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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » March Madness 2021 PPV Board
Promo Protocol: Lost In Translation
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-18-2021, 01:09 PM

The silhouette of a man walks in, nice dress shoes and a blazer on top. He holds his hands in his pockets, as he whistles as he walks towards me.

“Well I guess you didn’t expect to see me?”
The voice was familiar, but not one I had heard often. “Oh come on Shawn. You don’t recognize the man who built this for you, and you so promptly fired?”

I gasp audibly. “What did you do?”

“Please Shawn. I didn’t do anything. I simply showed you for what you are. A coward. A person afraid to come to grips with their own insecurities.”
Derek takes a few steps towards me. “This whole thing is just an illusion. A safe haven for you. In your head, you can’t be hurt.” Derek walks right up in my face and reaches back. Slugging me right in the jaw. I fall to the ground and rub my face.

I spit out a small amount of crimson onto the floor. I notice the ring and quickly grab it and stash it in my pocket. “You’re forgetting that, I can hit back.”

I leap up from the ground, arm cocked back, and as I swing Derek side steps and locks in a sleeper hold. Slowly I watch as the world goes from crystal clear, to hazy, and then finally to pitch black.

Seemingly Several Hours Later.

I am awoken by a few light smacks across my face.

“Wakey, Wakey.”
The condescension in Derek’s voice is like a jackhammer to my temple. “Get off the ground and take a seat.”

I slowly pull myself up to my feet, head still ringing. I look around it seems to be the basement of my home, but it’s hard to tell. The only thing in the room is a table and two chairs. “I prefer to stand.”

“Very well.”
Derek drags a chair out and promptly takes a seat. “So Shawn… why do you think I’m doing this?”

“I don’t know, because you’re a dick.”

“Sure, to you. No, you see I’m here because you caused this. All of it. With your Ego. With your spiteful nature. Your backhanded compliments. I’m just going to show the world, who you truly are.”

“And who is that?”

“Nothing more than a mask for your identity.”
Derek pounds his heart with his fist. “That you are the same man you were one year ago. You never killed the dragon… you just domesticated it. Put a smile on it, and taught it party tricks.”

“He’s gone.”

“No he’s not Shawn.”
Derek leans forward onto the table. “You can’t kill an idea. When everyone remembers you for one thing only, the idea only gets stronger.” Derek rolls his eyes. “Fuzz never left you. You abandoned him. Left him to rot away in the history books.”

“I’m not him anymore.”

“Say it all you want. That doesn’t make it true. You will always be linked to him. And people still to this day call you by that name.”

“Yeah because they are ignorant assholes. I mean I don’t blame Dixon, Dude has been gone so long the last time I saw him was at a massage parlor.”
I stop for a second. “I know what you’re trying to do.”

“I’m trying to free you from yourself.”
He responds while pulling out a pocket watch. “We have some time before the main event. Keep going, let’s get you on a roll before showtime.”

“Fine what do you want me to say? That if I were in the position of someone fighting for relevance in the second chance battle royal, I wouldn’t be bragging about losing? Or about being newer? There are three people in that battle royal worth a damn, and the rest of them are nothing more than spot fillers. It’s not much of a battle royal if there are only three threats. So I’m not even going to waste my time on that.”
I begin to pace back and forth at the opposite side of the table. “But I guess that leads us to the other seven.”

“What more can I say about Osira? I’ve said she’s good, she’s strong and like her sister capable.”
I stop and turn towards Derek. “But she’s a threat. Same with Betsy and Doc, and whoever else is there. See it’s difficult for me to remember people's names when they aren’t in my circle. It’s not that I’m actually forgetting, it’s that they bring so little to the table they just vanish. Like take what’s his name from the lefties….” I snap my fingers a few times. “You know, the scary cult dude. Whatever point is, I’ll go through anyone to win.”

“Even your so called family?”

“Yes. They are gunning for the same prize at the end, and I wouldn’t expect anything less. I wouldn’t want them to think I would go into this half-cocked. Betsy knows this better than anyone. She’s seen it first hand. She knows that no matter what happens I’ll have her back. Should I fall to Atara… absolutely NO ONE would root harder for her than me.”

“Getting off track Shawn. Patience.”
Derek taps the table. “What of the others?”

“What the dumb cunt Fury who barely mentioned me, and only did so in hushed tones, as not to garner my attention. I saw what she did there and it makes sense. Call me part of the Elite, and leave it at that. Good girl. Know your place.”
Once again the pacing begins. “Speaking of places and people being out of them, Keirnan. Thanks for showing up, but you’ll be stuffing your face in catering sooner than anyone. That is both a slight to you, and props to Doc, whom I wholeheartedly expect to make a complete mockery of you in quick fashion. Then again the old man’s hip, heart or kidneys may shut down at any moment. So there’s hope for you yet Overton.”

“Getting there, but I need to feel the rage. Let him off the chains for one second.”

“If I do that, will this all be over?”
I ask Derek as I look towards him for confirmation.

“No, but it’ll be a start. Carry on.”

I sigh. “Since I’m apparently not going anywhere. Let’s talk Tatum real quick like. She had so much to say, but so little substance. Like who wears the pants in my relationship? Or who is the better Themis sister? You’re spouting off stuff people have already said, time and time again. Here I’ll answer the Themis question…” I hold my hand to my chin and tap my foot a few times. “Ahh yes. It doesn’t matter because both of them are better than you. We can go round and round about basically anything, but the real crux of the situation is that you’re in over your head. You may get past Fury, and that’s a big MAY, but then you’re running into a Themis, A Doc, A Betsy or a Warstein. It’s not just good enough to win once, but the Final Four will be your resting place.”

“One more and then I fully unlock you.”

“Shut the fuck Derek.”
I grab a hold of the table, and push in into him. Sliding backwards he slams against the back wall.

“Good. Keep going.”
A sleazy smile on his face. He doesn’t seem to be bothered at all.

“You want me to go at Betsy? Fine.”
I release the table and back away. Derek slides the table back to the middle. “What do you want me to say? That she acted like a petulant child when she didn’t get an opportunity handed to her? Or how that no matter what situation we have been put in, I went along with it? Do you want me to tell her that she can’t win it all? Well I can’t. She deserved that spot. Atty deserved that spot. I’d be bitching up a storm too, and I did. Or how she’s shown me a different way to go about things? She and Atty have shown me so many different things…”


“Maybe you’re right. I can’t outrun my past. I used to think everyone was against me, and now..”
I trail off for a minute.

“No…. Shawn! Stop… It’s showtime.”
Derek hops up from his chair and rushes towards the door. He knocks on it a few times, and looks back at me with a wide smile. “You’re gonna thank me for this.”

The door opens and yet another figure stands in the doorway. Not shackled, and there seemingly of their own volition. The lights from beyond the door make it difficult for me to see the person's true visage.

“Now, Shawn, I told you, you’d love this.”
Derek holds out a hand, as this person walks up and takes a seat. Derek smiles and nods at me as the door closes. The lights dim shrouding this person even further.

I gasped. As I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The lights begin to flicker for a moment.

“Do It.”
A voice echoes and calls to me. “Or else you’ll be trapped in an endless cycle. She said it… A Fool is known by their speech.”

I take a deep breath. “They say don’t shit where you eat, but I’ll give you what you want. I’ll make the decision to either pull the trigger or not. Twist my words, take them out of context and once again rally to lift yourself. Remember, αγάπη a rising tide lifts all boats.”

“You say you gave yourself to me? That you chose me, time and time again? When? When you constantly drool over Raven? Or when you are constantly belittling everything I say, and are so quick to jump on the bandwagon when people rally against me? You’re no different than anyone else. You think of yourself as a goddess, but you’re just a scared little girl. Afraid of the big bad world. Naive to everything going on around you, still wishing for the motherly love that you missed out on as a child.”
I curl my lip and continue. “I’m not saying that I’m hiding anything from you, actually as you can attest, it’s quite the opposite. I have told you everything. I’ve never hidden anything from you, yet now you play the blindside card.”

“I told you things that were Legacy business, that shouldn’t have been told to you. No one cared because they knew it was in safe hands when it was said to you. It’s why still to this day, no matter what you say… no one is going to care. That’s what kills you, yeah? So used to being the center of attention but when no one is watching, it eats away at you. You were always my center of attention, or have you forgotten that already? You mean the world to me.”
I shake my head and inhale sharply. “Why else would I feel the need to mention you at every corner, no matter where I was… you were the sun and I was just the planets. There’s a reason why you have so many of my promos to pull from. It’s why you can scour my twitter feed and pick and choose at your will, words that I have said.”

“Yet, what if I were to go back through yours? What would I find? Would I find a person who loved someone so much that they were willing to say it, over and over again? Would I find a person who was upset that the sun had set without warning? Or would I simply find silence? You quote my own words, and that’s fine I don’t blame you one iota. But as is life, context is everything.”
I hold up my hand. “Hold up, there I go again controlling the narrative, when in reality, all you’ve done is draw half the picture.”

“You can say you gave me yourself, when? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the flaws in that statement. You say you listened, but did you actually hear? Some words you claim I have said, I never did. Again, context is king.”

“I have always, since day one, thought the world of you, and you know this to be true. However I was never one to shy away from your flaws. Tell the people I’m wrong. Tell them that what I say in private in our bedroom isn’t the same things I say when the camera is rolling. I dare you.”

“You said ‘Who does this to family?’ in regards to a competition. What? Who treats this as anything less? If we are driven by those around us, what are we? I was never so closed off to think that I might have to take out people I perceive as family. Guess what? Your favorite of all time, would go one thousand percent against me. Your tag team partner has gone a thousand percent against me. Does that mean they aren’t my family? Does that mean I should think less of them? Then you had the audacity to say, ‘I prioritize loved ones last, and who does that?’. It wasn’t you getting called out. I prioritize everyone in Legacy more than myself, again tell me I’m wrong. It’s all out there, and I’m sure you can pick and choose where I’ve said some mean things, but look who it’s directed at and see what was said in return.”

“I don’t question my family. I questioned you. Are you my family, or not? Why else would it be in your native language, as to not get mixed up in translation. It was a simple question, then as is your MO, you never answered. That’s what hurts the most. I’d love to call you my συζυγικός partner, it’s a term you have to want as well. You were never a conquest. Never seen as a victim of my own ambition. Comb through them all again and see for yourself.”

“You did say one thing that stuck out to me…”

“You Chose Me. For what exactly? If it’s not love, why only say it in hushed tones, as if you’re ashamed to say it. As if you avoid saying it eventually it’ll go away and you won’t have to deal with it.”

“So tell me, if you chose me, do you think it’s a one way street? I’m cruising in my lane, so tell me αγάπη, do you have your blinker on waiting for the next exit? Or are you right here?”

“You said it best, one year ago.”

“She’s not a good person.”

“She, of course, is referring to yourself.”

“It’s false, but I can’t change your thoughts. I never could. I never tried. All I’ve even been is there. There for you when you needed it most. There through the good and bad. From you winning titles, to you losing them. From you being anointed the next big thing. From giving you praise for getting on the Top 50. I was there. I was there even when you blamed me for everything going to shit.”

“You said that I could’ve asked you to step aside, I want this and you would’ve, but dear you know that’s not who I am. You say it’s because I couldn’t deal with people thinking I didn’t earn it, but I’d much rather people think that YOU did. For you to push it all aside, nepotism be damned, fight for everything. Apparently that’s a flaw these days. However, you never asked me to step aside either?”
A quick shrug. “You know what I would do if you did right? Because if you think it’s anything other than step aside, you're wrong. Mostly because you are just like me. No matter how many times people say you didn’t earn anything, you never backed down from a fight. So you would never ask. So why would I?”

“You want to know why I hesitate and use other methods to get my point across? Why I let Holo-Shawn talk for me? The last time we were in this predicament, I lost you. I was hurt. I was grieving, and you laughed in my fucking face. You took my feelings, balled them up, and Kobe’d them right into the trash can.”

“I feel as if I’m losing you again.”

“For all the times I’ve praised you. For all the times I’ve shown you affection. For every good word I have said, I can count on one hand the public reciprocation.”
I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring. I look it over before I blow it off and firmly grasp it inside my hand. I smile and shake my head in disbelief.

“Even with everything going on. With everything you’re going to say. I still love you. And that’s the best feeling to have.”

“So there’s only one thing left to do. No tricks. No gimmicks. No plans. Not a weapon to be used against you. I love you. I will always love you. No matter what we say, or do, that will never change. I may be a part of Legacy. But you.”
I bite my bottom lip and shake my head slightly. I pull out a chair and sit down. “You are my Legacy. You truly are a gift.”

“It’s just me finally being honest with myself. And saying what should’ve been said long ago. No more running from myself, I’m not him anymore.”

“θέλω μόνο εσένα.”

“Είμαι δικός σας, αν θέλετε.”

“θα με παντρευτείς?”

There is no answer. Just an empty room and me sitting there. The lights come up. The table is the only thing that separates myself from Atara. I look up waiting for an answer…

As the camera fades to black.

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
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