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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
rayne's RP#2: iAm... the Pilot of This SpaceShip [Soul Wars]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-13-2013, 12:15 AM

Admin note: ***This RP counts for Thursday night as it was sent to me just before midnight, even though I didn't get back online until now to post this.*** I will be posting rayne's roleplays for him as he does not have posting access currently. Everything below is his work, as is. I have not read it yet or made any edits.

[ooc note-- after reading the feedback my first roleplay received... i've made some changes. i am no longer using colored text, unless i feel it calls for it, such as bold, red font in certain instances. and... jess'. i'm sorry. i know i refer to my writing far too much... and, well. i take things too seriously. this game... e-fedding. it's what began my passion for writing. and it's because i had fun doing it. i've lost that... but i'm hoping to regain it. the attitude in this roleplay is a stark contrast compared to the first. i hope you all enjoy... at least, better than the first...]

"...with no hope from the devil..."

Open... to a church. THE Church. The Temple of The Storm, built within the innermost sanctum of Mac Manor... deep within the bowels of the underground. It is a sanctuary, built to honor one entity. The only entity raYne would bring himself to worship... his Goddess.


The girl he had a crush on throughout his school days. The girl he yearned for. The girl that eventually admitted she felt the same for him... The girl that betrayed him, after a number of years spent together. The girl that slept with his best friend.

The girl that he killed.

"OH MY FOLLOWERS... it is a dark day. A dark day indeed... For, my brothers and sisters, a DEMON walks amongst us! A demon of unholy evil, a cruel demon wrought with the most vile of malice. The name of this beast... is Alexandra. A woman in form, but a VILE creature beneath the flesh. Her heart is black, her soul is cold and empty... she knows no halting. Except for that of which is truly pure. The Light... the light of LOVE. This being is rotten to the very core, and filled to the brim with the most foul stench of hate. But one thing can bring her to her knees... The LOVE of the Almighty... the woman we all cherish... for she once was one of us. She was corrupted... but I brought her back to where she rightfully belongs. To the solace of the stars...

"My followers... my darlingz. These people... these... XWF'ers. They Believe they understand us. They Believe they KNOW us... but do they?! DO THEY?"

The camera reveals raYne, standing at a pulpit, in this Church, decorated with stained-glass windows... depicting a woman with black hair, highlighted by hot pink... a choker wrapped around her throat, and a skull tee. This woman looks strong and rough... almost masculine in a way. Muscular, and brash... Vases filled with black roses line the Church walls, and the pulpit which raYne stands behind is made of rich mahogany, and adorned with a symbol carved into the front... a skull, with the sign of anarchy emblazoned across the forehead. The sign of Alexis.

The camera then pans to the side, to view those sitting upon the pews...
... they are stuffed animals.

Monkeys, bears, zebras, giraffes... an assortment of stuffed toys, all facing their "preacher", $hane-o-mac Bry. With fire in his eyes... he continues.

"OF COURSE THEY DO NOT! They don't understand the HELL we've been through! The blood, the sweat, and the TEARS we've poured into this business. The trials and tribulations we've endured... which have led us to this point. Look at them, my darlingz.. they suffer. Yes, INDEED they suffer... they suffer the mark of ignorance. They cast stones at that which they do not understand! They cast judgement upon that which they do not fully comprehend! They have this vision... this vision a brother from another mother spoke of... Brother Eli. Yes, he walks a seperate path than the one we have chosen... but the man speaks the Truth. LISTEN to his words, my chosen few... for they ring true to this day!"

raYne procures a remote and points it at a small television set... bringing it to light, and the scene from only a handful of days ago is retrieved...

Eli Said:"Box a man a hundred times and you'll think the next guy will be no different... until you throw your first punch and realize he has metal underneath that skin. A million times you can get use to a certain label or think you've seen it all.. so ya call it like ya see it. But what happens when that next person you try to call out.. really is different? I don't cast pearls to the swine. Two men stand in front of ya.. and you give each of 'em a penny. One tosses it away.. it's just a penny.. one cent.. it can't buy anything. The other man happens to notice it's a 1943 copper wheat penny.. it's not one cent.. it's worth over a hundred thousand dollars. To many.. a penny is a penny. Ya see a gold lookin' coin and see it's a penny. You go out into a field and hear a man preachin' and think it's just another 'one of them preachers'. BROAD is the way.. BROAD is the road people say its just a penny. NARROW, Miss Callaway, NARROW is the road to where people see its more than just a penny..

"... its a 1943 copper wheat penny."

"Look into their eyes, for THIS is their vision... They look at me-- they look at US, and they believe they know us. But as I spoke unto he who goes by the name of N.A.Z.i. ... they see a mere portion of the full picture. They see a FRACTiON... of what is truly there. For they see your prophet, the prophet that stands before you on this day... and they compare. They compare to all those who've come before. They see a man cloaked in glitter and sparkling garb, they see a man with a negative attitude, which they PUNiSH him for... they cast him aside. They ridicule him, they mock him-- I SAY THEY MOCK HIM...

"... they mock a Savior."

raYne's eyes intensify... he looks off to the side... breathing heavily, feeling anger within his core... he sucks in air, through his nose, before releasing through his mouth. He then returns his gaze to his "masses"... and a smile now rests where there once stood a vicious scowel.

"... they do not understand. They lack focus. They lack foresight. They do not realize that I am not a man of simply one track... I am a being of five thousand. Man, woman, light, dark, night, day, anger, sadness, joy and VISION. iAm... a visionary. For iAm more than a man or woman or mere MORTAL. iAm... immortal.

"Yes... for on that day. That day I took her life... she became a new entity. And she breathed a new life into me. She made me more than I once was... MUCH, much more. She took a being that was blind, and gave him sight. She made my vision clear. And she showed me the way.

"I cast away worldly vices... cigarettes. Alcohol. She made my system clean and pure. She MADE me... straight edge.

"And where I once walked a path of homosexuality... and then, "being straight"... and then not even having the FOGGIEST idea what I was anymore...

"... she showed me exactly who I was. Better than so many... bi. She SHOWED me that one gender was not enough to contain my overflowing LOVE... she showed me that I am not only bi... but androgynous.

"... She made me who iAm today."

raYne smiles an ungodly grin. A maddened smirk, dripping with psychotic glee. He stares out at the toys... but his look... the gleam in his eyes... it looks as though he's looking at much more... as if the people he sees within his mind are the XWF Superstars... as if he is speaking directly toward them, and inviting them to see, for the first time, that there is much more to this... Storm. Much more than they have witnessed... he wants them to see. To know. He continues to speak...

"And she will make them see. Her time comes, my friends... her time is at HAND. They refer to me as 'lackluster'... they expect more.

"My friends... we shall GIVE them more.

"Within my mind... there is a prophecy. A prophecy of a day fast approaching... that they will NOT see coming.

"Have pity on them... for they will suffer oh so very, very much.

"And they will burn.

"They will burn for their doubt... they will burn for their hate... they will BURN for their words of ignorance. And they will see what I see...

"... they will see that theirs is the road paved with darkness and despair. A road paved by their very hand. They dismiss me... US... they dismiss our power... but I walk a different road.

"The road less traveled.

"Miss Callaway... she walks the same road as they. In fact... she is the first to travel its miserable path. She... is their leader. And she shall lead them into the fiery pits of hell.

"A hell which I shall unleash upon each and every last one of them.

"Last night... she felt the suffering which her actions has led her to. At the hands of Brother Eli... she felt pure misery. For tempting the Fates... for walking the path of darkness. She entered hades... and she suffered. Oh did she ever... roll that beautiful bean footage..."

raYne lifts the remote back toward the tv set, and presses play... the scene from last night shines throughout the Church...

WarFare -- 9.11 Said:Mystica successfully talks Callaway down, but she turns around to face Eli who drops her with a snap DDT. Eli then pulls the cross out of the corner and lays it flat on the mat. Eli drags Callaway and lays her on top of it. He retrieves the mallet and a six inch nail that fell out of the toolbox earlier.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Oh shit, don't tell me!"

John Madison: "Yes!!"

With the mallet and nail in hand, Eli James mounts himself over the chest of Callaway. Callaway tries to kick Eli off, but Elisha runs in to holder her legs down. Mystica stares down in horror of what might happen to Callaway. Eli holds the nail steady onto Callaway's palm and is about to hammer it when Mystica interrupts by grabbing Eli's wrist! Mystica is shaking his head; not a single word leaves his mouth but his facial expression says everything. Eli James nods his head as if to put Mystica back in his place. Mystica breaks down. He lets go of Eli's wrist and instead places his hand over Callaway's hand on the cross.

Giovanni Ferrari: "Oh my God, Mystica is basically telling Eli that if he's gonna hammer a nail into Callaway's hand then he's gonna have to take him with her!"

Eli places the tip of the nail over the top of Mystica's hand which is holding Callaway's. Eli promised that he wouldn't stop Mystica from being with Callaway, but at the same time he has to put Callaway down. Eli raises the mallet over his head and pauses as a way to warn Mystica. It's like a mental battle between these two. Eli wants Mystica to move and Mystica wants Eli to just drop this crazy act. Eli looks like he might not do it... but then he slams the hammer down over the nail and drives it through the clasped hands of Mystica and Callaway! Somehow, Mystica maintains his silence as he holds Callaway who's screaming in pain as Eli nails their hands together into the cross.

Giovanni Ferrari: "This is sick! How can Eli go through with this?! John, stop this damn it!"

John Madison: "What are you talking about? Eli is a man of his word-- he said that he would never separate Callaway and Mystica! He actually brought them closer together. This is beautiful."

Once Eli is finished he stands up to admire his work. Callaway is now fastened to the ground with her hand and Mystica's hand nailed on top of each other into the cross. Eli tells the referee to count...





Giovanni Ferrari: "Damn it. Screw you, John. Screw you and The Congregation."

John Madison: "What? You can't say that, you're the General Manager!"

Giovanni Ferrari: "AM I, JOHN? Then why are my rules being shit on?"

John Madison: "Because... uh... because I'm fat! There I said it."

Winner, and still United States Champion, Eli James IV

The entire arena falls silent, in shock, as they watch the medical team go to work on Mystica and Callaway. Meanwhile, Eli James holds the United States Title high into the air.

Giovanni Ferrari: "How can Mystica allow for this to happen? His leader just put a friggin' nail through his hand in order to win the match."

John Madison: "Oh come on, Gio. I don't think Mystica was even hurt by it. He looks fine to me. That scar is gonna look pretty sweet afterwards."

Giovanni Ferrari: "You're a piece of shit."

After the doctors remove the nail from Mystica's hand, they wrap it up with a bandage in order to control the bleeding. Once his hand is wrapped, Mystica pushes the doctors off of him so that they can help Callaway. Mystica looks up at Eli with a scornful look on his face. Eli just smiles back at Mystica. Mystica walks forward and the two embrace.

Giovanni Ferrari: "You've got to be kidding me."

John Madison: "Mystica knows his place, Gio."

Giovanni Ferrari: (dropping headset) "I have to go, I can't watch this."

The show ends with Eli James IV and Elisha celebrating while Mystica looks down at Callaway

raYne shuts off the set, and then turns toward the pews... and smiles. He glances toward the camera, and motions for it to draw closer. "Alex... your time is at hand. And you will see the Truth. You will feel what your darkness had led to... you treacherous creature, you. Mystica... he tried to save you. But he failed. Quite miserably, might I add. And he endured the VERY same suffering as you, my dear. Eli... he is a man of intelligence. He is a man of... 'A' light...

"... but his is the wrong light.

"There can only be one TRUE Light. And as long as he walks down the path he's chosen... he may speak words of truth...

"... but he is still walking in the darkness. He is still a blind man.

"And all those who do not see the True and Only Light... shall perish.

"Alex... Mystica cannot save you from what is about to transpire.

"None of you may be saved, unless you follow the road less traveled...

"... the path of Freedom. To be who you were all truly meant to be.

"Who you were BORN to be...

"... I was Born This Way.

"And all of you... each and every one of you... will either be reBORN...

"... or die away into nothingness.

"Do not doubt me, my friends.

Or BeLeft BeHind."



[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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