfare comes to a close and we fade to black.
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(05-23-2014), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (05-26-2014), AlexandraCallaway (05-22-2014), Archie Lawson (05-21-2014), Brodie Tyler (05-21-2014), Morbid Angel (05-22-2014), Ozymandias (05-22-2014), Paolo Mancini (05-22-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-22-2014), Tony Santos (05-22-2014)
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

05-22-2014, 09:33 AM

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