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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
King of the Castle- Chapter Four
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Chris Page Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-10-2021, 03:08 AM

[Image: ap_20078470887906_custom-04f935f63eec1a1...00-c85.jpg]

The steps from the soles of shoes echoing off the concrete down an isolated hallway can be heard as our scene opens at an off-the-grid prison ran by high-ranking officials within the defense department of the United States of America. Chris Page is shown walking next to Federal Agent Hines as he asks.

” Has anyone been sticking their nose around?” Agent Hines, dressed in a nice suit purchased of a cushy salary within the defense department in his mid-thirties, white, slim, and trim with his dark black hair slicked back. He comes off cocky and untouchable as a brash young up and coming agent.

” Much like I told you on the phone nobody but the two of us even know that he is being held here. This location is off the grid and even if someone wanted to find us they wouldn’t. I told you that I would take care of this and make sure nothing traces back to you… I have done just that.”

” You will have to forgive me for even asking but my gut tells me somebody knows something… and I think Oliver might know who.” Agent Hines stops and turns towards Page putting the palm of his right hand into his chest stopping him in his tracks.

[Image: Joseph-Gordon-Levitt-during-an-interview...r-2015.jpg]

” What would make you think that? You are sounding paranoid. The way I see it is like this; you paid me good money to uphold my end of things and that is exactly what I have done.” They are talking at a sound of a whisper as Chris answers.

” Somebody left me a message in a very public setting saying they know what I did on December 23rd…”

” Anything else?”

” Nothing other than that message.” Agent Hines rolls his eyes as he reaches out grabbing Chris by the right shoulder.

” Chris, you are a marked man by the profession you are involved in. You don’t think that somebody is just fucking with you? It’s not that unheard of, I mean you are a professional wrestler and everyone is looking for a way to sell a few tickets.”

” That is part of why I am here.” Agent Hines removes his hand from Chris’s shoulder before glancing down the hallway to a single closed door with two armed officers standing in front of it.

” Well, I hope you get what you came for. He is behind that door.”

” Thanks.” Chris starts to walk down the hallway towards the officers standing in front of the closed door. Chris reaches into the inner pocket of his sport coat where he retrieves a small tape recorder. Chris clicks down on the recorder and places it back into his sport coat pocket. The two armed agents step to the side. Chris stands in front of the door, he takes a deep breath before opening the door.

[Image: interrogationroom.jpg]

Sitting at the table in full restraints is Oliver Main.

[Image: tumblr_inline_oqqnflliGH1rk3x6y_500.gifv]

” I wish I could say I am surprised.” Oliver is not pleased to see Chris Page of all people standing before him. Chris casually enters the room closing the door behind him before turning towards Oliver as he says.

” Looking good rocking those shackles homie.” Chris snickers as he walks over to an empty chair sitting across the table from Oliver.

” Orange is certainly your color as well.” Chris calls out indirect reference to the jumpsuit Oliver is wearing as he takes a seat at the table.

” Why the fuck are you here and what could you possibly want?” The sheer disgust in Oliver’s voice brings about a deep sigh from Chris Page.

” Good news is I thought I’d be the first to come to tell you that all of this was not for nothing because daddy got that gold.” Chris states with utter accomplishment to his tone as he continues.

” Taking Robert out paid dividends and got me what I wanted; him out of the picture, you back behind bars and me standing on top of the wrestling company where I have belonged for over a year.”

” Great, woo-hoo, way to go you.” Absolutely no excitement from Oliver, actually it is the polar opposite as his words come off with a depressing tone as he sits shackled to his chair.

” Something tells me that you did not come here just to tell me that.” Oliver winks at Chris which catches him off guard. It is like a light goes off over his head as his eyes grow wide as Chris looks over at Oliver who sits back in his chair.

” Uh-oh.”

Are you going to let this prick sit across from you and play you like this?

” What makes you say that?” Chris asks which draws an immediate response from Oliver.

” Call it a gut feeling.” The room goes silent as the staredown between Oliver and Chris begins to intensify. Both men thinking of their next play while trying to determine amongst themselves who is holding the cards.

” I do not know what you are talking about.”

” Of course you do.”

” What I do know is that you are sitting in shackles and I am the Universal Champion, Robert’s career is over and nobody has anything they can hold over my head that ties me to this in any way, shape, or form.” Oliver starts laughing at Chris who starts to draw the ire of the Universal Champion.

” How stupid did you think I am?” The smartass flows immediately from Chris’s tongue.

” Is that a trick question?”

Shut the fuck up! He is about to give us information! He thinks he has something over us.

” You can cut the act at any point because if you thought I trusted you then you are sadly mistaken. Every move we made was reported to someone that I know I can trust. That individual was then told to sit on it unless communications from me stopped.” Chris starts shaking this information off.

” Bullshit.”

He is telling the truth, Chris. Your gut was right; somebody knows something.

” Is it?” Oliver asks.

” I think you and I both know otherwise. I honestly thought you are here to tell me it already got back to Robert... and if it has not it soon will.” Oliver leans forward, the sounds of his chains rustling together can be heard.

” All bets are off.” Oliver leans back into his seat as he looks across at a smug Chris Page.

Press him on who knows. It is not too late for us to find and eliminate them.

” What if I told you my play was for Robert to find out? What if I told you I wanted him to find out and track me down inside a ring where I can finish the job that I started? Let’s also say that what you are saying is remotely true, you did leak information to someone in the off chance you were smart enough to read through my play it would have to be someone that both Robert and I know; that’s a pretty small list.” Chris, tense begins to relax in his chair.

” Robert is going to find out, and when he does he is going to end you.”

” I feel like I have heard that before… and speaking of Robert, I wish you could see him laid up in his hospital bed feeling sorry for his self just wishing he could walk to the bathroom and take a piss without assistance. We cracked his skull pretty good if I do say so myself. He started crying like a bitch when I left him earlier this week. You Main’s think you are all so smart but ultimately you are all incredibly stupid; I’d hate to see how your parents react knowing one son is laid up in a hospital bed while the other one is powerless to stop the next piece of the equation.” Oliver’s face starts to glow a bright red as the anger and frustration starts to boil.

” The only way Robert is going to find out anything at all is if you connect that dot. It is going to be hard to do when you think that nobody knows where you are but for me and your handler. This site is completely off the grid; it is a black site. Do you know what that means? This means it does not exist in the outside world. You belong to me now and the only way you are going anywhere is if I give the word.”

” I want you to do yourself the favor and continue to think that way. It is only a matter of time before your entire world comes crumbling down. I am glad that you are sitting before me under the false impression that you are untouchable. I’d imagine that your world is going to start unraveling at the seams in very short order, and I will enjoy hearing about your fall.” Oliver glares over the table at Chris who sits with a shit-eating grin on his face.

” Keep that smirk on your face, keep thinking that you are in control of this narrative… I assure you this will not be our last conversation because you will be back, and when you come back you are going to be looking for more information but when you come back I want you to know that it is going to be too little too late.”

” You talk a pretty big game for a guy that does not have a play to make. Seems like you are putting all your eggs in the basket of someone looking for you…”

” Because they are. I would not be too surprised if you did not get another message…” Chris does not cater to Oliver as he brushes off his response.

” Just keep telling yourself that while I am having a steak dinner tonight and you are sifting through slop. Robert is done, you are done, and whoever you have left me messages will be done too!” Oliver immediately interjects.

” So you got the message.”

” Fuck you.” Chris gets up from his chair as he turns his back on Oliver and walks over to the door. He opens it and as he starts to walk out Oliver is heard in the background.

” I told you so.” Chris walks through the door as one of the armed officers closes it behind him. He rejoins Agent Hines in the hallway as they start to walk back down the corridor.

” So?” Agent Hines asks.

” He knows something he is not telling me. Somebody knows something and now I have to find out who. The good news is I am not paranoid and this is a thing.”

” What can I do to help remedy this situation?”

” Have your guys break him. I will work things out on my side of the equation but if you break him first give me the name.”

” I am on it.”



What else has Daniel been crying about? He has cried about not getting opportunities even though they have been presented. He has cried about one chance at the big boy belt. So let us, deep-dive, into that for a minute. To my recollection, the only other time the company permitted you to challenge for the Universal Championship was in a Triple Threat match on Warfare back in 2019 when it was Donovan Blackwater vs Big D vs Robert Main. Sound about right? Let me tell you what that means; anytime a major singles championship is contested under Triple Threat Rules usually is a solid indication that Vinnie or Theo does not have the faith in the challengers to carry a solid championship match on their own, and in your case, there has never been a more correct statement. You spent ninety percent of that match getting your ass kicked and the other ten percent watching pinfalls taking place. Sure you strike as one of those “I was not pinned” guys, so at least this go around they have removed your fall guy from the equation and leave it on you and your abilities to try your hand at stepped to the hottest piece of talent on THIS roster at THIS time so you will not have a choice but to come to terms with the one driving force behind all the words that I have elected to speak, you are just not as good as you like to think you are.

I mean here you are on the biggest stage of your professional career and you have only opened your mouth twice.

Yes, you will speak more as the upcoming week progresses but what about all of this time you have wasted? Being the top man in the company means always showing up and showing out, something you cannot do under any circumstances. I am sure you have a handful of supporters in your ear trying to build your confidence up but the truth behind them is they are building you up to your face while waiting to laugh at you over this impending failure. You were stupid enough to put your paperweight up like it sweetens the pot when in the real world it is the only thing you have going for you… and you had to GIFT it to yourself. What does that say about you more than anything else?

You are completely bat-shit crazy if you think you and I are a lot alike.

I am a winner while you will always be a loser, first and foremost.

I am highly successful while you live in a world of mediocracy.

I am respected by my peers while you are constantly laughed at.

I have won the top titles in every organization that I have been a part of while you cannot seem to scratch the surface of third-tier titles.

I have spent more money on spilled liquor than you have made within your lackluster career.

So no, we are nothing alike. You would not know where to even begin when it comes to the word successful and your name in the same sentence. Instead of using all of your time wisely and speaking on me CURRENTLY, you have elected to spew the names of countless other talents, Robert Main included. When are you ignorant twats going to realize that throwing Robert as a defense mechanism did not work throughout ALL of 2020 so what in the blue hell makes 2021 any different? What you and everyone else cannot seem to comprehend revolves around how I was not in Robert’s shadow, to begin with. I used Robert to keep my name in the marquee just like he used me. There’s an entire conversation we had about it if you cared to do your research; when guys like you toss around the words I finally won the big won I cannot help but remind you I won it in on my third attempt while you sir will not see another one when I am through with you.

You have backed yourself into a corner by opening that mouth of yours and I am going to be the guy that holds you to your stipulation.


What the fuck does Robert have to do with this?

What does Corey have to do with this?



I appreciate the failed attempts at giving me a history lesson when it comes to my career… but dude that is the same shit that has been hurled in my direction for over a year. Do you even know how to be original? See it is shit like this that will always keep you floating around with the mid-carders. It is like you cannot come up with anything clever or witty that has not already been said millions of times before and will probably be said millions of times later. The attempt at trying to dig in and get under my skin has been amateurish at best and only solidifies that you are the weakest link within this food chain. I will go ahead and completely fuck your world up right here; had Robert not been attacked and shown up to beat Thad at Snow Job I was the next in line and we would be able to find out if Robert of 2021 can beat a Chris Page of 2021… but now we will never know, what we do know is that not only was I that suitable replacement the XWF needed I parlayed it into my first Universal Title reigns which are one more than you can stake claim too.

Read it and weep you dumb fuck.

Dude, you are so goddamn stupid you used tried to use Main against me and turned around saying you did not want to be like everyone else! Which is it? You cannot have it both ways because it makes you look like a when you instantly contradict yourself; yet another reason why you will never sniff the Universal Title scene when I put an end to the long-running punchline that Big D. Your biggest problem is you seem to care too much about what other people think about your career. I mean just listen to yourself talk; you want people to walk through headquarters and see a picture of you, you want people to forget that you did such a shitty job as a General Manager that you got fired by a skirt that looks like she just walked out of Star Trek, you want the world to forget that you cannot win big money matches without an ulterior motive. You are in this game for ALL the wrong reasons which is one of the MANY reasons you have not tasted the success you think you are owed.

It is one thing to talk about being a marquee player but something completely different to be one.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the sheer notion that you will leave Warfare as the Universal Champion is not anything more than a pipedream.

It is a fairytale you tell your kids at night to put them to sleep because all fairytales are fabricated where good overcomes evil.

The game you are playing with me does not end with your triumph, it does not end with you FINALLY winning the title, and it does not end with you leaving with your paperweight. This story ends with you sucking on the tip of my dick in front of the world when you are embarrassed and humiliated on national television for the world to see. Brother, you are so lame and your drawing power is so minimal they did not even give you a Pay-Per-View Main Event; they gave you Warfare because nothing about Big D sells fucking tickets. Hell kid, you can BARELY sell a few for Anarchy or Savage alone. You are the problem for which there is not a viable solution other than taking you out to pasture and putting a bullet in your skull with the rest of the insignificant trolls that belong under bridges as opposed to a professional wrestling ring.

For all the casts of doubt you have already tried to shed the one piece of business you have yet to touch on wholeheartedly revolves around how ALL of my titles wins; Universal, TV, Tag, and even the World Title back when it was the SECOND title in the fed back in 2005… I won them all based on my merit and my talents. I was and always will be the one guy that this place will hate to see succeed, I have the biggest target with or without a strap of gold to defend, and as long as I carry this Universal Championship it makes all of your stomachs turn. I am the only guy that has called out this place for what it has always been; a popularity contest over true talent. That shit stopped when I put Thaddeus Duke down at Snow Job because cream finally rose to the top, yet again something you are not too familiar with while guys like me get to the top and stay at the top regardless of what is going on around them.

I question if you even realize some of the nonsense that you spew.

I wonder if the realization that the ONLY person that sees you leaving with your arm raised in the air savoring that sweet taste of victory is you. To everyone else with a walnut-sized brain or larger, they see just how far over your head you have ultimately become on this quest to validate yourself as an upper mid-card talent at best coupled with never being on top of your game enough to be looked at as a threat to anyone’s wellbeing outside of opening match competitors. I can talk until I am purple in the face continuing to expose you for the nothing you truly are while you continue to scramble to avoid being run the fuck over. New Flash cumquat, nothing you can say, nothing you can do will change the fact that in the pecking order of professional wrestling that you will NEVER be as good as you want to think you are.

Let me put it you like this.

Here is how YOU see yourself.

[Image: e416c153fc6a5ca7b60a0c4734ab17ba.jpg]

But here is what everyone else sees’s…

[Image: john-cena-png-pic.png]


- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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